91.66% A New Max Thunderman / Chapter 11: This Looks Like A Job For

章 11: This Looks Like A Job For

When he stepped out of his Lair, he immediately noticed Phoebe coddling their father. Max just rolled his eyes and stepped past her, moving into the kitchen for a quick snack, along with some coffee.

He had a *very* late night last night. It was about eleven in the morning, and he had been up since six the previous day.

When he finally turned all the way back around and got to the living room again, Phoebe was just throwing a blanket over their father.

"Here is your blanket, father." Phoebe spoke.

"'What is she doing?'" Maxie questioned.

Max answered simply, "'She wants a new phone. He has money. She doesn't.'"

"'She's buttering him up?'"


"'Makes sense.'"

"'Fully aware.'"

After the short conversation, he tunes back in.

"And here's the mug I made you, which shows how much I care." Phoebe says sweetly, and Max's eyebrows raise over his own coffee mug.

Angling himself slightly, he peeked at the wording, and as predicted, 'Phoebe hearts U most'. It was a picture of a heart, which made it so much worse.

Honestly, he was considering using one of his dark web contacts to get Phoebe blacklisted from everything that had to do with art or artistic opinions because the show didn't do a good enough job at showing how horrible her taste in everything artsy was.

Barb steps out from the kitchen, glancing over to Max who is sipping on his coffee. Max just looks back, raising his eyebrows once again. He lowers the cup, still looking at her.

The look was probably because his hair was a mess, he had eye bags, and he might have forgot to throw a shirt on after he took his last one off. Before you ask, it got way too hot downstairs. A lot of physical labor plus training.

He got his tricks back, by the way, which was great. He missed his tricks.

So the difference in torso tone from Maxie previously may be on display. Whoops. Lapse in judgement.

"See, Barb, I told you having kids would come in handy- Max, where's your shirt?" Hank says, and that gets Phoebe to look over. However, the second she does she looks away.

This was when the metal lightning bolt seemed to start burning his chest from where it was around his neck.

"Got too sweaty to keep it on last night." He remarks simply, taking another sip of coffee.

"A-HEM, anyways." Phoebe cuts in, throwing a blanket over Hank's legs. "Here is your blanket, and the remote." She passes them both to him, and he relaxes into the couch with a sigh.

Barb takes another glance at Max while he sips more of his coffee, then finally looks at her husband and oldest daughter. "Hank, you know she's just buttering you up for money, right?" She questions.

Phoebe immediately gets defensive. "What!? No way, I don't even know what money is so why would I-"

"She wants a new phone." Max cuts in, taking a quick break from the beverage to speak.

They all look at Max, and he glances around.

Sighing, he forgoes this sip, this one time. "I know everything, remember?"

Everyone nods, then Hank stands up and looks at Phoebe. "You have a perfectly working phone." Barb nods at her husbands words while Max hums, sipping the coffee. He bought the MePhone already. He scammed countless billionaires, remember? Technically, he's *still* scamming them.

Phoebe makes a noise that is between a scoff and a whine. "But the MePhone has apps that'll help me finish my homework quicker, a holographic keyboard-"

Max pipes in with, "A laser pointer." Then he sips his coffee again, noting how it's starting to run empty.

Phoebe motions to him with a hand. "A laser pointer! C'mon, dad. Pleaaase!?"

Hank and Barb look at each other, then a very large moment of silence passes as they try to figure out a solution. 

Max once again pipes in. "Get a job. Take initiative and learn responsibility." He then pulls the mug away, giving it a look. "I'm gonna need more of this." Then he turns to grab some more from the kitchen, leaving three very dumbfounded people behind.

"You know, that is an excellent idea." Barb notes, and the sigh Phoebe releases can be heard from the kitchen.


Colosso had asked him to close the soundproofed curtain around his cage because the noise was getting to him. He had been drilling holes in his room with heavy and powerful equipment, said equipment also produced heat which made him sweat. A lot. Very taxing. He had also soundproofed his walls/brought his Thundertanium doors down last night which brought the noise down quite a bit.

