Journey of the Titans in Azeroth Journey of the Titans in Azeroth original

Journey of the Titans in Azeroth

作者: DaoistXPCF0T

© WebNovel

章 1: The Arrival and Beginning of Everything



Endless anger surges and churns within the vast expanse of the mind.

Though able to sense one's own existence, unable to open one's eyes to see, unable to hear with ears, and even unable to bend a finger, it seems that all that was once as familiar as instinct has been stripped away.

Yet, the spirit is expanding, like a suddenly electrified grid that flows and unfolds in an instant, roaring and sweeping into every corner.

Here... is the core of a planet.

Here... is the supreme origin.


This name emerges deeply in one's mind, that is one's new name.

Stellar Soul, the greatest miracle in the universe, the young body of a Titan deity.

Well, to be accurate, it can't even be called a young body, it's more like a Titan embryo, still in the process of development.

Memories of Earth remain incredibly clear, as do memories of being human.

Though unsure how all of this happened, one wants to remember being called Hu Feng, coming from Earth, originally an ordinary, common person.

No matter what transformation has occurred, one must never lose their initial self.

Ideals are lofty, reality is stark, and even before Hu Feng can firmly establish their belief, an extremely intense pain sweeps over their spirit.

Wanting to cry out but unable to, flesh and blood seem to be melting and tearing apart.

Two foreign energies from the outside are ravaging the defenseless Titan Stellar Soul.

Emerald green energy spreads along the right side of the body, a burning sensation like flames that never cease.

It seems the master of this power has gone awry, as fel energy is corrupting the Titan Stellar Soul rather than killing it.

Emerald green energy churns and surges within the Stellar Soul, signs of corruption appear on the Titan's body formed from divine power, cracks like streams spread across the right side of the Titan, then continue upwards, converging ultimately in the right eye.

A mass of concentrated, intense demonic fel flames burns fiercely in the eye socket.

Simultaneously, a pair of twisted devilish horns grow from the forehead, covered in intricate patterns, emerald green fel fire flowing within them like water.

Another pitch-black energy is not to be outdone, after corrupting the right side of the Titan's body, the void extends and begins to corrode the left side.

Simultaneously, a frenzy of whispers resounds within the Titan Stellar Soul's spirit, the whispers possess a power to divert the will, attempting to corrupt the Stellar Soul and make it a servant of the speaker.

The corruption brought by the void is chillingly cold, accompanied by a burning sensation of soul anguish.

However, just like the previous energy, the void fails. The master's intention has shifted, the pain inflicted by the void hasn't led the Titan Stellar Soul to succumb to the whispers; instead, it has ignited an intense will to survive and deep-seated hidden potential.

Similar to the fel energy, the void corrodes the Titan's body, yet simultaneously attaches to it, assimilating with the body while also extending upwards, eventually converging into a dense void flame in the left eye socket.

The initially emerald green demonic horns also begin to change, as if the two original sources of fire and water are incompatible, each striving for dominance to push out the other, causing Sarodar to feel intense pain once again.

However, as quickly as the pain comes, it goes.

The golden Titan divine power, sparked by the will to survive, intervenes in this self-destructive conflict.

The divine power harmonizes the two energy sources, barely maintaining a state of peaceful coexistence.

At this moment, the demonic horns are encircled by a black void, intertwining around the surface patterns of the horns in response to the fel energy.

Left and right, green and black, with pure golden divine power churning in between.

The spirit at this point spreads outward like a rocket.

Hu Feng finally "sees" something.

It is the planet where they are located, a dark gray, incredibly cold and desolate planet, suspended on the edge of this galaxy, firmly under the control of the central star's gravity.

Themselves... turned into oviparous creatures, and this planet is their egg.

They are situated at the very center of the planet's core.

But what's more important is what surrounds the planet.

On one side, emerald green fel flames churn and burn in the cosmic sky, massive in scale, as if standing at the edge of a vast sea.

