57.14% The Boys: Magnecty / Chapter 3: Eltromagnetism.

章 3: Eltromagnetism.

Once again, I'm here to say that some things may not make sense.


Magnecty just sat there looking at what was happening on stage, the famous bla bla bla welcome.

He was amused by a very interesting fact, Vought was a pharmaceutical company, but it was not famous because of its medicines but because of films, music and of course its heroes.

You know the funniest thing about this, none of this had to do with medicine, apart from the heroes haha.

The amount of drugs they take is enough to open a pharmacy, not that people would care.

After all, how am I supposed to care about something I don't know?

That wasn't the part that most amused him, but if you ask any civilian about Vought, they will hardly respond with "Vought the superhero company?'

It was also funny that at least half of the people here only invested in Vought because of their heroes.

He almost couldn't hold back his laughter as the meeting began.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a good time to invest in our heroes."

For him there was no way to take this seriously, if even the company didn't care about only being recognized by its heroes.

But you can also understand, for these companies all that matters is profit, if they are making a profit, they don't care about being laughed at.

"Our net income increased by twenty percent…" Here he stopped paying attention.

Magnecty was different from the others, he didn't care much about riches, for him as long as he had money to buy what he needed it was a good life.

There was no need to be like those money crazy people who just wanted more and more, after all, one day they were going to die and the money: puff! It wouldn't be of any use.

"But you know, none of that really matters." 

Upon hearing this, he became interested, thinking: 'Have they finally realized that they are a pharmaceutical company and are going to start developing important medicines? haha definitely not.'

"Our main mission…" Was he wrong? Certainly not.

"…it's managing, supporting and advising our brave heroes…" Again he lost interest.

Looking at her, the woman on stage came up with questions in her head to pass the time.

She knew they were actually pharmacists, or cared, after all she spoke so intensely about heroes and with so much pride.

'Hmm, it looks like they created their heroes.' Thinking about it, he didn't think he didn't have a chance.

After all, he was almost certain that his powers were gained through some experiment, because of his blue heart.

Yes, his heart and a few drops of blood are blue.

Normally it would go unnoticed, since his heart had a metallic blue glow that could be seen as another of his powers.

And it really would pass if it wasn't because his parents told him about the blue substance that was injected into him because of an illness.

So he was a little sure that his parents had been deceived, and he was even more sure after he couldn't find any information or proof that it actually happened.

And seeing the pride and the fact that many heroes simply accept to work for Vought, or rather, were discovered by Vought.

'Yes, I'm sure Vought created the heroes, but there are some questions left, like? Why? And did my powers come from the same place as the others?'

His questions were basic, but certainly questions that everyone who finds out about this would have.

How the hell could they create something that gives incredible powers to ordinary humans, and why would they do that, they sure didn't have good ideals like protecting humanity.

He wouldn't be surprised if their goal was originally to dominate the world, but after seeing that it wasn't that easy, they gave up until they had enough power.

But the world wouldn't wait for them, the world changed and they couldn't do what they wanted anymore.

Well, if they really gave up, it certainly had to do with the inconsistency of the heroes and their lack of control over the heroes, as Homelander is he would never accept taking orders from flawed beings who he considers inferior.

Well, that didn't matter to him for now, although it had something to do with him now, but that's a future problem anyway.

He just turned his attention to the music video that was playing, and the explanation about how they had plans to have the entire United States under their protection, or rather the protection of their heroes.

Which, honestly, he thought was a bad idea, but if the goal is to make money, there's no doubt that it's a good idea.

This is because less than 10% of these heroes had self-control, unlike saving the states of ordinary people, it was easier for them to destroy blocks to prevent a bank robbery.

Letting these heroes do this is very bad, it would be less destructive to hand out bazookas to every American citizen.

But that didn't matter, he doubted any governor would want a Vought hero to take care of them, and he was right.

They would rather have no police officers on the streets than have heroes outside their control on their streets.

Then the music video started showing the members of the eight, all seven, including of course Magnecty.

It was him flying with a metal background, and his eyes glowed and the whole screen turned white and his name appeared.

After his appearance, of course, next came Homelander, America's sweetheart, and a big big baby.

The last part is courtesy of Magnecty, he knew a lot of the seven, controlling magnetic energy had its advantages in spying.

For example, A-Train certainly matched his nickname, when he hit someone like a train all that was left was the blood, and this has been proven several times.

And Deep certainly went very deep with his fish, and he also likes to use his status as a member of the seven to impose himself on others.

Translucent, who was a huge son of a bitch, who only cared about himself and used to hit on the bathrooms when he watched women changing their clothes, he heard that he was once discovered in a school, of course that information was erased and remained just a rumor in the eyes of the public.

