46.15% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 45: Chapter 41: Leveling the game 3

章 45: Chapter 41: Leveling the game 3




<Robot voice/Mental voice>





"تنبيه، هذه ليست حالة طوارئ، لقد تم فرض حظر التجول. من فضلكم اذهبوا إلى منازلكم وإلا سيتم اعتقالكم من قبل جبهة التحرير. "أكرر، من فضلك اذهب إلى منزلك على الفور وإلا سيتم القبض عليك"

In the cities of Cairo, Tokyo, Sydney, Buenos Aires and New York, this announcement was being made. All the people, who were previously watching the recorded video of Batman, started running for their lives, as hundreds of Liberation Front soldiers arrived on the scene fully armed and ready for battle. Several tanks armed with the best technology had also arrived, and were already aiming their guns and preparing to fire.

This was the elite group of the Liberation Front, which was prepared to execute the Omega plan, a plan designed with only one purpose.... To capture the fugitive Justice League. Worst of all, the known Justice League was not doing anything. They were just standing there, inert, waiting. Some were flying high in the sky and others were simply on top of a building, watching all the chaos.


New York, United States

In the Empire State Building, Batman was there watching the whole show, without moving, like a statue. He had his usual serious look on his face. Only he knew what was going on in his head as he watched all this spectacle produced by his presence.

At this moment, his suit was different from the one he always wore. This one was special. A light but strong armor made of a metal alloy of titanium with kevlar. Obviously, whatever was going to happen today, he had worked out contingency plans for this occasion.

The truth was, at this point, they weren't about to beat The Light. Their assets were too many, and their limited forces could not accomplish that at this time. What they could, however, was to level the game. To give them a blow of authority to tell them that no matter how far they advanced, they would always be there to offer resistance.

Besides, this was not the real important mission. The real important mission was being carried out by the Teen Titans. If they succeeded, they could practically make themselves even in this chess game just by moving a few pieces.

Finally, the hundreds of soldiers lined up in the city and pointed their guns. All aimed at Batman. Out of nowhere, a thruster sound was heard on the scene.

A green and purple robotic suit approached at breakneck speed. However, Batman was not distressed by it, he just watched this man's arrival impassively.

"Batman, it's good to see you. I thought you would hide forever from us"




"Unfortunately I can't say the same, Lex. Your presence is never pleasing to me"

This was Lex Luthor, who at this moment was wearing a suit of armor fully equipped with the latest weapons technology, specially built by him. Practically with this armor he was a tank in a humanoid robotic suit. The only bad thing, was the mobility. It wasn't too much but he was already slowly adjusting the parameters.

"hahahahaha, always so eloquent, Batman... or do you prefer Bruce Wayne" Lex got as close as he could to Batman as he hovered in the sky. He removed his mask that protected his face. At this moment he was face to face with Batman.

"The truth is, no matter how much I look at the files on you, how much I read everything you've done, I still don't believe you are the millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. I still remember when I first met you, remember, we were at the Businessman of the Year Awards. Everyone there, serious businessmen, knew there was only one serious candidate to win it... me. We were chatting seriously about business, when out of nowhere, a young man no more than 25 years old arrived with two supermodels in his hands, surprising everyone present. Only one thought came to me at that moment, 'and this crazy guy what is he doing here', however, that same crazy guy, won me the award that same year. Bruce Wayne, the Wayne heir who catapulted his almost bankrupt company back to wealth. From there, I knew I would hate you...and believe me I do"

Lex put a rueful look on his face. A heavy sigh came from his mouth as he shook his head.

"Unfortunately, my opinion apparently doesn't weigh that much, because if it were up to me, all these hundreds of men would have already vented their fury on you. I don't know what's so special about you, Batman, but Vandal and Ras, they still have a Good opinión of you. They want you alive. And not only that, they want you to become an executive member of The Light like me. So... here's the deal. Surrender, come with us without protest, and we'll give you a staff, men at your disposal, and even a vast territory for you to organize as you please. what do you say?"

Lex at last offered him his hand as a sign of a deal. Batman just looked at him impassively, then turned to look at his hand for a couple of seconds and said.

"I refuse"

Lex didn't get angry at this. He just withdrew his hand, and sighed.