It was why nobody realized what he was doing. If his parents realized, they would be *livid*.

Most of the night was spent drilling a large, square hole right next to the stairs. It took a lot, because it was right-side up, he had to do even more work to prop it up.

He could tell his body was building even more muscle as he did physical labor. He preferred getting fit this way. Most people go to the gym for the appealing physique you get from artificial workouts, but he prefers the workers physique. The kind you get from doing constant strenuous activity, to build natural muscle mass.

You ever notice how while they look big and strong, a lot of times its not practical? That was why he rarely went, though he did currently have a gym membership, in case he ever felt like cheating. Yes, he went and got one.

He covered up the hole with a Doctor Colosso poster he had lying around, because he thought it was funny, and nobody would bat an eye if they saw it. Plus, Colosso could live out his glory days, so it's a win-win.

A safe was going to go in that hole. One with a fingerprint scanner and a voice recognition lock. In case of emergencies, he could remotely activate an eye scanner to add on to make sure, along with an emergency code. He was paranoid, it was natural.

He was still shirtless, and this time, he was drilling a hole into his floor. Yes, his *floor*. It was right under his desk, and that was where his sentimental objects will go, because who checks in the floor under a desk? There was going to be a panel that matches the floor that only shows its handle when he taps a certain way and utters a phrase he chooses. Real complicated.

Then the safe itself also has a fingerprint scanner, voice recognition lock, eye scanner, and a code. As requirements. Because this one would actually make him upset if someone got into it.

Bringing the sledgehammer over his head, he brought it down on the floor, hearing the cement crack some more under the pressure. Max raised the hammer once more and brought it down onto the cement again, hearing even more crack.

Sweat was building up in his gloves, and it was making his hands really uncomfortable. He knew Phoebe was currently getting ready to go interview for a job, and that meant less time in his hair. It also meant that she would be gone for regular intervals, at least until their birthday rolled around and she got fired.

What? Max was already guessing that Mrs. Wong was still going to get kidnapped. Based on how the world has changed, he can either make many small changes before the universe tries to correct itself, or one-to-two major changes before it tried to correct itself. For example: a small change was him just erasing Cherry's memory, or making Phoebe feel better, or being nicer to his siblings, plus anything else that didn't deviate the original outcome.

However, big changes, like actually showing up to class everyday and doing the assignments, he gets fewer of those before the universe tries to correct itself.

That was the theory, anyways. No way to prove that.

Anyways, he assumes Mrs. Wong will get kidnapped because Phoebe having a steady job is a *major* change, and the universe is probably going to try to correct it.

Letting the end of the hammer rest against the ground, he breathed out and wiped sweat off of his forehead before doing it again.

"Max, honey, there's a lot of noise coming from down here-" Barb starts, then pauses when she sees what he's doing. "Is that a sledgehammer?" She questions, pointing at the object.

Max nods blankly. "Uh, yeah? Why?"

Barb keeps giving him a look of trepidation. "And are you hitting my floor with it?"

Max just shrugs, reaching for his cup of coffee on the table in the middle of his room. He brings it up to his mouth before saying, "I'm renovating. Hero League can fix it later." He then takes a sip.

Barb holds up a finger to say something, then pauses, before finally saying, "Normally, I would be mad, but since you haven't done anything bad in a few weeks, I'll let this one slide. I'll tell Billy and Nora to leave you alone."

Max lowers the mug. "And Hank." Max adds.

"And Hank." Barb agrees, then she turns and leaves.

Right after, Max sets the cup back on the table and raises the hammer to hit his floor again.


Max was a bit angry, he wouldn't lie. Sarah was on his lawn, tossing rocks at Phoebe's window to get her to give Sarah Max's phone number. It was annoying the family, so it was annoying him, because they were texting him about it.