Homelander has a big complex about not having had a mother, and he likes to drink breast milk, that's all he's been able to discover so the big baby.

Oh right, there's also a rumor that he raped Becca Butcher, but he's not sure if it's true after all she disappeared.

The only one who is saved in the original seven is Black Noir, he would hardly do any atrocities on his own, after all he doesn't have half a brain.

Basically all of Vought's heroes and most heroes in the world are a bunch of motherfuckers.

After all the heroes appeared it was the turn of the Vought logo, which remained the same a v mixed with a seven, they wanted to change after all there were now eight, many proposals were even presented to Magnecty, but he thought the original should not change since these banal things don't matter to him.

And then on stage Madelyn Stillwell, introduced Deep as the representative of the seven 'Didn't they have someone better a cleaner or something?'

'But they didn't have someone better in the seven, did they? I know they're not busy, I understand.'

'Vought wanted to appear more respectable, so it was as if they didn't have time because they were saving the world, and so they decided to send what mattered least.' He wasn't sure if it was right, but it made sense. 

Magnecty just watched him, that every time he looked at Magnecty, Deep took a deep breath and swallowed hard, and had a look of fear.

Regaining his composure Deep without letting them wait too long said "After a long and notable career in the 7, my partner Lumplighter has retired... he deserves a round of applause, what do you think.."

When he talked about the beam of light and asked for applause, Magnetty also applauded, without much enthusiasm, after all, besides the normal things of being like a super, the beam of light had a clean record, apart from the fact that it burned two children to death. .

Basically he clapped just to keep up appearances.

Once the applause ended he continued: "But now, looking to the future, I would like to introduce someone very special." 

"I can't wait to work with her." 

The moment Magnecty was waiting for was finally coming, he looked backstage at the stage.

Even though he didn't have x-ray vision, the electromagnetic waves made it possible for him to visualize her, he could see her beautiful face full of nervousness and her trying to calm down.

He could also see her mother's face with a huge smile on her face of pride and happiness, not even caring about her daughter and encouraging her.

From what he could sense she really wasn't caring about herself.

His powers of perception are through magnetic fields that produce electromagnetic waves, large, small or almost none, he can perceive them all, and these waves exist everywhere.

Although it can suffer interference, not all the energy is diverted and it is almost impossible for a place not to have these small waves and it can even perceive these.

So that means that as long as he wants, he can even hear the quack of a penguin at the North Pole.

Sometimes he thinks his power is infinite, as he has never found a limit, but although there is no limit his mortal body does, so he cannot bear it.

Every time an electromagnetic wave meets another it passes information, so he can even see the past if he looks properly, so that's why he knows so many things but there are certain things he prefers not to see.

Like Homelander raping someone, and Deep fucking fish, and of course children being burned alive.

The only bad thing is that this information always brings images, so he doesn't look for it.

Electromagnetic waves are also produced by the human body, they do not always pass through them and bring information from them and around them, so it can kind of read someone's mind, but on a very crude level and just suggestions of what they are thinking or feeling.

Well, back to the presentation, Deep said with a smile "Please welcome Starlight."

As soon as she got on stage, Magnecty's eyes always watched her intensely, she looked so cute waving to everyone, their eyes met and he gave her a smile.

She smiled back and looked away a little embarrassed and shy.

Starlight was increasingly happy that day, she was accepted into the Eights team, and the best with her biggest idol, Magnecty.

If you asked who America's greatest hero is, they would definitely say Homelander, after all he is sold that way, all advertising only puts him like that, America's greatest hero.

But if asked who the greatest hero in the world is, they would undoubtedly answer that it was Magnecty, because he was not just limited to the United States, but spread throughout the world.

He has already prevented many plane crashes around the world, not only that, but he has saved countless people across the planet.

According to legends about him, whenever they called him for help he appeared.

What made her most admired was that she was almost the same age as him, and she didn't even know how in such a short time he became so famous and managed to save so many people.

And she, like many women, had a crush on him, his beautiful face full of masculinity combined with his body with perfect muscles, not to mention that in everyone's opinion, his color only made him hotter.

And she shared this opinion, she didn't know how or why, but his black skin color gave him a sexier look.

And today she saw him face to face, and the best part was that he was looking at her and smiled, she was so happy.

Although she didn't think anything much, after all, several people were also looking at her, and she was so common in her opinion.

Then her brief appearance on stage ended, and she left with Deep, and went to see the room of seven.

That day was magical, little did she know that that magic was about to end.

While having her happiness written all over her face, she talked to Deep, and saw how he was encouraging her.

She saw what he was like, and he was what she expected of the seven of them, nice people who were always there to help each other.

And seeing how he looked a little sad, she decided to praise him in return.

