67.3% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 67: Chapter 61: What the future holds; Doomsday 2

章 67: Chapter 61: What the future holds; Doomsday 2

GUYS, surprise chapter, why?, because today Avatar is released on Netflix and you don't know, you DON'T KNOW, how long I waited for that shit. I feel like when I was 5 and saw it for the first time. 

But well, before you read the chapter, I need your help. The next arc is called: Gods and Demons Among Us. 

And yes, as you can guess, not only Trigon will be the threat, but also the gods who want their ancient land back. The age of the gods threatens to return. 

Now, I need you to tell me gods that you want to fight against our heroes. Specifically 5. Be creative. And no, no Zeus, no Odin, no Thor, no Loki. There are many, just think of one, and if they are female, all better (ANY MYTHOLOGY), and justify your answer.

*You can put it in the comment box *




<Robotic Voice>



Star City, 2 weeks after the fight with The Light

"My brothers, today we are gathered for something, which, personally for this priest, is one of the saddest and most heartbreaking things I have to do. Today we are gathered to bid farewell to our two brothers, Roy William Harper Jr. and Raymond Palmer, who have sadly departed to the kingdom of heaven. In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. Amen"


On a beautiful hill, filled with flowers of all colors, which adorned like a beautiful tapestry, the funeral of Roy Harper (Red Arrow), and Ray Palmer (Atom) was taking place.

Everyone knew that things were not over yet. Everyone knew the world was in chaos. But, both Oliver Queen and Jean Loring (Atom's wife), couldn't wait any longer to say goodbye to the soul and spirit of their beloved companions.

For one, a son had left. For another, their loved one had gone without saying goodbye or a final goodbye. Either situation made it no less sad. However, one thing was clear. These two men who had departed to the higher plane gave their lives to save the world. They were the definition of what a true hero should be.

At this moment, on said hill, which was Oliver's private property, stood the Justice League, the Teen Titans and some of the Outsiders. They all wore a sad countenance.

Also, for the Teen Titans, who knew they shouldn't have been on that battlefield, this funeral was the worst. They had made a mistake. And Roy's life was the consequence.

Orsi, who volunteered to perform this ceremony, was dressed in typical priestly garb. While looking at everyone, who had an afflicted demeanor, he continued his speech.

"Today is a sad day for ALL of us. Not only have we lost two men full of life. But also, we have lost a part of us, that has gone with them. But, brothers. We must remember that this IS NOT a 'goodbye'. It is a 'see you soon'. Death is not an ending. It is a passage to the next adventure. Today is a 'see you soon', but one day, we will come back to say to each other, 'it is good to see you again'. Merciful God, give them eternal rest. Amen"

"Amen" everyone chanted

When he finished the speech. Orsi blessed the coffins with holy water and they began to place them in the earth that they had dug to bury them.

However, just at that moment, before they began to bury them, Jean could not take it anymore and, in a quick movement, clung to the coffin of his beloved.

"You lied to me you bastard. You said our love was for life, and yet here you are, leaving me alone and helpless. Wake up, Ray. Wake up and keep your promise, because if you don't...sniff, sniff, I don't know, sniff, what could become of me" there Jean snapped. Which made everyone who was holding back their emotions break down with her. Jean, at this point was a sea of tears. The worst part was that she wasn't holding anything back. All of her feelings were seeing the light.

"It's not fair, Ray. When you told me you wanted to be a hero I supported you. You wanted to help and I thought that was great. But here you are, sniff, leaving me alone when I need you the most. Are you a hero?, then be my hero and come back to me. Because... sniff, sniff, I can't live without you, Ray"

The one who followed her was Oliver, who was being hugged by his mother.

"Forgive me Roy, sniff. Forgive me so much. I was a bad father, forgive me, sniff, sniff. I promise I'll be better, sniff, just...don't go away, sniff"

In the end, they had to intervene to separate them from the caskets and continue with the burial. Worst of all. A little rain began to fall, conjured up by the feelings of sadness of all present.

The war had been won... but at a very expensive cost.


After that sad, but necessary moment. The 'celebration' continued at one of Oliver's mansions.

As such, Oliver, as well as Bruce, were 'broke'. Since their respective companies, relatively speaking, were not generating any significant monetary assets derived from this whole situation.

