45.71% The Seduction System / Chapter 15: I Just Need You More

章 15: I Just Need You More

He closed his eyes tightly, taking in slow breaths through his nose. "Please..." His voice shook. "Just one last thing..." When he spoke, it sounded almost mechanical. Almost robotic. Yet somehow, despite everything, she heard genuine emotion behind those words. Something inside of her ached to hear them say something more. Anything. Just one more word.

However, he didn't say anything anymore. His hands were trembling slightly. Were they already past the point of no return? The answer was no. But what happened if he was going to touch her again? This time however, there would be no stopping him if he decided to go further. He knew they could not turn back once they got started. She swallowed hard as she waited for whatever came next. Her heart raced, her chest tightening with a mixture of fear and anticipation. What was he about to ask her? She couldn't imagine. She didn't dare imagine.

Her face flushed redder than it already was. A small moan escaped her lips as he pulled her body closer. He was standing right in front of her. Right up against her. So close that she could feel his hot breath tickling her cheek.

A shiver ran down her spine as she looked into his eyes. There wasn't any doubt left. Not anymore. The moment had come. Now or never. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Yes, son…?" She whispered softly. Waiting patiently for him to make the first move.

The silence hung heavy between them. Neither wanting to break it by saying anything too loud. Too embarrassing. Too risky. Instead, they simply stared each other down until eventually, after what felt like hours, he broke eye contact first. Slowly reaching out his hand towards her neck. Feeling every inch of skin along its length.

Her heart raced with excitement and dread. His fingers twiddled with her locks. Gently scratching at her scalp. Making her shiver even more. He was so close now. So dangerously close. Could he hear her breathing? Was he feeling her trembling? She couldn't contain her impatience any longer.

Her gaze never wavered from his. His hand was now at the base of her neck, just above her shoulder. He held her in the palm of his hand. As if she were some kind of delicate doll. As if she was breakable. But she wasn't. She never was. She was strong. And she was ready.

Her head was spinning with excitement as she felt his hot breath on her lips. His hand slowly was trailing up her neck again. His thumb brushing against her bottom lip. Then, without warning, he crushed his lips against hers. Hard. Passionately. Overpoweringly. His tongue dancing with hers. A dance she had waited so long to perform.

She moaned into his mouth. Lost in the kiss. Forgetting everything else around them. Nothing mattered except this. This moment. Their bodies pressed together tightly. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Holding onto him for dear life. It didn't take long for their passion to grow stronger.

She could feel his heart beating against her chest. Could hear his breaths growing more rapid. His hands were roaming her body eagerly. Hungrily. She felt herself falling deeper and deeper into him. Lost in this moment. This moment she had waited so long for.

He broke away from the kiss suddenly. Looking deep into her eyes. "I want you, mom." He whispered huskily. Almost desperately. "Please...let me have you..." He begged softly. His face inches from hers. Waiting for her answer. For permission. To finally claim what they both wanted.

Suddenly, his words brought her back to reality.

"No son... We cannot do this... It's wrong. You are my son... Please no more crossing the line tonight...I am sorry" Her heart racing, she struggled to catch her breath. She could feel the tension in his body. The desire in his eyes.

"Please" he begged again. "I want you so much."

She stopped her son continuing. She could feel her resolve weakening. Slowly but surely. She wanted him too. So badly. But she couldn't give in. Not yet.

"But I can't help it…" His voice was barely above a whisper. His mind spinning out of control. "I just need you more. Just once…"

"Please son… Remember the boundary. You have promised me…" Her voice was getting lower.

"It doesn't matter anymore mommy. I'm going crazy here. All these feelings. They're driving me insane!" His words were laced with desperation. A desperate plea for relief. Aching for release. Needing something inside him that only she could provide, only she could satisfy.

She looked at him pleadingly. Tears welled up in her eyes. There was nothing else left to say. Nothing else needed to be said. All there was between them now was pure emotion. Pure connection. Pure passion. Pure love. Pure lust. Pure longing. Pure desire. Pure need.

"I know this is wrong, mommy. But I don't care! It feels right! I've never felt like this before! Ever!" He cried as he held onto her tightly. "Just let me please you one time. Let me make you happy mommy." He paused for a moment before continuing. "And I know you need me too..." Tears streamed down his cheeks. "If I cannot touch you, can you to touch me?" He was begging her. Pleading with her. "Please" he whispered once again.

She stared into his pleading brown eyes. Feeling herself breaking under their intensity. Seeing the pain behind those tears. Knowing what he would do if she gave in. "No, no baby boy. It has gone far enough. We cannot let go of our inhibitions and let ourselves controlled by only pleasure."

Her son stood there, staring at her. His eyes glossy with tears. He was hurt. He was angry. He was broken. "I can't make you understand, mom. I can't make you feel what I feel."

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling her close against him. Holding onto her tightly. Burying his face in her neck. "Mom..." His words were muffled as he buried his head in her chest. Crying softly as he held her tightly. His body shaking with the force of his emotions. "Why won't you just accept me? Why can't you see how much I need you?"

"Sorry son, I know you need me. And I know I need you too. But we cannot continue exploring each other like this." Liz replied, feeling his warm embrace. She felt him shake against her. Hearing his sobs echo through the room. A sense of guilt washing over her as she realized that she had made him cry. That she had caused such sadness. "What have I done?" She asked herself in her mind.

She wrapped her arms around him tightly. Pulling him in close to her. Holding onto him tightly. Her heart was breaking at the sight of him crying. "My baby boy... It's just that… Mommy has to set boundaries."

He wiped his eyes, sniffling as he did so. His tears slowly diminished. He looked up at her once again. The pain was still evident in his eyes. Yet now mixed with determination. With hope. With something else. Something he couldn't quite put into words yet. There was something about his look that told her that he wanted to say something important but wasn't sure if it would be okay.

"What is it, my precious boy?" Liz waited patiently for her son to speak.

"Tell me what you want to say, my sweetheart." She said gently stroking his hair lovingly. Feeling his tears drying on her shirt. Wanting to comfort him even though he shouldn't feel sad because he wasn't being punished by his mother. He began to sob once again.

His gaze softened slightly when he spoke. "I'm sorry…" He whispered softly. Looking down at the floor ashamedly, trying not to make eye contact with her. He knew that if he did then he'd break down completely. Her hand reached out towards his face, stroking his cheek tenderly. "Shhh.." She cooed softly. Not wanting to scare him away or make things worse between them. But also knowing deep inside herself that this moment needed to happen. Needed to take place.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


