97.39% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 112: 112 Doing side quest(2)

章 112: 112 Doing side quest(2)


[288 AC]


Five years passed, Tyrion Lannister's time as a page then a momentarily a squire ended as he now rode a ship back to Kingslanding.


He looked rather sad as he reminisced his time away from his home, he does return back just two months before the end of the year to visit Casterly Rock then Kingslanding which gave him some time to bond mostly with his brother.


He only spent a few days in Casterly Rock but had to leave to the Capital to fetch his siblings and nephews there.


But he did not mind since he liked spending his time in the capital with his nephews, well nephew because the second one was a rather pain in the ass, last he visited him the baby was rather mean already. He totally takes from his mother, which seemed a bit angry towards her husband the King for some reason.


His favorite nephew Ormund Baratheon on the other hand was quite a strapping young man like his father. Good thing he did not get spoiled after his sister refused to get far from him after his close encounter to death when he was a baby.


It was thanks to a potion he had at the time, it was lucky he was present because the maesters at the time were helpless in curing the baby. The potion he gave was something that was supposed to be used on emergencies should he sustain grievous injuries.


This caused his sister to mellow out to him for a bit, but she was still mean to him from time to time. Seems she gets a kick out of insulting him but it was not as scathing as before since his nephew survived the rather scary fever.


Tyrion was rather fond of the young raven haired boy, only three years old yet he was already larger than most children his age. But he was smart and gentle while also strong and brave.


Now he looked at the box that he held in his hands, his years of watching and helping Lord Paul had not gone to waste. He learned a quite bit of how to forge and create things, one of which now inside was a small toy he made.


Even his father did not scorn him so openly now, but a quip or two would still be said just to spite him. Mostly just about his life being brought about by the death of his mother, he does not know what that felt like but he got great care in his stay in the Flask Basin.


Now he had lesser comments about his incompetence since he showed that he learned a lot while studying overseas, his teacher was to thank for this.


His teacher was very kind to him, though she wears a veil he was still able to experience what a real parent's love was even when she was considered as a secondary parent by the description of the people in the Flask Basin.


It was one of the things he liked and wanted to propose once he mingles with the nobility of Westeros. A school where the teacher tends to the children's studies and also teaching them valuable life lessons that would help them as they grow.


His teacher Anna, was a real mother figure to him and his classmates. Though few they may be, they were mostly commoner children within the Basin. But he never looked down upon them nor did they look down on him too, because even though he was the smartest of them all they were able to learn as much as he did in their time in this school that was mandatory in all Lord Paul's territory.



Teacher Anna's gentle voice reminded him of when his brother Jaime described their mother's care for them, thus he had placed Teacher Anna as a mother-figure in his mind.


He hoped one day he would meet her again but right now he would have to spend some years in the Capital as much as he hated its nauseous air that could be smelled from afar.


Though he had little chances to meet the direct subordinates of Lord Paul, he got glimpses of them from time to time. It was because of this he gained respect for the Blood Lord while wishing he was him seeing the beauties that seemed to be his Paramours.


He found Lady Yra(Shiera) to be the prettiest and seemed to have been Targaryen in descent. Her dark blue and bright green colored eyes was rather mesmerizing that he had discovered puberty because of her.


He also found the other women to be charming on their own, the black haired Beth(Betha) that looked quite gentle and intelligent.


Lady Kaash, who had a wild flair to her that Tyrion found to be rather handsome and alluring, especially when he saw her practice with her spear that made him awe at her skills.


Then the maid of Lord Paul also joined his harem, he heard her name was Ash(Ashara), her face and pretty purple eyes was something that also made him have sleepless nights.


And there was the buxom Lady Aira(Shaera) who made him blush every time he sees her as her aura made him feel aroused at the simple sight of her hips swaying down the halls.


But he did not hope to gain their affection, he could see these women are smitten to his half-teacher Lord Paul. He had heard whispers from the servants about how 'gifted' the Lord was and that he could go on for hours.


He was jealous and amazed as he idolized the man not just for his intellect and skills but also for his vigor. Never had he seen Lord Paul tired or exhausted, mostly just bored but not one image of him struggling was ever in his memory.


Yet even so his time there was exciting as he learned more than what he could from the Maesters back at the Rock. He was a man now as Puberty had done a good job in developing him.


Though he did not get the aforementioned growth spurt that came with it, he did get to see something else grow and he thanked the seven for such a blessing.


Still he had not yet bedded a girl or woman yet but he hopes he would finally be able to once he picked up his siblings and his nephews from the capital with his ship.


Yes it was his ship as it was the parting gift given to him by Lord Paul, he even said he made it personally so it was one of the fastest and best in the sea.