But both were business geniuses, and had many substantial properties to their names. Including the mansion in which the small group of superheroes was housed.

Most of them, after the funeral, had gone off to do their own thing, but a small group had stayed behind to support Ray and Oliver's family. They were in the living room chatting.

To the world, they were already celebrities. Their identities were already known and, as such, anything they did on a daily basis was newsworthy.

Even this funeral, which was supposed to be secret, had already been revealed to the press. Many reporters wanted to interview these superheroes, which is why they decided to move to a more private location.

No one knew how everything had leaked out, as even Lois or Iris, who were reporters, had kept their mouths shut and respected the privacy of the families of the deceased.

However, it wasn't all bad when this news broke, as it made the naysayers of the world and those who advocated that ALL metahumans, both heroes and villains, should be locked up or controlled so that something like what happened wouldn't happen again, swallow their words and see that in reality the Justice League DID sacrifice a lot in this fight against The Light.

Now everyone was sending messages of encouragement to the families, and crying over the deaths of these heroes.

However, for the heroes in the room, this was not important at the moment, for just at that moment, a rather private and peculiar conversation was brewing among those present.

"So... now do you believe me, John?" asked Hal, who was looking at a thoughtful John Stewart. His brow was furrowed and his gaze was vacant, as he was deep in thought. John Stewart, after some thought, replied.

"Certainly this recording makes me doubtful. The ring even claims that the recording is not a fake. It is completely real. If what Abin Sur claims is true, then everything is more complicated than it looks. Thank you, for preventing me from having committed something I would later regret"

What they were talking about was Abin Sur's recording. Hal had shown it to everyone in the room, to get their opinion on it. John now understood why Hal had behaved that way in the fight.

This recording made even the most skeptical person doubt whether the Guardians were actually corrupt or even evil. John didn't want to believe it. But there was a chance that it was real.

"What do you think, guys?" asked Hal, who was looking around the room at the group. The one who answered was Carter (Hawkman) who was hugging his wife.

"Honestly, guys, I'm scared of the future. Every time I think we've come out of one crisis, three more pop up. We haven't been able to rest for a week, not worrying about fights or invasions. Right now, we are working at our maximum to be able to establish order out of all the chaos this situation caused"

"Carter are right. And now there is a threat of an intergalactic invasion and fighting. Earth looks like it's doomed" contributed Victor Stone (Cyborg).

"That's not necessarily true" interrupted Bruce. "Hal, you were right to keep Carol from being killed. The way I think about it. If John had killed her, that would have brought the Sappire's moving for revenge, with no rationale of avoiding conflict. As I see it, there are two options to pursue at this point. Either we help her control her powers and become a protector of Earth, or we destroy her ring"

"Destroying the ring is no simple task. It takes a lot of power to do it-" John wanted to retort, but at that, a voice interrupted.

"I can" it was Edgar, who was paying attention to the conversation, even though his gaze was only looking at the wall. "I already did it once. The first time was involuntary, but I'm sure I can do it again. At least if Sappire's ring is as strong as yours"

Hearing these words, John Stewart got a chill down his back. It was humorous to see how this man, who had brought the Justice League to its knees over a year ago, was now in the same room with the people he had beaten. The worst part was that this man had actually meant a complete nightmare for him.

Thanks to the destruction of his ring, he was almost left unable to serve the Green Lantern Corps. He didn't know what would become of him without being a Green Lantern. His life had become his job and his service to the galaxy.

And yet, he couldn't hate Edgar. In fact, the guy, though sometimes quiet or a bit gruff, was very nice. Actually, he was a good person. He wasn't the evil being you would think of when you think of the 'Ghost Rider'.

Edgar was the meaning that people are not evil or good. There is a myriad of emotions in everyone that makes them such a complex being. That even if you have different views with people, it doesn't mean that one or the other is wrong. They just think differently.

"Thanks for the offer, friend. But I've thought about it, and I want to give Carol a chance to decide. Right now, she's in psychiatric treatment" Hal pulled his ring out of his pocket, and it floated around for all to see.

"You'd think it would be simple to be a Green Lantern. Well it's not, not one bit. If you have little willpower, the ring doesn't work. If you have too much willpower, the power of the ring consumes you"

A graphic representation of a green Hal was projected with the ring. In that depiction, the green Hal was exploding into thousands of pieces from being consumed by its power.

