85.57% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 86: Chapter 80: Abduction

章 86: Chapter 80: Abduction

Guys, I'm thinking of writing an original story. But I can't decide whether to monetize it on Webnovel or leave it as a fanfic and advance chapters on Patreon. What do you think?

I can't tell you much yet because I'm still planning it, but I'll just say that I'm basing it on The Matrix to write it....





<Mental Voice>


Themyscira, June 14, in the fight

The battlefield had turned in favor of the heroes. It was ironic to think that the gods, beings so mighty that with their power they could change the fate of the world, were having a hard time against these heroes. But that was the reality.

The heroes, not all obviously, but some, were matching a fight against these beings, and in some cases, even surpassing the power of the gods.

And all for two reasons. The first reason is the weakness of the gods for the island Themyscira. A weakness that greatly curbed their power and limited them to a less divine level.

The second reason was that the technology of the heroes. Technology that enhanced the abilities of ALL these heroes present, giving them a chance to match the fight.

For example: in the sky, a bloody mess between two draconic creatures could be seen. Golden blood mixed with green blood was pouring down, generating a light rain that fell into the sea. Martian Manhunter was proving to be a worthy opponent for this sky goddess.

Another very even fight was that of Susanoo and Aquaman. In this fight, Susanoo had a slight advantage, because every time he slashed with his sword, he deeply wounded the king of Atlantis.

However, they were fighting in the water, and Arthur was demonstrating how water was his element. Despite being wounded, these wounds did not deter him from his fight. On the contrary, they only motivated him more to fight with his trident.

Susanoo was impressed by the tenacity of this fighter. A respect began to form in this god's heart at the sight of this human/atlantian strength.

And the last example, and one in which the hero surpassed the god, was Superman vs Olorun. Olorun was powerful. His solar attacks were quite powerful. But for Superman, this didn't even scratch him.

Even though he was using some sort of red sun-like radiation on him to weaken him, Superman was overcoming this disadvantage with each passing second. Something that, to the god, frankly terrified him. He couldn't understand how this alien had the strength to overcome adversity and become stronger by sheer force of will.

His mangled nose, and bleeding face, were just a reminder that this superhero had far more strength and speed than he did. And that he couldn't be trusted if he didn't want to lose, or worse, maybe even die.

The fighting on the beach could only be described as chaos. Heroes fighting against the terracotta soldiers, and against the gods placed there.

It would be a less chaotic fight if they could put an end to the wild horde of soldiers that returned every time they were destroyed, generating an endless plague of soldiers that gave no quarter. However, this situation was about to be resolved.

Cyborg, who scanned the entire battlefield with the Motherbox, quickly realized who was to blame for these soldiers.

According to the Motherbox, the culprit was the farthest god from the battlefield. A god in oriental warrior armor who carried a spear, and who, according to his scans, that spear was generating the energy to summon these terracotta soldiers.

In less than a couple of minutes of fighting, Cyborg had already targeted Bishamonten. Turning to the Motherbox, he asked her.

"Motherbox, analyze that god's patterns and look for non-lethal alternatives to defeat him"



'This is a surprise' thought Cyborg. The Motherbox's analysis surprised him. He had only asked to scan this god to find some way to defeat it easily, but the Motherbox had revealed that this god was very similar to Steppenwolf's race.

Perhaps they came from a common ancestor, or perhaps, their power was the only thing that made them similar. Cyborg needed to investigate further. That much was certain. These revelations were important because a lot of future data could be gleaned from here and contingency plans could be made to prevent another invasion like Steppenwolf.

However, this research had to be for later. Right now, the only thing that mattered was to defeat this god and thus put an end to the horde of soldiers.

"Motherbox, send all the collected data to the League's central base for analysis later. And give me the most effective solution to defeat this god"



Cyborg was surprised by this answer. So what one knows as divine energy could actually be considered as weak cosmic energy. But the question was, What is cosmic energy?

