42.25% Fate/DC Universe / Chapter 60: Manchester Black

章 60: Manchester Black

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Metropolis, March 18th

Raiden's vacation ended, and as such, he went to Metropolis searching for ways to catch the terrorist group known as the Elite.

"Hey, did you catch anything?" a voice rang in his comms. It was Raven. 

"Nothing here, Raiden. What about you?" said Kori.

"Nothing as of yet. I told you not to bother coming," said Raiden, to which Raven replied, "Absolutely not. I want to be a part of whatever you are going to do from now on," said Raven. Raiden sighed and said, "Understandable."

Raiden kept looking at the city from above the buildings until he heard an alarm ringing. "Hold on, I might have something," said Raiden as he jumped from one building to another, trying to locate the source of the sound.

"Hmm, a bank robbery," thought Raiden as he looked at three crooks escape through an alleyway carrying bags of money and holding pistols.

"I suppose this is where Superman would pop in and arrest those men. *Sigh*," thought Raiden as he prepared himself to catch the men. But then suddenly, a man showed up. It was an African American man with a huge build wearing a body-tight suit. The suit was black and silver. "Huh? Is that some new hero I haven't heard about yet?" thought Raiden as he decided to stand by and observe.

The man pulled his hand up as massive energy collected in his hand. Then lightning came out as it struck the first man, electrifying him. Raiden had thought the man was about to catch the crooks, but instead, he fried the first man to death, killing him on the spot.

He then used his ability to grab an iron pipe and threw it at the second man. But before it could pierce him, Raiden showed up and caught the pipe with one hand. He looked at the crook and said, "Put the money down and surrender yourself to the police, or you'll end up like your friend."

The crook did exactly what Raiden had said and started running. Raiden turned to the man and said, "Who are you?" as he landed.

"Raiden Kagawa, indeed. I can recognize you. We've been looking for you," said the man as he pulled more pipes from the nearby building, filling them with electricity. He then threw them at Raiden. The power each one held was massive, so Raiden opted to dodge and attack. He pulled out his katana and danced around the field, dodging each pipe skillfully, before he locked in on the man and attacked with his sword. But to his surprise, the man had disappeared. "I'm sure he didn't dodge that…"

Raiden looked behind him as he dodged another pipe coming from the back and locked back in on the man. He was standing with another. The new man was Asian, wearing a funny magician hat. Seeing the two, Raiden hid his sword as he said, "Should we stop this now? I'd like to know who you guys are before I take you out."

"Name is Cold Cast. I'm a true hero, unlike you hypocrite," said the African American giant man. His voice was deep and filled with hatred. The other man smiled and said, "I'm The Hat. Nice to meet ya, hero. But I want to see you dead. Better that way."

The Hat then used his eccentric hat to bow. Then, using it, he opened up a gate that pulled out two new members.

"Raiden Kagawa... Aye, an intriguing one, ain't ya? The talk of the town, the fresh-faced hero who took down that blasted alien. But you, mate, you're a right dangerous piece of work, aren't ya? Crossing lines, offing an old bloke like that. Tsk, tsk, that's a dark road you're walking. Got no heart, do ya?" said the man who came out from the gate. He was wearing a black coat and black jeans, and under the coat was a shirt displaying the British flag quite proudly. Behind him, a woman came out wearing a dark bodysuit.

"I see. I get it now, so you're Manchester Black? Quite the eccentric name. I heard you were a terrorist of some sort," said Raiden, to which the man smiled and said, "Ah, famous, am I? League eyeing me up, are they? Well, ain't that a turn-up for the books. But let me tell you something, mate. The League, they might come sniffing around, but they'll find out soon enough that I don't play by their rules. Not then, not now, not ever."

"Why would the League want to recruit a pathetic man such as yourself?" After he said that, the woman tried to move and attack Raiden, but Manchester stopped her and said, "Don't fret, Menagerie. His noggin will soon be snug as a bug under my boot."

"Quite the bold man you are! Now I'm curious. I don't believe I'm that famous yet for a low-life organization such as yourself to be searching for me. I especially believe that not a lot of people know of Ivo's death," said Raiden, half mocking the Elite and half asking seriously.