"The second thing was what happened to Carol. The power was slowly poisoning her more and more every day. If it had been too late, then..."

Silence reigned in the room. There was no need to say what would have happened if that occurred.

"Take it easy, Hal. Her treatment is going well. In a few weeks, she'll be back to her old self" the one who commented was Martian Manhunter, who was in charge of helping Carol.

This was not just like doing therapy and expressing your feelings. This was very different. Her mind was poisoned with power. Causing her thoughts to twist and make her behave completely out of her mind. Martian Manhunter was the only one with the power to heal that mind. Something that Hal, frankly, was quite grateful for.

Carol, to him, was not just a passing love or a beautiful friendship. She was his soul mate. But still, Hal knew that, even if she was his soul mate, their love could not flourish. They had already tried and failed monumentally many times. This couple was the definition that even if a two people loved each other, they couldn't necessarily be together.

"A plan has to be made to prevent a war against Earth between these groups. And we also have to plan how to get the Guardians to divert their attention and not know that we know they are corrupt" John concluded. "There is still time Hal and I have to go to Oa. But making a plan is a priority"

"I concur" affirmed Bruce. Already a thousand plans were rattling around in his head to try to solve this whole situation. But first they had to resolve this conflict. Addressing everyone, he changed the subject to a more pressing and delicate matter.

"But first, we have to decide what we are going to do with the prisoners. There are more than 200 prisoners on Lian Yu. Counting those in Atlantis, and in Themyscira, then there are more than 800 prisoners of war. They have to be judged with the full weight of the Law. The important question would be... Which law?"

Everyone became thoughtful at these words. The problem was that the judicial system was corrupt or had been corrupted by The Light. All the countries had different laws. Different sentences. Knowing which one was correct would be complicated for everyone.

"That's right. I can judge them by the Law of Atlantis, but that doesn't mean it's the right one" Arthur added.

"Arthur is right. The Amazons also have more rigorous laws than they have here. Also, the punishments are very harsh. Even, death is merciful for many of the punishments we have"

"So... how are we going to judge them?"

"I can do it" Edgar interrupted again. "Well, when my power comes back, because right now it hurts to even walk. But, I can do it"

Edgar pointed to his eyes and said "In my eyes, EVERYONE here is a sinner to a greater or lesser extent. But I know that not everyone deserves eternal punishment. My power allows me to distinguish whether or not someone is guilty of their sins. A divine punishment so to speak. The best thing is that I do not judge them. They judge themselves"

The look of penitence was just that. A penance that the person felt by reliving every sin he or she had committed. Only those who felt guilt for their actions succumbed. It was not very accurate, as sometimes it did not work on strong minded beings or twisted minded beings like the Joker, who felt no regrets for his actions seeing them as mere jokes. But it was still better than the flimsy laws that were in place today in the judicial system.

Although many had no opinion on the matter, Edgar sensed how most were really beginning to wonder if this was for the best. Maybe it really was.

"We'll figure it out later. It's still a very unstable world. I think we should first-" Superman wanted to say, but was interrupted by a cell phone ringtone on Lois' cell phone.

🎵 I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic…🎵

"Forgive me, guys. I thought I had it on vibrate. I told the newspaper people not to call me this afternoon"

"Don't worry, you better answer it, maybe it's important"

"Okay" Lois nodded, and took the call. The number was that of her boss, Perry White, head of editorial at the Daily Planet. "Yes, what happened sir...mmm, news, no, I haven't seen it. Yes, boss, there's a television...yes boss. I'll tune them in now"

Lois motioned for those present to turn on the news channel. When they turned on the news, a reporter with a strong Ukrainian accent, was broadcasting fully live, however, what he was broadcasting chilled everyone's blood.

"Friends, this is all real and live. Right now, this monster is decimating our country's entire weapons fleet. Tanks, jets, and armored vehicles are being destroyed and crushed as if they were made of paper"

On the television, an image of a 6'2" tall man with a lean but muscular build and grayish skin tone could be seen. On his knees, chest, forearms, hands and head, slight protuberances like bones or stone protruded. His appearance was frightening to anyone who saw him.

This monster was destroying everything in its path. Vehicles, tanks, buildings, people. And to the jets, it was throwing things at them with such incredible precision that it was dropping them as if they were paper airplanes. The monster could only be described as a force of mass destruction. The reporter, though frightened by what he was witnessing, continued to broadcast.