Victor wondered if this energy was the energy that originated life, or just a residual energy from a combination of several known energies such as magic. Many questions came to his mind. Unfortunately, it was not the time to ask them. The question that was important was whether this 'Inhibitor' could be built. So he asked the Motherbox.

"Motherbox, can the inhibitor be built?"


"Damn it, Motherbox. I know you want to be helpful, but I need a solution for right now. Not something impossible... sigh, but thanks for the info. Send everything to the Watchtower database. I need to analyze it later with Batman. Now, tell me a solution I can use right now"



"That's what I was talking about, Motherbox"

Cyborg, having found the answer, moved. He generated a portal to where Bishamonten was, and when he was close, he activated his sonic cannon, and fired at the god. Bishamonten saw him, and sent several soldiers to meet him. But it was too late.

Cyborg fired the sonic cannon. The funny thing is that nothing was heard. Every time he fired, there was a slight hissing sound like Black Canary's scream, but this time, there was simply silence. No indication that this attack had actually worked.

However, just at that, a loud scream was heard.

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" a scream of pain came from Bishamonten, who had dropped to his knees and dropped the weapon to bring his hands to cover his ears. As this happened, slowly every soldier on the battlefield was falling apart.

Bishamonten was in pain. Such intense pain was rumbling deep inside him. The sound, that sound that could not be heard, was at such a high frequency that simply to the normal ear it could not be heard.

But it was super damaging to the god. So much so that blood began to seep out of his ears, nose and eyes. Slowly, this frequency was destroying all the internal veins inside him, leaving him deaf.

"Motherbox, I thought that was a non-lethal alternative" said Cyborg, surprised at the intense pain his opponent was feeling.


"NO. That's enough. You've done enough" Cyborg stopped the Motherbox. He quickly put down the cannon and stopped attacking Bishamonten. Bishamonten, finally stopped screaming when he felt the noise was over.

Bishamonten simply gasped on the ground. His consciousness was clouded. He felt that a little more and he would have succumbed to unconsciousness. Perhaps, even to death. His vision was blurred.

His mind was so dizzy that simply getting up was going to be an impossible job for him. Right now, he wanted to get out of there and rest.

It seemed as if his prayers were answered when at that he heard in his mind.

<All set. I have what we were looking for. Let's go> was Morrigan's voice. The mission was complete. They were free to go. With that, Bishamonten didn't hesitate and quickly used what little power he had left to leave, teleporting away.

The horde of endless soldiers was over. But the fighting no longer continued, because, just like Bishamonten, the other gods stopped fighting and simply left the battlefield.

The fight was over...

Cyborg looked at this. Though his thoughts were still with the information the Motherbox had told him, and the brutal attack he had launched on the god with his sonic cannon.

If his thoughts were correct, then they had a good chance of defeating these opponents in the next fight. And even, of defeating the opponents threatening to invade the earth, namely the new gods.

His thoughts were interrupted, when a voice was heard right behind him.

"Wow, your attack was so powerful, and dangerous to Bishamonten. I didn't think anyone had the power to harm us without needing a divine weapon or divine power"


This voice took Cyborg by surprise, who never registered that someone was behind him.

"Who-?" Cyborg said, as he turned to see who the person speaking to him was. But just as he was about to turn around, at that he heard.

"Sweet dreams, amigo"

That was the last thing Cyborg heard before all his vision went black. The last thing he could see were a menacing but amused red eyes.


Cyborg opened his eyes. His head felt dizzy as if he had ingested too much alcohol and the next morning had given him the worst hangover.

The last time he had felt that way was when his team won the state football tournament, and they had gone to celebrate where they had finished several cans of beer. Times when Victor wasn't Cyborg, and when he could get drunk and have all those human problems.

But those weren't those times anymore. Even though he felt like he had a hangover, he knew it wasn't for this reason. He couldn't get drunk anymore. His system simply wouldn't allow it. This dizziness was about something else.

