33.89% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 20: The Battle of Brightmoon

章 20: The Battle of Brightmoon

 Tigra stared at the several monitors in the room, each with something different on each of them.

 One showed giant waves near the Kingdom of Salineas. Another showing buildings near the Kingdom of Dryl - Entrapta's home kingdom - falling from heavy earthquakes. Some kind of firestorm is happening in an area on the borders of the Crimson Wastes - a gigantic desert that seems to be habitless due to the extreme temperatures - and the Kingdom of Snow. A large sandstorm in the Crimson Wastes swirling up to the clouds about a fourth as wide as the Fright Zone. Red lightning slamming into the ground and shooting through the clouds for miles around the Fright Zone. The Whispering Woods are starting to gain frost and ice on the trees.

 "Man, I didn't think that the Runestones controlled the weather this much."

 "I guess I didn't show you my notes, did I? I got too excited about being able to mess around with a Runestone!" Entrapta spoke before pushing herself around the room on her rolling chair.

 Tigra watched as Entrapta started to spin herself using her hair, her maniac laugh growing stronger, just before Catra and Scorpia entered the room after leaving for a few moments.

 Entrapta pulled out a recorder and pressed a button.

 "The experiment has been more effective than I could have ever dreamed! With this experiment, my hypothesis has been proven correct! With the Black Garnet functioning at…two hundred percent power, the precarious equilibrium that governs all of Etheria's natural functions has been thrown into complete chaos!"

 "Think it is because the other Runestones are being kept in check through the stable Runestone connections that the few notes of yours I could read mentioned?" Tigra asked. "But the bigger question becomes this: how long will this last? Will the 'connection' simply adapt? Cut off the Black Garnet's connection to each other, leaving it alone and unable to affect the rest of them? Or will the Black Garnet eventually-"

 "Hey nerds!" Catra cut in. "Explain it to the rest of the class, would you?"

 Entrapta seemed to give an exasperated look at Tigra while Tigra simply turned towards Entrapta.

 "The Black Garnet is more powerful because it took energy from the other Runestones, correct?" She received a nod. "That means the upset weather is because the balance has been disturbed, making the princesses' Runestones weaker as a by-product."

 "You know, I'm curious just how much of my notes you'd be able to understand." Entrapta spoke, curiosity filling her tone.

 "I'm able to pick up on things quickly." 'Thanks to my high INT stat.' 

 "Whoa whoa whoa wait!" Catra cut in again. "What was that about making the princesses less powerful?"

 "Well, Elemental princesses that are attuned to their Runestones." Entrapta clarified. "You don't have to worry about me and Scorpia. I don't have a Runestone and Scorpia doesn't appear to have any connection to the Black Garnet anymore - if she ever did."

 "Somebody say my name?" Scorpia looked up from her notepad.

 "How do we make an effect like that permanent?"

 "Well, we'd have to run more tests to know for sure but-"

 "Destroying a different Runestone would likely do it." Tigra answered, thinking through everything that is happening and how energy sources can overload or break if too much magical energy leaves something and returns quickly.

 "With the Black Garnet siphoning away so much magic away from the 'magic grid,' taking one off of the board would damage the grid enough that it would likely become permanent due to weakening the others and continue strengthening the Garnet until the grid can't handle the power, destroying the grid enough that it will take years to fix itself, if it has that capability in the first place." Tigra guessed.

 Catra looks at the monitor with the Whispering Woods before growing a smirk.

 "Scorpia, go get the strike teams together, we're going to Bright Moon. Tigra, go message a few Force Commanders and their squads. We need to jump on this opportunity before the princesses prepare themselves."

 "Brightmoon's Runestone?" Tigra figured. "With the Woods frozen, their biggest defense is gone."

 "Allowing the Horde the opportunity to strike out the major force keeping the Rebellion alive." Catra finished.

 Tigra nodded before pulling out her tablet and quickly started typing away.

 About 20 minutes later, she got a reply from two Commanders.

 'Our garrisons will meet up with your army at the Woods due to our location.' 

 Tigra smirked as something popped up in front of her.


End of Brightmoon

After experimenting with the Black Garnet Runestone, the precarious balance between the Runestones have been disrupted temporarily. However, if the Horde can destroy another Runestone soon, the effects may become permanent.

Objective: Destroy the Moonstone Runestone

Rewards: [Runestone Breaker] title, 100,000 EXP, Elimination of Brightmoon Kingdom | REP with former Brightmoon citizens reduced to -50 [Hated]

Failure: Continuation of War, potential death


Battle of Brightmoon

This will be a battle like you've never experienced. The battles so far may as well have been compared to the beginning of the Academy. Now? Now it is time for graduation. Your opponents?

All of Brightmoon.

Objective: Eliminate as many soldiers of the Rebellion as possible during this battle.

Hidden Objective: ???

Hidden Objective: ???

Reward: 100 EXP per soldier eliminated | [???] title | [???] Title


 "If you need me before we leave, call me." Tigra told, leaving the room.

 "What are you doing?" Scorpia asked, about to leave as well.

 "Getting in some last minute training. After all, I'm still rusty."

 Tigra activated Lightning Armor and zipped away.

 No one noticed the desk drawer had been broken into while Catra and Scopira were away and Entrapta focused on her new data.



 Tigra reached the outside of the Fright Zone and activated Lightning Armor with all of her HP and Haste. She crouched down to dash and moved.

 A second later, Tigra's body had seemed to shift in a way that the yellow lightning seemed to bind to her.

 Tigra had activated Raiju and tripled her movement speed.

 The next second?

 A loud boom sounded out from where she had been and continued to boom wherever she went.

 'Movement speed.'

Movement Speed: 3401/9 * 1.25 [Hare] * 3 [Raiju]

Movement Speed: 1417 MPH | 2281 KPH | Mach 1.8

 She continued dashing for another minute before an alert popped up.

Dash gained 7086 EXP

Dash leveled up! LV(1)34 → (1)35

CON increased by 2


 'Prepare to lose next time we meet, Bolt. I plan to abuse this before anything happens.' Tigra thought and continued to run.

 Every minute, she gained a level for the next 10 minutes, every 1.5 minutes for the next 30, and one every 2 for the last 20 minutes.


Lightning Armor gained 265,600 EXP!

Lightning Armor mastered!

[Lightning Armor LV MAX - By covering yourself with lightning around you and through you, you can increase your speed to a level far beyond natural. DEX*((Amount_Used*1.25)/600). Caps at x5. Damage is Amount_Used/4]


Due to mastering it, INT is increased by 10 and 2 skill points are gained!


5000 EXP awarded due to [Elemental Armory] Quest for mastering another Armor spell!


Dash gained 13813 EXP

Dash leveled up!

[Dash LV (1)75 (6211/13125) - Increases DEX by 200%]

DEX increased by 10 and CON increased by 16!


Movement speed: 2422 MPH | 3900 KPH | Mach 3.1


 The lightning around Tigra stopped sticking to her and began to shoot out in small streams as she came to a stop and smiled.