The amount of times he has gotten a message from 'Spare Parts' in the last hour is astounding.

Plus, Tara couldn't visit today. Her parents dragged her to a nursing home to visit her mom's mom. From what he's heard, she was a b***h.

Because he was angry, he was hitting the ground much harder and much faster, the hole making a bit more progress than expected. He wanted to wait to use the drill until bed when he could bring the Thundertanium down.

That was actually how Phoebe found him when she bounded down the stairs. Her twin heard her steps, which meant he heard her pause at the end for a decent amount of time.

After about five minutes of him still swinging, he decided to stop. Max stepped back from the space and leaned the sledgehammer against his displaced desk, then turned to Phoebe, looking at her with an annoyed expression.

She was wearing the same thing she wore for the interview in the show. A smart business top and a black skirt. Though, he couldn't help but notice this one was a bit shorter than the show version.

He wasn't complaining.

"Did you need something, Phoebe?" He asks, annoyed.

Phoebe just stares at him for a long while, and stays that way until he raises an eyebrow, which snaps her out of it. "S-Sorry. I just wanted to know what you think about this outfit?" She does a small twirl, and he gets a glimpse of her panties due to the fact that it's a bit shorter.

When she looks at him again, his face switches to one of neutrality. "Where is the interview at?" Max question.

Phoebe answers, "Wong's Pizza Palace."

"What's the job title?"

"Pizza maker."

"Are you bringing your laptop with you?"


Max just sighs at her, and pinches the bridge of his nose. Then he looks up. "Okay," he starts, "some advice? Change into something nice but casual, use terms everyone will understand to avoid complicating things, and leave the laptop with the long slideshow behind because nobody wants to see it."

The long haired brunette just bit her lip and looked down at herself, then sighed as she looked up. "Really?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah. Really. When you ask for my opinion, you get the truth. Sorry if that upsets you." Max states, predicting an upset response.

Phoebe, however, surprises him. She nods. "Okay, I trust your judgement. If I get the job, I'll get you something with the first check."

He goes to tell her that she doesn't need to do that but she leaves before he can. He sighs, watching as she walks away.

"'That was very un-Phoebe. Is she broken?'" Maxie questions.

Max just sighs before responding, "'No, this is just a side of her you weren't nice enough to see.'"


So, he wore the sledgehammer out. By that, he means he did too much. Eventually, the end just... broke. Which meant that one, he had to buy a new one (already ordered). Two, he had to stop until nightfall because he couldn't exactly make the hole deeper at the moment. And three, he had to deal with Sarah quickly.

Apparently, someone gave Sarah his number. So now, she was texting him. Before you ask, she's in his phone as 'Stalkette', because Max believes he has a good sense of humor.

Throwing on a tank top, because the kid from that one episode was right, He grabbed his boxcutter from off of his displaced desk, because he could more believably carry a boxcutter rather than a knife.

Think about it. If you walk into a place of business or even walk around the neighborhood with a knife, people get nervous and start asking questions. Do the same with a boxcutter, nobody asks any questions because it's a boxcutter.

What people don't know is that it's a modified boxcutter. The blade extends to the length of an actual knife, because he's not dumb.

In the real world, it wouldn't be possible. But in the world of the Thundermans, he can do whatever the hell he wants, because he breaks the laws of real world science everyday by simply existing. What's a little metal magic in comparison?

First order of business, make sure Billy and Nora are still cupstacking. Barb got to do something cool, it got Hank out of the house, and his younger siblings both got phones. It was good for everyone.

"Billy. Nora. What's this?" Max questions, motioning to the cups. He knows, but Maxie wouldn't, which forced him to ask.

"Sport stacking. You up-stack the cups, then you down stack them." Billy demonstrates, and Max just nods, hearing their parents approaching.

"Can I try?" Max asks, stepping towards the table.

His bow obsessed younger sister just shrugs. "Sure. Go ahead."