"Well, think of us as the new Justice League, a proper justice-bringing outfit. As you've witnessed firsthand, we put a halt to crime. And as for you, let's just say I'm a bit special meself. Know a thing or two that might surprise ya," Manchester smirked, his eyes glinting with a knowing gleam almost like he knows a lot more than he's letting on.

"True Justice? Does that mean frying the man to death?" said Raiden as he narrowed his eyes. Manchester did the same as he said, "So it was true, you're a hypocrite, huh? What, you're allowed to off villains while we can't? Well, isn't that a double standard if I ever saw one?"

"Dr. Ivo killed tens of people, in front of my eyes. He deserved to die. This guy was what? A thief? A drug addict? This man could easily be redeemed, given time and care. Killing him outright is simply outrageous and barbaric," said Raiden, to which Manchester laughed as he said, "Oh, bloody hell! Making excuses for these bastards, are we? They're the scum of society, and taking 'em out sends a message loud and clear. If they know their actions come with consequences like this, maybe, just maybe, they'll think twice before crossing that line again."

"I used to think the same. While I agree that some of them do deserve to die, you shouldn't do it like this. This is simply tyranny. It's not beneficial to society. There are even ex-criminals in the Justice League, people who changed. If we go around killing everyone, we'll only be setting a bad image for heroes. Trust me, this road, it only leads to more death. Eventually, you'll lose your way and start killing those who don't deserve it," said Raiden, He too believed in the killings of villains, but over time, he had come to realize that it would only lead to much more death and evil

"Listen up, mates. I've walked the streets, breathed in the grime, lived among the scum. People don't change, mark my words. They just put on a show. Innocents die? So what? It's the harsh truth. With each death, maybe folks will finally wake up. Fear and death, they're the only languages some understand. Sad, but true," said Manchester. Raiden closed his eyes and sighed, saying, "It seems you're beyond saving. I'll have to put an end to you and this team of yours. Maybe a few years in jail will change your mind."

"Well, bring it on, kid. I've been itching for a brawl with Superman himself, but I reckon you'll make a decent substitute," said Manchester as he levitated many garbage bins and parked cars in the sky, aiming at Raiden. He immediately threw them towards Raiden, to which Raiden said, "NOW!"

The objects coming at him were all sliced up and destroyed before they could reach him as a dark and green energy blew them away. "I was wondering why you're wasting your time on such trash," said Raven.

"We finally get a chance to fight all together. This should be fun," said Kori. The two girls floated behind Raiden.

"Ah, look at this. Lovely ladies gracing us with their presence. Well, we've got a lovely lady of our own, haven't we?" said Manchester as Menagerie moved to attack. She was fast and powerful, immediately jumping towards Kori. Cold Cast stepped in between Manchester and Raiden, blocking the attack Raiden was about to deliver. He then used his magnetic energy to try and blast Raiden away, who dodged it. Raven was about to assist him but she sensed something behind her and turned to block it. A kick was about to hit her as the Hat said, "I'll be your opponent," as he disappeared and emerged at her side, kicking her down. She hit the walls and fell down. Raiden was tempted to go support her, but then he thought, 'No, Raven could deal with him on her own. I'll just focus on this guy.'

"Throne of Heroes," said Raiden as his body started to transform, but Manchester anticipated this and said, "NOW, MANAGERIE!"

Menagerie, who had been fighting Kori, heard her boss's commands as she kicked Kori away and said, "Let me show you, my pets!" as she activated the special abilities of her power, summoning alien monstrosities from outer space to Earth.

Various dark monsters emerged from the ground, looking like Lovecraftian entities. Raiden's transformation was complete as he turned to strike down the ten or so aliens, but before he could fully use his powers, something happened, something he had never experienced before.

Raiden's body froze as something invaded his mind. Manchester had used his telepathic attacks to invade his mind as he said, "I had heard that you were immune to mental attacks, but that's because your body is special. It contains the power of many heroes. But when you transform, does that protection stand? Looks like it doesn't! AGHHH," Manchester winced as pain rippled through him. "Cold Cast, protect me! That brat's power, it's too much. I won't be able to move for long. Deal with those ladies quick." With determined focus, Manchester turned his full attention to Raiden as the two engaged in a mental battle akin to a siege, Raiden defending his mind while Manchester surrounded it with relentless pressure.

