2.79% All My Harem Fantasy / Chapter 4: Volume 1, 2 - Losing My Virginity in a Foursome!? (1)

章 4: Volume 1, 2 - Losing My Virginity in a Foursome!? (1)

"Umm, so you're saying…"

Naoki was hesitant to sum up what he had been told.

That was because it sounded crazy.

"This world is at risk of being destroyed because the Demon Lord was revived, so you summoned me to defeat them?"

"Exactly." Filia Shiora, the redheaded swordswoman sitting across the table from him, was completely serious about this. "We came to this land spoken of in legend, but I never imagined it would work quite like that."

Her two party members were seated alongside her at the round table. The nun was named Tianne Rutheim and the elf archer named Llusse.

"This land" was a village called Fus.

They had emerged from the cave to find themselves halfway up a mountain.

White flowers had been blooming all across that scenic place surrounded by blue mountains. The girls had then brough him to a small village at the foot of the mountain.

They had finally explained things to him in the restaurant on the first floor of the inn there.

After they each introduced themselves, they had lowered their voices to a whisper and explained the reason for the summoning.

Although that reason ended up sounding exactly like the story for a game.

"Hmm." Naoki had to tilt his head. "I get what you're trying to say, but I'm not so sure I'm hero material."

It was true that a game's main character often was not very heroic when the story began and he actually preferred that type. He thought it was more realistic that way.

But it did not seem even remotely realistic once he placed himself in that position. He could not imagine himself as a hero.

"I have to agree with you there. What kind of legendary hero appears nude and with an erection?"

Llusse teased him and her elf ears flapped up and down as if to mock him further.


She was right about that.

He had been nude until he had been given clothing at the inn.

Descending a mountain surrounded by girls and covering his crotch had made him feel like a criminal being taken to jail more than a hero.

"Don't be so rude!"

Filia chided Llusse and apologized.

"Sorry, Hero. She has a sharp tongue, but she's a good girl deep down."

"Ah ha ha. I-if you say so."

He decided this was better than further questions about why he had been naked and with a full erection.

(Actually, is she not going to mention the whole facial thing?)

That seemed odd, but he was not about to bring it up himself.

He stole a glance over at Tianne, the nun he had bukkaked.

She had of course wiped off her face and no semen remained, but when she noticed his gaze, she blushed.

"Thank you very much for earlier, Hero."

She thanked him, perhaps to hide her embarrassment. He had no idea what the thanks was for, but she was certainly cute.

He ended up staring and the elf archer got after him for it.

"Hey, quit leering at her. It's gross."


Filia once more chided her for her insults.

She was apparently the leader of the party.

They all belonged to a kingdom called Lesdea.

300 years ago, the Hero had suddenly appeared in this village in Lesdean territory. He was said to have come from another world.

Another world in this case did not mean a neighboring kingdom or another continent across the ocean from the Oinia Continent the kingdom was a part of.

It was truly another world where the living beings and laws of nature were all different.

The Hero from another world had defeated the Demon Lord and then gone elsewhere.

But the people had adored the Hero and believed he would return to save them when the world was in turmoil once more.

"I know you must be confused after being summoned without warning, but this world's fate is in your hands. Please assist us."

Filia bowed her head.

(Am I really that necessary?)

He found it hard to believe he was the Hero, but the look in her eyes told him how earnest she was.

But unlike in a game, he could not just choose "yes" without a second thought.

Those monsters in the cave had been terrifying.

The Demon Lord was sure to be even stronger and more brutal, so he was honestly scared.

Maybe he would have felt differently if he had some kind of useful skill to speak of, but his only talents were his passion for masturbation and the prodigious amount of semen he could produce.


He thought and thought.

It was not like he had anywhere else to go if he refused.

And if he got to go on a journey with girls this hot…

He finished crunching the numbers in his head.

In the end, it came down to wanting to be with them.

"You got it. If I'll really be of some use, then I'll help you out."

"Th-thank you so much!"

Filia was so overwhelmed with emotion she just about rose to her feet as she grabbed his hand.

Then their food arrived.

"Oh, good! I was worried those wouldn't fit, but they're perfect."

