62.6% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 72: Chp. 72 Queen eliminated...

章 72: Chp. 72 Queen eliminated...

[The next day]


The whole fleet was able to find the floating Island of scraps and thanks to Paul's words, they knew that this place was full of pirates so they arrested them all immediately as they arrived.


Bota was confused though, they clearly had seen a child wandering but when Rita arrived besides him the kids was gone. Though when they all gathered in a meeting while the ships are being repaired did Rita say that the child might be a clone of the Queen sent to observe them.


They gave theories as to how the queen could do so and did not say anything about the fact that they already know of it being influenced by Narisa.


But during the meeting Clark was glaring towards Teon Ma who no one has any idea of who this masked man really is. The people of new york were all silent as well since they saw how effective in neutralizing the pirates the harpoonist of Port Oasis were.


They did not know that Paul gave them special sessions of CQC training meant to disarm and fight back against humans. But many attributed it to the sleek looking suits these men and women are wearing.


Even Tasha and his other elites admit that they are not confident in winning against the men Port Oasis if they ever faced each other. Clark was smart and a very strict control freak and now everything is totally confusing for him since he felt he has no control over the situation at all.


And the mysterious Curse Demon is nowhere to be seen at all, but it was then the sea shifted as suddenly people outside were panicking.


The leaders ran out and saw that the Kraken has surfaced near them along with Skutoom and Bazrah. Many panicked seeing three of the Seven Devil at one place but that was not all.


There was a wave of Sea monsters behind them charging to where they are, these made them shocked as it seemed the Queen will not let them assault them all as they wished.


{{Listen Humans}}


Then a discordant voice echoed into the minds of almost everyone in the area as they were all drawn to the small kid atop Kraken with red glowing eyes.


{{I will pardon this intrusion within my realm as long as you give me Rita! Then I will be merciful enough to let you all live!}}


"WHAT?!" Bota was suddenly riled up as he prepared to charge over but he was stopped by Teon Ma.


"Calm down…" Teon glared at the small figure atop the Kraken as his eyes locked on the necklace the small child wore, he knew that necklace. That was the thing his wife wore when they sent her to sea, now he finally believed Paul saying that the Queen had absorbed Narisa.


But while they were hastily forming up their ranks, some men were scared and looked at the direction of the leaders where they know this Rita resided.


"You all want to die?" Kana was red eyed as she noticed the faltering expression of some people.


"Tsk, you think we can just hand her over like you wish?" Clark stepped forward and pointed his spear/scythe weapon to the small figure.


{{I will keep my word that I will spare your kind for your transgressions.}} the mental wave reached everyone in the area as they readied the ships and guns to fight.




{{Fear? You jest, I am immortal and forever. I already rule over this world and now 50% of the Sea Monsters are here ready to rip you all apart limb from limb. But I can let you all go as long as you hand Rita to me}} the Queen laughed at how a weak human dared to challenge her.


"And what of the other 50% huh?" Bota asked making the others look at him as well as the Queen.


"Clark's right, you are afraid. Because half of the ocean does not listen to you anymore, you fear my sister since she can replace you. She can defeat you and now only 50% answered your call, this makes you the weaker side as we have people here that could kill these Sea Devils of yours…" Bota held his sword as he glared at the small figure that now has a very unpleasant expression.


{{You are BOTA! To think I cared for you because of Narisa's feelings! I only let you all live to see what these soft weak creatures that woman wanted to protect! I have watched over you and even helped Rita maintain her mind when she was taken by Genod and this is how you repay me!?}} the small figure morphed into a grotesque creature as it roared in anger.


"You seem to have a bit of misunderstanding here…" Kana growled as her eyes locked on Skutoom. "…we are not as weak as you say we are, we humans can bite back harder as well."


"Bota, you and the others escort the boats towards the nest! We and the others will take care of things here." Clark was a psycho but during a fight against sea monsters he shows his worth. He and Kana charged while Teon Ma followed behind.


It was at this time Kentrassi surfaced and bit towards Bazrah, this time the Sea Devil had changed a bit. Its four tendrils now looked bulkier and longer as it fought Bazrah who also swung its tendrils back at Kentrassi.


Clark and Teon arrived then and assaulted Kraken while Kana faced Skutoom. The others went ahead and faced the various Sea Monsters while they made sure the ships and the bombs they carry will arrive there in the spot to blow up the nest.


Everything went chaotic as millions of Sea Monsters charge towards them, but it was just in time for Rita's own army to also arrive and face the ones the Queen brought.


But even then they were outnumbered as Rita has not been able to bring everything Sea Monster under her with them as it might have spooked the people on the ships if millions od Sea Monster were under their boats.