DEX Milestone reached!

[Cheetah - 250 DEX : For 30 seconds every 2 hours, you can increase your DEX by 50%]


 "Man, this is not helping with my need to get faster." 

 She couldn't believe that she gained another multiplier for DEX.

 "Thinking of multipliers…Skill Shop-Upgrade."


Skill Shop - Upgrade opened.

3 Skill points used to upgrade [Physical Resistance]*


Physical Resistance leveled up! 37 → 46


[Physical Resistance LV 46 (1518/4600) - Decreases damage taken from physical hits by 46%. This has increased to 59% after Iron Body.]


*Resistances can be bought, it just isn't that practical when she has had multiple ways to increase them herself. However, Physical Resistance is the hardest for her to level up naturally*

Lightning Spell purchased!


[Lightning Claws LV 1 (0/200) - By focusing lightning magic to the tips of your claws, you can increase your piercing power tremendously. Damage is DEX + (150 + 1 %) through lightning damage. MP Cost: 60 MP. 30 MP/m]


 Tigra couldn't stop her smile if she wanted to.

 Unlike Fire, Ice, and Lightning, she couldn't really level this resistance up by herself. She liked being known for her speed, which meant that she shouldn't be getting hit. Despite how she hurt herself to gain those other resistances, she does not like pain. The only reason she continued through the pain was the belief that she could become immune to it and never be hurt by something like that from someone else.

 Someone who only has ill intent towards her.

 "While this was good, I should redirect my attention to Ice Armor next to build that up and increase my Ice Resistance. Unlike Fire and Lightning, one of the princesses can control Ice." She thought aloud.

 She put Ice Armor as high as she could while using heal so she wouldn't be losing any HP and her MP regained quicker than heal could use it.

 She made her way to the garage and stayed in full ice, not caring about the strange looks she got from the cadets and the occasional Commander and Captain.

 After all, Ice Armor will likely help her in the future, with its damage prevention capabilities.



*1 hour later*

Ice Armor gained 44,328 EXP!

Ice Armor leveled up!

[Ice Armor LV 37 (1464/7400) - Decreases damage taken by Amount_Used/63 % by surrounding yourself in ice. Caps at 75%]


Ice Resistance gained 110,820 EXP!

Ice Resistance leveled up!

[Ice Resistance LV 57 (9020/11400) - Decreases damage taken from Ice attacks by 57%. This is increased to 68% through Iron Body.]


 Tigra released her hold on the armor before getting onto one of the skiffs, just as Catra entered the garage.

 "Listen up!" Catra yelled. "As of right now, the Whispering Woods are not a problem. The massive storm going on around the planet has frozen them, making them unable to move. We are leaving in five minutes for Brightmoon!"

 Tigra nodded before pulling out a black book and reading the first page.

 'My experiences with this branch of magic known as Shadow or Darkness. I am writing this down to keep track of my past experiences with this in the case that I overlook something that a student would remember. Perhaps, once I grow more proficient with the use of this magic, thanks to the use of the Ritual of Obtainment, I'll take up the new name in a way that many will respect and fear. 

 Shadow Weaver. 

 The first spell the ritual slammed into my head was known as Darken. It simply allowed me to darken or create shadows around me to the point that even the mangy Magicats wouldn't be able to see in it. 

 So, until this spell is mastered, all other spells will be locked in the case someone has found this book and is using it without my permission.'


Spell Learned!

[Darken LV 1 (0/50) - The beginning of umbramancy - magic of shadows. With this, you can darken any shadow around you and create light shadows around you. MP: 10 MP/m]


Quest Discovered!

Mistress of Shadows

To unlock the next page of Shadow Weaver's magical book, you must master the spell from the previous page. While Weaver was a bad guardian, that doesn't mean that you can't use what she has created.

Objective: Master all of the Shadow spells from the book [0/15]

Reward: [Mistress of Shadows] title, 20,000 EXP


Quest created!

Mistress of Fire

After learning and mastering multiple fire spells and mastering them, you have unlocked the quest for the mastery of fire!

Objective: Master 15 Fire spells [8/15]

Reward: [Mistress of Fire] title, 20,000 EXP, [Fire Control] trait


*While using a magic book, your EXP for spells imbued within the book is doubled. In theory, you could create your own magic book to hold your spells or to help teach another much faster. You will improve at a rate of 2x while others will at 5x. This is to take into account how you often learn things 5-10x faster than someone before your multipliers kick in.*


 Tigra blinked at seeing the pop ups before activating Darken.

 While Tigra wouldn't be able to see it, anyone looking at her would see that the top half of her face became enveloped in a light shadow and her own shadow darkened much more than it should have been.

 Tigra kept it up for the next one and a half hours as her shadows started to darken slowly as her proficiency started growing.


Darken gained 2800 EXP!

Darken mastered!

[Darken LV MAX - You can darken any shadow around you and create light shadows on yourself. MP: 1 MP/m]

Due to mastering Darken, 3 WIS is awarded!

 Tigra let it fall before picking up the book once more.

 'Now that I have mastered that Darken spell, I found ways to incorporate it. I've developed three additional spells that will help control this branch. One thing I've noticed is that, without a high magic control, these types of spells could easily sap one of all of their magic. 

 The first one is Shadow Mask. While I have my own physical mask, this will be better to have when I have to meet the Horde's actual spies. It seems as if no one can recognize my mask when I use this spell, having to rely on recognizing my own outfit.' 


Spell Learned!

[Shadow Mask LV 1 (0/100) - Through the use of shadow magic, one can hide their face from those that will be hostile towards you as long as there is a reason why your face would be dark, like a hood.

While using this, there is a 50% chance that those who would recognize you dismiss it and think that they are being paranoid. MP cost: 30 MP/m]


 The rest of the next few pages were covered in black, similar to how Shadow Mask had been a moment ago.

 Once more, Tigra didn't hesitate before activating it.

 This time, Tigra could see dark magic settle at the edges of her vision before pulling out her tablet to see how it looks.

 Her face had been covered from her chin to her nose in a black mask while the upper half of her face had been hidden in shadows.

 She frowned lightly, not understanding how this could really fool anyone, except that the mask didn't move an inch when she frowned.

 'It could hide most of my facial expressions.' She realized. 'No one would be able to see my anger, surprise, or fear, so long as they looked only at my face.'

 Tigra kept it up for the next three hours.


Shadow Mask gained 10,800 EXP

Shadow Mask leveled up!

[Shadow Mask LV 15 (300/1500) - While using this, there is a 60% chance that those who would recognize you dismiss it and think that they are being paranoid. This decreases depending on what you are doing or if you are drawing attention to yourself. MP cost: 20 MP/m]


 She could have kept going, but they would be reaching the edge of the Whispering Woods in an hour.

 'I'm about to get a real taste of battle.' Tigra thought. 'There are going to be thousands of soldiers on both sides. Brightmoon will also have She-Ra in this fight. Assuming that Glimmer isn't fixed yet.'