"Sigh, well Batman, let's do it the hard way. Okay, I'll tell you what's going to happen now. See all those soldiers?" he said as he pointed to the hundreds of soldiers pointing on the ground. "They have the most advanced weapons we've ever produced. Their plasma cannons are configured to even damage Kryptonians, just imagine what they'll do to a simple man like you. The tanks have missiles so destructive they would disintegrate the entire colony if they wanted to. And if that's not enough, in that building next door", he said pointing to a south building that was quite close to the Empire State Building. "There's my most loyal subordinate, Deathstroke, right there pointing a gun to your head. And I'll tell you what, Deathstroke never misses... now, what do you say, we kill you or you take the offer I made you"

Batman didn't move, didn't do anything. He just looked all around him. From the hundreds of soldiers to the building where Deathstroke was aiming at him. Every detail was being watched as his detective head was racing a mile a minute trying to come up with the best plan. But, even with the plan devised, this one didn't move. He just waited.

And wait.

And wait

For a good couple of minutes that made Lex start to despair.

"Look, Batman, I don't have all day. Decide now or I'll decide for you.... And believe me, my decision includes a body bag"

Batman, however, waited until....

<Nightwing to Base, permission to proceed>

<Permission to proceed>

Finally, Batman moved. Batman raised his hands in surrender. Lex started to smile because of this thinking they finally had him, but out of nowhere a small device configured itself in his hand, with a black button.

"Lex, between your two choices, I choose mine. Fight" Batman pressed the black button.

Lex tensed because Batman had pressed this button, however, contrary to his expectations nothing happened.

"And that was going to cause..."

However, he was unable to continue as he began to see the hundreds of troops they had targeting Batman begin to faint. Slowly, one by one began to faint for no reason. This only alarmed Lex who turned to look at Batman.

"What did you do to them?"

Batman said nothing, but Lex wasn't just another millionaire, he was a genius among geniuses, and he could quickly see what was going on.

'The sound frequency... their radios'

Each soldier wore an electronic device in his ear, which had a small closed radio wave where the base (The Thinker) told them their missions. Lex never expected that such a frequency would be hacked, and set to emit waves so high that they disoriented the brain, causing the soldiers to black out.

That principle, in fact, was the basis of Count Vertigo's power. He would produce sound frequencies so high or low that they were undetectable but would cause severe dizziness in a person.

Lex, who carried none of this device, as they communicated by another, more closed and encrypted way for the core members of The Light, was completely numb to the sight before him. All those prepared soldiers now lay there inert, totally unconscious due to a simple button pressed by Batman.

Lex then realized how dangerous Batman really was. One simple man, without an army, had easily incapacitated hundreds of elite soldiers without moving. Screw Ras, screw Vandal, this man had to be neutralized. He quickly aimed his cannons and was about to fire at Batman when he heard a "fiuuuuuuu"

He had to set up a quick shield to avoid the collision of a missile aimed at him. There he saw that Batman's jet, which was being piloted remotely by Alfred, was approaching at breakneck speed and was aiming its weapons at him. Two more missiles arrived, which was enough to send him flying away. However, as he defended himself, he reached out to warn.

"Deathstroke, kill him!"

Deathstroke, who was with his sniper rifle, fired. However, Batman didn't stand still either and, throwing a batarang that intercepted the bullet, he began to run out of the building. Deathstroke fired two more shots, but Batman was no longer in his sights. In the end he opted to follow him. Climbing onto a pulley, he jumped towards the building where Batman was and continued his pursuit.

The buildings were next to each other, so it didn't take long for Deathstroke to get to where Batman was running. Quickly, he pulled out two pistols and began firing. However, Batman was running erratically, dodging every shot, even almost without turning he was throwing his batarangs, to intercept the trajectories of the bullets, which frankly impressed Deathstroke.

Practically, both jumped from building to building, while one shot and the other dodged with his agility. However, when they reached the last building, Batman stopped. Quickly, he turned and saw Lex in the distance throwing projectiles while Alfred's remotely piloted plane nimbly dodged and fired its weapons at him.

Then he saw Deathstroke who had stopped firing. Deathstroke looked at him and said.