But it helped the Harpoonist a lot as they fought bravely knowing that the Queen might be really afraid. They were in deep fervor as they shoot with strengthened resolve to end this once and for all.


It was then the four gigantic crabs that had helped them appeared and guarded the bomb carrying ships. Then there were two others that went to assist Kana in her fight against Skutoom.


The giant crab was confused when it met its children but somehow these kids does not answer to it. Kana took this chance to send more attacks to the confused crab thinking about where it should send its child support money.


The two crabs went and pinned Skuttom in place as they kept it away from the bigger boats. Bazrah and Kentrassi was still in a tussle but it seemed being the bigger fish Bazrah was getting headways since it also has the water propelled babies it shoots out of its mouth.


Kentrassi was getting wounded and pushed down but it fought ferociously as it did not back down from the fight. Bota was looking worriedly at the fight but now he must prioritize sending the payload to the nest as he guarded Union Busan, US fleet The New Jersey and the Manhattan.


But even then with all that is happening, a few ships were still overrun by the Sea Monsters, first was New Jersey that tipped over making it sink and when one Sea Monster bit a bomb, the whole ship blew apart shocking the others but they do not have time to care for that at the moment.


{{You stubborn insects! Since you ask for it then Extinction it shall be!}} the Queen was fuming as she felt the completion of the nest was near but now the whole world seemed to be intent on stopping her.



{The New Jersey is down! I repeat the New Jersey is Down! Smaller vessels make a path for the bomb carries to pass through!}

{This is Union Busan, all available ships go full speed at the coordinates. Make sure to protect your signal towers so the Satellite can give you accurate real time coordinates!}

{This is Manhattan requesting confirmation if burning pacific will be at play?}

{Negative! This is Tasha that is a negative! It is too early to use Burning Pacific!}

{Who will take the Front Line and make a path then?}

{Fleet this is Akroma, we will be taking the front line. Just promise us our people will have a place within your shelters.}

{Benin shall also take the Front Line, please take care of our people.}

{This is Bota, we promise that we will welcome you families into our homes}

{As will New York, I Clark Miller promise you that.}

{Port Oasis will open its doors for your people always} 

{Okay guys! Let us open a path!}

{This is Sao Paulo! This is Sao Paulo! We are being stormed by a ton of Sea Monsters! We need assist over!}

{Do not shoot that ones with the red cloth! These Sea Monsters are friendlies!}



The whole place was chaotic as the fight was done all over, Gongtae was just in time to go knock down the Sea Monsters that were dragging the side of Sao Paulo giving the people a breather.


But even then the Sea was totally filled with Sea Monsters, they were still five kilometers away and they are getting cornered already. But it was at this time that Gordic arrived and made a wide gap for the ships to pass through.


"WHOOO!! Gordic is here! Use the opening he made! Push through!" the Akromans were pumped as they bathed in blood and gore giving the fleet an open path so the ships can pass.


But it came at the cost of dozens of lives, even the ones from Port Oasis lost a few as they fought ferociously. At this time Kraken was fighting it's all against Teon and Clark while using a concentrated water pressure cutting through the pile of junk in the sea as well as some Harpoonist that were unlucky to be hit by its water jet.


But it was then Gordic came and bit Kraken that gave Teon and Clark an opening to mince the Sea Devil completely, this roused the people's courage seeing the death of Kraken.


Clark was smiling like a boy getting his favorite toy as the body of Kraken was now in pieces and its blood all over the place. His eyes were red, hungry for more carnage as he then jumped to slice down of Gordic but then he was stopped by Teon Ma who was shocked Clark would attack someone on their side.


"What are you doing?" Clark growled at Teon seeing his attack blocked.


"Gordic is on our side." That was all Teon Ma said while Gordic eyed Clark Miller a bit then swam away. The beast went and helped Kentrassi bite Bazrah to pieces making the fight finish, and since they were free they swam to the fleet to help clear the way.


They left hundreds of dead sea monsters in their wake as they swam to help. This time Kana was also finished as she landed a killing blow to Skutoom, standing there for a bit she was thoughtful and felt a weight getting off her shoulders.


But then she heard metal clanging making her look back seeing Teon Ma and Clark Miller having a bout.


"We are all here to kill every sea monster that has a potential to be a Queen. Including that Kentrassi and Gordic, maybe even those giant crabs that seemed to be like Skutoom!" Clark was surprised that this man in front of him being able to keep up with his speed.


"They are on our side, so do not make that as an excuse for you tendencies to kill things." Teon Ma was calm as he parried Clark while looking over the battle field.


"We cannot let things as is, who can guarantee they won't kill more people. Maybe even that Rita should be eliminated since she can control Sea Monsters." Clark and Teon were like a hurricane of blades as they exchanged blows.


