10.43% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 12: Chp 12. To Space

章 12: Chp 12. To Space

Meanwhile in the Xavier mansion a full on war is happening as various mutants are fighting against hundreds of Sentinels bombarding the place. Even the recently awoken mutants from the brotherhood were helping after Beast was able to take out the small devices behind their napes.


Cyclops and Mystique are leading the teams as he and Raven were the most senior members present. Though they were fighting back equally and no deaths have happened yet it would only be a matter of time as they were starting to feel the strain and exhaustion.


Thankfully they have two undying feral men helping out. Sabertooth and Logan really have great coordination as they trashed one Sentinel after the other but their actions earned then the attention of dozens of these things.


The things that are happening here were also noticed by Fury who had his best snipers Including Hawkeye and Natasha shoot from afar to kill these robots. And right now he has his people find out where did these things come from and why does he have no info about such weapons existing.


"Sir, we have found that these robots are called Sentinels and were inventions of Dr. Bollivar Trask sir. We have already contacted him and he says that all of the Master Mold, the thing that is used to make these robots, have already been destroyed." Maria Hill reported to Fury making the guy raise his brows as he did hear about this genius doctor.


"Then why was this project scrapped Agent?" Nick was curious because he knew that many men in the military would drool over these kinds of weapons in their hands.


"It was found that the programing of the device made by the inventor, which could detect the latent mutant gene, has a small flawed feature as it could also target those that have not yet awoken their mutant powers. So I did some digging and found about the terrorist attack of mutant Magneto on President Nixon is somewhat related to this project during 1973. No information was ever recorded of anything that happened that time but there was a person there that was the target of Magneto and that was…" Maria Hill read in her tablet the information she received and by the end as she was about to say the name Fury interjected.


"Dr. Bolivar Trask. Why are there no records at all about this event? And what does our dear doctor has to say about these robots attacking the Mutants?" Fury was curious as he was looking at the feed given to him by the snipers.


"The Doctor himself is going to us as he too seemed to be confused at the existence of the Sentinels. And when I tried to look deeper I was stopped as the records say that my clearance level is insufficient sir."


"Insufficient? Very well, I'll look into this matter personally." Fury had already been suspicious of many things in SHIELD when he tried to look for info about Magneto as all that listed were his actions as a terrorist. It would have been okay since he did indeed attack many government research facilities but one thing he noticed that the things researched in those facilities have no connection to anything the Mutant leader might need.


And add to the fact that the reports are oddly specific and repetitive making him think there is something more to the events that what it is to the naked eyes. But remembering Paul's words of not meddling with the course of things for the moment until they find whoever they were waiting for.




The sky of the land of endless sand filled with explosions as Apocalypse was being double teamed by Exodus and Paul. This was the moment even Exodus looked seriously at Paul realizing the guy never fought with him seriously at all from the beginning.


While they were fighting Magneto and Storm was busy killing the Sentinels making the skies darker as Storm Clouds gathered and rained lighting to the robots. Angel was now injured including Lifter as they did not have much use against the numerous amounts of robots attacking them.


Paul knew that to delay these anymore then lives will be lost so he closed in at Apocalypse as he readied to attack to finish this. Appearing under the mutant he placed one palm facing forward and tapped it with his other then suddenly closed it. After making a tiger seal Paul had the urge to scream as he released the technique.


"HOWL YOUTH!! HIRUDORA!!!" Paul was under Apocalypse by the moment he released this after he saw Exodus being thrown away by a energy blast from En Sabah Nur.




The sound of a tiger roar reverberated through those present as they saw a large silhouette of a tiger sending the villain Apocalypse out to the Stratosphere. Even Storm was shocked seeing such a scene, so how much more for Apocalypse when he faced the sudden attack from under him.


For all his years that he has lived he never felt such strong impact that it made him lose focus for a moment as he felt his body being ripped apart by the force behind the attack. It wasn't until he was at the Clouds when the technique exploded into a large burst of air pressure pushing outwards sending him higher than he already is.