"What happened?" wondered Victor. He wanted to remember what had happened, but his mind was still fuzzy. His vision was still blurry. The last thing he remembered was... was... 'Right, I was in a fight with the League. Our opponents were... gods. And I... I... a voice, it was the last thing. A male voice and he said 'Amigo' (friend in Spanish). That was the last thing that...'


Everything came into his head. All the memory of what had happened. That made him wake up and clear his mind. Also his vision became clearer.

There he saw that he was held by several chains. Four chains tightly binding each of his limbs. He was in a kind of prison, quite nice. He could see a kind of glass overlooking a corridor.

The place was also quite shiny. A golden prison as if it was bathed in pure gold. Certainly, if Cyborg was asked to be a prisoner, a thousand times he would choose this prison that looked quite clean and elegant.

But this was no time to appreciate the decor of the place. Victor had to escape. He began to struggle with the chains, but these chains simply wouldn't budge. They were so tight, and so tough, that even with Victor's enhanced strength, he couldn't do much to destroy them.

'Motherbox, activate a portal to the Watchtower'


Victor, seeing that brute force wasn't going to get him anywhere, activated the Motherbox's power. However, just as the Motherbox was about to activate its power, the chains began to generate an electric current so powerful that it made Cyborg scream in pain.


The current did not last long. But that little bit left a gasping Victor, smelling of burning, as smoke billowed from his robotic body. The current was so powerful that if Victor were a normal person his skin would have melted by now.


"You're right. That was horrible" a voice interrupted his gasp. In the glass, a man, who had his whole head, and part of his body bandaged, watched him writhe in pain. The voice was horrible. Raspy and dry. As if the man's vocal cords had been destroyed.

"Who are you?"


"You... What do you want from me, do you want to kill me?"

"I want your secrets, Victor. All those secrets the Motherbox has. If I could get them by killing you, believe me, you'd be dead by now and not in this prison. Unfortunately, the Motherbox is part of you, and, therefore, you are the only one who can get the information we want so badly. So the answer is no. We don't want to kill you. You're only useful to us alive"

"I don't know what you want to know, but I'm not telling you anything. You're not going to get anything out of me"

"Mmm, we'll see about that later. For the moment, I recommend that you don't move or try to summon your Motherbox power. These chains are powerful. As soon as they sense you generating power, they will put you through unparalleled torture.... Like this"

At that, the chain generated lightning again. This time, even more powerful than the previous ones.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHH, SHIT, AHHHHHHHHHHH, DAMN IT" The current ceased, leaving a pained Victor almost crying in pain. "Whew, whew, whew, shit"

"This will all end if you help us. If you get the information we want, we can let you go. You can go back to your friends if you just help us, what do you say?"

"Whew, whew, whew... I... I... I... I just want to say..... Fuck you"




"Wrong answer"



In the meeting room of the castle in Themyscira, an emergency meeting was being held. It had only been a couple of hours since the fight, but there were situations that needed to be taken care of quickly. The most important, the kidnapping of Justice League member Victor Stone, i.e. Cyborg.

At this time there was Queen Hippolyta, who had bandages on her arms and legs and was recovering. Her generals, Antiope, Menalippe, Nubia and Artemis were also present. Plus Alexa, Artemis' sister, who was in charge of the island's library and logistics.

From the Justice League, there was Diana, Edgar, Batman, Superman and Vixen, who had asked to be there for obvious reasons. Victor was her boyfriend. Her only family. Clearly, the most upset by his abduction was her.

The others had already left with the ship they came in. A ship that had to be manually piloted by Hal since Cyborg was not there to pilot it automatically. However, the heroes did not stand still. As soon as they reached the Watchtower they would set out in search of their friend.

Batman had already sent OMAC to program the satellites in search of the divine energy he had gathered. As soon as there were signals from the gods, they would be ready to go.

Hippolyta, who was sitting in her chair, spoke.