It was a Caravel as Lord Paul would call it, quite an easy vessel to sail needing at least 5 to enable the ship to sail.


It was smaller than the cogs Tyrion knew but this kind of ship was built for faster sailing, when wind is sparse the oars were easy to use since the ship was lighter than most as well.


Tyrion now had a crew of 20 men and women on the ship, yes women since they were mostly personnel of Lord Paul meant to help the mining operation in Lannistport.


Since he and the siblings would still sail back to Lannistport after he arrives at the capital. He would only stay for a week as formality since he had to give his regards to King Robert personally.


After which he and his siblings would sail back to Casterly Rock where the crew would be changed into sailors him family has. There were only a few sailors amongst those present since the others were more of healers and managers to relieve the ones in duty on Lannisport.


Still Tyrion would not be really alone since he had brought back a pet as well, the young dwarf walked back to his cabin where a rather grumpy creature lied on the floor seemingly upset being at sea.


"You lazy bum, if you keep sulking about you'll get fat then I'll have to roast you in the end. Come on Orson, you were named after my cousin but I know you are not as dumb as him, get up." Tyrion went and pushed the rather stocky juvenile Scutosaurus like creature.


It was a gift to him from Teacher Anna, it was an egg when she gave it to him but it hatched just a fortnight before he sailed out.


The thing grew in size in the past month he had left, it was now two feet tall and rather heavy already for its size.


It was not a wyvern which he had wanted but it was a gift from his beloved teacher so he cherished this chubby beast.


The beast was even blessed by Lord Paul just before they left, now his pet had the gift of bronze skin. Tyrion does not know how it was done but he knew this pet of his would grow to be rather resilient that it would not be easily wounded by any normal blade.


He had seen such gifts from some elephants that did not get sliced easily even with valyrian steel swords. Speaking of which, Tyrion looked at the box on the side which contained a precious cargo.


He had not given it to his Father yet since Tywin was not present at all when he was at Casterly Rock. The Maester said Lord Tywin rode with his knights to clear the area near their lands of Bandits and brigands.


So Tyrion left to get his siblings, inside the box was Brightroar, the ancestral sword of the Lannisters which somehow was found by Lord Paul saying it was in a shipwreck near old Valyria.


Tyrion could not wait to see the look on his father's face once he sees the sword. He pushed his pet to move and stand up since he had read in his guide book in training pets that while still young they could be easily trained.


So Tyrion spent the few hours in his cabin training his pet while holding a pouch filled snacks for Orson.




"Lord Tyrion, we'll be arriving Kingslanding soon." A sailor said outside his door reminding him that they had sailed to their destination already.


"Alright Orson, stand up we'll be landing soon." Tyrion said as soon as he heard this, the stubby legged creature perked up as it finally seemed energetic.


"Oh yeah, now you get your vigor when land is close." Tyrion sighed as he looked at the small wagging tail as it smelled the air then the tail paused as the small face of the creature scrunched up when it smelled something.


"Heh, welcome to Kingslanding Orson, quite a cesspool it is I must say." Tyrion said as he arrived at the deck of the ship with his pet. He carried his bag out which had the presents he has for his family, even one for his sister.


[A few moments later…]



"You named this creature Orson? Like our cousin?" Jaime looked at the creature that was being chased by two young kids, the two kids looked excited seeing such a bizarre creature.


"Yeah, but he's smarter than our cousin." Tyrion smirked as he looked at his brother who smiled and knelt to give his younger brother a hug.


"I missed you brother." Jaime stood up and smiled at Tyrion.


"And I too brother, come let me show you my own ship. I had named it The Windrider, Lord Paul had made it personally too. You would be awed at the things this beauty could do." Tyrion looked proud as he led his brother to his vessel.


"It really is a beaut Tyrion, would you let me sail this from time to time when I get to visit Casterly Rock?" Jaime slightly interested with the vessel.


"Of course Jaime, after we arrive at Casterly Rock you can try Windrider once I get the new crew to be familiar with her." Tyrion then looked to the side where Orson was trying really hard to get away from Ormund who was strong enough to carry the bulky creature.


"Ngraagh!!" Orson roared in discomfort as it felt its feet leave the ground.


"Uncle look I carried Orson!" Ormund said as he looked proud in carrying the 25 kg creature at his tender age of three.


"Well done my boy, but don't go carrying the poor creature once it gets big. They tend to get heavy as a carriage when they grow up to adults." Tyrion looked fondly at his nephew and followed his brother to their carriage which would take them to the Red Keep.