"Also, we are informed that the death toll, just in this short period of time that this monster was coming through the northern area, has left over 3000 dead and over 9000 injured. Please, this reporter begs you. Not as a reporter but as a citizen of this country. SEND HELP.... AHHHHH"

At that, the picture changed and the camera fell from the cameraman's hands, as a vehicle shot out crashing into the news helicopter, sending it gliding and spinning in circles as it lost power from the destroyed propeller.

The transmission cut out just as a "BOOOOOM" was heard as a signal that the helicopter had exploded in the fall.

The screen turned blue, and an emergency broadcast with a few words of //HELP/// were displayed. They also gave recommendations to the citizens of Ukraine to take shelter in their homes and not to go out for anything in the world.

"Yes, boss. I'm on my way" cut the caller Lois. She was up and out of the place before Clark could even stop her. Her reporter streak was telling her that she had to go and present everything to the world.

Clark, though he wanted to stop her because of how dangerous it all looked, he didn't, because he knew Lois was like that. She wouldn't accept being forbidden to do her job. In the end, he could only sigh. Another device was heard at that moment. It was Bruce's.

"Pip, pip, pip, pip, pip"

"Tell me, Alfred"

"Sir, the readings you asked me to monitor have spiked. It's just as you thought. We've also received a distress signal from the Ukrainian people. They are requesting the Justice League"

"I understand. Thank you, Alfred" cutting off the transmission, he turned to the group of heroes standing there. "That's what I was afraid of. That thing, it's Vandal Savage, or what's left of him. Project Cadmus has worked, and this thing is what came out of that. We've risked our lives too much already. We've lost enough in this fight. But this is the final fight. The last hurdle The Light has left us. I won't ask you to follow me, but I'm going to stop that thing no matter what the cost"

"So will I"

"And me"

"We'll all go"

Every person in the room began to rise. Each one with an absolute resolve to fight.

"Okay. And remember. Don't hold back. If Project Cadmus is as they said, then this thing is an Omega level threat"

With that, everyone departed. Well, not everyone. Oliver and Dinah were still injured. They couldn't fight, even if they wanted to.

Others, like Edgar, couldn't do anything either. He didn't have enough energy to even partially transform. He would be a liability in this fight.

Kissing Diana, he said.

"Take care of yourself, very much. My instincts tell me that this fight will be very difficult. Much bigger than the one we had before. Don't get overconfident"

And that was true. His instincts hadn't stopped ringing that something bad would happen. With each passing day, that feeling grew greater. Now he understood that this feeling was referring to that grayish-skinned monster.

"I will" Diana said and left to change her outfit for her warrior outfit. Most of them did because they didn't have their attire there. They never expected this situation to arise on the same day as their friends' funeral.

The only one who went elsewhere was Batman, who had to go through certain things that would help against this monster. He had made contingency plans. And if this thing had Kryptonian DNA, then he had the perfect solution in the Batcave to damage it.

(AN: you can guess what contingency plans Batman has)

Those who stayed, had to swallow their urge to go, and wait in the living room watching the news. There were many live transmissions of this situation, but they were far away as the helicopters did not want to get close to avoid another situation like the previous news helicopter.

Everyone had come to a standstill. As everyone was tuning in to this news and watching as this monster was destroying everything in its path as it got closer and closer to the capital of Ukraine.

However, just at that moment, a golden portal materialized in the room, where Inza, dressed with Fate's helmet, stepped out.

"Edgar, I need you to come with me to save everyone from this terrible situation" Inza, or well, Nabu, who was the one speaking at this moment with an ethereal voice, went straight to the reason for his arrival. He needed Edgar to come with him to regain his powers.

However, it was Dinah who interrupted Doctor Fate.

"Fate, and we what. We want to go fight, too!"

"I'm sorry. But, you can't. And you mustn't, or you'll die. That thing is the ultimate weapon. A monster whose evolution factor is the highest, not in the world, but perhaps the universe. Right now, he is at a manageable level, but if he is not stopped soon, then he will begin to adapt and evolve until he is unstoppable. I'm talking that he'll match Superman's strength. Flash's speed. He'll be immune to my magic. Ghost Rider's fire. An UNSTOPPABLE monster. Edgar, you're the only one capable of stopping him, before it's too late"

"I have no power, Nabu. My power has not returned. My body is still wounded. Even if I wanted to... I can't do it"

"Don't worry. I have the solution. But come with me, please"

With that, Edgar no longer hesitated, and those present no longer protested. Edgar crossed the portal heading for the tower of destiny. They had little time if they wanted to avoid a worldwide tragedy and genocide.