Max gets ready, and glances to Nora, hands placed on the table where they are supposed to be. "I'm ready when you are." Nora was about to be shocked.

"'You're going to get a kick out of this, Maxie, pay attention.'" Max tells him internally.

Maxie responds enthusiastically, "'Oh, you never call for me to see something directly. This is going to be fun!'"

Nora smirks at him, then gets her finger ready to hit the stopwatch. Max hears their parents stop behind them, and he hears one of them lean down to pick up a flyer.

However, he is the only who notices because he was actively listening. Giving Maxie plenty of opportunities to experience Max showing them off and shocking people would boost his ego and keep him out of Max's hair.

This was practical, but it would also be satisfying. *Extremely* satisfying.

"Go!" Nora shouts, and she starts the stopwatch.

Two-point-four-seven seconds. He counted in his head. Faster than Avery, the current champion, and leagues above where he's supposed to be. But this would give merit to Maxie's claim way later on that older siblings were better than their younger siblings at everything.

"'That was fast!'" Maxie exclaims.

"'Look at their faces.'" Max instructs.

It takes a moment, but Maxie gets back to him with, "'They are so shocked! All four of them! That's amazing!'"

"'Yes, it is.'"

Max steps away and looks at his family. "No, I'm not competing in the tournament. And judging by the fact that they are holding a flyer, means you're not either." Max walks past them and pauses next to Barb. "Give it a try, you'll do good." Max tells her, then walks off.

All part of the plan.


He was sitting on the couch, legs propped up on the coffee table, boxcutter under the couch pillow next to his hand, when Phoebe walked in with a pep in her step. He was using his other hand to text Tara and respond to Sarah. The former was going well, the latter... not so much.

"Max, guess what?" Phoebe asked, the door barely closing before she started talking.

His fingers instantly stop moving, pausing right in the middle of a message as he looks up. This should be a decently normal conversation. He had thrown a tank top on because he wasn't currently working downstairs.

"What?" He asks, looking at her body for a second to determine if this was bad or good based on her body language. It seemed good, so he prepared for her to tell him that she got the job.

Phoebe practically vibrates as she grins at him. "I got the job!" She cheers, of which has her bouncing up and down, which makes a certain part of her (*cough* breasts *cough*) bounce as well.

He simply nods, ignoring it. "Knew you would." Max states, then goes back to his phone, quickly finishing his text to Sarah then sending the reply.

Phoebe giggles and moves over, plopping down behind him on the couch and perching her head on his shoulder. "Thanks. So, who are you texting~? Is it Tara?" She asks.

Maxie questions, "'You're really going to let her do that?'"


Max answers Phoebe simply, "Yes and no." When he feels his twins face grow into a confused expression on his shoulder, he elaborates, "I am texting Tara, but I'm also texting Sarah."

Phoebe nods, then pushes into his back a bit to look at the contact name. "Is Sarah really labeled in your phone as 'Stalkette'?"

Max nods. "Yeah. She's my stalker, Phoebe, there's no other way to put it."

She just nods. "Fair."

Just then, a message from Tara appeared in his notifications bar and he clicked on it.

The words "*So, when do you wanna have that best friend swap?*" Were what popped up, and Max sighed, waiting for Phoebe's response.

Phoebe's head popped up and she looked at him directly, at least she was when he turned his head.

"Best friend swap?" She questioned. "What is that?"

Because she seemed angry, he held a hand up. "What we talked about. Me spending time with Cherry for a day and you spending time with Tara for a day. She's calling it the best friend swap, because it's Tara, and everything has to be a joke."

Phoebe's face grows brighter. "You're actually planning that?" She asks, very excited.

"Next Saturday. That good with you?" Max questions.

"Of course!" She agrees, then quickly kisses his cheek before settling back down behind his back. He pauses for half a second before responding that it was next Saturday, and she sent back a text that said okay.