"What is this thing anyways? I never saw any of this kind even in the books the maester's forced me to read, closest thing I could think of are turtles of Volantis." Jaime looked at the creature that now hid behind Tyrion looking alert against Ormund.


"This is a Shield Lizard, could only be found deep into the dark green hell of Sothoryos. But was able to be domesticated by Lord Paul's people into another form of cattle, their meat are rather gamey but really taste good. But they are also great beasts of burden, mine tends to be more special than the normal ones." Tyrion looked proud as he patted his pet Orson.


"Really? What's so special about this one then other than sounding like a good piece of ham?" Jaime looked at the still small Orson that suddenly looked at Jaime warily.


"Come now Jaime, stop scaring my pet." Tyrion smiled as he got up his carriage followed by the rather fearful pet of his as it felt danger from the taller hairless monkey and the small black furred baby monkey.


Soon the brothers arrived in the Red Keep where they were able to witness a rather interesting scene.


The rather old Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn standing outside the doors of the Red Keep to welcome Tyrion the brother-in-Law of the King with a rather pretty slender, high breasted girl in her youth, dimpled and delicate clinging to the rather vibrant smiling Lord Arryn with doe eyes that shows her infatuation to the far mature Lord.


"This will be something you'll have to get used to, I don't know how Lord Arryn did it but this young lady had become rather inseparable to the Hand of the King." Jaime seemed rather impressed at the old man, it was rather known information within the noble community that the younger Tully daughter preferred young dreamy prince like men.


"I somewhat know why, this thing here…" Tyrion showed a green glass vial with a few blue pills inside that Jaime could see. "… a rather expensive medicine sold in the shops owned by Lord Paul, they call this the virility pill and as the name suggest you'll know what it does."


"Lord Tywion, Ser Jaime, King Robert is expecting both of you in the small council office." Jon Arryn said as he saw the Lannister brothers come up the stairs, he then gave a curious glance to the creature that followed behind.


"Oh don't worry about Orson, he's quite harmless. Lord Arryn, I can see that you look quite energetic than I had heard." Tyrion smiled charmingly as he shook hands with the Hand of the King.


"I have to thank the gifts sent to me by Lord Paul, anyways this is my wife Lysa Arryn." Jon smiled brightly as he gestured to his young wife.


"Lord Tyrion, it is a pleasure to meet the famous son of Lord Tywin." Lysa smiled gently like a demure lady of great upbringing.


"Ah, infamous is what you mean. Don't worry I know what other people talk about when they mention my name but it doesn't bother me at all." said Tyrion as he walked up the stairs together with the others to meet the King in the small council chamber.


"Yet they won't dare to talk about it in front of you brother, being able to study near the famous enigmatic Blood Lord seemed to scare many others. Last I remembered about him was when we were kids with mother, I got to see his flag ship Leviathan then." Jaime seemed to reminisce as he talked about past memories.


"Quite a naval masterpiece it is, my best shipwrights could not even figure out how the Leviathan was built. I hear that there is a fort atop the ship that has everything a real castle has." Jon muttered on the side as he also had a chance to see the ship when he had sailed to Pentos to get more of the blue pills.


"Yes it does, I was able to live inside for a few months when we visited the Island of Ibben. It was the first time that I was not the shortest man ever in the area when we docked at their shores. I almost got betrothed to an Ibbenese lady there that time." Tyrion said as they walked in the throne room.


"Then why did you refuse the offer? Ibbenese are famous for their skills in making great quality weapons and armors, father would have been thrilled being able to get a connection like that." Jaime looked at his brother in confusion, he had known that this younger brother of his was already starting to see the temptations of women.


"Well first she had a thicker beard than I could ever have, then… well that's about it. Besides reason they proposed was because Lord Paul brought be there because he hosted a competition in Blacksmithing skills between me and the forgers of Ibben and I won." Tyrion looked to his brother with a proud smirk as he took an axe on his side then handed it to Jaime.


"This is?" Jaime looked at Tyrion as he saw the distinct pattern on the metal of the Axe.


"No, unfortunately not brother, I am not yet skilled enough to make Valyrian Steel but I know how to rework the material. This is more of a thousand folded steel, not as strong as Valyrian steel but it could contend far longer than most castle forge steel." Tyrion explained proudly as he also handed one of the axes to Lord Jon who also got curious.


"This is really fine work… ah we're here. Lord Tyrion Lannister is here to see King Robert first of his name…" Lord Arryn was about to give a long introduction but he was interrupted by a boisterous voice that boomed through the halls.


