
[6] The Two Brothers

Under the vibrant evening sky, Luffy and Ace sat side by side on the cliff's edge, leaning against the sturdy tree. The atmosphere between them had shifted from initial indifference to a curious exchange of words.

Luffy, with his trademark enthusiasm, leaned towards Ace and inquired, "So, Ace, what are you doing up here? Hanging out with the mountain bandits?"

Ace, his stoic facade showing signs of cracks under Luffy's persistent curiosity, answered in a somewhat disinterested tone, "Yeah, something like that."

Luffy's attention, however, shifted quickly as he blurted out, "Do you drink and dance naked in bars too?"

Ace's eyes widened in surprise, and his stoic expression broke into a mix of shock and confusion. "What?! No, of course not! Who does that?"

Luffy, unfazed by Ace's reaction, grinned broadly. "I saw a mountain bandit do it once near where I live! It was hilarious!"

Ace couldn't help but let out a chuckle, shaking his head. "Those guys sound wild."

Luffy seized the moment to dive into another topic. "By the way, Ace, do you like meat?"

Ace, relieved that the conversation had steered away from the bizarre bar incident, replied, "Yeah, I guess I do."

Luffy's eyes lit up with excitement. "Me too! Meat is the best! Especially when it's cooked just right."

The conversation flowed easily between them as Luffy continued, "But you know what I don't like? Fish with those small, annoying bones. It takes forever to remove them all!"

Ace, feeling more comfortable with Luffy's friendly demeanor, said, "Yeah, I get what you mean. Fish can be a hassle."

Then, without missing a beat, Luffy shifted gears once again. "Hey, Ace, what kind of games do you like to play?"

Ace blinked, surprised by the sudden change in topic. "Uh, I guess I like card games, but I'm not into gambling or anything."

Luffy leaned in, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Card games, huh? That's cool! I've played card games with my grandpa before. Winning is awesome!"

Ace chuckled, appreciating Luffy's straightforwardness. "Yeah, it is. But losing isn't much fun."

Luffy, ever persistent, got closer. "You know what else is fun? Building cardhouses! I've seen people in town do it, and it looks amazing! Have you ever tried making one?"

Ace, taken aback by the unexpected question, hesitated for a moment. Then, he couldn't help but smile a little. "No, I haven't. It seems tricky."

Luffy's enthusiasm was infectious. "We should try it together sometime! I bet we can build the best cardhouse ever!"

Ace paused, considering Luffy's proposal, and finally said, "Sure, why not? It could be fun."

Their conversation continued to flow naturally, each question leading to a deeper connection. They discussed favorite foods, shared funny stories, and even talked about their dreams. As their conversation continues and their laughter echoed through the quiet mountain forest, Ace realized that this chance encounter was turning into a friendship he hadn't expected.

In the world of One Piece, where bonds are formed through adventures and shared dreams, Luffy and Ace's unlikely friendship had just taken its first step on a path filled with excitement, challenges, and camaraderie.

Luffy's genuine curiosity knew no bounds, and he continued to probe Ace with questions. "So, Ace, how did you end up with these mountain bandits? And where are your parents?"

Ace, who had been lost in his own thoughts about his parentage, was jolted back to the present by Luffy's inquiries. He sighed, trying to find the right words. "Well, I don't know much about my parents. I was left with the bandits when I was just a baby."

Luffy's eyes widened with surprise. "You don't know anything about your parents? That must be tough."

Ace nodded, his expression somewhat distant. "Yeah, it's strange. I've always wondered about them, but I've never found any answers."

As Ace spoke, he couldn't help but remember the countless times he'd questioned his own existence. The world's hatred for his father, Gold Roger, the infamous Pirate King, had left him feeling like a cursed child. People often whispered about the danger of his bloodline, and Ace had questioned whether he should have been born at all. {A/N— Did Ace knew his father's name was Gol D. Roger, when he was a child or he also thought it Gold Roger}

But Luffy's voice, filled with genuine concern, brought Ace back from his introspection. "Ace, are you okay?"

Ace blinked, realizing he had drifted into his thoughts again. He looked at Luffy, who was gazing at him with a mixture of curiosity and concerned. It was a stark contrast to the judgmental glances he'd received from others.

'He'll react the same way others do when he knows the truth. It's better if he leaves me alone.'

Ace's internal turmoil grew, he turned to leave, hoping that Luffy would simply lose interest and walk away.