 A slightly mad grin grew on her face.

 'So much experience for my combat skills though. With that amount of people, I wouldn't be surprised if I maxed out Fireball during this fight.'


 She looked to her left and spotted Catra looking at her strangely. "What?"

 "You good? You look like you're…excited for this?"

 "Well, we could crush Brightmoon right here. If we show our promise in this fight, Lord Hordak may be gracious enough that you could be granted your desire to be Second in Command."

 "Really? From a Force Captain to that?"

 "Why not? We've already skipped Force Commander and were the ones to take her down ourselves after practically proclaiming that she would not listen to Lord Hordak." Tigra shrugged. "We just need to show our promise again."

 "Alright. Just…don't lose yourself in this battle, okay? I don't need you charging in if a retreat is called."

 Tigra returned to her smirk with a light laugh.

 "I likely won't need to get close. I just need to find them and I can hit them from afar."

 "That ball of fire? I thought that wouldn't do much, considering how little it did against those bots."

 "Those were metal contraptions though. We're going after people in metal armor."

 "Won't they have sorcerers to protect them from those?"

 "They'll be too focused on protecting the Moonstone. They know that if that goes down, nothing will stop the giant storm that we've accidentally created."

 "Movement to the west!" One of the commanders announced. "They have the symbol of the Horde."

 Tigra held her hand out for the binoculars they were using before putting them to her face.

 "Recognize them?"

 Tigra smiled.

 "Yeah, Force Commanders Lucy and Serena are coming towards us with ~100 as reinforcements."

 "That's good news. What's the bad news?" Scorpia asked.

 "The bad news is that, while appreciated, it likely won't do much for the battle." Catra answered. "We're fighting on Princess turf with the chance of all of them showing up. We would need…something else to fight on the front lines."

 "Like what?"


 "Me." Tigra cut off. "With my spells and speed, I'm a threat that can't be ignored. In a matter of seconds, I could likely eliminate dozens of soldiers. Against a princess? I would not hold back and focus on elimination as soon as possible if they are a clear threat."

 "Yes, but you've said-"

 "The war will not end with Brightmoon." Tigra cut her off again. "We will need soldiers and machines to take over the rest of the kingdoms. To do that, we need as few of them to fall. It's simple numbers. Now, let's greet the two commanders and head to Brightmoon."

 A moment later, the skiffs joined formation and one joined beside them.

 "Force Commanders Lucy and Serena reporting in." Lucy stated.

 "Acknowledged. Get yourselves ready. In one hour, we will be reaching the home of the Rebellion. We can deal a significant blow should we succeed." Tigra informed. "Be on the lookout for princesses. As the soldiers were told earlier, the code phrase 'Moon's Bright' if the princesses show up. Follow it up with your location and I will try to help if possible."

 "You can't be everywhere at once though." Scorpia pointed out.

 That got a cackle from Tigra and a light one from Catra while Lucy had a knowing grin.

 "Don't be too sure of that, Captain Scorpia." Serena denied. "From the small spat that Tigra had with Bolt, she's pretty fast."

 Catra's laugh stopped abruptly.

 "Speaking of him," Lucy spoke up. "Have you found a way to surpass him? Or do we need to keep a vigilant watch if he shows up?"

 Tigra smirked. "Remember when I called Bolt an idiot?" Lucy and Serena nodded. "There's a reason why."

 Instantly, Tigra activated Lightning Armor as yellow electricity jumped a few inches off of her body, causing Lucy and Serena to gain wide eyes.

 "That looks like what he was doing at the end of your fight!"

 "Because it is. I spent quite a bit of time refining it and now? Bolt shouldn't be a problem if he is alone."

 "But he usually isn't." Lucy pointed out. "He travels with three companions who are suspected of being magic users."

 "Leave Bolt to me if he shows." Tigra ended it. "He won't be able to outpace me this time."

 "When were you going to mention fighting someone who is known?" Catra asked. "Known people are dangerous."

 "It wasn't important." Tigra shrugged. "We fought. I lost. He left and I trained."

 "Is that why you were running for a while?"

 "Yeah. It was to increase my speed while also getting used to that speed."

 Catra frowned lightly before sighing.

 "Now then," Tigra clasped her hands together. "Let's go take down a kingdom."



 Tigra hopped off of the personal skiff before cracking her neck and looking across the wide plains. In front of her were hundreds of Brightmoon soldiers, prepared in armor and weaponry to fight back against them.

 Behind them…laid Brightmoon.

 The kingdom had been built around a large lake with the Moonstone floating above a large stand above the lake. 

 Tigra watched as a shot from one of the tanks fired before it exploded prematurely. A bright blue aura shimmered into view, growing faintly until it surrounded the whole kingdom.

 "Forcefield." Tigra muttered into her communicator that was placed inside her ear. "Likely powered by the Runestone itself."

 "So we need to overload it in one way or another." 

 "I'll leave that one to you guys." She spoke, watching as a few soldiers started coming out to greet her. "I'm about to go quiet. If something happens, remember the code phrase."

 The main force of the Horde had been split into 5. Each would be full of 400 men and women. They would have 100 robots each, 3-4 tanks, and enough cover to handle range.

 'Acknowledge. Show them what you've got, Force Captain.' Lucy told.

 Tigra snapped her fingers together and a Fire Arrow appeared beside her before she pointed. It shot off at a high speed before impacting one of them with a light thud.

804*0.75=603 fire damage inflicted!

Fire Arrow gained 2412 EXP!

Fire Arrow leveled up! LV 1 → 5


 She watched as the soldier took a large step back but remained on their feet.

 'Alright, their armor seems to give them a 25% decrease in damage taken. Whether it is the amount or percentage, that remains to be seen.' She analyzed before snapping twice more.

 The arrows shot forward towards them, only for them to be blocked by shields that held against the power.

 Another snap and two Fireballs went forward and blasted against the shields.


Fireball dealt 1869 total damage!

Fireball gained 5607 EXP!

Fireball leveled up! LV 15 → 17


 Several war cries went out into the air and the armies started to charge.

 Tigra activated Haste and dashed forward, slightly scowling at being unable to do her AOE attacks without hitting fellow soldiers.

 'That doesn't mean I can't increase another spell though.'

 Tigra held her right hand to the side before a knife made of flames appeared.

 She reached a soldier and ducked under a slow swing and stabbed it through their chin.

2853 Fire damage inflicted!


Blade gained 2100 EXP!

Blade leveled up!

[Blades LV 7 (0/700) - Increases damage done through blades by 7%]

For reaching LV 5, DEX increased by 1


Fire Dagger gained 8400 EXP!

Fire Dagger leveled up!

[Fire Dagger LV 9 (1200/1800) - Creates a dagger made of flames that deals (DEX*1.8+STR*1.5+INT*2)*(1+0.09)*Blade_Bonus. 4507 damage]


 Tigra created a second one and proceeded to charge at the rest of the enemies. She jumped over a low attack from a sword before slamming the dagger into that fool's head and throwing the other into someone who tried to charge towards her.