"Ah skip Lord Jon! 'nuff with the niceties, bring my brother-in-law here because I have some question I wanted out of my system." The four could see King Robert with the members of the small council which are Varys the master of Whiperers, Grand Maester Pycelle, Prince Renly Baratheon the master of Laws, Lord Stannis Baratheon the Mater of ships, Lord Commander Ser Barristan Selmy and finally Queen Cersei Baratheon.


"As you wish your majesty." Jon nodded as he gave back Tyrion's axe like Jaime did who now stood guard on the entrance as to guard the council chamber, Lady Lysa had already left when they were by the entrance.


"Now Tyrion, tell me do you have any idea why I have called you here at the small council?" Robert looked at the small Lannister while also eyeing the pair of axes on the belt of Tyrion.


"Your grace I have not the faintest idea." Tyrion respectfully said as he truly dies not know.


"Well it seems Varys here had heard that you have learned quite a lot while squiring on the side of the Blood Lord Paul. And it seems you have earned a rather great talent in numbers and whatnot, so hencefort I want you to be the new Master of Coins. You'll be counting coppers from now on and help me in getting the crown's affairs in order, Jon's been naggin me lately that I was quite generous in giving prizes." Robert glowered at his Hand who looked at him impassively.


"I am honored you Grace, it seems I have another great news to tell my father when I go home." Tyrion seemed rather flattered being chosen for a position like this at his young age.


"I know, you don't have to take office right away anyways. I know my wife and my children would be visiting Casterly Rock for your father's nameday. Alright let's get the affairs done already so what's new in my Kingdoms Lord Varys?" Robert sat down looking rather buff as he looked to his council members.


"Well your grace, Jeor Mormont as the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Also they received another batch of food and supplies but this time it came from the rehabilitated Wildlings the last Lord Commander pardoned and placed in the Gift. They are now self-sufficient and able to provide for the night's watch." Varys said which made the members of the council ponder.


"The wildlings did not go further south to pillage and raid villages, who would have thought such savages could have it in them. I still think that these barbarians should not be let through the wall." Renly said as he looked rather put off by the thought of barbaric people living near the civilized commoners of the Seven Kingdoms.


Lord Renly only about 12 was already quite tall as a teenager, he looked like a spitting image of a younger Robert as he already have that air of a Lord about him in his young age.


"Well it is called the Night's Watch and not the Wildlings watch brother, you really should read more books given to you by your maester. Maester Cressen made sure I know the difference between that, the real duty of the Night's Watch is not to stop wildlings beyond the wall. It'll be a waste of good manpower if they kept killing them all for no reason." Stannis said berating his younger brother.


"Like what? Watching out for grumpkins and snarks? You read too much fairy tales Lord Stannis, to think you're the serious one out of you three brothers." Cersei made a snide remark as she does not like this brother-in-law of hers.


"Pah, don't worry too much about it. If they ever even try to make a wrong look Ned'll bring them to heel in a blink of an eye." Robert stopped their argument as he slammed his hand on the table.


"That reminds me, Prince Robb Stark will be having his fifth nameday sire and Lord Stark had sent an invitation to you and Lord Jon in hopes you could attend." Varys interjected at this moment as he then gave other reports he had for the King.


"Oh let Jon handle all of that, Tyrion can I see that pair of axes on you for a moment?" Robert looked bored as he listened further on since only the part of the Starks interested him.


"Sure you Majesty…" Tyrion then handed his axes to Robert who looked marveled at the finely crafted axes.


"Hmm, this pattern seems like its Valyrian Steel but something tells me it is not." Robert said while Stannis also got to hold one of the axes on his hand.


"It's not Vaylrian Steel, but it is fine work made by a rather skilled blacksmith." Stannis commented as he seriously inspected the axe.


"It is Lord Tyrion who made them your Majesty, seems his time learning made him pick up such skills on the side." Jon Arryn said making others look at Tyrion surprised.


"Well Lord Paul tend to forge as a hobby so I picked up a few things or two when I was a page for him." answered Tyrion.


"So the rumors of his skills in the smithy are not unfounded." Varys muttered as he heard of this.


"Anyways your Majesty, prince Balon Greyjoy seemed to be scheming something as he had visited many noble houses of the Iron Islands for the past few weeks. It seems he is already pining for the seat of House Greyjoy as Lord Quellon seemed to be getting more ill by the minute." Varys looked rather uncomfortable when he shared this information.


"Hmph, that Balon just wants to return to their old ways, Lord Quellon is a visionary for reforming the Ironborn and it would be hard if House Greyjoy returns to their past vices." Grand Maester Pycelle said disgruntledly as he pointed out this fact.


"Yes, I've met Balon before. He was rather open in stating his disapproval of their change of ways." Stannis spoke as he handed the axe to Tyrion.


