

"Hey, Hori?" 


"Don't you think Hori is making a weird face, Like she's seen something out of the world..." 

"I don't know, But she doesn't look very normal"

"hey Hori!"

"What is it Yuki?"

"did something happen?"

"No..... I'll talk to you later"

She went towards Miyamura's seat

"Hey Miyamura..." she acted as if she didn't know Him

"Oh. Hori san, Do you want My help with anything 'Again'" 

that again made everyone in the room look at them in a gaze of curiosity, they didn't really have a bad image of Miyamura due to his recent exploits in both sports and academics, but they were curious of what kind of person he was.

Hori said in a low voice "Miyamura~, you were supposed to act like you didn't know me.!"  she had a expression of a person who was both angry and embarrassed

'I know that It would be best to hide it , But only if I cared. I don't have any Interest In these Misunderstandings....'

I looked at her, trying to act oblivious, she Knew I wasn't oblivious...  again I wasn't good at acting , I've said It twice so I really mean it.

For a few days after that we acted as if we clearly weren't strangers cause we were not.

Toru started taking peeks at me, I knew what was going through his head, I had seen the anime....

"Hey Miyamura!" Toru called me out to talk in the side of the class..

"Do you Like Hori?"

"No" I was clear without any doubt in my mind..

"haah.." he was relieved

'I don't think I could trust somebody enough to love them, Humans just give each-other pain Its safe for me to remain at a clear boundary with everyone...'

'besides it also saves them from the pain I might inflict on them, I'm a human as well'

"Miyamura, I guessed so aswell, Besides who would believe you going out with Hori., You wouldn't look well together " he wasn't a rude guy or anything, he was just trying to relieve himself of the posiblity of Hori going out with me

"Yeah, we wouldn't look good together....." I said in a heartlessly calm tone

"Yeah, Miyamura can you do me a favour..."

After school~ 

Hori and I were walking side by side but like in the anime  I didn't try to move away from her and Instead told her to face casually

"Hori san, Toru wanted to talk with you about something very Important"

"Oh he did?, I have to pick Souta up though, "

"I'll take care of it"

"But you don't know where it-" I cut her while saying

"He once told me where it was, so I'll take care of it"

"....Ok, then I'll go.."

"Yeah, and don't worry about Souta"  I gave her a smile as I sighed

'I hope she says yes to Toru In this timeline, It will be better for her to Not love Miyamura in this timeline, As I coudn't possibly return love, I'll just get hurt and hurt her'

After passing through the hallway Hori reached the cassroom where there was only Toru standing alone facing the window

"Toru, you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you that..."

He blushed while mustering up courage as he said "I like you Hori!"

"Will you go out with me!"

Hori was shocked but she answered "I can't... "

he had a downcast and shocked face as he asked "WHY, is it Miyamura?"

"You have nothing to do with it!" Hori exclaimed in anger

"But he said that You two wouldn't look good together"

"what he said that...." she had an angry and sad face

she went towards her home after that as she was still struck with a mix of emotions

After she returned home she saw Miyamura with Souta

"Hey Miyamura I want to talk to you, can we be alone"


"Did you tell Toru that we wouldn't look good together." she had a face looking down with a face that could burst crying any moment


"why did you say that" her eyes started dripping tears as she sobbed *hick*

"Do you think of me as just a classmate and nothing more" *sob*

tears dripped from my eyes as I started crying as well, It was from Miyamura, Thats who I blamed anyway

*hick* I sobbed as tears flowed down my face with a throat that was dry, I said while trying my best to not break out loud "Yes, You are nothing m-more to me."

she punched my face while screaming and tearing up, she held me by the shirt as I fell down, she fell down on me as she stuck her face to my chest and cried

"why..." she was still tearing up as she gazed up and looked me in the eyes, my eyes still wet.

"then why are you crying", the face she had was the thing that would cause the whole world to cry out

"I ..." I held her as I screamed "I don't wanna hurt anybody, I don't wanna be hurt EITHER"

"Hori!" I sobbed as I said "I don't know whats real Or are these even My own Feelings I just don't wanna get hurt"

we held each other and cried for about an hour and slept there after we were exhausted.

All that sadness I had kept deep Inside was thrust out for the first time...

fortunately the next day was Saturday, 

"ahmhmmm...." Hori was still in Miyamuras lap as his head was oh her so she was basically sandwiched "was I asleep , and here of all places" she was still not fully awake

"who is this "Miyamura!" ,  'Why is he still here'

she suddenly remembered about what happened yesterday

*sigh* she cuddled up with him still asleep "what do I do, do you love me or not...."

"Hori san."

she looked up as she hoped that she misheard.

"Oh! I'm sorry" she rushed away as slowly as mourned face covered hers

"I'm sorry If I made you uncomfortable Miyamura, I said all that even though you don't like me"

My face turned guilty but it was also looking away from her face 

"I don't know..." I slowly said

"one part of me loves you, but other doesn't want to get close to people"

  her face was a little shocked she wasn't so sad now

"I just have to make the other part love me right...."

"..." 'Its not something so easy' I thought to myself still looking away

she came close and kissed on on my cheek as she said "I won't hurt you Miyamura.., Because if I hurt you I will also be hurt. I could never hurt you"

I looked at her shocked by the words I heard and How I believed in those words so much

"I..." before I could say anything more she stopped me while covering my mouth with her hands

"lets eat up Its already morning, lets forget about all the ruckus we made"



that's all for today folks

Join discord for all the updates, I do not post it anywhere else, so join

>> https://disc ord.gg/JEwTM RUgbR {remove the spaces}

greynblack greynblack

Have a nice day and don't cause others too much trouble

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