"First of all, I want to thank you on behalf of all my sisters, the Amazons, for your help in this fight. Although there were several casualties in our ranks, amazons who will be immortalized in the stars as the noble warriors they were, I have no doubt that, if you had not arrived, the losses would have been greater. For that and more, you have my greatest gratitude"

Hippolyta, despite being wounded, deigned her body to stand, and gave a slight bow as a sign of gratitude. Something that took the heroes by surprise, but they still received such gratitude with a smile and a nod. Superman was the one who addressed the queen.

"There's nothing to be thankful for. It's the least we can do after your great support in the fight with The Light. It may be your island, but your island belongs to the world we live in. A world we are tasked with protecting. ALL together. Besides, this matter concerns us all. They have taken something precious to us. Our friend has been kidnapped"

"That's exactly why I wanted this urgent meeting. There are matters to discuss" Hippolyta gestured to Menalippe, which caused said general to spread out a map of the entire island.

The map was detailed, like a three-dimensional model that named every important point on the island. After she did, Menalippe spoke up.

"As you requested, my queen. We have hastened the search throughout the island. My command was in charge of looking at every detail and we have found several inconsistencies. Added to the fact that they wanted to invade the armory. We have also found slight residual divine traces in the library. We believe they have taken something important. Alexa, please tell us your findings"

"Emm, cough, cough, yes" Alexa, who was getting nervous in the presence of such powerful beings, coughed a little to appease her nervousness. Artemis simply walked over to her and patted her shoulder lightly as a sign of support. She knew her sister had confidence issues, but she was slowly working on that. She wasn't a warrior, but she was the smartest on the island. Someone just as valuable to the numerous generals there.

 "Yes, as General Menalippe mentioned, there was an intrusion into the library while we were fighting. The library was unattended because I had left the post to go to the room where the protective barrier orb was located. However, when I analyzed what had been taken, I found nothing. All the tomes, files, and books in the library are intact"

"I highly doubt they came all this way for nothing" Batman suggested in his expressionless voice. There was a bit of annoyance at this man's interruption of Alexa from the generals, but that was because they were still not used to men. There was still a bit of discord on that subject. But these men were guests, so they kept their discomfort to themselves.

Menalippe continued.

"We thought maybe it had been a failed raid. You know, looking for something and not finding it and leaving empty-handed, but then we noticed the irregularities in the library...there was a secret compartment in one of the farthest shelves. No one had noticed that, and it was well covered by the large tomes covering it up"

Alexa continued Menalippe's explanation.

"They haven't taken any tomes or books that we know of. But they did take whatever was in that secret compartment. From the size, I could tell a large book. Or maybe a small artifact. That's my guess"

Everyone became thoughtful at this explanation. As had been thought. They had come for something on this island. And, unfortunately, they had found it.

"Besides that, was there anything else they would take with them?" asked Batman.

"Negative. Just that and... your friend"

The queen nodded. "As you see, that is the information we have gathered. Otherwise, we can give a list of the gods who came, but not all of them were present. Someone stole the stuff from the library while Ares and the others were fighting. We need to know their forces thoroughly if we want to plan a counteroffensive"

"I concur" Batman nodded. "At this point, we can't do anything. Not without information that will give us the advantage over the gods, and not without knowing where their hideout is. Right now, we are checking every place and settlement on Earth. But there is still no news from these gods. We will have to wait until we get more information"

Everyone nodded at Batman's words, all except Marie (Vixen), who upon hearing that they would do nothing, exploded in anger.

"So... you won't do anything?, Victor is far away, with those monsters, surely being tortured, or worse...maybe he's dead. Every second that passes, is a second that Victor is in danger. WE CAN'T JUST STAND BY AND DO NOTHING, BATMAN. You don't understand, without Victor, I... I... I... sniff, sniff, I'm nothing" Marie broke down and started crying.

All the emotions of despair over the loss of her beloved finally came to the surface, revealing the deep fear she felt for the danger Victor was in. She must have been by his side, she must have...she...she is nothing without him.

