47.54% Bleach DxD

章 126: Chapter 126 For the peace of everyone

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Kuroka decided to use senjutsu to disguise herself, as Artoria suggested to her. She wouldn't be able to run away from someone like Ichigo. 

She knew that Koneko might be suspicious of her, but it was better than being caught off guard.

Ichigo and Koneko, along with Sona, appeared before them. 

They looked at them with intense curiosity, wondering why they were inside the building that had the faint scent that Koneko was familiar with.

"Ichigo-nii, the scent is coming from her."

Kuroka was now disguised as a black-haired young woman like Koneko. She didn't want to give away her true identity, so she maintained a calm and composed demeanor.

It was the opposite of her true nature, as she was usually mischievous and unpredictable. Kuroka had always been the troublemaker of the group, but this time, she needed to play her cards right.

"You are the black cat I met not long ago, and who are you? Why are you in a place like this?"

Ichigo remembered Kuroka when she used her cat form, and he asked the identity of the blonde-haired woman in armor. He could feel that the blonde-haired woman was pretty strong for a human.

Kuroka didn't speak; she just acted like he wasn't there. As for Artoria, She introduced herself normally.

"My name is Artoria Pendragon, and I am a friend of Furina that you helped from the exorcists yesterday. I came here to thank you and ask something from you as the fellow knight under the infinite dragon god."


Ichigo heard that and was confused by the mention of the "infinite dragon god." 

He knew about Furina and the Hydro Dragon.

But why was Ophis related to this matter?

"Yahari(As expected), You don't know anything about it. Let me explain to you then."

Artoria then explained to him about her organization. He was her champion, which meant he would be their boss only under Ophis herself.

"So it was like that. And I thought she just wanted to play a game with me."

Ichigo chuckled. He got the gist of it before, but now he knew the full details. He didn't know what he should do. Should he talk about this with his captain?

"Don't worry, I understand your feelings, but becoming Ophis's champion wasn't easy. No, it was almost impossible for her to be impressed by someone. You should know how strong she is, and she also didn't want Great Red to steal you. so"

"Great Red, you mean the dragon of dreams that was on par with her wants a piece of me too?"

"That's correct"

Ichigo sighed, He knew that his life would be so much more complicated now that he had caught the attention of both Ophis and Great Red.

Both Koneko and Sona listened to them, and they knew that they were members of the Khaos Brigade.

It was an organization that could rival the big factions in the world.

And Ichigo was the champion of the infinite dragon god. This position was much higher than even that of the captain of the Gotei Jusantai. As the captains were under the captain commander but not the god of the factions,

Infinite Dragon God Ophis was at the same level as the Soul King for all of the Shinigami.

"I think I don't want to know what I have to do next. So I will just leave it at that."

"Umu, I understand your feeling, but please know that Ophis would do everything to get her hand on her champion. She might even confront the Soul King for this. For the peace of everyone, please consider finding a way to prevent that from happening."

Artoria was very direct, and Ichigo liked it. He nodded his head. He really needed to speak with Soifon about this. She should be able to help him somehow.

"And another matter that I would like to discuss with you. Can you give us the holy sword fragments? We needed them in order to explore the void."

Ichigo heard that, and he went silent a little. He understood that he was her boss right now, and she asked for his help.

As for the holy sword fragments, It wasn't a big deal to him anymore.

"How many do you want? I have about three hundred sets right now."


This time, it was Artoria who was caught off guard. Did she hear it right? Did he just say that he had three hundred sets of holy sword fragments?

At Ichigo's house, Orihime smiled at the two exorcists that lived with her.

Irina was compatible with Orihime, as they ate bread together. As for Xenovia, she was now looking at them in daze.

"Hey, Xenovia-chan, do you want to eat bread with us? Don't worry; this time it will be normal bread. I promise"

"I-I don't know anything anymore."

"Orihime-chan, I think your bread with fruit mayonnaise gave her a nightmare, but it was really good for me."

They became close, living with each other for only two days. Orihime was good at making friends with bread.

Ichigo appeared inside his house. Orihime saw him and felt very happy. He hadn't been home for two days now, and she missed him very much.


Orihime hugged him and asked him why he hadn't come home. She acted like he had wronged her. Who is she, his wife?

Ichigo shook his head and patted her head a little, then he said it was work-related.

He then looked at both Xenovia and Irina. They were also looking at him.

"Come with me, I'll give you what you came here for."

Ichigo decided to give them a set of holy sword fragments. It wasn't original, though. He didn't trust the church that much. They might use it for bad reasons.

The greater the light, the bigger the shadow.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C126
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