"Who cares if the squid wanted to return to their old ways, I am more interested having a new Warhammer made. How long would it take for you to make something in my specifications?" Robert did not care much of the discussion of the Small Council as he walked towards Tyrion. He then pulled away the small Lannister while the Queen followed behind them walking out as Robert left his job to his Hand.


Jaime stood still as he was currently the one that is on duty to guard the council meeting.


"Ser Barristan, you seem awfully quiet today." Varys pointed out as he saw the Old knight who was currently silent wondering about something.


"My new sword was bought from Lys, it was made by the Blood Lord they say. It is only slightly better than Lord Tyrion's quality axe, but to think that forging is but a hobby to that man means he has other talents that we do not know off. Him riding a wyvern like a mount already made him much dangerous than any other." Ser Barristan said in a solemn tone making others think about the threat that is Paul.


"Do far I cannot send a little bird near him at all, yet I did hear from a few that Yezzan had sold a few giants to him before. And with his mysterious means then we should assume that we might face these giants if we ever face him in war." Varys said while a flash of fear shone in his eyes.


"Giants with quality armor and weapons, such a though brings a shudder to my spine as well Lord Varys." Stannis was also frightened at the image he had just conjured up his mind.


"And if giants exist, who says that the so called Night King does not. I had heard Yezzan bought them from Ibbenese whalers that caught these giants near the shore seemingly running from something. To scare a group of giants, such a creature sounded too much of a horror to think of." Ser Barristan said solemnly.


"Good thing the Blood Lord did not show anything to indicate that any hostility to the Seven Kingdoms." Varys said as he then took out a list of newborn children of noble families.


 The Small council went on their meeting while Robert dragged Tyrion around to ask for a warhammer be made to his specifications.


Cersei was rather tame around Robert, not showing any bitterness at all about their marriage as she let her two sons pester her in getting themselves a shield lizard like the one their uncle got.


Tyrion's skills and talents shone when he had given Robert the warhammer he asked for two days before the Lannister siblings and the Princes leave for Casterly Rock.


Tyrion also shared his brief stay in this Flask Basin which he could only assume was near Slaver's Bay since he passed by Old Valyria after he left the unique port.


He even said that it would be hard to find the hidden cove if no one local to the area guide you through the dangerous rocky area.


Varys was rather pleased hearing of this info and send some of his connections to investigate where the general area of this place called Flask basin.


Jon even gave Varys extra funds to be able to send more eyes and ears to find the place much earlier.


Tyrion also talked about the other places he has been, like the cold peaks in Skaggos where he had seen the so called fabled 'Unicorns' that were just large one horned goats.


Had been given a few tasks to venture beyond the Wall where he had to spend a few weeks to track a snow bear for its leather since it's tough but light enough which was used to make the leather armor Tyrion wore.


Cersei had thought that the white fur on Tyrion's sleeves and collar was made of rabbit but hearing it was made from a snow bear made her a bit surprised.


Even Robert was interested and wanted to venture north to hunt a snow bear, but Tyrion said it was an event that almost killed him. There he showed a scar he has on his left shoulder as two claw marks could be seen.


Tyrion said that the reason he was able to defeat the Snow bear was because of dumb luck, he had lured the bear out of its cave and threw his axe hitting a sharp icicle on the entrance which impaled the beast.


Tyrion even said the head of the beast was displayed on his quarters in his ship, which Robert had visited as well as he took the ship to sail for a few hours.


Tyrion even taught his nephews how to fish which made Joffrey almost pulled into the ocean, Cersei showed a speed that baffled Robert and Tyrion as she dashed fast enough to be able to hold Joffrey still.


That afternoon was then filled with Cersei glaring at Tyrion like blaming Tyrion and Robert for Joffrey's close call to the sea.


But Joffrey was able to pull a large sea bass that became dinner, the Queen was rather voracious as she ate with gusto the creature that almost took her son.


Yet Robert was very proud at the small boy since it was rather eager to gut the fish himself. Even with the blood and gore the young prince was proud to show his catch to his father.


Ormind also caught a few small fishes himself but didn't like the smell so Joffrey was happy being able to gut the fishes himself.


Only Tyrion saw something concerning but he kept silent since the boy was enjoying himself getting the praise of Robert.


Tyrion was the cook, he had said he had to learn such to ensure survive. He was drilled with books of herbology and gastronomy to know which plant is poisonous or not.


He quoted something Lord Paul said, that any person in a high position or authority should be able to cook his own food so as to lessen the chances of being assassinated by poison.


Cersei took this to heart as she went and 'borrowed' a few books in Tyrion's mini library about cooking and a book in herbology since she feared her children would be in danger of poison.