Then he saw that 'Stalkette' sent an image, and he didn't even think twice before clicking on it.

And he regretted doing so, because right when he opened it, were a freckled pair of petite breasts, and he immediately hit the power button on his phone.

Phoebe pulled away quickly, giving him a look. "Her too?" She questions in a tone he can't name.

"No, Phoebe, not her too. She's just trying to get me to pay attention to her." He responds.

Phoebe licks her lips (which doesn't help the situation at all) before responding, "Okay. If you're sure. Next time... just don't click on an image with me right next to you."

Max nods. "Deal."

Right after they shake on it, their parents enter the room. "Hey, guys, how are our cute little Thundertwins doing?" Barb questions with a smile.

Phoebe got up off of the couch. "I got a job!"

Both Hank and Barb cheer, the latter moving to give her eldest a hug. When she pulled back, Barb asked, "Where do you work, honey?"

"Wong's Pizza Palace." Phoebe answered.

"Is there-" Hank goes to ask, but Phoebe cuts him off.

"Yes, dad, there's a family discount."

Hank takes a second. "That not what I was going to ask... but it is what I wanted to hear."

Barb and Hank start walking away, and they can't help but overhear Barb tell Hank, "They were cuddling on the couch, it was so cute! It's like they're young again!" She whispers.

Max rolls his eyes before looking up at Phoebe. "You wanna go to your room and wind down?"

Phoebe just nods with a sigh. "Yeah. You... wanna join?"

"Nope." Max answers instantly, standing up. "I'm going to meet Tara at the park for some reason because she said so. So... that's where I'm going." 

Phoebe just nods. "Are you going to put on an actual shirt?" She questions.

Max pulls the boxcutter out from under the pillow and shakes his head. "Nah. Just a jacket. And maybe a baseball cap. Those are starting to grow on me." Then he walks away, stepping downstairs to his room instead of taking the slide.

It was closer.


Arriving at the park, Max looked around. As he said, he threw on his jacket, socks, and his boots and that was it. He stepped across the grass, taking a small glance up at the sun before putting his new aviators on, because it was really bright.

Eventually, he found Tara sitting on a park bench. She stood up, and her skirt dropped to flow beneath her. "M! I was wondering if you got lost or something."

Max simply stepped up to her, removing his shades so soon after putting them on and slid them onto his tank top. "Hiddenville has a thousand parks. It took a bit to find the right one. Finally had to track your phone's GPS." Max reveals.

Tara's face pulls into one of confusion as she grabs what she can of Max's beltloops. "You can track my phone?" The redhead asks.

Max just nods. "Yeah, I can. As long as you have an SD card, and, you do, so I can track you."

Tara hums. "Oh, cool, anyways, sit down." She pulls him towards her then turns to the bench, him in front of her. Then she shoves him on the bench. Right after, she turns around and sits down on his lap. The second she does, he uses a charge to silence Maxie, because he had a feeling about where this was going.

"T, what is this?" He asks after feeling her intentionally rub her behind against his member.

"I told you that you would get two rewards after the dinner. This is the one you get for embarrassing my parents." Tara replies simply, still grinding on him.

Max just sighs and wraps an arm around her, deciding to rest his hand on her thigh. She bit her lip then sat up just a bit, then reached her hands back to his pants.

Completely blind, she undoes his pants. Once he's exposed, she covers him back up with her skirt. She pulls him out and lets it rest against her center, biting her lip a bit harder.

He feels her hand brush against him when she reaches under her skirt, and he throbs because of it. "Tara..." He warns, both of his hands gripping onto her thighs now.

She turns to look at him over her shoulder and grins, then abruptly drops herself down onto his lap, absorbing his length inside of her. Groaning quietly, he leaned his head against her back, taking a breath before pulling it back.

Both breathing a bit heavily, Tara proceeds to start moving up and down slowly, using her legs to pump herself up and down on his shaft.