The woman who ran the inn all on her own smiled as she placed the plates on the table. The clothes Naoki was wearing were ones she had pulled out from the back of her room.

"They suit you well."

The tips of her pointed ears lowered as she spoke. She too was an elf.

She seemed a lot kinder and gentler than sharp-tongued Llusse.

(I thought maybe elves just had harsh personalities in this world, but I guess they're all different.)

Or maybe it had to do with their age.

Llusse looked about the same age as him, but the innkeeper appeared to be in her late 20s or her 30s, giving her a calmer and more mature look.

Her soft blonde hair was grown out to her hips and it looked somehow sexy.

Her simple waitress dress had a fairly large hole open at the top of the chest and his eyes were drawn to the plump cleavage shown off there.

Those sexy tits had both a youthful firmness and a mature softness.

"You're leering again!"

Llusse noticed where he was looking and got after him again.

"Oh, dear?"

The innkeeper placed her hands over her chest, but her adult confidence led her to give him a teasing grin instead of scolding him.

Naoki was flustered, however, so he quickly changed the subject to avoid the issue.

"Th-this food looks good! H-huh? Are you supposed to eat the flowers too?"

Some white flower petals were arranged around the edge of the plate for the main dish – a rural-style meat dish.

He was pretty sure they were only a garnish, but he was desperate for anything else to talk about.

"Of course not. Well, you could if you want. They won't harm you."

Llusse looked exasperated, but Filia kindly explained for him.

"Those are known as Fus flowers and they are this village's specialty."

He recalled seeing a lot of the same flowers growing outside the cave.

He had seen them all around the village and they were also used as decorations in the inn.

"They are very valuable flowers said to repel monsters," added Tianne.

Once she mentioned it, he could see a speckled pattern of glowing golden powder coming from the white flower petals. It looked somehow mystical.

"The flowers aren't that rare for elves, but this is the only human land where you can find them."

The innkeeper nodded in agreement with Llusse's statement.

"I see."

He was honestly not that interested in this, but he had at least distracted them from the fact that he had been staring at the innkeeper's boobs.

"Now, take your time."

Once the innkeeper left, Filia scooted her chair up next to Naoki's and began providing unasked-for help.

"Go ahead and eat! I do hope you like it. Oh, do you know how to eat it?"

She even carried the meat directly to his mouth for him.

Tianne poured a cup of what appeared to be a sweet fruit wine and passed it to him.

"Have a drink too…Hero."

(Wow, now this is a welcome!)

He felt as surrounded by beautiful flowers as the main dish.

Girls had always found him so creepy he had never received treatment like this before.

His heart rejoiced at this first.

(Having girls pamper you feels so damn good!)

The grin on his face earned him a look of scorn from Llusse, but he did not care.

He decided he was going to enjoy this for all it was worth.

"When did I fall asleep?"

Naoki was initially confused when he woke up on a bed in an unfamiliar room, but then it came back to him.

After eating, they had suggested he get some rest before they continued their conversation and they had gone to their rooms at the inn.

This had to be the nicest room in the inn. It was spacious and the bed was large and soft despite being made of simple wood.

Things had grown dark outside the window, so it was probably a little after twilight.

It had been late at night in his world when he was summoned, so there was about a half day's worth of time difference. It was not surprising he had fallen asleep.

"Going to sleep right after jerking off feels so great."

He was sprawled out on the bed with all his clothes off and his dick on display.

He had gotten to work as soon as he was in the room. He did not remember how many times he had gotten off before falling asleep.

He had of course been jerking it to those three.

"Girls as hot as them really make masturbating easy."

They were beautiful, they had big boobs, and their clothes were sexy.

Swordswoman Filia kept calling him "Hero".

Then there was Tianne, the bashful nun. Her mature and pure aura was so good.

Llusse was always getting after him, but he did not hate that. In fact, he liked it a lot.

With their three very different personalities, he could cover a wide variety of fantasies!

He had his worries, but if he could journey with them, maybe it would not be so bad.

(And it's not like I had anything going for me in my own world! If I'm lucky, I might even get to have sex! …Well, maybe that's asking too much.)