"What?!" Teon was suddenly angry as he heard this guy in front of him thinking of harming his daughter.


"Enough!" Kana arrived in time making the two split up from each other. "Why are you both fighting at a critical time like this? Can't you see the eyes looking around you?"


Kana was red eyed as she stared at Clark Miller. "And you, if Rita ever goes bad or controls the Sea Monsters to kill then I will stop her myself…"


"Kana, what are you saying?" Teon Ma was stunned at Kana's words but the next sentence that came out of her mouth chilled the spines of those present to hear her.


"…but if you ever try to lay a hand on her, just for one bit Clark. I will rip your body to shreds while you are awake to feel it. So don't push your luck… there are still a fight that we need to finish." Kana left angrily at the scene leaving Teon Ma and Clark standing there looking at each other.


"Tch…" Clark clicked his tongue and went to help the ones from New York in fighting. While Teon Ma found a water board to catch up to the ships and help in making way.


The other Harpoonist were silent as they went on to help the others in fighting. While Rita was watching everything as she stayed inside Gordic, that was why Gordic came to the floating trash island after helping the fleet because Paul told it to hide Rita on its platform saddle.


It was then when another wave of Sea monster were about to storm that ships that a light shone under the sea and a frequency was received by every boat and ship that was stunned by the light.


{Am I late for the party?} then a gigantic robotic hand pushed up from under the sea and held dozens of sea monsters. The people were shocked as they saw the robotic Hand crush the dozen sea monsters like past then slapping down to the sea killing more in its wake.


Many were shocked as they saw the gigantic silhouette under the sea as it moved about killing dozens of Sea Monsters with every turn. Dr. Foid was wide eyed as he saw the figure down the Sea and was about to jump down to see it until Sea Monkey held him back.


The doctor looked like a rabid man drooling to see the robot under the sea. Paul was in the cockpit driving it and waved the two twenty meter long not-so-short short swords chopping up lots of sea monsters.


It's head's visor also glowed and fired laser that evaporated the water around him killing more. This slowed down a lot of the assault on the ships while Gordic and Kentrassi swam around to kill the ones that got through him.


They were a bit sturdier so the heat of the sea does not bother them a bit, but they still swam a wide berth so that they might not be hit with the Jeager's laser.


"Whoa! Teacher Paul this is cool!" Rita was wide eyed staring at the window seeing the gigantic robot trudge the sea floor killing the Sea Monsters.


But she was also focusing on having the ten chinky crabs help in defending the ships as well as they grabbed at the hull of the ships and hung there like bats and waved their pincers killing Sea Monsters left and right.


Four were on Union Busan, two in Manhattan, two in Sao Paulo and the other two were on watch duty on the smaller boats. The Queen was in a frantic mode as she saw the ship filled with bombs getting near and now only 500 meters away from her nest.


This forced her to finally get up and take her long tentacle body to stop Union Busan. But Rita saw this and went out Gordic's platform, she made her presence clear and this caused the Queen to pause.


{{Rita!! There you are! Kill her now!!}} the Queen did not chase after Rita as she knew that if they faced Rita might be able to overpower her so she had the Sea Monsters tire her out first.


This caused the ones attacked the ships to stop and all go for Lita giving the humans reprieve from the onslaught. Teon Ma, Kana and the others arrived then on Union Busan just in time for the Queen to appear.


There they started a fight with Bota and Kana leading the assault, Paul on the other hand pulled Rita in the Jeager as they are going to be the focus of all the enemy Sea Monsters.


"Great plan kid but now call back your babies to protect us!" Paul knew that there were some Sea Monsters with teeth that could pierce Titanium Alloyed plates of the robot and some with acids that could corrode the plating slowly.


"They are not babies anymore!" Rita pouted to Paul as she called back to the chonky crabs to help them. Even Gordic and Kentrassi were getting pressured but thankfully the minions of Wormtooka were there to cover their blind spots.


"So you are not denying that they are yours eh? Hahaha! Get ready Rita, I'll have to send you to the Queen at a critical time. But when are they going to drop those bombs anyways?" Paul looked up as he twirled the not-so-short short swords like Arnis sticks making the area in front of him a blender for Sea Monsters.


On his back four crabs were protecting him from the Sea Monsters though they are also getting a bit injured as some could bite strong enough to damage their shells.


On the surface only Union Busan is afloat of the ships with bombs since the Queen blitzed the Manhattan with her tentacles. Now she is facing the unified elites of Union Busan and Port Oasis surprised at the force they represent.