Countless strange creatures form an extremely fierce and brutal army, and the inherent ancestral memory of the Titan Soul immediately provides the answer: these are demons, all sorts of demons.

The Burning Legion, composed of demons, is an army with an insatiable desire to burn the entire universe to ashes.

Their hearts are filled with a desire for destruction and annihilation, purely killing for the sake of killing, waging war for the sake of war.

At the forefront of the legion stands an immense titan.

The titan wields a massive sword, only half of which remains, the body surging and roiling with divine fel flames.

Their eyes, too, burn intensely with two dense clusters of fel energy.

They are Sargeras, the Dark Titan, once the mightiest warrior of the Pantheon, now a traitor, the destroyer of worlds, the burner of the universe.

Faint traces of former sanctity and order can be glimpsed from this Dark Titan, but now they are both perfect and malevolent. Even though Sargeras has fallen, that inexorable air of authority still emanates from him.

On the other side of the planet is boundless darkness, like ink where you can't see your hand. Within the pitch-black void, countless razor-sharp and extremely cold eyes flicker, a small portion gazing at the Dark Titan while most are fixated on the planet at the center, which is currently undergoing the ravages of energy.

They are the Void Lords, incarnations of the eternal will of the void, engulfing countless worlds into silent oblivion, turning vast cosmic skies into eternal nothingness.

They are like malignant parasites of the universe, devouring everything of the host until nothing remains.

Yet, Sargeras and his Titan kin fought alongside their Pantheon brethren for countless years, working throughout the cosmos to bring order and life to planets.

Meanwhile, the Titans of the Pantheon were also battling the Void Lords, attempting to eradicate them, to forever prevent the Void Lords' plan to return the universe to nothingness.

However, Sargeras gradually realized that the Pantheon's efforts were futile and misguided.

The war was failing, sliding into an abyss of endlessness, yet his kin refused to take more effective action.

The Void Lords created a kind of flesh-parasite called the Old Gods.

These Old Gods are like parasites to planets, once they burrow into a planet, they infect it rapidly, turning it into a hellish place of flesh.

Then, all life succumbs to the mad whispers, ultimately leading to eternal nothingness.

The Void Lords released these Old Gods into the universe continually, corroding inhabitable planets one after another, even those nurtured by Titan souls.

If Titan souls were to be corrupted as well, it would be an even greater disaster.

The Pantheon was already overwhelmed, and if corrupted kin were to appear, wielding Titan powers against them, the war would truly be over.

So, Sargeras left the Pantheon.

Before leaving, he angrily rebuked his kin, and they in turn labeled him a fallen traitor.

Sargeras left decisively and released the demons he had once defeated and planned to imprison forever.

Among them was the demon N'zoth, also known as the Dreadlord.

These crafty demons pledged their allegiance to Sargeras and agreed to assist him in his new plan: to burn everything.

Since the universe is the soil from which the Void Lords thrive, he would burn it all to prevent the Void Lords from corrupting it and finding a place to reside.

Then, the universe would be reborn from the ruins, returning to purity.

Upon the advice of the dreadlords, Sargeras subsequently released all the demons he had once defeated and commanded them to assemble an endless Burning Legion, embarking on the universal conflagration.

Meanwhile, they would thwart the actions of the Void Lords everywhere, especially the planets with corrupted souls.

Though killing unborn kin caused immense pain to Sargeras, he believed it was necessary.

Titan deities must not become mindless servants of the Void Lords!

Until now, realizing he's late to the scene, the corruption of the void has already deeply penetrated the planet's soul.

Sargeras decides to kill the unborn kin, and thus, fel energy flows in.

The Titan Stellar Soul, Sarodar, helpless to resist, observes the state of the planet's egg and its surroundings.

Escape is a must!

DaoistXPCF0T DaoistXPCF0T

Hi everyone~Im LazyHu~

thank you for read my book and I wish you can enjoy it~

I just like to writing and nothing else~

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