Blade gained 4200 EXP

Blade leveled up! LV 7 → 11

For reaching LV 10, DEX and STR increased by 1


Fire Dagger gained 16,800 EXP!

Fire Dagger leveled up! LV 9 → 16


 She conjured two more daggers before rolling to the side to avoid a shot from one of their ranged weapons before pointing her index claw and three Fire Arrows shot out, nailing them in the head, the chest, and the last one in the neck.


Fire Arrow gained 8400 EXP!

Fire Arrow leveled up! LV 5 → 10

For reaching level 10, you can now shoot two for the cost of one!


 Tigra felt her instincts scream to jump.

 She leapt off of the ground and spun, finding a mace in the ground where she had been standing. She chucked another dagger before throwing the second one at an unsuspecting back.

Blade gained 4200 EXP!

Blade leveled up! LV 11 → 15

For reaching LV 15, DEX increased by 1


Fire Dagger gained 16,800 EXP!

Fire Dagger leveled up! LV 16 → 21


 She didn't conjure them anymore, instead she started dashing around, swiping at anyone wearing armor from Brightmoon.

7714 - 1000 = 6714 damage dealt!

H2H gained 2100 EXP

 Her claws cut through the armor with ease, ripping into the person underneath with a cry of pain. Thanks to how much damage she could do in one hit though, they didn't cry for long.

 "It's Force Captain Tigra!" She heard someone finally recognize her.

 She flicked her hand to the side and moved onto the next.

 In a matter of minutes, the once chaotic field filled with both Brightmoon and Horde soldiers quickly changed.

 Wherever one soldier seemed to move to, a field became full of the corpses of armored soldiers before the soldier moved on.

 In 5 minutes, 200 of the Brightmoon's soldiers were eliminated by one person.


H2H gained 420,000 EXP*

*2100 HP x 200*

H2H leveled up! LV (1)54 → (1)84

[H2H LV (1)84 (15013/16800) - Increases damage dealt while unarmed by 336%]

For increasing by 30 levels: STR increased by 6, CON by 3, and DEX by 2


 "Tigra! Moon's Bright at area 3!" Lucy's voice came through her ear piece.

 Tigra turned towards Serena.

 "Serena! I'm needed at area 3. Can you and the soldiers wrap up here?"

 "We have 2:1 soldiers, we'll be fine. Go."

 Tigra nodded before dashing away.



 She moved through the fields and her eyes zoomed across the area, looking for where the princess could be, only for several soldiers to be blown into the air and several were caught in magical nets.

 She snapped her fingers three times before six Fire Arrows flew outward and slammed into six people, distracting them long enough for other soldiers to get a good hit in.

Fire Arrow dealt 4031 damage!

Fire Arrow gained 16,124 EXP!

Fire Arrow leveled up! LV 10 → 16


 Tigra slid to a stop in front of the two princesses.

 One woman had white/silver hair that hung just above her white shaw with the end of her sleeves going under gray vambraces with blue gems. This princess actually wore metal boots and a chestpiece. She also wore a pink choker.

 The other woman had pink skin and purple hair, a magenta leotard, and a dark blue choker with a sapphire gem in the middle of it.

 "Hello there." Tigra spoke, catching their attention. "I've been told that you are causing us trouble."

 The white-haired woman narrowed her eyes before speaking.

 "Let me guess, you don't know us either?"

 "Well, I barely know any princesses. I've met Flowers and Sparkles, but I only know Adora." Tigra shrugged. "So, may I know your names then?"

 "I'm Netossa and this is my wife, Spinnerella."

 "Hi!" The wide, pink skinned woman greeted.

 "..." Tigra tilted her head. "The heck's a wife?"

 The two could only blink and stare at her in slight surprise.

 "A wife is a female spouse." Spinnerella began. "A spouse is one person of a couple - two people who want to see if they want to stay together for their lives - who is married. Does the Horde marry?"

 "Well…If I'm understanding this right, we have choosings. The person or people we choose above anyone else." Tigra offered.

 "Sounds right for the most part."

 "Are we going to continue talking like we're strangers interested in being and not soldiers that are fighting for what the future of Brightmoon will be?" Netossa asked.

 Tigra glanced around and saw that, while they were distracted, the battle had started to turn in the Horde's favor for this area.

 "I'd rather not hurt someone in front of their chosen." Tigra admitted. "Besides, I don't really view either of you as threats, but more as annoyances."

 "That's rude." Spinnerella commented.

 Tigra placed a hand on her hip.

 "I fought against Bolt and took over two towns. You seem to toss nets and you seem to have control over the wind." Tigra gestured at each of them.

 Netossa narrowed her eyes again before they widened.

 "You're the Magicat Tigra, aren't you?"

 "Oh? Do you know me through reputation or did someone speak about me?"

 "Adora told us about you and Catra but Bolt mentioned letting a Magicat survive, saying that you could provide entertainment."

 Tigra nodded before her earpiece spoke up.

 "Tigra, attack the barrier as strong as you can. We can't get closer and the tanks are going too slow." 

 Tigra pressed a finger to her ear.

 "Copy. Be ready."

 She turned to the side to avoid a magical net from ensnaring her but simply activated Flame Armor through HP to be able to take the wind attack from Spinnerella.

500 wind damage taken!

New resistance discovered!

[Air Resistance LV 2 (200/600) - Reduces damage taken from Air attacks by 2%. Thanks to Iron Body, this is increased to 27%]

HP: 27320/27820

 Tigra raised an eyebrow at them before she dashed away, slightly happy to have gained another missing resistance.

 'Light, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Air. Excluding Magic, that's five resistances out of eight, if the different amount of armor spells mean anything. If so, I'm likely missing Water, Earth, and Shadow.' Tigra thought, disabling Fire Armor.



 Tigra reached a clearing and saw where the forcefield met the ground but several dozen soldiers were in the way.

 She snapped 5 times - a total of 100 MP - before 10 Fire Arrows shot forward, each hitting someone.

945*10*0.75 = 7088 damage!

Fire Arrow gained 28,352 EXP!

Fire Arrow leveled up! LV 16 → 24!

Due to Fire Arrow reaching level 20, an additional arrow can be shot.

[Fire Arrow Lv 24 (92/4800) - You can fire three arrows made of fire at once. Each does 1010 damage. Cost: 20 MP]

 With another grin, she snapped another five times, this time sending 15 arrows flying, hitting 15 new targets.

1010*15*0.75 = 11,363 damage!

Fire Arrow gained 45,452 EXP!

Fire Arrow leveled up! LV 24 → 32!

An additional arrow can be fired.

 She did stop firing those as, while effective in doing damage to a wide amount of them, she needed the magic she still has.

 If she hung back out of the fight, she could refill her MP in 3 minutes, but 3 minutes while people are fighting around her is an eternity.