"No bullets" in the end he opted to throw his weapons and drew his sword.

Batman could jump and glide with his cape, and run away. He wouldn't for one simple reason though.

'There's still time left' he thought.

That was what mattered. Making time. Time enough for Superman to escape. Time enough for Black Lightning and his daughters to escape. Batman couldn't leave because surely Lex would return and they would realize something was going on besides this.

Finally, he looked at Deathstroke. Batman configured his braceras and spikes came out of them. Deathstroke also prepared himself by waving his sword in agile movements. At the end, they stared at each other for a couple of seconds, standing still.

After those seconds...they both moved.


Tokyo, Japan

"Heroes, this is my territory. Now, to avoid unnecessary conflicts come with us and let's avoid this massacre. Besides, The Light, is very interested in you. If you come, surely they will treat you in the best way" Ra's Al Ghul said proposing a deal to the heroes. At this moment, just like New York, hundreds of armed soldiers were ready as they pointed their guns.

And, unlike Lex, who arrived alone with Deathstroke, here The Light had sent more. At this point, in addition to Ras, there was Talia Al Ghul, Count Vertigo and his subordinate, the archer Merlyn.

At this moment, there were Green Arrow, Black Canary and Atom, watching from a building what was happening on the ground. Green Arrow listening to what Ras was saying said to him.

"And why does The Light love us so much?"

"Of course because of your great abilities. Statistically in the world there are only 10-15% metahumans. Of that, only 5% have powers useful for battle. You, who have pushed your body and training to the humanly permissible limits, are a great gem in a group like us. At the end of the day, what we love and appreciate most are valuable people"

"and you slaughter the 'weak' or the 'useless'. Yes, we know that" Canary said with utter venom in her voice. Ras just smiled in amusement at this.

"People die in wars. And this is a war, missy. Besides, I don't know if you've heard, but thanks to us, overpopulation and scarce resources are already dwindling. Those massacres are making the world a better place. For me... I say their sacrifice is indispensable"


"Yes, human lives, who only wasted oxygen and contributed nothing to society. No one will miss them. Now, surrender, or... we will kill you"

Canary, Atom and Arrow looked at each other. Arrow nodded and Atom activated a device similar to the ones Batman had. Like last time, the large troops were quickly blacking out due to the frequency of the sound.

However, unlike Lex, Ras and the others were not bothered by this, nor did they flinch. Even Vertigo began to laugh at this, and said in a heavy Soviet accent.

"Impressive. They follow the same principle of my power"

"Indeed, friend Vertigo, it is impressive. This I can only attribute to my student. Bruce never fails to impress me"

Canary who saw that they hadn't bothered that his forces were neutralized began to worry. She quickly approached Green Arrow and whispered.

"They're very quiet. Makes me feel bad about that"

"Mmm, me too"

Ras who looked at their faces, could guess their thoughts and smiled mischievously.

"What did you think, that neutralizing these soldiers would give us a hard blow. Let me cut off that dream, because in reality these are not my troops, they are commanded by Central. My real troops, are these"

Ras clapped his hands twice and hundreds of ninjas arrived on the scene. In each building, there were several groups of these ninjas with chacos, swords and other dangerous and deadly weapons.

"I present to you the most lethal assassins in the world. My League of Assassins. Let's give them a proper welcome, boys"

With that the hundreds of ninjas went on the attack. Green Arrow, released several arrows, but he couldn't shoot any more as he had to dodge a black arrow that was headed right for his head. There he could see how the black-clad archer, who was grinning mischievously, was aiming at him.

"Good reflexes, green. Let's see if you can dodge this" Merlyn said as he launched another pair of arrows that Arrow barely dodged. That's when the chase began.

A flock of arrows began to rain down quickly on the area as the two moved into tighter quarters. This left Canary and Atom only able to fend off the entire large horde of ninjas coming at them.

Canary launched her sonic screams that sent dozens of them flying. But quickly another dozen arrived to cover the space that had been made. Quickly, many of them came to attack her, but Canary had elite training. She was one of the best fighters, and she was quick to use her trained moves to fight them. Although, yes, the numbers were many, and she was slowly being overwhelmed by this numbers.