Paul saw this and instantly teleported to Exodus who was slack jawed and kicked him in the nuts. Then he appeared behind Magneto and took his helmet in an instant and punched him too in the balls, as well as going to the other guys and gave their jewels a good kick or two to incapacitate them. Lastly he appeared behind Storm and wrapped his legs on her waist since his hands are full and teleported near Iceman and Angel.


"Quick! Cover us all in a large Ice dome!" Paul said making Iceman wake up from his stupor as he followed what Paul said. But even when covered in a large dome he could still see the wide clearing in the sky as all the Storm Clouds are gone from that attack alone. Though the Sentinels are still attacking the dome, a strong gust of air pressure landed on where they are and it made up a large sand storm all around them.


Even the Ice dome was creaking at the force that was bearing down on it making Bobby repair the dome faster. It took about two minutes until the sand storm subsided but the people incapacitated were still groaning while Exodus was still being strangled by Paul.


"That was rough, though I am not sure if that guy is still alive though." Paul said meanwhile Apocalypse is frozen outside space as all the damage he received and using everything he could to not be torn apart has woken up the thing' that has been eating his being for centuries thus making him weak unable to do anything for the moment.


"Well, we need to go somewhere else for the meantime so hold my hand." Paul said as he reached out to Angel and Iceman who was looking at the weird pose Paul has. His one hand has Exodus struggling as he is being strangled with an unconscious Lifter in his Armpit. A Shocker, Unus and Magneto in the other who were all knocked out and Storm who is in a suggestive position in between Paul's legs who is floating while doing all of this.


"Hurry up we don't have time!" Paul urged as he felt that reinforcement was needed back at the X-mansion.


Going closer they reached out and held his elbow as they looked at each other unsure why but as soon as they held his hands they suddenly appeared in the X-mansion hangar.


"Wh-what the?" Bobby was shocked as well as Angel but Paul's next words made then realize something.


"You go up and help the others out there, there are more of those robots attacking the mansion." Paul said.


"Uhmm…could you let go?" Paul looked down and he realized his feet were in physical contact to two soft caramel mountains.


"Ok… go help then they need more fire power up there. I'll deal with these five." Paul then went in the minds of the three and found the suggestive thoughts that Apocalypse planted as well as making them realize how they were all mind controlled by someone up there right now so he placed back Magneto's head as he saw them starting to wake up.


"Now for you…" Paul had realized that maybe the telepaths here are indeed strong but somehow his soul was more fine-tuned in this kind of things. He could not understand why but somehow it just felt like breathing for him because he had taken a peek at the mind of Apocalypse and was somehow able to copy paste some of his knowledge in genetics.


So right now he is using his power to calm down Exodus who somehow lost control as he saw Apocalypse due to his centuries old grudge against the guy. After making the guy faint he placed him in a corner and looked for a sharpie then drew on his face. Satisfied by his work Paul forgot about the guys that were waking up on the side and teleported back in Egypt to clean up the remaining robots there.


After he arrived he was immediately met with hundreds of bullets towards his body but he just used his telekinesis to do a matrix move as he placed his palm forward.


"Hah, this is so cool!" Paul then twirled his finger to send the bullets back with precision and more force breaking the Robot's connection to their power source making them power down. Satisfied he found the large amount of magnetic sand around him and tried to copy Magneto.


But it took about ten minutes till he figured out how to mold the sand into a more solid and compact form making metal ropes. He then used these ropes to tie the hundreds of scrap robot here because it would be bad if some idiot took these and had it reverse engineered.


One thing Paul understood that in the Marvel Universe is that many rich people are stupid. So leaving these things unattended is a no for him so he teleported to his storage unit to hide it there since no one was there for the moment, looking inside he then realized that there were too many robots but it could still fit inside the storage room.


Teleporting back to Egypt he made sure that he had checked thoroughly if there were any Sentinels that hid and he did find about six which he disposed of instantly. Standing there he looked around and could see a dust cloud by the horizon which means somebody already noticed what happened here and went to check what it was.