 Not to mention, she would surely be noticed to be back at full strength after 3 minutes in this fight, revealing her strongest secret.

 Instead, she dashed forward, slashing a few soldiers along the way that got too close to her as she beelined towards the spot she saw the forcefield meet the ground.

H2H gained 23,100 EXP

H2H leveled up! LV (1)84 → (1)86

For reaching LV 85, STR increased by 1

 Tigra used Lightning Armor and Fire Charge with enough MP to boost her DEX to 6888 for 3 seconds and leapt at the forcefield.

 She pulled back her arms and channeled Fire Fists and swung.

107252 damage dealt! (2x)

 A loud crack went through the area just as her Lightning Armor dissipated.

 Anyone who looked at the source could only hang their jaws in disbelief.

 Tigra's attack had practically recreated what happens when one shoots a glass bottle.

 At first, there is a large hole with several cracks forming. Then they rapidly grow until they start breaking into pieces before the entire thing practically shatters.

 Tigra landed on the ground, letting Fire Fists go and standing straight for anyone to see her.

REP with Horde increased by 45! [10] → [55: Friendly]


 Tigra touched her earpiece.

 "Barrier's down."

 "We…saw." Scorpia spoke with pure shock in her voice.

 Tigra turned to look at all of the Brightmoon soldiers. Some of them dropped their weapons and their arms hung limply at their sides.

 "Who's next?"

 "That would be me, slowpoke." Someone spoke.

 Tigra turned her attention to the speaker and let a grin grace her face, recognizing the speaker as his blue sclera eyes seem to glow faintly behind his brown mane.

 "Nice to see you, Bolt. Let's get this over with, yeah? After you, I can likely focus on getting rid of Brightmoon's defense."

 "Oh, confident are you?" Bolt suddenly glowed orange. "Sorry, but I'm not taking any chances. I'd have to use one of my strongest attacks to pull off what you just did to this barrier."

 Bolt then had blue lightning covering him.

 "Maybe in another life, we could have been friends."

 Tigra nodded.


The Bolt of Lightning


The Cat of Speed

Reward: 35,000 EXP, 1 trait upgrade

Failure: Death

 "Very well. However, you messed up last time we saw each other."

 "How so?"

 Tigra suddenly became surrounded by yellow lightning, surprising him.

 "I learned."

 Tigra activated Y.A.S. , multiplying her DEX by 3, and Raiju, multiplying her movement speed by 3, making her lightning stick to her.

 They locked eyes before vanishing from everyone's point of view.



 Tigra leaned back as a lightning sword cleaved above her as she shot Fire Charge to slam a kick into his side.

91792*0.1*0.1*0.25= 229 damage inflicted!

 'How the hell is he reducing damage that much!?'

 On the bright side though, Tigra could keep whittling him down, seeing as she was faster.

 'Bolt could have my DEX beat at the moment, but my speed is being multiplied by 3.75 through Raiju and Hare . If he could have Hare as well, he may have Cheetah as well. Leaving me with Raiju which will likely give me an edge.'

 She continued to dodge him quite easily as they maneuvered around the battlefield constantly.

 She charged Fire Fist into her right claw and struck.

 She missed by a few inches and struck the ground, leaving a massive crack in the ground that coughed up a cloud of dust.

[Hypothetical damage: 321,276 damage]

 Which had been instantly blown away from them clashing and moving on, leaving hundreds of dumbfounded soldiers on both sides.



 Tigra continued to have the speed advantage until Bolt blurred slightly, yet she could still keep up, just a bit more difficult.

 "Oh? Even when I increased my speed even further, you can still keep your speed advantage!? Man, you have a terrifying potential in you if you really improved this much in the span of a few months."

 They traded blow for blow, with Bolt tearing her clothing from his lightning claws slashing through it while Tigra's attacks were starting to burn his clothes, leaving parts of his outfit burning as embers.

 "But, I'm afraid I can't let you keep that advantage. So, bare witness!"

 Bolt crossed his arms for a brief second that he managed to create.

 "A technique passed down from the fastest of the old Halfmoon."

 "Halfmoon?! But that's-"

 "The Capital city of the Kingdom of Magicats." He confirmed. "I'll tell you this as a final piece of knowledge for one of us who is about to pass. We survived the Great Flame."

 Tigra couldn't do anything from shock.

 "But weren't we destroyed by a…"

 "Massive fire. Flames that I had only felt twice in my life. Once from the second princess who fled after destroying her kingdom 25 years ago. The second? From you."

 His body seemed to gain more muscle, his legs bulging with his fur seeming to become slightly longer. His fangs seemed to stick out of his mouth and his eyes were needle thin.

 He moved and slammed an electrified knee into her gut, causing the air to be knocked out of her before sending her flying away and crashing into the ground.

 She barely started to stand from the small trench that they had created before Bolt slammed into her again with his feet, making a crater in the ground. Some spit had flown out of her mouth as, for the first time in the fight, Tigra had been placed on the backfoot truly.

 "Tigra!" A duo of voices called out to her.

 Bolt kicked her into the air and slammed two lightning claws through her chest.

 A yell of anger and a scream of disbelief pierced through the air.

 Tigra barely noticed that the fighting around them seemed to pause around them again. The lull allowed her to notice that she had ended up in area 1, where Catra had been.

 Bolt swung his hands to the side, the electric claws dragging her before throwing her off of them with momentum. 

 Lightning sparked around Bolt before he used his lightning to jump and kicked her hard enough to create a sonic boom but had grabbed her by her mane, stopping her from flying away.

 Tigra hung limply in the air, magic still activated but had grown weaker.

 Those close to the fight felt like that had finished the fight but two people were paying closer attention.

 They could see that, despite the haggard breathing, the exhaustion in her limbs, and the ringing going away, Tigra could still fight.

 "I do actually regret having to eliminate you." He spoke aloud, landing on the ground with her still hanging from his claws. "You remind me of myself slightly. Granted, I never improved as quickly as you have, but I can not let you continue to grow. In the span of half a year, you surpassed my speed after two decades of work. Goodbye, Tigra of the Horde."

 Bolt pulled back an arm before it moved.



 A loud cracking sound resonated throughout the area, making anyone close enough to the combatants cover their ears as the wind from whatever just happened buffeted them.

 The first people to see what happened were the two people important to Tigra.

 Both Adora and Catra had stopped fighting the instant Tigra and Bolt had appeared but they were both frozen when Tigra had been impaled by claws made of lightning.

 For Adora, it had been the worst thing to happen to her since she had left the two of them behind in the Horde. Made even worse when she realized that she had likely hurt Tigra bad enough that she didn't show up anywhere for a month or two.

 Now? She was looking at one of her most important people being stabbed through the chest with lightning. Only the lightning that had once tortured Tigra is now blue instead of the crimson red.

 The only thing she could do was place all of her grief, disbelief, and anger into a scream of Tigra's name.