Atom would throw lightning bolts, or he would make himself small and attack with hard blows disabling each ninja one by one. Despite his size, the strength was the same, so he was practically a small bullet moving between each one.

However, Atom could not continue attacking. When he felt a strong dizziness, which made him stop shrinking. This was due to Count Vertigo, who knew how dangerous this little man was. He was practically invisible to the human eye, and could be anywhere. That's why he used his waves to make him dizzy and incapacitate him.

There, they realized that The Light would not be so simple. And that, although they were there to make time, they might not be able to make it, or at least not without getting away unscathed.

"Father, I want to have fun too" Talia said to her father, who was standing in front of her.

"Of course, daughter. But, remember, don't kill them...although a broken bone or two, I don't think it will do much harm"

"Yes, father" with that Talia also joined the fray nimbly wielding a slender Promethium sword. Her prey, the blonde woman who despite the great amount of numbers had not been able to be incapacitated.


Buenos Aires, Argentina

In the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, the heroes were waiting on the ground for the hundreds of soldiers and their tanks to arrive. But, contrary to their expectations, that never happened. On the contrary, as soon as the announcement was made for everyone to leave, the city was practically deserted.

This, instead of putting them at ease, only worried them more. Vixen, Cyborg and Zatara were watching all this, not knowing what to do. They had planned that troops would surely arrive, but they hadn't expected them to send no one.


Quickly, a small tremor in the ground began to be felt. Then, a small echo of a drum was beginning to be heard.




Each time, that echo got louder as time went on. And, after a few seconds, they finally saw why it was. Coming from all sides, practically surrounding them, hundreds of giant gorillas with iron armor and spears prepared to attack. The drumming sound was due to them pounding on the ground with their weapons.

From the center of the group, two gorillas approached. Both had different armor. One had a golden armor, and was the biggest gorilla in the place, and the other, had only a light armor of red color, however, the difference with the others was that this one was a white ape, and not only that, his head was more elongated than the rest, and they could see the veins of the brain, peeking out in that same head.

When the white gorilla arrived right in the middle, the noise of the guns stopped. Then, contrary to the heroes' expectations, the ape addressed them in the most polite manner possible. Even the heroes could swear that his voice and manners were better than many humans they had lived with.

"Greetings, lady, gentlemen. My name is Ultra-Humanity. This is not my territory, but they sent me and my forces, here to stop you. I prefer to avoid conflict, and better talk over a cup of tea, like the civilized people or well, civilized species that we are. What do you say?"

This conversation only numbed the heroes' minds. This ape was asking them to surrender, but in the most polite way possible. They didn't even know what to think because of this. However, they couldn't even speak when many vines began to emerge from the ground. Quickly a large carnivorous plant emerged. From the mouth of the plant, a beautiful green lady with seductive red hair emerged. It was Poison Ivy.

However, her beautiful face only reflected anger, and not at the heroes, but at the ape that had invaded her territory.

"This is my territory, you damn ape. We said we were going to respect each other. You have South Africa and I have South America, what are you doing here?"

"Ivy, is a pleasure as always, my dear. And I'm only here, on The Thinker's orders, he thought that maybe, it would get complicated for you with so many powerful heroes, and that's why he sent me"

The truth is that Central never sent soldiers here because of Ivy. Of all the core members she was the one who most jealously guarded her territory. For she had practically reshaped the entire jungle and tundra of the place with her power. All of her 'daughters' were scattered all over this territory, and she didn't like outsiders invading and destroying her loves.

"I don't care. You should have asked my permission to bring all your furry forces and their lack of... finesse, into my home"

"I understand, my dear. If you want me to leave, I will gladly do so. My ship is docked in the harbor. If you tell me to, I'll go"

"Sigh. Forgive me, Ultra-Humanity, I only got angry due to not being warned. Now, you..." she turns to look at the three heroes standing there. "I don't like you. You are not allowed to be here. Go away"

"My dear, I'm sorry, but we must capture them. That is our mission" Ultra-Humanity interrupted her.

"Mmm, fine. I'll help you this time, but as soon as we're done I want them all out"

"All right, my dear"

The heroes never said a word. They couldn't. It was practically a two-way conversation between them. However, when it was over, Ultra-Humanity turned to them, and said.