Looking down he realized he was only wearing a tattered pair of pants which means they might think he is a crazy person for being naked in the middle of the desert. Making a quick trip to his apartment he teleported on the bathroom and did a quick wash. And then grabbed a pair of shoes, pants and shirt, but he checked his torn pants for his wallet and phones which were surprisingly intact.


Thinking about it he placed his Motorola on the drawer near the bed and only carried his wallet and Nokia phone with him. Teleporting back too Egypt he was greeted with a scene of Chaos as two Sentinels were still here and their eyes were red as they locked on to some men in the group of vehicles.


"Oh, right. They have mutant detector gadgets, maybe that was why they did not attack me all at first sight because they can't sense I was mutant." Paul realized this and went 3rd Gate to destroy the two remaining Sentinels saving the group but there were already five deaths.


"Yo." Paul just waved his hand and teleported away uncaring for what those people thought because he needed to hide this two robots away.


"Y-yo?" a confused Egyptian said as he looked at the spot where Paul was and looked to his other companions who were also confused. Others were sad because some of their friends got caught in the cross fire when those robots somehow targeted their boss and his right-hand.


Paul was back again at the Storage Unit and left the two broken bots there. Realizing that there might be still a fight going on X-mansion he teleported outside and was shocked at how many robots attacked the mansion.


But with Magneto, Jean, Exodus, Storm and the rest of the mutants it was manageable. That many Omega Mutants could not be easily killed by something like the basic Sentinels, unlike those in the Days of Future past that were more resilient and adaptive.


His arrival made those present look at him in fear and confusion since some of these guys were mind controlled. Speaking of that matter Paul realized there was a figure bound and gagged in front of Xavier, it was a weirder Gollum version of Xavier with all the bald head and telepathic powers.


Yes, it was Cassandra Nova Xavier. The Evil twin of the dear professor who he eliminated during their fetus stage because Charles already felt the evil presence of his twin. The other couldn't run away because they were inside mommy's belly then so it was a cage fight. But instead of dying the fetus persisted and was stuck in the sewers as a fleshy goop clinging to life until it became what it was now decades later.


But seeing that Xavier already pointed a gun towards the evil twin trashing about saying he needed to do this himself Paul was skeptical so he sent a small mental probe to the two. By the time his probed reached the two Charles already pulled the trigger and Paul noticed the sudden change of mental signatures of the two.





Realizing what happened in a split second Paul instantly teleported in front of Charles and took the gun away surprising the others but not letting the others react he went and placed two of his hands on Charles and Cassandra's heads.


"Jean help me!! Charles is stuck in her body and she took Charles body!" Paul's words made the X-men pause instantly but the first to react were Scott and looked at his girlfriend.


"Jean, go see if he is saying the truth." Jean nodded as she went close to Paul who was restraining the two in his hands. She sent her mental probe and Xavier in Cassandra's body reached out a making her surprised at the sudden change of bodies.


"Hey, is this considered a gender swap because this is really trippy. Hey Charles, would you stay in a body that could walk but have monthly bleeding period or keep your hot-wheels like the way it was?" Paul looked at Cassandra(Charles) while saying this making Magneto at the side chuckle at this.


"And you Emo magnet boy don't do anything stupid because you two got yourself mind controlled by this…this thing." Paul was not sure what to call Cassandra because he forgot her terminology on how the Shi-ar Empire called her kind.


But unbeknownst to them Paul, while he was making a connection to make the two swap back again he was searching Cassandra's mind of useful things and it was there he realized that he was a much more stronger telepath and that Cassandra killed Trask's cousin by merging with him so she could use the master Mold.


When Paul was able to make the connection back again, Jean guided Xavier's mind back to his body while Cassandra's was going back at hers but not before Paul took all the useful data he found on her head. He also used a minor sealing technique but it was enough to seal Cassandra's thoughts on her head making her not able to use her powers for the meantime.