So she had the urge to learn how to cook for her children to protect them, something in her heart tells her that this is something she needed to learn these things.


Tyrion didn't mind, he had seen how his sister acts around her children. He does think it's bad at all, but too much spoiling might just make his nephews complacent about life.


He had experiences too much hardship in life that he understood more than someone of his age. He would have to take his nephews a few days camping outside so he can teach them some hardship of real life once they are on Casterly Rock.


Robert was rather interested on his smaller brother-in-law of his as he listened to Tyrion regale tales of his adventures around the world.


It was then apparent to many Lords that Tyrion had changed as he showed strength much higher than normal men. Even in his diminutive stature, only one that noticed this for now was Varys and Jaime.


Robert and Cersei were to distracted about the new warhammer he got from Tyrion while Cersei spent a few days in the kitchen on her own while reading a few books.


Slowly things are deviating from the path they are meant to be, something that vexed a rather weird old man who has a fetish for peeking connected to roots of a weirwood tree.


It was rather irritated as decades of planning and steering the people to a certain direction, only to be derailed in a manner he could not understand.


The Three Eyed Raven had tried to divine who was responsible but he could not pinpoint on where this anomaly that caused the skewed narrative it had prepared for the eventual reappearance of the Azor Ahai.


Yet now the seemingly surefire way for it to return the ways of the old gods is now blurring away from its sight.


Meanwhile the man responsible for the exasperation of the ancient entity, was now exasperated himself as he looked at the progress on the tasks on his bracelet.


"Why the hell does no one develop the technological tree?!" Paul wailed in defeat as he saw that only the thing he had to develop that did not progress was to lead this world into the Steam Age.


"I should have not develop magic too fast, now these people does not see the need for the development of the technology branch…" Paul seemed sad as he saw that it was a mistake making advancements in medical and magical too fast.


Now his researchers wanted to learn magic and advanced medicine rather than develop something that seemed to be a hassle than needed.


They already have the relevant information needed in the libraries but no one had deemed to expand on this area of expertise. Even the Blacksmiths learned a bit of magic to make weapons that are imbued with power.


They wanted to make the new Valyrian Steel but no one has had the chance yet, but they were able to give some of their creations some extra properties.


In Medicine which was now being handled by the former Elder of the Goat beastmen tribe, also developed as they too found easier ways to create cures for some diseases and also made a system to harvest needed plants and flowers in a sustainable manner.


Death rates around the world slowly lowered as his hospitals in the Free cities were swamped with people wanting to be cured and helped with their ailments.


Each site in every city now had at least 500 Unsullied guarding in garrison with a thousand militias made up of grateful locals since they liked the thought of healthcare.


His banks were also popular when he introduced the system of insurances which raked in tons of money which boosted his funds to invest in more businesses.


Betha had to hire a few more assistants to help her organizing the finance of all the departments that boomed in developing. Many other banks also tried to copy his reforms since they saw the money that flooded the vaults of Paul's banks.


Yet this luxury was what caused his researchers to see there was no need for the development of the Steam Age where magic could do more useful things in their opinion.


In a few years he should finally be able to expand to Westeros when the last person needed to be born gets out of their mother's uterus.


"Ughh, maybe my hints were not enough for…~ahhh~… them. But I was rather obvious saying the convenience of the…~ooh~… Steam Age, so what do I need to push them further?" Paul grumbled as he moaned from time to time, he looked down the table which showed a silver head of hair bobbing up and down while a pair of purple eyes looked up with a misty sultry stare at him.


"Quite eager are you now Shaera? What would your mother think that you skipped helping her work only to come here to take a 'snack'?" Paul smiled as he petted the head of the woman bending her knee for him.


"Mhhmph mmmhmm hmm mnmm…" Shaera groaned as she tried to take the full length down to her throat but her Jaw started to get hurt.


"I know she won't get angry with me but she'll get angry with you for being such a naughty daughter." Paul saw her getting tired so he gave in to pleasure and soon released a large payload full of protein to her esophagus.


"Gulp, my Lord. I also came here to tell you that my daughter Rhaella wanted to at least see her children in Braavos. She had heard some things she did not like happening on the manse where Prince Viserys and the young Princess Deanerys are staying. Some servants escaped with some of the silverware and ran far away." Shaera said as she got up and sat on Paul's lap cuddling on his chest seemingly satisfied while her face is flushed from her recent activity.


"I know, but they should face this hardship on their own for now. You know Betha and Rohanne seemed rather distrustful for now since they saw the things that King Aerys has done to Rhaella. Your family's madness had gone too deep into his mind and might have influenced both the kids." Paul acted worried but he already knew what would happen, he just played along with the really worried subordinates of his.