Unfortunately, the time it would take for Edgar to arrive, was enough time for the Justice League to realize the hard way that Doomsday was an unstoppable monster...


Ukraine became a war zone. Doomsday was proving that he had no way to stop. Soldiers were firing. Tanks were firing. Missiles attacked. But none of them could even slightly damage the evolved skin of this being.

The military no longer knew what to do against this monster. They cried and begged for someone to come to their rescue. Anyone. And the pleas were answered when a green box trapped Doomsday.

Then, green chains materialized right on the ground, holding him unable to move. The two projections were made by Hal and John who were the first to arrive on the scene.

Arriving right after was Flash, Superman, and the Hawks who were carrying Black Lightning who also came to help.

A portal materialized right at that, and out of it came Vixen, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Cyborg. They weren't all the heroes. But they were the ones who did witness the news and came to help.

Other heroes like Zatara had left and had not been able to communicate with him. The Outsiders were also gone as everyone had gone off to do their own thing. This was a matter of the original Justice League group. Just like the old days.

Just as they arrived, the first thing Cyborg did, was to scan and analyze the information on this monster, so he could see how defeat it. 

'Motherbox, scan the signs of this being'


'Impossible' thought Cyborg.

If what the Motherbox was saying was real, then this thing was a freaking corpse. It shouldn't even be alive, and yet here he was, trying to get out of his bindings.

This wasn't necessarily true. The thing was, even though he didn't look that strong. Inside, Doomsday was a fortress. His heart, organs and so on were so well protected by layers of muscle, that they were undetectable to any technology.

Furthermore, with his evolution factor inherited from Vandal and maximized with Superman's DNA, as long as there was a single cell left, then he could fully regenerate again. Even, being half Kryptonian, with the solar radiation of the yellow sun, he would become stronger the more exposure he got.

Bottom line. If he was not defeated soon. This thing would have no way to defeat himself.

However, one thing Cyborg detected was certain. His lack of brain signal. Not to say that he didn't think or that he was stupid. But that his thoughts were minimal. And that is because this thing didn't want to rule. He didn't want money or power. This thing was no longer Vandal.

This thing had only one thought. Destroy. Why?, because that was his nature.

(AN: this has an explanation, but it will be explained in the next chap)

"Guys. This thing is no longer human. We have to do everything we can to stop it" Cyborg said, as he addressed the group.


"Guys...I won't be able to take it anymore!"

"Neither can I!"

Said both Lanterns haltingly. As they arrived, Doomsday had broken loose from his chains, destroying them with brute force, and had begun to pound on the green box, making cracks larger and larger, with each blow he delivered.

In the end, despite Hal's resistance, the box could take no more, and was completely destroyed. However, the heroes did not let Doomsday breathe and moved in a coordinated attack.

Flash began to run in circles, disorienting this monster. Doomsday, wanted to catch Flash, but his speed could not be matched even a little bit and he could not catch him. To him, Flash was like a damn fly flying around, but unable to stop it. This worked wonders, for just at that, the two hawks came in as projectiles and with their maces, slammed hard into Doomsday's face.

Doomsday had withstood attacks from tanks and jets, and they had not caused him any scratches. But this attack was enough to make him bleed. Purple blood came slightly out of this monster's mouth.

If that wasn't bad enough, Superman came flying in and delivered a full-force combo right to Doomsday's face. Right hook, left hook. He then brought his two hands together and slammed hard into Doomsday's chin, sending him flying.

Diana was already expecting it because she stopped him mid-flight with her lasso and sent him crashing to the ground with full power. A crater was generated from the power of the fall.

Doomsday in spite of all those attacks, got up as if nothing, but he could not move because two hands held him holding him on the ground. They were the hands of Martian Manhunter.

Then, Martian Manhunter used his powers of intangibility and sunk him completely into the ground, leaving only a part of his torso visible, while his feet and legs were stuck in the pavement. When that happened, Martian Manhunter shouted.