 For Catra, it felt like time stopped. That the world had just ended as she yelled in pain and horror at seeing Tigra take such a blow. She knew Tigra could maybe heal fast, but she had almost died in the Ruins from things less severe. It had been a harsh example that, no matter how strong her healing could be, it could be overtaxed.

 Both of them held their breaths, each preparing themselves to see a sight that, regardless of Horde or Rebellion affiliation, neither of them wanted someone to see a sight like this.

 But…the sight was much different.

 Bolt's hand no longer had lightning and was holding the top of her shoulder, as if holding himself up.

 Then, Catra noticed that Tigra was slightly crouched and her right hand was enveloped in flames.



*A moment earlier*


Cheetah activated! DEX increased by 50%!




12,046 Fire damage inflicted!

 Bolt looked down as his Lightning Armor started to dissipate, seeing a flaming arm through his right knee while Tigra looked him in the eyes.

 Her eyes, once golden yellow, had now taken on a maroon-orange hue.

 He watched as she mouthed something before he gave a weak chuckle as he started to hang limply, holding himself up on her shoulders with his arms.

 Immune to electricity. 

 "I never had a chance, huh?"

 "I only beat you because of some last minute training. Without that, I wouldn't have been able to land this last attack. As one fighter to another, you're too dependent on your lightning." Tigra reassured him. 

 It was true. Whatever Bolt did at the end increased his own movement speed high enough that it surpassed hers, even with all of her multipliers in place.

 If it hadn't been for that last minute training, she would not have unlocked Cheetah, a DEX milestone that could increase her DEX by 50% for 30 seconds every 2 hours.

 Without that, she never would have landed these final hits to end the battle and without her immunity to electricity, she wouldn't have been able to nullify 98% of the damage he had been trying to inflict.

 She threw him away from her, similar to how he had thrown her around a few moments earlier.

 Bolt rolled to the ground, evidently missing his leg from the knee down and having been cauterized.


Rematch Completed!

Rewards: 35,000 EXP and 1 trait upgrade point!


H2H gained 9000 EXP


Leveled up! (4x)

Tigra Age: 18

Level 49 (4780/9700)


40 Attr. points and 8 skill points awarded.

20 points placed into WIS, 10 into INT, and 10 into STR.

5 skill points used to upgrade [Physical Resistance]

Physical Resistance leveled up! (15x)

[Physical Resistance LV 61 (1518/6100) - Decreases physical attacks damage by 61%. 71% thanks to Iron Body]

5 skill points used for [One with Fire]

[One with Fire - All fire spells take 25% less MP]


New Title gained!

[Hero of the Horde]

[Hero of the Horde - Due to destroying the magical barrier around Brightmoon, slaying hundreds of Brightmoon soldiers quickly, and defeating Bolt while stabbed by claws made of lightning, many are seeing you as an important soldier to the Horde. Some think that you may even be the one to end the war against the Rebellion.

Horde and Horde allies gain 30 REP as long as you are with the Horde]

[55→85: Friendly]

[Lonnie sees you as family. +5 CHA]

[Rogelio sees you as family. +5 CHA]

[Kyle sees you as family. +5 CHA]

[Scorpia sees you as family. +5 CHA]

[Serena sees you as family. +5 CHA]


 Tigra stood up, letting anyone seeing her know that she is nowhere near Death's door as many expected, but a few could see that she was trying to get her breathing back under control.

 Despite that, she had clearly looked like she had been fighting for her life. 

 She had two slits through her shirt on the front and back, her right pant leg practically hanging by a few strings above the shin, and a large cut through the front of her shirt from her left hip to the middle of her right ribs.

 She vanished before reappearing next to Catra before rapidly snapping her fingers.

 In the span of a second, she had used Flaming Arrow 35 times for 500 MP

 In one second, 140 arrows made of fire appeared.

 With one final snap, they all shot outwards as a parting gift of hers.

 Three arrows per person resulted in 47 people dead, one taking two arrows to the head.

1111 * 140 * 0.75 = 116,555 fire damage inflicted!

Flaming Arrow gained 394,800 EXP!

Flaming Arrow leveled up!

[Flaming Arrow LV 70 (12544/14000) - You can create up to 8 flaming arrows every time you use this spell. Each one will do: 1431 damage. Cost: 10 MP]


 Tigra let Lightning Armor fade from her, before she bursted with royal red fire with her Fire Armor.

 It likely changed colors when Phoenix activated for the first time. It was why her once yellow fire had turned royal red. While red usually represented weaker fire, this color seemed to keep the power of yellow fire while gaining the color.

 "Let any who challenge me know this!" She yelled out, trying to use her newfound Charisma to her advantage. "Any who do not throw down their weapons and surrender will be seen as an enemy until you are on the ground unable to fight."

 She flexed her claws and her hands gained red claws that danced with flames, finally getting her breathing fully back under her control.

 While the fight with Bolt hadn't hurt too much, he still kept knocking the air out of her lungs while leaving her little time to get air back inside them.

 "And I will fight until only I remain."

 Adora, Netossa, Glimmer, Bow, and Spinnerella were across from her and were nervous, especially with the Moonstone seemingly inoperational due to the stone seeming to grow dimmer.

 Tigra prepared to fight when she noticed something in the corner of her eyes shooting towards her.

 She slashed to the side, cutting through a thick icicle.

 'They're here.'

 A large wave of water shot towards them.

 Tigra stepped in front of Catra and threw her into the air, avoiding the large wave of water as it hit her.

3500 water damage taken!

New resistance discovered!

[Water Resistance LV 5 (0/1750) - Reduces damage taken from water attacks by 5%. 28.75% thanks to Iron Body]


 Tigra stomped on the ground to keep her footing as her Flame Armor weakened before regaining strength as she noticed all the new people in front of her.

 Princess Frosta, Mermista, the Inspector from a few days ago, a woman in a light blue cloak behind Frosta, a woman wearing a dark blue cloak behind Mermista.

 She felt something wrap around her foot before she slammed Fire Fist into the ground, destroying the vine that had been wrapping around her foot and revealing severed parts of vines underground.

 Perfuma made her way next to the princesses with someone wearing a light green cloak.

 'The cloaked people, they were the ones traveling with Bolt.'

 Catra landed back on the ground as all of the soldiers stopped fighting before moving their positions.

 The Horde soldiers were readying behind Tigra and Catra with Scorpia walking up to stand on Catra's other side.

 Brightmoon soldiers had positioned themselves behind the Princesses.

 Adora suddenly began to glow before she turned into She-Ra and began to glow even brighter.

 She kept getting brighter and brighter until Tigra had to close her eyes to not get blinded.

 She opened an eye as it grew dimmer before letting out a quiet groan.

 The dark clouds from the Fright Zone that were just overhead were gone and the Moonstone seemed to be fixed while glowing strongly.

 Even Glimmer seemed to be surrounded in pink energy before she made sparkle balls around her fists with a cheer.

 'And Sparkles is back in the fight as well.'