"I know, I worry about the grandchildren of mine but I know you would not let harm fall upon them." Shaera hugged Paul tightly as she stared sniffing his neck and gave him small kisses as she started feeling hot again.


"I wouldn't dear, but they still have to get the green light from Rohanne. I left her in charge of this matter so we'll just have to wait until she find it satisfactory that we let the two kids in." Paul could remember the faces of his subordinates when they heard the reports about Aerys weeks prior to his decent to madness.


Paul looked outside as he hugged Shaera back, seeing the vast ocean on the window made him proud of his finished creation, the Floating Island is now operational and now they are sailing towards Bear Island while the whole ship is warded.


Though it is very large, it could not be seen by other people without a special mark given to them by select sorcerers of Titanus.


Though the waves were rather obvious to the trained eyes of veteran sailors but most would think they were drunk from the liquer or grog that they drink on a daily basis.


Still he spent the night with the silver haired temptress as they passed near Stony Shore with the Floating Island.


With him on the ship was 500 elite Mounted Zorse Cavalry, 1000 Elite Spearmen(Shielded), 500 heavy tower shield infantry, 500 elite archers, 300 mounted archers, 100 Elephants, 25 Wyvern(Brown Bellies) tamers with ten tamed wyvern each, 25 Wyvern Knights and 50 newly made Earthen Golem.


The Golems were 9 feet tall bulky puppets made from compressed stone and rocks with metallic inner parts. They were mostly big meat shields that carry large rune covered 10 ft tall steel shields to cover the rear force.


They were also made to help in logistics, other than the army there is also 2000 supportive personnel present like sailors, farmers, fishermen, cooks, maids, servants and many other utility personnel he needed.


There was also a couple dozen sorcerers of various practices brought along since Paul had found a really strong magical Leyline untouched by the massive spell that is the Wall.


Bear Island, though rather close to the Wall their magical veins in their lands were untouched by the siphoning of mana in the air, this could be seen to the rather thriving fauna of the Island.


But the cliffs of Bear Island were too hard for the Mormonts to hunt game while also having to fear the bears that live in its dense cold forests.


Paul wanted to make a hidden research facility here since practicing advance magic would be easier for the sorcerers.


The Mana in Sothoryos is this too but the thousands of puppets he had made thinned the mana existing in the air.


That was why only the 50 golems were brought since they would not affect much the thick condensation of power within the Island.


Still Paul won't exploit the Island without giving the locals something that would be appropriate as a price for using the mana in their lands.


So Paul had sent a letter that he'll take a person in their family and would train the selected warrior to learn something no one would be able to access in their lives.


But so far the Mormonts had not sent for any reply yet but it was rather understandable when the situation of the island dwellers were not that bountiful.


He had wanted to find another vein of power in Skaggos but unluckily something might have happened before that somehow broke the flow of mana in their islands.


Thus the wall was able to siphon their ambient mana, the disconnection of the power vein might have something to do with either the destruction of Skane or the event that happened in Hardhome.


He had scouted the area there when he had Tyrion have his test for being a squire held there, it was the first variation of the super soldier program he had made with a dwarf as a test subject so he observed Tyrion closely by having him by his side.


Still he had made a small base there to teleport from time to time since he had some scholars that liked to study the fauna and flora that exist on Skaggos, the base was built on the second largest island of Skaggos.


He had met the locals and they were quite the piece of work, imagine Slavic looking men and women that talk like drunk Irish on acid with a sore throat.


Even he could hardly translate their dialect when he went to write a tome to make a dictionary and grammar books to translate the tongue of the Skagosi.


He even had Tyrion learn the language since he found the dwarf had a talent for linguistics but was lazy to even nurture it.


So far the experiment was a success with Tyrion now having the potential to reach strengths almost similar to a normal super soldier, for his diminutive size it was a great improvement along with his intelligence.


He had also heard the reports of the famous Imp's recent activities and he was rather surprised seeing the change in character profile of many people important with the plot.


It seems that he can indirectly change the plot by having the main characters do the change it themselves since they seem to have an inherent protection from Fate though they are still influenced by it.


Though Jaime and Cersei still did it, it was due to her accidentally giving Jaime a cup of wine Lord Arryn was drinking which had a blue pill dissolved in it, even now Paul was scratching his head how that accident happened.


This caused the fire that was supposed to be flushed out inside the twins to rekindle again, though not as passionate as before but still a source of guilty pleasure for both since they did it within the Red Keep.


Robert did not drown himself in sorrow but still neglected his kingly duties as he rather wanted a good fight every now and then thus hosted tourneys within the capital looking for good sparring partners.


