33.96% Bleach DxD

章 90: Chapter 90 Clever but not enough

Ichigo sighed. He had fixed Freed but not to the point of complete recovery. Why should he treat him completely when he knew what he was going to do after.

He wasn't a saint. He just heals him enough to not let him die.

After that he sent him to his inner world, hoping that White could get the information he needed. Then he looked at the fallen angel who became a mute and didn't dare to make a sound.

'Am I a bear?'

Ichigo chuckled to himself. For them he might be a bear and they were just helpless red pandas. The difference was too big.

"So, Do you know what you should do? Tell me everything I want to know and I will let you live."

Ichigo walked toward him with a smile. A devil's smile.

Donaseek didn't have a choice. Even if he fights him. He would be caught and torture. Sooner or later he would spit out everything.

"Are you really going to let me live after I tell you everything?"

Ichigo nodded. He would let him live as Donaseek would let him find another fallen angel in the city. He doubted that he would tell him the truth.

Fallen didn't work like that. They may even be more cut throated than the devil.

Donaseek then told him almost everything. Yeah, That's how fallen angels should be. And Ichigo knew that he had told him almost all the truth.

"Okay, I will let you live. I'll give you five seconds before I change my mind."

Donaseek did a magic trick and he was gone in only two seconds. He didn't even use teleport as it may have used more time.

"Clever but not enough."

Ichigo had put a tracking kido on him. So he knew where he went and he could even see him on the birth eyes view using familiar. He practiced Onmyodo when he had free time. And his current spell in Onmyodo was on the black-star level only.

"Combo Kido and Onmyodo benefit me more than I had thought."

Ichigo felt good. The more knowledge he had, The more powerful he became.

"Next, Let's wait a little."

He needed to wait for White to give him information from Freed and Donaseek to go to his true hideout.

As he finished the job here he then stumbled upon something interesting.

"The holy swords. And four pieces at that."

Ichigo didn't have a chance to do an experiment on the holy subject. Now the holy swords were in front of him. If he didn't use this opportunity. He didn't know how long he could get his hands on these beauties.

"Let me borrow them for some time."

Ichigo threw all of the holy swords into his inner world. He didn't have to do anything and he already felt that his bloodline was burning. But it was in the level that he could endure.

"As usual."

Ichigo sealed the pain. And he felt better. He checked his body and felt that his body became more immune to the holy power.

"That's good, If the holy power couldn't do anything to me then. I will become much stronger."

His only weakness was holy power but now it would be gone. Who would dare to fight him in the future when he had no weakness.

"No, I can't be too confident. I needed to be humble."

Ichigo remembered his mother's words. Arrogance always leads to self destruction.

Fuyuki city.

Furina was now walking around the city. Chilling in her day.

She suddenly felt something in the direction of Karakura town.

"Albion did you feel that?"

"Yes, It looks like your rival had awakened his partner Ddraig but somehow he couldn't fully awake…"

Albion felt confused. This was the first time something like this happened.

"Should we go to Karakura town and find the red dragon?"

"No, We shouldn't."

It wasn't Albion who said that but Neuvillette. He knew that she would make a mess of herself.

Furina looked at Neuvillette then she shook her head. Even though she is the white dragon empress. She couldn't deny his words at all.

'Damn you Hydro Dragon King'

Furina then went to the ice cream shop. She loved eating ice cream so much that she came to this shop almost everyday.

As Furina enjoyed her ice cream. Shuri, Akeno, and Tsubaki had visited the Khaos Brigade.

The reason why they came here was because Tsubaki wanted to join the Khaos Brigade as she thought that with the blessing of the infinite dragon god. She might be truly free from her family.

"Are you sure you want to do this Tsubaki-chan? You know that Ichigo-kun would never allow anyone in your family to step foot in Kuoh town?"

Akeno asked Tsubaki. She nodded her head.

"I can't rely on him forever. I needed to become stronger myself."

Akeno nodded. She knew how it felt to be hopeless. She became White-Star level Onmyoji because of that.

"I understand but please don't force yourself. You still have me and everyone."

Shuri also nodded and smiled gently at her like a mother should.

She never felt like this before since her mother's death.

Tsubaki felt genuine happy that there someone who would always be with her. She treated both Akeno and Shuri as her family.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C90
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