Bota and Kana in full Assault, Teon Ma in sniping down from the sides, Brune being the tank of the group taking up great punishment with his full body gas powered armor, Gongtae dealing lethal blunt force, Sonia and Jako assisting in times needed and there are two sentinel robots that are holding shields as well to help in defense as Noah and Ling controlled them from the underground Laboratory.


The Queen was hit left and right that she was finding it hard to heal, yet somehow it was able to incapacitate Brune, Severely Injure Sonia that she had to be dragged away by Jako who was also wounded bad.


Teon and Bota had to protect them from retreating while Kana is holding the Queen down with the two robots that were now almost broken apart. It was then Clark arrived and showed what he was capable of.


Paul was amazed as he watched the psycho guy fight seriously, but he was still human. He was able to defeat the Queen until its regenerative factor was brought to a stop but it was through using a suicidal tactic.


He did kill the Queen's body but the Queen had stuck Clark with her tendrils sucking out his body for it to use as material for building the thing inside of it a new body.


The thing inside the greenish egg sack which weirdly the others did not target perplexing Paul under the sea, was the Queen itself as well. And it used the organic Data it got on Clark as well as its memories and feelings to make a new body.


A superhuman body that was made from a psycho that does not care for the feelings of others, thus Teon Ma, Bota and Kana had to face this foe who now held Clark's face. Tasha and Uku arrived who were the assistants of Clark.


They were mad at Clark's death while Paul was feeling a bit sorry he did not intervene, but he has no need for a psycho who does not listen at all to others.


He was not that special anyways, he already got Teon Ma who seemed to be much more skilled. But right now, Paul was currently scouring the psionic data bank of the Queen as he has been wanting to look into the data it held.


He could have done it before but with a clone the Queen might be able to notice him. He could access surface thoughts and its general memories but the DNA databank as well as memory storage of various things it swallowed was something deeper in the Queen.


Now that it has disconnected for a moment as it fought Bota and the others Paul was plundering its gene codes that was stored. There Paul found many DNA of ancient beings as well as other Alien Civilizations in this universe.


There he saw a wide array of Genetic code hidden in the main Hive Mind. And it was still connected to the other hive minds around the galaxy, this was a virus that has existed for billions of years and the vast cosmos and could be considered one of the most successful in spreading its seeds everywhere.


Paul was shocked at the different worlds it went to as it surely has millions of different alien species recorded in its genetic codex. Paul instantly had his focus on the copying of the data as some of his clones stopped what they were doing.


Paul does not see it but his clone is feeling the tension, but for Rita who was beside him she thought that maybe he is having a hard time controlling the Jeager. So she placed her hand on Paul's back but was also shocked as she too got connected to the Hive mind of the Queen.


She too got to copy the various genetic information the Queen has and imprinted them on her body as well. Her eyes glowed as her disguise fell apart showing her elegant shining tendrils and her blue glowing eyes.


Paul looked down and realized Rita was also getting a copy of the codex, but he does not mind since she study it also later once she is in Marvel World. This will give him more ideas on how to ensure that this virus does not affect anyone else back in Marvel.


Finally, the moment came as the Queen was cornered and the bombs were dropped because Brune was able to get a grip and punched the sealed gates open and dropped the bombs.


"Oh shit, we better get far away. All ships sail far away and get outside the blast zone!" Paul said in the intercom as he picked up some of the crabs with him while five hung on his back. Then he placed some on his arm pits as he also grabbed Kentrassi and Gordic by the tail to drag them away from the explosion.






The explosion was so destructive that it even burn down the seeds that were in the nest. This caused the nest to be torn asunder but it also released the magma that was trapped underneath that produced the steam.


The Volcano underground rumbled and shot lava everywhere and this time Paul knew it was also needed for Rita to erase the Queen once and for all.


"Rita, you got this alright?" Paul looked at Rita who steeled herself. Opening a portal the girl ran and dropped near the injured Queen and used her newfound powers.


A bright light shone to everyone as the eruption was about to swallow the Union Busan who's engine was destroyed by the Queen earlier. The smoke rose up high in the sky as the people were watching from afar.


The Sea Monsters routed as they no longer felt the hold of the Queen so everything now ended for the Harpoonist as they watched the smoke clear and a spectacle greeted them.


"It's an Island…" a harpoonist said as the looked at he cooled down lava that solidified and held the Union Busan which had a strangely large apple tree holding it in place on the land.


Paul had retreated a bit far but he also helped making the Island as big as it could get from the Lava, he used his telekinetic powers to pull out more magma and make the island twice larger than Hawaii.


He knew that people will need this much once everything settles down, he also smiled thinking that this might give people a lot more hope in the future.


But he had also gotten a lot from taking from the Queen's organic data archive, there he found the memories of someone as well as her DNA sequence.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C72
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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