At that, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Black Lightning, who stood by, finally attacked. They charged their respective powers, and attacked.

A combined attack between a plasma laser from Cyborg, a laser from Aquaman's Poseidon's trident, and Black Lightning's black lightnings were launched at the trapped Doomsday.



There was a loud explosion, followed by an avalanche of visors, brains and so on scattered around the area. Doomsday's body was partially torn to pieces. For everyone following the broadcasts, it was a horrible sight, but, for the heroes, it was a sign that they had defeated this monster .....

Or so they thought. Because just at that moment, the earth began to shake.


The earth began to crack, while Doomsday's body began to regenerate at a visible speed. Muscles, skin and so on were regenerating until a completely different monster was left.

The earth no longer held, and shattered, as Doomsday exerted the force to free himself from his prison in the ground.

When he emerged, there the heroes saw that the monster they had fought, was completely different.

If before he was a six-foot-tall, slightly muscular 'man', now he was a seven-foot-tall monster. Now he had huge muscles and every 'vulnerable' part of his skin bore a bit of that protrusion of bones, which protected him.


'What the fuck... Motherbox, what's wrong with you?'

However, the Motherbox paid no heed to him. Instead, it went back to controlling Cyborg's body, as the robotic eye turned purple again. Again, as with the fight against Edgar, Victor could not move of his own volition.

"Guys, the Motherbox went crazy. Help!"

However, contrary to the situation against Edgar, the Motherbox did not attack or generate commands to defend itself against this monster.

On the contrary, it activated a portal, and, with a couple of wires, grabbed Vixen and left the scene. No one understood what had happened. Cyborg was calm there, but now, he had left, taking Marie with him.

However, they would soon find out why the Motherbox had acted this way.

The Motherbox had the knowledge of the universe. Imagine the fear of such a machine when it first encountered something it could not categorize.

A being that could evolve to the point where the gods themselves could not handle him. That was Doomsday. And the Motherbox knew it. That's why it got out of there to keep its avatar safe. 

Unfortunately, the heroes, who stayed to fight, would find out the hard way just how dangerous this monster was.

Doomsday just stood there, inert. Looking at everyone without any emotion. He looked at everyone in the group and scanned each one to see who was the weakest prey. When he analyzed everything, he finally moved. His speed was such that even Superman couldn't keep up with him.

The only one who could see this was Flash.

As if in slow motion, he watched as this monster approached what he thought was the easiest prey. Jefferson Pierce, or Black Lightning.

Flash ran to intercept.

Everything slowed down. Flash and Doomsday raced to see who would reach their target first. One to destroy him, and the other to save him.

Flash had a look of total concentration, as he again used the full power of the speedforce, to get there before this monster.

He could not understand how something that moved slower than him before, now matched his speed and without being a sprinter. However, giving his maximum, he was able to get there before him, and take Jefferson away from there.

'Well done, Flash, you made it-' he wanted to think, but there he realized he had accomplished nothing.

Everything went back to normal. Everyone there turned and saw that the monster, which had been many feet away before, was now almost right next to them, where Jefferson was. This was somewhat surprising. However, what Doomsday was doing completely numbed them.

Not only them. But the whole world that was witnessing this fight live. Everyone stopped thinking when they saw what was happening. Some of them, with weak minds, even vomited at the sight.

Flash had gotten to Jefferson earlier. In his hands, there was his body... but there was only that.

Flash realized that Jefferson's body... was missing his head.

And that Doomsday, who was there, had pulled a beak-like protrusion from his hands, and in that protrusion, was skewered Jefferson's severed head which had a look of disbelief.

Flash had arrived earlier. But Doomsday, in an instant, adapted to the situation and generated a protrusion from his hands to kill the escaping prey. The skewered head was the warning that he had succeeded.

However, what followed next, only chilled the heroes' blood further. Doomsday who had conveyed no sentiment, saw the severed head in his hands, and, to everyone's surprise, let out a laugh.




For the first time, Doomsday conveyed a feeling. One of happiness. But the smile he was conveying, was maniacal and terrifying.

The heroes and the world could not believe their eyes. Less than a couple of minutes into the fight against this monster, they had already lost their first important ally.

There, they realized that this being was an absolute monster. And that this fight would not end without consequences for the heroes.

Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning) was dead.



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (11 chapters ahead)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