But to Ace's surprise, Luffy didn't relent. He started following him and kept asking questions, pushing past Ace's attempts to discourage him.

Luffy continued to fire questions at Ace, undeterred by his initial reluctance. "Hey, Ace, where are you going? What do you like to do for fun?"

Finally, as Ace had walked a bit farther, he turned and confronted Luffy. "Why are you following me?"

Luffy, with his usual cheerfulness, simply replied, "Because you seem interesting! I want to get to know you better."

Ace couldn't believe it. This boy, who knew nothing about his past or the world's judgment, was earnestly seeking his friendship. It was a sentiment Ace had never encountered before. He had always been cautious about getting close to others, afraid that they would reject him once they discovered his heritage.

With a mix of emotions, Ace asked Luffy, "Why are you so persistent about becoming friends with me?"

Luffy's answer was simple and heartfelt, reflecting his unwavering belief in the power of friendship. "Everyone needs a friend in their life. Being left alone is the worst thing that can happen to someone & I don't have any friends my age.So, I want us to be friends!"

Ace, touched by Luffy's sincerity, felt something warm bloom within him. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time—the genuine desire for companionship. He realized that maybe, just maybe, Luffy was different from the rest.

As Luffy's words resonated in the tranquil forest, Ace couldn't help but smile. It was a small, genuine smile—one that held the promise of a friendship that would defy the odds and change the course of their lives.

As Luffy's persistent enthusiasm wore down Ace's defenses, he couldn't help but crack a smile. Luffy's infectious energy was impossible to resist. With a reluctant but genuine tone, Ace replied, "Alright, alright, I give in. Friends."

The day continued, filled with laughter, playful banter, and shared adventures. They explored the forest, climbed trees, and even managed to catch a wild boar. Now, as the sun began to set, they sat together at a clearing in front of Dadan's house.

Their prize, the wild boar, sizzled on a campfire they had set up earlier. The aroma of the cooking meat filled the air, making their stomachs rumble in anticipation.

However, their concentration on the sizzling boar was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice. Both of them turned to see Garp approaching with a hearty laugh. "Oh-ho-ho! Both of you are getting along, huh? That makes me happy! Bwahahaha!"

Garp's sudden arrival surprised both Luffy and Ace, but Luffy quickly recovered and turned to Garp with a puzzled expression. "Both of you? Do you know Ace, Gramps?"

Garp chuckled, confirming their connection. "Yeah, yeah! This brat Ace is the one I was telling you about. He's..."

Before Garp could finish his sentence, Ace interjected with a hint of sarcasm, "This old man was the one who left me here."

Luffy blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected that his grandfather was connected to Ace's past in such a way. He turned his attention back to Garp, asking where he had been all day.

Garp replied casually, "Oh, I was just catching up with Dadan and her gang." He left out the part about keeping an eye on both of his beloved grandsons.

As the evening wore on, Luffy's energetic spirit began to wane, and he eventually succumbed to drowsiness. He nodded off, leaning against a giant tree log they had been sitting on. Garp watched him with a warm smile.

After a while, Garp turned to Ace and struck up a conversation. "So, how are you, brat?"

Ace replied with a hint of sincerity, "Good."

Garp, ever the curious grandfather, continued his questioning. "How was your meeting with Luffy?"

Ace pondered for a moment before answering, "Well, he's persistent, and he can be noisy, but he's fun to be around"

"If I had to describe him, I'd say he's like a clumsy and free-spirited little brother."

Garp chuckled at the description. "Little brother, huh? Well, you two are my grandsons , so that does make you brothers in a way."

After some more talk, Garp hoisted the drowsy Luffy onto his back and began the journey back to Foosha Village.

With Luffy in tow, he turned to Ace, engaging in a more serious conversation. "Ace, do you remember when you asked me once if it was right for you to be born? And I told you that you wouldn't know the answer until you've lived your life."

Ace nodded, his memories of that conversation resurfacing. "Yeah."

Garp continued, "So, have you found an answer to your question, even if it's just a little bit?"

Ace thought back to the day he had spent with Luffy, the laughter, the adventure, and the genuine connection he had felt. He replied, "Maybe."

Garp's laughter echoed through the night air. "Well, that's a good thing, Ace. Take care of yourself, brat."

With those parting words, Garp continued his journey towards Foosha Village, carrying Luffy on his back.

Under the starry sky, Ace watched Garp and Luffy disappear into the distance, a sense of warmth and connection replacing some of the uncertainty that had always lingered within him.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