 Even if Tigra could react fast enough to not be taken off guard by her teleporting, very few others fighting for the Horde would be alright with it.

 "Brightmoon will stand." She-Ra's voice seemed slightly more ethereal-like.

 As if a dozen other people were speaking in unison with her.

 The Runestone on She-Ra's sword started glowing before all of the princesses began to glow as well.

 "Magic shit incoming." Tigra muttered to Catra, already guessing that things were about to go south.

 She-Ra raised her sword before pointing forward at the army.

 A wave of rainbows shot forward.

 The rainbow slammed into her as her feet dragged across the ground as she grit her teeth before she became overwhelmed and thrown backwards along with all of the other soldiers.

 She landed with a thump before getting back on her feet and looked at She-Ra.


She-Ra (Adora) Age: ??? (18)

LV: ??? (45) REP: 79 [Family]

HP: 876,000


Magic Resistance gained 13,182 EXP

Magic Resistance leveled up! LV 4 → 8


 Tigra then slid her gaze across all of them and came to a decision, dropping Flame Armor.

 "We lost." Tigra told Catra, having landed next to her. "We can't take Brightmoon with all of the princesses and the Runestones working the way they should be."

 "How many can you take?"

 "Only one I have complete confidence in is the Ice Princess. Water, She-Ra, and Flowers I'm not confident in."

 "Flowers? Really?"

 "We are near a magical forest that she may be able to manipulate." She stressed. "On the bright side though, I removed a problem through Bolt."

 Catra grumbled slightly before turning around.

 "We're moving out!"

 A few seemed to look at Tigra, who simply nodded with a frown on her face.

 She looked at her immediate sheet, finally feeling the adrenaline starting to leave her body and feeling the aching that largely came about due to the massive wave and magical rainbow shit.

HP: 745/3700

MP: 200/1900

SP: 348/1850

 'Y.A.S. , Raiju, and Cheetah have been used already. Lightning Armor would do very little for me with how low my MP is and Haste doesn't provide a large enough boost to give me confidence in fighting the Alliance by myself or with a few skilled soldiers.' Tigra thought out as she walked backwards while keeping an eye out for any sudden movement from the other army.

 "Waiting on you, Tigra." Catra announced.

 She turned around before stepping onto the skiff.

 They took off with hundreds of vehicles in front of them.


Quest [End of Brightmoon] failed!

Failure: Continuation of the War


Quest [Battle of Brightmoon] completed!

Objective: Defeat as many Rebellion soldiers as possible

Hidden Objective: Eliminate over 250 soldiers

Hidden Objective: Defeat/Eliminate Bolt

Rewards: 100 EXP per soldier (311x) | [One Woman Army] title | [Hero of the Horde]


[One Woman Army - Your exploits have become known to all of Etherian military personnel and some citizens. When you show up for a battle, the enemies may surrender while your allies will regain their drive to win. 

+15 REP for all allies]


[Lucy sees you as Family. CHA+5]


EXP gained: 31,100

Leveled up!

Special situation occurred!

[You have reached level 50. As such, you will be given three choices as a reward for reaching it.


You may choose [Warrior] or [Mage] from [???] and receive their benefits. All rewards will be added cumulatively from the beginning to now. [+37 STR and 28 CON | +47 INT and 35 WIS]


You can evolve Huntress to Artemis. Doing so will increase the DEX and CON bonus from 25% to 75% while also tripling the EXP gainage for [Sneak], [Dash], and [Run] from 3x to 9x.


Or, you can choose two special racial traits.

These are racial traits that have appeared at least once throughout the entirety that your race has been around for. It could be shapeshifting, better instincts, or anything.]

[Which would you wish to choose? [1/2/3] ]

[You will get this option again at level 75 and once more at 100]

[1/2/ 3 ]

Two special racial traits awarded!


Special Racial trait shop opened!


[The Myth is True - You are one of the very few Magicats to be born with a strong connection to life. As such, Life has gifted you with 8 extra lives. Should you die in a way that none of your other abilities would bring you back, you will return to 50% HP, MP, and SP after 5 seconds, regardless of the type of Death]


[Perfected Instincts - A Magicat from the past had spent their entire life perfecting their instincts. You simply used a point. With this, you will know the intention, direction, and how dangerous a person is to you should they be threatening you in one way or another. You also have a sixth sense when it comes to telling if someone is lying, regardless of how proficient they are at lying]


[Top Cat - There have been many leaders throughout Magicat history. From the kindest Queen to the tyrannical Empress, they were known to be the strongest, wisest, and most cunning of that generation. This will increase all stats by 25% and increase REP gain with [???] by 50%]


[Master of Hands - Several Magicats have trained and improved many different styles of fighting. With this, you're Hand To Hand will gain 3x EXP than normal and double its effect]


[Master of Speed - Some of the fastest creatures in the universe belong to the Magicats. Some used their bodies, some used tech, and others used magic. At the end of the day, they could outspeed nearly anything. With this, [Run] and [Dash] will gain 3x EXP]


[Master of Magic - By gaining the experience from the past, you will have a deeper understanding of your magic and how it works. This multiplies your MP and MPR by 2]


[Magic Storage - One Magicat had been born with the ability to continuously store their magic in the case of emergencies. Allows you to store 5x your maximum MP]


[True Heir - Some rulers have been overthrown, yet their heirs would come back and retake their kingdom. With this, your lineage will be linked to some form of royalty. This will allow you 100% chance to link with a runestone after purchasing this, regardless if you are already connected to one. +75 REP with Kingdom chosen as Birthplace. *This has already been decided*]


[Fate Breaker - One magicat had been born, survived events that should have killed them, and saved several people who should have died. With this, no one from beyond this Universe can decide your fate and if they do, you do not HAVE to follow their path. Not even the Creator can decide your fate.]


[Meditation - Many Magicats who focused on magic realized that there were ways to increase their magic regeneration. With this trait, your MPR will be multiplied by 2 passively or by 5 if actively meditating]


[All that are available at this moment. Please choose the two traits you would like]

[The Myth is Real] has been selected.

[True Heir] has been selected.

+75 REP with [New Halfmoon]

[New Halfmoon: 40

[Now that you have reached Level 50, you will receive 15 Attribute Points per level and 3 skill points.

However, EXP needed has increased from (100+[Level-1]*100) to 250*Level]

40 Attribute points and 8 Skill points awarded for 3 level ups.

20 in INT and 20 in CHA

5 skill points used for [Charming] trait.

[Charming - Multiplies CHA by 1.15]

CHA: 94 →108


CHA milestone reached!