Diana reached out to her. She took her in a hug, and said, "It's okay, Marie. I know how you feel. But we'll find him"

"Yes, Vixen. I know it's hard, but you must be strong. If we work together, we'll find your boyfriend-"

"Fiancé" Vixen interrupted. Taking off her orange glove, she revealed to the group with shocked expressions the large diamond ring on her finger. "Victor is my fiancé. He proposed to me a month ago. We hadn't said anything because I told him it wasn't the right time. Oh, how stupid I was. Sniff, at this moment, I wish I had said yes and married him that very day without hesitation"

"I... I didn't know about that Marie" Diana didn't know what to say to the beautiful girl who was crying on her shoulder. She couldn't simply congratulate her because there was no cause for celebration at the moment.

However, there was something she could do. With resolution, she said to her. "Marie, I promise you we will find him. We will not rest until we do. We will bring our friend back"

Everyone nodded at these words. Marie calmed down, and nodded as a sign that she understood. She had to be strong. It was no time to cry. Not now. Her Victor was in danger, and she would find him. That was a promise.

"Victor is not in mortal danger" Batman interrupted the emotional moment. "It's obvious that his abduction was no coincidence. It was premeditated. They wanted us to come. They expected us to. They were already planning to take Victor"

"It was all part of their plan..." Superman said, as his eyes widened as the realization hit him. Taking Victor was their plan.

"Yes. My guess is that they want the Motherbox. Or they want something with it. But the Motherbox is not a tool that can be easily manipulated. It's a tool that even Victor himself can't fully understand. Simply put, they need Victor alive"

"So, that means..."

"That at least we know his life is not in danger. We still need to find him. Just because his life is not in danger doesn't mean he won't be mistreated or tortured. We still have to find where they are hiding him"

"You also have to take into account that they have taken something. Simply put, they have a plan. A bigger plan that is sure to involve the world. The good thing is that they didn't take anything from the armory. There are many dangerous weapons in there that could make the already powerful group unbeatable. We have Artemis to thank as she was the only one who was able to defeat and even kill one of the gods" General Nubia added. It was good that there was talk of saving the princess's friend, but it was also important not to forget that they were ahead of them. And that their plan was not known.

"I didn't defeat him" Artemis said. "I may have given the last slash to kill Seth, but I didn't defeat him. It was all thanks to the hero, Icon. It pains me to admit it, but without him, I wouldn't have stayed alive"

"Icon is quite powerful. And a great fighter" Superman nodded. Icon was a hero who was in the category of the most powerful. Even he knew that, against an opponent like him, he would have a lot of difficulty because of his antimatter powers.

"Tell him that... tell him that... cough, cough…I thank him"

All the generals, Hippolyta, and Diana, opened their eyes at the words of Artemis. It must be said that, of all of them, she was the one who hated men the most. For her to thank one, it was only a sign that she was truly grateful or impressed with said hero. Superman, oblivious to this, just smiled.

"Sure, I'll send him your thanks"

"Cough. Cough. We are grateful for all your help. But Nubia is right. We do not know their plan. However, I am sure that Earth is protected for the time being" added the queen. Everyone became curious at these last words. She saw the curiosity on everyone's face, so she continued.

"Gods cannot get involved in earthly affairs. It is forbidden. There is a law that protects humans from the gods. And that law is still in effect. As long as that law is, the gods cannot launch any incursions against the world. If they do, it will bring them great consequences"

"I see..." Batman put his hand to his chin thoughtfully. Thousands of thoughts were racing through his head. "Then, I propose to postpone a meeting for later. Perhaps in a week if you like at the Watchtower. I think in a week we can gather as much information as possible"

"We don't need a week to know everything. Maybe just one more day" Edgar interrupted, leaving everyone completely silent. "In fact, it is very likely that tomorrow we will have all the information on all the gods, their plans and their hideout"

"Explain yourself, NOW" Batman demanded. Edgar didn't take any notice of this, and just turned to 'see' Diana. "Xanadu. She warned us of this invasion, and she has ALL the information in her head"