Varys was also influenced slightly as he got hold of a small book that introduced the existing magic known from Westeros, Andalos and up to Essos.


The hate towards magic had lessened as a line had caused Varys to ponder, mostly the one that the Wall was maintained using magic and it protected the Seven Kingdoms for thousands of years from the threat of the Night King.


Though most are still skeptical about this old tale, seeing that the book was written by Paul himself made some smart enough to take things seriously and consider that there might just be a possibility of such things existing.


Paul never wanted to follow the original plot anyways so these changes will cascade into a snowball too large for Fate to even stop and steer away.


By the time they were able to anchor North of Bear Island, it was two days later since the cold waters made the Giant Turtles pulling the ship slightly sluggish.


Even the Wyverns did not like the frosty climate but it was necessary to the next experiments Paul is going to perform, that was why Shadow, Shaera's Wyvern, Betha's Wyvern and even Kaash's Wyvern was brought over as Paul wanted to give them the ability to breathe fire.


And only the cold of this place is able to lessen any catastrophic incidents from happening, if he did this experiment in Sothoryos which had a rather warmer climate then he might start an unneeded forest fire.


He chose a rather dangerous cove no normal ship would dare to come close to anchor his floating Island. Another reason he needed a better area to study this world's magic is so that he could have a closer feel to the powers of these so called Old Gods.


He is close to making magic not have the need any sacrifices that demand the lives of others. Over the years he had controlled a secret group of puppets of his to scour the records of many people to slowly delete the existence of Sacrificial Blood Magic.


Even the orally passed down tradition like those of the Lhazarene was being expunged from their lives as Paul gradually guided them to discover a safer way to perform miracles, though still has a price but not too bloody and gory anymore.


So far only the Dothraki did not have any of these dark rituals which made Paul appreciate their apprehension, but it was the city of Qohor that vexed him a little since their local deity showed evidence that it was rather demonic and dark in nature.


Daily sacrifices of bullocks, calves and horses seemed rather tame but hearing of the rather fanatic way on how some nobles would even offer their children as sacrifice in times of crisis felt a little disturbing for Paul.


He does not know if the locals decided this tradition on their own or if this Black Goat of Qohor really interacted with the believers demanding for such sacrifices.


They were also rather unwelcoming of his businesses since they learned he can rework Valyrian Steel thinking Paul stole the process from them, they had prided themselves to be the best forgers of armor and weapons there is but Paul's appearance had placed a rather considerable dent on the city's tax income.


Norvos did not have much record about the dark arts of blood magic but only some tomes that speak of how to fight the practitioners of such sorcery. Their monks were specially trained in such ways as they wield their poleaxes with great mastery.


Lorath also had no traces of Blood Magic in their libraries since most of the inhabitants were believers of the Blind God. They were the poorest of the free cities and did not trade much to others besides their neighbors Braavos, Ib and Norvos.


So far he felt that when the last name within the characters that the tasks wanted to be born is checked out then he would start the planned change he had prepared so as to lead this world into a fast development spree.


But as he stayed for a few weeks in Bear Island to help in the creation of a research base, he received reports from Rohanne that the spies found out that Balon Greyjoy had planned to kill his father Lord Reaper of Pyke Quellon Greyjoy to claim the driftwood throne.


Good thing the old Greyjoy was with few loyalist when Balon attempted his coup, they were able to hide him before the people sent by Balon had found him.


Lord Harlaw had tried to dissuade the ambitious Greyjoy but his words were ignored as Balon was convinced by a priest of the drowned God, Tarle the Thrice-drowned.


A kingsmoot was held beneath the Nagga's ribs on Old Wyk, Balon was crowned and had declared the rescindin of the reforms Lord Quellon had placed upon the Iron Islands.


"Well this would be interesting…" Paul looked at the files in his hand as he read the reactions of other lords within the Seven Kingdoms.


(A/N: A change but still the squid's rebellion had to happen, the rebellion had made some contribution in the existence of some characters and the developments of some which are good for others and bad for some but something that I feel must happen.

Anyways, here's a new chapter. I'll just have some events for some characters to happen in the background as the MC is focused on the side tasks given by the bracelet. I'll just mention that the progress bar of the tasks is now on, 52% in total. 14% on the birth of important characters, 5% on Steam age development, 15% on illness death prevention, 0% for the death of the night king by not fighting him personally and 18% on refining local magic.

How it was judge was using my two braincells on solving the non-existent equation that I had made up when I was daydreaming of the day I'll be able have other people realize the weakness of flesh, thus be lead unto the fires of battle and unto the Anvil of war!! For the EMPEROR!!!)

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