Talking about how she thought he was cute when she was younger and he was one of her favorites.

Which wasn't entirely true but since it would make him happy she decided to say it, she really thought he was handsome when she was younger but tastes change, and there was no way he was her favorite.

After all, other than his powers he didn't try very hard, and he just was there and didn't seem very smart.

But then you noticed something strange, because he said it was sexy?

When she turned around and saw him without pants, she was disgusted and also angry, she was trying to help him and he does that.

She turned her face away and headed for the door angrily, but when she heard him saying that he thought she wanted it too, she couldn't hold back her anger.

Her eyes were shining and she held herself back from throwing a beam of light right in his face, her little episode ended up destroying some screens.

And after Deep saw her calm, he threatened her saying he was number 2 in the seven, which she believed.

So she had no options, she wanted to just hit him or just get out of there, but when she thought about her mother's look of disappointment, she couldn't do that to her.

In her mind a figure appeared, and she couldn't help but think that it would be great if he was here to protect, like a hero in shining armor.

She was almost crying but she wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her cry.

Meanwhile, Magneticty was just heading towards her, he didn't come to see her before as he was greeting some friends.

He even had an excuse for meeting her, getting to know her as a new member of the team.

While he went straight to her for receiving her electromagnetic waves, he was surprised to see her thinking about him and emanating anger and frustration.

He felt something wrong, and as quickly as possible he went to the room of eight.

Almost instantly he appeared there, the door was taking a while to recognize someone there, and he opened it at once, of course being careful not to break it.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Starlight standing there and in front of him Deep about to lower his pants.

As soon as he saw the door open he was almost about to swear, but he lost his voice when he saw who it was.

He was always someone who intimidated the weak and feared the strong, and Magnecty was certainly someone very strong.

Upon seeing that scene, Magnecty spent a second without thinking about anything, trying to understand what was happening there.

And that little time was enough for him to know at least the basics.

"I- I me." The Deep seeing him just standing there with a cold look, was more scared than if he was angry.

"Skirt." That was the only thing he said.

"I was just-" His mind wasn't working right, so instead of listening, he tried to explain.

"I told you to leave." His voice didn't change, but if Deep didn't hear him this time, he wouldn't mind sending him flying out the window.

The Deep this time didn't say anything and walked out the door, getting as far away from Magnecty as possible.

While all of this was happening, Starlight looked at Magnecty with gratitude and admiration, he actually came when she wanted his help.

The room with the two of them was silent, Magnecty didn't know what to say, but he didn't need to start.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Starlight hugged Magnecty and cried softly.

"Calm down, calm down, no one is going to hurt you, I'm here." He whispered as she rubbed his back, comforting him. 

This made her cry louder, and Magnecty continued to comfort her.

He looked at her looking so fragile, and realized that she had never been through anything like this, he was seeing what was happening in the room before.

A while later.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." Starlight realized that she was hugging Magnecty when she finished venting.

"Don't worry, everything is fine with you." Magnecty spoke with a smile at her showing concern.

Her worry affected her, as she began to vent, about how she has to be better and not disappoint her mother, and also talked about what had happened.

Naturally he realized that he made a good impression, for her to talk about it, he also spoke sometimes encouraging her and helping her to think more about herself.

When she talked about what had happened she asked with concern "You won't get in trouble, he said he was number 2 in the seven."

Magnecty couldn't even hold back his laughter when he heard that.

"I'm sorry for smiling, it's just haha ​​that was a really funny joke."

"He's the fish guy at most, even if everyone in the seven were just normal people apart from him, he still wouldn't be number 2." Her words made her smile.

"After all, his power is to talk to fish."

"Really, but breathing underwater seems pretty cool." Starlight said with a smile, getting over everything was easier with him around.

"It's not a big deal, but the view is really pretty." "Can you breathe underwater?" 

"Yes, it is a little difficult in space, but at sea I can even make others have this ability."

"Wow, you are amazing." Starlight smiled and was very happy, people don't talk about her powers to just anyone, and he even told her before he could see the past, and she felt like she was the only person who knew about it.

"One of these days, we might go to the beach." He invited her.

She waved shyly and lowered her head in shame.

'A date? Don't be silly, he wouldn't ask me on a date, but is it really a date? I hope so…'

Her daydreams stopped when she looked down and saw her reflection in his clothes, she saw that her tears had smeared the makeup on his face.

"I'll touch it up." She spoke and was about to leave.

"You look prettier without." Magnecty spoke, and passed his hand in front of her face, and by magic when she looked at the reflection again, there was her beautiful face without makeup.

"To make it more beautiful, just a smile."

"Stop these jokes." She smiled, embarrassed at his sweet speech.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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