"You're right. I had almost forgotten that she was the reason we were so quick to respond to the signal for help" Diana looked at her mother and said. "By the time you alerted us and called for help, we already knew about this attack. There was an informant. Apparently one person had the information from the gods. One who knew they were going to invade"

"I see... so that's why you got here so fast. That's good-"

"No. That's bad. She was the one who caused Cyborg to be kidnapped. Think about it. She warned of this fight, therefore, we responded. She caused us to come to the island, and, therefore, she was the cause of him being kidnapped. That person is a threat, and she sure works for the gods" Batman added. To him, it was obvious. This Xanadu's woman was a spy. And the cause of the gods fulfilling their plans.

"I will kill that bitch" Marie added hatefully

"It is a likely possibility that she is to blame for Cyborg being kidnapped. BUT, she's the only source we have for more information on the gods. If anyone knows where they're hiding and where they're holding Victor, it's her" Edgar said.

"But we can't get the information out of her, she has mental barriers protecting her. If we do it by force she will become a vegetable and we could lose the information forever" added Diana. Martian Manhunter had said so.

"About that... I have an idea to get rid of those barriers. We have to go somewhere. There is someone who can help us"


Bar 'Lux', Los Angeles, USA, June 15, 21:45, 2017

In a bar, where numerous strippers were dancing sensually, and numbers of customers were enjoying the show, while drinking expensive and tasty drinks, a rather handsome man was drinking while watching all the people enjoying themselves with a smile.

This man liked to see them leave their morality behind and immerse themselves in their desires. Those primitive desires that every human had, such as pleasure, sexual desire and enjoyment.

This man was none other than Lucifer Morningstar. And this bar, which was his bar, was called Lux. A den for the rich and privileged people, it had the best dancers and drinks in all of Los Angeles.

Like every night, when he wasn't helping the police catch criminals, he liked to watch all these people follow their desires. And why not, meet interesting people and their stories. He thought it would be a normal night like any other, but that changed when he noticed the people who were entering his business.

When he noticed these people, his happy smile, became even bigger, almost feral.

'Well, well. Now that's a surprise I never expected' thought Lucifer. He approached the group, who looked a little lost, and signaled the bartender to serve them drinks.

"This is a great surprise. I didn't expect to see you in this place... Edgar"

In the group that had arrived was Edgar, Diana, Clark and Madame Xanadu.

"And with such a flashy group. Let me offer you some drinks, all on the house" the waiter came over and offered the drinks to the group. They took it, although there was hesitation on their faces about drinking them or not.

"Excuse me, I haven't introduced myself. Lucifer Morningstar, at your service"

"Like the devil?" asked Clark

"That same one" Lucifer reached over in one swift movement and grabbed Clark's hands. For some strange reason, Clark couldn't help himself. Even though he saw the movement, he simply couldn't move. "Now, tell me, Clark Kent, or would you prefer Kal-EL, What is your greatest wish?"

Superman felt as if Lucifer question was a command. His mind went numb and his eyes grew misty. Unable to object, he replied.

"I... I... I want to see the stars with Lois, as we hold hands and reminisce about our best times together"




"Okay, that was boring. Maybe I was wrong to take the Boy Scout here. Now tell me what the reason for your visit is, Edgar. I'm sure it's not mere pleasure"

"Lucifer, I come to ask for your help. I need you to remove this woman's mental barriers" Edgar said as he pointed to Xanadu.

"I see. But I can't do that, because as I said you before, I can't get involved in any worldly matters"


"But-" Lucifer interrupted before Edgar spoke. "I can do it if it's a deal"

Lucifer smiled. His power came out, flooding the group, who felt like mere ants. At this moment, this man was making them see what true power was.

"So, Edgar. NO. Ghost Rider. You want to make a deal with the devil?"



Next : Deal with the devil 

Next Next: Treason

Next Next..... Next: Thor vs Wonder Woman

My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

If you like my story, leave me a review so that more people are interested in reading it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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