"RAIDEN! Kori! Raiden has been affected by something, most likely that man in black. We have to deal with all of them ourselves!" said Raven as she quickly realized that Raiden had been incapacitated.

"Okay, got it. I'll deal with the alien woman, and you deal with the teleporter and magnetic guy," said Kori.

Meanwhile, Raiden opened his eyes. Everything was in ruins. Darkness emerged, the sun looked like it was eclipsed forever. The world was a disaster, with ashes everywhere, crumbling buildings, the smell of death and defeat. The moon was crumbling, almost destroyed. Earth looked like it was done for.

"What the fuck? Where am I?" said Raiden as he started to look at his surroundings, trying to remember the last thing before he opened his eyes here.

"Do you see it? The end? All of this was caused by a massive catastrophe. All of Earth, no, the entire universe is crumbling due to the actions of one man, a man you couldn't stop," said a voice. Hearing it, Raiden turned quickly. There she stood, a vision of ethereal beauty, radiant as freshly fallen snow under a moonlit sky. Clad in a gown of purest white, it seemed to emanate with a divine luminescence, enveloping her in an aura of sacred energy. Her presence transcended mortal understanding; to call her a goddess would be a diminishment of her majesty, for she embodied a celestial essence beyond comprehension. She was the epitome of grace and beauty, her form an exquisite symphony of purity and holiness that transcended time itself. As Raiden beheld her, it was as though he gazed upon the very essence of eternity, a manifestation of sublime perfection that stirred the depths of his soul.

"Who? Who are you? And where am I?" said Raiden as he looked at her with fear. He couldn't understand why, but this woman, she is powerful, no, beyond that. She looked like she could easily destroy the universe with one hand. Her eyes, although the most beautiful thing he had seen, they're dead, as if she has given up on everything.

"I am Gaia, the embodiment of the Earth's will, the essence from which all energies and life flow. Indeed, Raiden Kagawa, your thoughts ring true. I stand before you as a witness to the consequences of your failure. My once-vibrant planet lies in ruins, ravaged by the negligence of those entrusted to protect it. I have watched as my children perished, their cries echoing through the void. In the wake of such devastation, I find myself adrift, stripped of purpose and bereft of hope. The weight of despair crushes me, and I am left with naught but the hollow echoes of what once was."

"Gaia, so that's you, the one in the..." Before Raiden could continue, he held himself. 'She's the one appearing on the system, the Loved by Gaia Trait,' thought Raiden.

"Indeed, the system speaks the truth. Once, you were my beloved, my hero, my chosen one. It was I who bestowed upon you the power to embody the essence of all the heroes who have walked upon my surface. I chose you for this sacred duty. Yet, in the end, you faltered. You succumbed to the frailties of mortal weakness, and in your failure, you betrayed the trust I placed in you."

Hearing that, Raiden felt pain in his heart, as if her disappointment in him mattered. He wanted to do everything to protect

 her, to amend for his mistakes. He wanted her to be happy. He didn't know why, but to him, Gaia looked like a mother, someone that he should cherish regardless of everything. He needed to do everything to keep her safe.

"Who? Who did all of this? I will! I have to!! Avenge you! I haven't failed yet. I'm here. I'll do everything to help, to revert all this damage," said Raiden frantically. He felt like he had to fix everything, to make her proud of him. After all, all of his being belonged to her. She's the one that granted him this second chance, and she's the one that gave him his power. She practically made him who he is.

With a voice as cold as the void between the stars, Gaia delivered her verdict, each word a merciless blow to Raiden's shattered spirit. "All of this," she declared, her eyes devoid of warmth, "was caused by The Dark God, Raiden Kagawa." The weight of her accusation hung heavy in the air, a damning indictment that pierced Raiden's heart like a dagger, leaving him to confront the bitter truth of his own culpability in the face of cosmic devastation.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C60
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