"I'm sorry, forgive my rudeness. But the tea will have to wait. Now, boys, capture them" with that all the apes moved. As if that wasn't enough, the overgrown vines moved too.

The heroes, however, were not idle either. Cyborg, activated his protocols and launched strong missiles towards the plants. This made Ivy scream out loud. Each plant was connected to a lesser or greater extent to her. She could feel their pain. This only made her angrier.

"You've already pissed her off, love" Vixen said to Cyborg.

"I noticed"

However, Zatara interrupted the two lovebirds.

"Less talk, more action. You guys take care of the apes. I'll take care of the giant plant" Zatara quickly summoned his power, and raised his wand and said

"niar erif" a rain of fire came out of a magical seal, which fell all over the carnivorous plant's humanity. Now, Ivy directed her anger at the wizard.

Cyborg, moved against the white ape, however, as he approached a strong mental attack stopped him, which brought him to his knees.

"Sorry, but my troops are for fighting. I'm more for watching shows" said Ultra-Humanity, as it used its mental power to make him feel intense pain. However, quickly the Motherbox activated emergency protocols and relieved Victor's pain.


Ultra-Humanity felt it. A mental barrier that was not there materialized. This only indicated that he could no longer use his power on the robot man. However, this did not faze him.

"Grodd, teach him a lesson"

"Yes, master" the larger ape in golden armor spoke. However, his voice was not crisp or elegant. It was harsh, and raspy. Clearly, it made it difficult for him to speak contrary to the leading ape. Nevertheless, he followed his orders and moved to intercept the robot man. Metal fist against furry fist collided as it generated a wave of small shockwave due to the force of the blow.

While all that was going on, Vixen was punching and knocking out every ape in sight. They were strong, but they were no match for the cheetah-like speed and rhino-like strength of the brown-skinned woman.

Quickly, the scene was starting to get chaotic....


Sydney, Australia

In the city of Sydney, a tough fight was going on. The earth forces had been neutralized with Batman's device, and at this point it only remained to fight the members of The Light, but fighting them would be very difficult for Hal Jordan and Barry Allen, as the members they sent were their antithesis so to speak.

"Love, why fight, when you can join us and we can be together, like it should have always been" a beautiful black haired woman said to Hal Jordan, as she projected a pink fist that clashed with a green fist. She was Carol Ferris, a Star Sappire member who had become corrupted due to her power, and believed that the League was preventing Hal and her from being together.

"Carol, let me help you. Your power corrupts you. I know. At first, I was also intoxicated by my power. But we cannot succumb to our power, but must fight it and make it our own"

Carol paused, and thought about what Hal told her.

'My power corrupts me... NO, my power makes me strong. My power makes me special. My power will make me be with my beloved'

"I'm sorry, love. But if my words don't reach your heart, my power will. Don't worry, we'll soon be together" At the end, Carol made a catapult with her power and launched a large rock towards Hal.

Hal intercepted it with a giant green net, and then, created a giant robot that launched a missile towards Carol. Carol covered herself with a large shield. Hal just sighed. This day would be long….

While all this fighting was going on, in the sea of practically everywhere, there were two speedsters running at full speed, punching and attacking each other. They were Reverse-Flash and Flash.

"Your speed has improved a lot, Flash. But will it be enough to keep all your loved ones from dying, or will they succumb as usual due to you not being fast enough"

"Shut up. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me" Flash improved his speed, and hit Reverse-Flash hard, which surprised him quite a bit. It had to be said that they were already running at the speed of light, and Flash was improving on that mark. Eobard Thwane was impressed.

"Your speed has improved, I'm quite impressed. But this won't be enough..." Eobard matched his speed and hit Flash back, Flash almost stumbled into the sea, but managed to steady himself at the last moment and keep running. Fist to fist they were thrown at the highest speed as they continued to run. Both gave no quarter.

This fight was one driven by personal hatred. Barry's hatred of this man who killed his mother, and Iris' father, and Eobard's hatred, because the future dictated it. If he would not be Flash, then he would be his own worst enemy.