While he imagined his new life here, his dick grew big and hard once more.

"Okay, time for another round!"

He grabbed his erection to start jerking, but first he had to figure out who to fantasize about first.

Except he was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"Hero, are you awake?"


It was Filia's voice. He sprang up from the bed because he would be in big trouble if she came in right now!

"Wh-wh-wh-what do you need!?"

He tried to buy time with that question, but that proved to be the wrong move.

The redheaded swordswoman took it as permission to come in, so she opened the door and walked in with her party members.

"I do apologize for interrupting your rest, but I thought we could discuss your role as the Hero before-"

"Why are you naked?"

Llusse was disturbed by his state of undress and Tianne's eyes widened.

"W-well, um, the thing is, ha ha, uh, wh-what was that about my role as the Hero?"

He just barely managed to pull the sheet up over himself in time, but he was still worried they had noticed his erection. However, Filia did not seem bothered at all as she approached.

"May I sit next to you?"

"G-go ahead?"

(D-does she have to sit quite that close!?)

She settled her butt down on the bed so close their shoulders nearly touched, so he grew even more flustered.

Her clothing was so revealing he never knew where to look and now she was close enough that he could feel the warmth of her bare skin.

"Um, wait…"

He tried to scoot away, but then he felt something soft on his back.

He looked over to see Tianne on his other side.

And she was leaning so her large breasts pressed against him.


"Do you remember what happened in the battle earlier? Tianne is a nun, so she is not an attacker. She could only use that powerful magic thanks to your power as the Hero."

Filia was saying something, but it all went in one ear and out the other because he was drawn into Tianne's eyes as she stared silently at him. Then he felt a breath on the back of his ear.

He looked around to find Filia's face close enough to kiss him!

(Wait, what is going on?)

What were these girls planning while pressed in so close on either side of him?

"The Hero has a special power." The swordswoman gave him a seductive look. "His semen can draw out a woman's latent abilities."


Naoki had not been paying attention, but this forced him to focus again.

"Wh-what the hell!? How am I supposed to believe something so absurd?"

But the look in their eyes said they were not joking.

"This is an old legend in our world."

"And I was surprised to see how powerful my magic was."

"Maybe, but…"

Filia and Tianne's arms tangled around him from either side.

And then Llusse stood in front of him as if to keep him from escaping.

"Believe it or not, you said you would help us, so pipe down and do what we say!"

"Do what you say? W-wait, you don't mean…ohhhh!"

The elf crouched down and poked at his crotch through the sheet, making him cry out.

"Oh, god. I knew saving the world wouldn't be easy, but this isn't what I had in mind. …Get that sheet out of the way."

(Wh-why? What are you going to do!?)

He actually already knew. What else could it be after their explanation?

(She wants to get at my semen, but that would mean…!?)

"You can't even do something as simple as this!? And you call yourself the Hero?"

"Wait, stop…"

Fed up with his hesitation, she tore away the sheet and his little guy popped out to say hello.

"I can't believe this. I haven't even done anything yet. Don't tell me…"

"N-no, um, uh, I've…never done this kind of thing before."

"Yeah, I can tell."

After kicking him while he was down, Llusse put leather gloves on her hands.

"I would prefer not to do this, you know?"

That caused his dick to noticeably twitch.

"Wait, why did you react to that!?"

(B-because you said you don't want to do this. Knowing you're doing it even though you don't want to is so…so…)

She spread his legs wide, kneeled between them, and grabbed his erection.

She brushed back her hair and frowned while he silently tried to burn the image into his mind.

(A hot elf getting me off even though she doesn't want to? That's an image I can get off to time and time again!)

Filia and Tianne mistook his silence for reluctance and worked to convince him.

"Hero, you may not want to do this, but this is your duty if you are to save the world."

"We will pleasure you orally, so just bear with it for a little bit, okay?"

(Wait, she isn't just giving me a handjob?)

What a stroke of good luck!

The gloves and her way of talking had made him assume it would just be a handjob, so this was a pleasant surprise.

And it would be done by a strong-willed elf girl whose duty demanded she do this whether she wanted to or not!