"Phew… that was a drag. You bald head, why are you so stupid? You know her powers are similar to yours to why can't you think for a moment and try to use a dampener on her before going execution style on her bald head." Paul looked at the Professor that just got back to his body.


"I-I am sorry, I was just afraid that she would hurt the children if I let her be so I took it upon myself to finish the thing I failed to do." Charles said as he looked at Paul with gratitude as he too felt the presence of death when the bullet was so close to his face. Looking down he realized Paul took the shot in his leg making the bullet stuck on his muscles.


"Damn, I just changed my clothes…" Paul said as he looked at the hole on his leg. But looking closer he realized that the bullet did not reach his skin but rather hit his Nokia that was still intact. Looking around he saw the lead bullet on the ground deformed.


"Huh…" Paul was totally confused but he took his mind of that and went to the limp body of Cassandra.


"What happened to her?" Jean said as she felt tired helping the professor go back to his body.


"Nothing much, just sealed her mind a bit making her unable to control her powers and body for the moment. And have Emo boy here kill this thing… he has the edgy helmet for it and I believe he's already free from that thingy within their napes." Paul found out that while Cassandra recently revived, she went and copied the knowledge of many scientists and one of those happened to Dr. Otto Octavius. He was currently researching ways to make a prosthetic helper to assist him on one of his future project.



Now Paul had enough knowledge to try and get a Phd in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Programming and Engineering. Though he did not take more of it as the others were just mundane memories from other people. Soon a convoy of black cars came in and Nick Fury himself arrived while a small Tyrion Lanister followed him behind.


He was carrying a small gadget which he used to find the Master Mold nearby in a forested area. His Trask genes enabled him to deactivate the Master Mold and depower it but this was the one he used before but a prototype that was thought to have been trashed and destroyed. Fury was behind him frowning as he looked at the devastation within the Xavier Compound.


"I told you right, most big bad and leaders of groups are bald. Apocalypse is bald, HotWheels' evil twin is bald…" Paul was smiling as he went to irritate the director of SHIELD.


"Wait wait wait wait…hold up a minute. Twin?" Fury noticed this in Paul's words.


"Evil twin… and yeah the thing is complicated but short version is Charles killed her is their mothers belly cause she was already full of hate then but she survived, lived as a goop in the sewers, got a body, mind read a lot of people, found a wild Master Mold in South America, kidnapped Trask's cousin, Killed Trask's cousin, merge with Trask' cousin, made small chips to control the brotherhood, had the brotherhood look for Apocalypse, found Exodus, Mind controlled Exodus with the chip and finally everything else that happened." Paul was smiling as he explained not noticing that Peter Dinkledge was looking at him in trepidation.


"Oh relax Frodo, I am not a mutant. And you hating mutants is stupid." Paul looked at Trask who was uncomfortable since he has arrived here in the X-mansion.


"Why is that? Mutants are a sickness in Humanity and they are going to kill all of us soon." Trask still tried to defend himself.


"A sickness that has about 40% of humanity with its X-gene? So are you going to kill that 40% too? Don't you know that even if you kill them there is still the latent chance that those without the X-gene could give birth to a child with one? So you having you Sentinels programmed to kill those with X-gene as well as identify those that has dormant X-genes will evolve into realizing that the whole of Humanity has the chance to have the X-gene. So in general your whole Sentinel project is just a doomsday device ready to kill the whole of humanity." Paul said as he looked at the shocked faces of Nick and Trask as well as some of the Agents putting the Master mold away.


"Moth*rf*cker, is this going to happen Mr. Esteban?" Nick pulled Paul on the side and asked him about the possibility of this happening in the Future. He was still led to believe the Paul came from the future.


"One of its possible ends, but it was rewritten when the X-men sent the memories of one of theirs to the past to warn the others. I can remember because I can't forget…Also that was worth 200K along with the favor of having to fight the tough boss called Apocalypse. I might have defeated the guy but he would still come back, oh a 300K in fighting the sentinels as well." Paul's words made Fury frown a bit as his evaluation of Paul was all over the place, he just couldn't get a read on how the guy's mind works.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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