Cairo, Egypt

Martian Manhunter, Hawkman and Hawkwoman were totally tense about the situation they were in. There was no horde of soldiers. There were no specialized weapons. There were no powerful tanks. There was only one man in front of them. But this man... he was among the most dangerous of all the members of The Light.

A dark man, with pointed ears, muscular and tall, and wearing a black suit with a golden lightning, was hovering a few feet away from them. It was Teth Adam, or Black Adam as he was known today. And he was right here, to protect his territory from these invaders.

Black Adam just looked at them impassively. He raised his hand and pointed his finger at them one by one.

"You, the Martian. Use fire to incapacitate him. You and you, you are both a formidable force, but separate the two of you and you will have difficulty. That's your weaknesses in The Light's files, but do you know how much I care about that, that's right, NOTHING. I don't care about your weaknesses, what's more, I won't even tell you to attack me one by one. Attack me all of you, and I'll still prove to you what it's the absolute strength"

The heroes looked at each other nervously. A mental connection from Martian Manhunter, was projected into the minds of the hawks.

<What do we do?>

<Attack, together we have a good chance>.

<All right, on the count of three, 1,2->

However, the count was not finished when a loud "BOOOM" was heard in the sky. Quickly a projectile was approaching at full speed. When it started to be a few kilometers away the group saw it was 'Superman' in all his glory.

Cyborg Superman had arrived and was totally impatient, from the excited look on his face.

"Adam, I don't care what you do with the Martian, but they, they are mine" he said as he pointed to the Hawks

Black Adam just raised an eyebrow at this. He didn't like being bossed around, so he was a little angry at this man's authoritative tone. He was about to teach him a lesson, but then looked at the invaders. A small smile materialized on his face as a thought popped into his head.

"Fine. They're all yours, but if in five minutes you don't finish them off. I'll finish them all, including you"

With that, Black Adam departed, not caring whether or not Cyborg Superman could take them on. As long as they didn't enter his territory, everything would be fine.

However, the most surprised was Cyborg Superman, who had not expected this. But there was a problem with his request, he had asked for the hawks, not the Martian. The Martian was out of his League, even with his upgrades. And, this he paid dearly for when they moved.

Quickly, a sledgehammer hit him in the legs which made him a sweep and then another sledgehammer hit him in the face which sent him flying. However, he couldn't even propel himself when the Martian stopped him and configured his body to tie him up and stop his movements.

Cyborg Superman wanted to use his laser in his eyes, to break free from his restraints, but the hawks began to attack him with their sledgehammer. Hard blows began to be delivered to his humanity that made his 'face' begin to fall off, revealing the robotic face that was hidden underneath the mask.

Perhaps, he should have chosen his words better when he asked to fight them. He was already regretting his decision.


Atlantis, (while all this was going on)

In the trench, the deepest area of the entire ocean. There was the prison of Arthur Curry, better known as Aquaman.

Inside that area, thousands of flesh eaters were standing guard. These were the plan to keep out those who wanted to free the king. These beasts had only one purpose, to devour the flesh of anyone who approached them. An unstoppable force that had no rationality.

However, above that, there were still guards guarding the area. This was to avoid unnecessary massacres. The guards would make those who approached leave with their threats.

At the said place, a couple of guards were patrolling the area, just like any other day. They were bored, as nothing exciting was happening, but they were still doing their duty. However, something strange happened just as they were patrolling the western area, as they saw something strange.

It was a corpse of a man dressed in a strange leather outfit. The skull lay there, inert, not moving, however, in his hands was a chain, and, even though he was not moving, the chain would not leave his hands, as it was held tightly by the skull.

"This corpse, I have never seen it before, Lagaan"

"It's true, Merik, I hadn't seen it either. But it seems that its skin has already completely decomposed, this only indicates that it has been here for years, maybe the current sent it here"

"It's probable, but it's still strange..."

However, they could not give their opinion anymore, when they saw something that numbed their minds. The skull, which was inert, moved. Then as if this were not bad enough, a fire, which was not extinguished by water, ignited in its head.

This was the last thing they saw, before the chain wrapped around them, and burned them to ashes.

Edgar had arrived, and he was ready to break Aquaman out of his prison...



*spoiler of the final fight of this arc*



Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C45
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