(I-I can't believe my first blowjob is happening like this!)

But that also meant they would not be going all the way. That made sense, but it was still a little disappointing.

Llusse's sharp eyes did not miss his disappointment.

"Hmph. What was that disappointed look for?"

"Well, um…"

He panicked when she saw right through him like that.

"You really think I would fuck some guy I just met? You're lucky I'm even sucking you off."

But as sharp-eyed as she was, she was not aware the guy would enjoy this behavior all the more. His cock grew even harder.

"God, why do I have to suck this guy's dick?"

She grabbed the erection, pulled it toward herself, and parted her lips.

Instead of taking it inside her mouth, she only opened her mouth enough to stick out her tongue. Her warm breath tickled the tip of his dick.

(H-here it comes!)

Her pink tongue stuck out and touched his dark red tip.

This was his first time feeling a woman's tongue. The first thing he felt was the chill of her wet saliva.

But that only lasted a moment. The warmth of her tongue reached him soon thereafter.

(Wow, th-that's so good! So this is a real blowjob.)

This was nothing like stroking it himself or using a sex toy. It was a denser feeling with a mixture of warmth and coolness.

But beyond his response, Llusse immediately pulled back from the penis head.

"What a weird flavor."

(O-oh, no!)

He had been jerking off before he had fallen asleep, so it probably was coated with the smell of semen!


He started to apologize, but then he realized the look on her face was not one of disgust.

"Have you never sucked a dick before?"

The sharp-tongued elf blushed bright red.

"O-of course not! I've never even seen one of these close up before!"

(Ohhhh! This is a virgin's first blowjob!? Really!?)

He shed a waterfall of joyous tears on the inside.

She glared at him but said nothing more as she leaned toward his cock once more.

And this time, she opened her mouth wide and leaned even further forward!

Her soft lips moved past the head.

(She's swallowing it!)

He was of course glad the blowjob was continuing, but he could not believe such a beautiful girl – and a virgin at that – had his dick in her mouth.

Her virgin lips rose and fell along the length of his shaft, coating it with saliva.

She kept a steady rhythm with no change, just as you would expect for someone who only saw this as their duty.

Even so, the pleasure and emotions created by that warm and wet ring of flesh sliding along his dick were much greater than from masturbation.

(Ahh, wow…I'm feeling dizzy. Shit, I really might pass out.)

"Now, please excuse us as we join in."

"Tell us if it hurts, okay?"

Filia and Tianne supported him from the sides while leaning him gently back onto the bed.

"Eh!? W-wait! A-all three of you are going to do it!!?"

Only his lower body was sticking off of the bed while he lay on his back and the girls' lips gathered around his crotch.

Three tongues competed to crawl along it and he could feel their sweet breaths on his drool-coated dick. He felt like a king.

"Ohhhh…this is like a dream come true!!"

"Do you ever quiet down?"

"Does this heel hood, Hewo?"

"We've never done this before, so I'm worried we won't be able to make you cum."

(Th-they're all virgins!? My first blowjob is from three virgins at once!?)

It was truly unbelievable.

They seemed to be telling the truth about this being their first time because he could not sense any real skill in their tongue technique.

But as awkward as their blowjobs were, they each provided a unique form of stimulation.

Filia seemed to be enjoying herself, which was a stark contrast to Llusse who was blatantly driven only by her duty. She let her curiosity guide her as she attacked the ridge of the head, the urethral opening, the frenulum, and other parts of his dick. When he reacted, she would happily and thoroughly lick at that part some more. She gave oral like he imagined a loving girlfriend might.

Meanwhile, Tianne's blowjob spent a lot longer pressing her lips or tongue against him. There was a reverence to it, like she was pouring a nun's spirit of service into pleasuring him. She took his shaft or balls into her mouth, closed her eyes, and sucked at it or rolled them around with her tongue in a way that said this was what she wanted to do.

(She might not look like the type, but I bet she's actually fantasizing about sex all the time.)

Llusse did not play around as much as the other two, but hers was a very earnest blowjob.

She swallowed it deeper than the others and tangled her tongue around it more. She also made the lewdest sounds while rhythmically sucking it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