[Confident Aura: 100 CHA - You will constantly exude an aura that makes those around you believe that you know what you are doing and if you ask for someone's expertise, they will likely believe that you want them to shine and will remember your help]


Tigra Age: 18

Level 52 (830/13000)


HP: 3700...HPR: 740

MP: 2130...MPR: 635

SP: 1850...SPR: 370


STR: 63...DEX: 276

CON: 185...INT: 213

WIS: 159...CHA: 108


Skill Points: 3

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 2

Speed: 38.3 MPH



[H2H LV (1)86], [Run LV 68], [Dash LV (1)75], [Blades LV 15]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 71], [Sneak LV 48]

[Phys. Res LV 61], [Ice Res. LV 57], [Light Res. LV 3], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 5], [Magic Res LV 5]

[Program. LV 2], [Security LV 2], [Hacking LV 9]



Fire Step, Flame Armor, Flame Charge, Flame Fists, Fireball [17], Fire Dagger [21], Fire Arrow [70]

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws [1]

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask [12]

Haste, Heal



Force Captain - Those in or allied with the Horde gain +30 REP

Princess Fighter - Through fighting several princesses, those of the Horde respect you. +10 REP

Conqueror: Geotan & Terra - Through taking those previously mentioned in the name of the Horde, those with the Horde view you as strong. +15 REP

Hero of the Horde - Through massive effort and strength, the Horde holds you at a high value. +30 REP

One Woman Army - You have proven yourself as capable as a full army. +15 REP



[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2] 

[Quick - Multiplies final DEX by 1.15]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration - Multiplies all Regens by 2]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Fireproof - You can't be hurt by fire through natural or unnatural means]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 8 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 5 seconds later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Iron Body - Decreases damage taken by 25% after resistances]

[Patient - MPR remains active at 5% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]


 'I'll mess around with the upgrade points later, maybe.'

 Not much was said on the ride back before they were called to meet Lord Hordak.

 "Your experiment seems to have failed, Force Captains."

 "On the contrary!" Entrapta exclaimed. "The experiment was a huge success! With this, I know more about First One's tech than ever! And this is just the beginning!"

 "We got closer to conquering Bright Moon than anyone has since this war began." Catra pointed out how close they had gotten. "The Whispering Woods is still in ruins. Etheria is much closer than ever to being ours."

 "We also gained much needed military knowledge about how Brightmoon is set up and how fast the princesses can react to an emergency beacon." Tigra supported. "Assuming they were at their kingdoms, it took 15 minutes for them to reach them once we arrived. Assuming that they noticed the beacon when it went up, it took them just under half an hour to arrive at the fastest they could get to the field."

 Hordak looked at them before smirking.

 "Force Captain Catra, you'll have more time to come up with plans to take the Rebellion down in the future. As my second in command."

 Both of their eyes widened at that news while Hordak turned towards her.

 "But what would you like? You are too valuable to remove from the front lines."

 "Force General." Tigra spoke suddenly. "If possible, I'd like to become a Force General to help bolster morale that with enough work, even someone who left the Academy about a year ago can reach this position. However, I would still like my focus to be on combat."

 Lord Hordak nodded.

 "Very well. From today on, you are Force General Tigra and Second-In-Command Catra. I am expecting great things from you two. Don't prove me wrong."

 "Yes, Lord Hordak."

 They started to walk out as Tigra saw two notifications.

Quest [New Second-In-Command] completed!

Objective: Help convince Lord Hordak to make Catra the next S.I.C.

Reward: REP: +5 for Catra [143 → 148], REP: +5 for Scorpia [27 → 32], 5 skill points, 15,000 EXP


Quest [One Step Closer] completed!

Objective: Become a Force General

Bonus Objective: Become Force General in 2 years

Reward: Title [Force General], 25,000 EXP | 15,000 EXP, 1 trait upgrade


[Force General - Replaces Force Captain. As Force General, you are only outranked by the S.I.C. and the Horde Lord. Many will see you as having earned your spot. +40 REP with Horde and Horde Allies]


55,000 EXP gained!

Leveled up! (4x)

60 Attribute points and 12 skill points awarded!

LV 56 (2330/14000)

10 skill points used for traits [Speedy] and [Lightning]

[Speedy - upgraded form of Quick. Updated DEX Multiplier from 1.15 → 1.3]

[Lightning - upgraded form of Speedy. Updates DEX Multiplier from 1.3 → 1.5]

DEX: 279 → 360

5 skill points used on Magic Resistance.

Magic Resistance leveled up! LV 8 → 23

40 points used for WIS, 20 for STR

WIS: 159 → 205

STR: 63 → 83

MPR: 635 → 819


 Tigra grinned hard at seeing all of her work starting to come to fruition. Just from completing three quests, she gained over 80,000 EXP.

 'I'll likely not get that much EXP all at once again.' She concluded. 'Afterall, that was from eliminating over 300 soldiers, being promoted again in less than a year, and helping Catra be promoted as well.'

 "See you tomorrow, Force General." Catra spoke, not bothering to try and hide her large grin.

 "Goodnight, Second In Command." She grinned right back before holding out a fist. "Best birthday yet."

 She blinked.

 "Wow, I didn't even realize it." She bumped her fist against Tigra's. "Happy Birthday to us."

 The two of them split up, heading to each of their rooms.

 Tigra activated Flame and watched as the, once yellow, now royal red flame flickered above her finger, its dull light giving enough for her to find her bed and climb under the covers.

 It did not take long before Tigra closed her eyes to try and sleep.

 'Only thing left is to become the Horde Lordes and we can end this war.'

 The last thing she noticed before falling asleep was her newer Quests.


Everything Ends

The three of you didn't want to fight in a war forever and nobody wants a war to continue forever. So, it makes sense to end it. 

One way or the other.

Objective: End the War of Etheria

Hidden Objective: ???

Hidden Objective: ???

Rewards: 300,000 EXP, War of Etheria ends | [???] Title, ??? | [???] Title, ??? Function unlocked



 Somewhere on Etheria, a meeting was taking place.

 "Bolt has been taken out by losing his knee by the new upstart. A Force Captain called Tigra, a Magicat of roughly 18 years of age, long raven hair, orange fur, dual golden scleras ." A murmur went out.

 "She also possesses the Red Flames and outsped Bolt."

 A pair of crimson eyes narrowed.

 "Do what it takes to get this matter under our control."

 "Yes, my Queen."

 The soldier left the room, leaving two outlines alone.

 "Taken care of, huh?" The Queen turned to the younger looking outline.

 "I took care of the problem involving Vi'ra and her spawn disappeared near what should have been a warzone. There should have been no way for them to survive."

 "They did more than that. They thrived . Now, we have to solve the problem now before she finds out about your involvement."

 "Our involvement. Don't delude yourself." They snarked. "But if we get rid of this last problem, there should be no issues from this in the future."

 "I wish you luck in figuring out how to deal with her. Bolt was our third fastest scout that we had and that isn't factoring in the Red Flames showing up again. For both of our sakes, you best deal with this before she finds out about this magicat."

 The figure walked out of the room, the only visible feature belonging to a pair of yellow eyes.

 The Queen leaned back in her chair as she stared at an image of Tigra, having been taken when she stood back up at the end of her fight with Bolt.

 "Why now? It's been nearly 15 years since we wrapped up our loose ends. Why does she look so much like you? Could she really be your kit?"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