Groaning, his hands moved to her hips and gripped onto them, of which she grinned at. Speeding up just a little bit, if you listened closely, you could hear skin hitting each other. The heat of their bodies were already creating beads of sweat which dripped down their skin, the friction causing immense pleasure.

Tara panted, then proceeded to bite her lip to keep from making what they were doing obvious, but a side effect from this line of thinking tightened her insides. This tightening caused Max to groan, his fingers gripping her hips tight enough to leave a bruise.

She leaned her head back against his shoulder, going ahead and breathing into his ear seductively, closing her eyes while looking at the sky. She kept moving her hips, breathing as lowly as she can into his ear to avoid arousing suspicion.

Max grit his teeth as he felt her shifting interior walls piston north and south. He had his eyes closed up until this point, but then he heard footsteps, and his eyes shot open.

"Tara." He warned, able to get it out in a serious tone. He was able to overpower different emotions or feelings when necessary. It was a weird skill to have, he would admit, but he had it.

Her eyes opened, and she turned her head to look at him, but he was focused on the path to their right. Her eyes widened with realization after a few seconds, and she bolted forward, doing her best to make it look like they were just sitting together.

"Plan D?" Tara questions.

"Yup." Max responded, popping the 'p' at the end.

For those not in the loop, 'Plan D' was basically if anyone caught them doing anything a bit weird to the outside eye and they ask about it, they just say they were dating. It worked ninety-eight percent of the time.

Yes, he did the math. Sue him.

An older couple rounded the corner while Tara shifted in his lap, making him throb inside of her, which pulled a soft whine from her throat.

"Aw, look at them dearie. Remember when we used to do that?" The older woman asked, seeming to have no clue.

The older man, however, seemed suspicious. "I don't recall doing *exactly* that, but yes." He gave both of them skeptical looks.

"Well, hun, I'm just glad to see some practices still stand even today. Could I get a picture of you two?" She asks.

Max goes to shake his head, but Tara grins before responding, "Of course!"

The redhead then leans her head against his and smiles, and he sighs before giving a lazy grin, both noting the uncomfortable amount of time it takes to pull her camera out.

The older man speaks up, "Maybe we shouldn't. Let's just let them enjoy their... 'date'... in peace."

"Nonsense, dear, I'm sure they're okay with this. Right, sweeties?" She throws back to her husband.

Max goes to respond that he's not okay with this, but Tara answers before him, "We are perfectly okay with this. Right, Max?" She turns her head slightly to him.

The brunette male is a hair trigger close to snapping but instead, he just blows a breath out. "Right."

They both smile/grin, then she snaps the picture while sporting a smile. "Thank you, sweeties. We'll leave you alone now."

The teens nod as the old couple walks away, the man giving them skeptical looks.

However, once they're out of view, Tara starts going up and down as fast as she can out of nowhere.

Max groans and grips her hips again, the friction being way too intense way too fast.

"What's up with this?" Max interrogates.

"Don't wanna get caught again. That, and I think the old guy knew, so he'll probably tell a park ranger when he can separate from his wife for even just a minute. And I *really* wanna cum." Tara reasons.

Max just nods, and helps her by pushing her hips up and bringing them back down, both of them making low sounds as to not attract attention.

"Close." Max speaks.

"Put it in me, M, I've already gotten there." Tara replies.

Max nods and goes as fast as possible, holding her still so that he can piston in and out of her as fast as possible, making sure he can finish quickly.

After about a minute or two, he pushes up into her and releases his seed, filling her body up completely.

They both take a minute, both of them breathing heavily. "Did you have anything else planned?" Max questioned.

Tara shakes her head. "Nah. Did you have something in mind?"

Max sighs. "Other than dealing with my stalker, no, not really."

Tara turns to look at him in confusion. "You have a stalker?"

"Not for long. That's what I was going to deal with before you texted. By the way, Phoebe is going to talk to Cherry about next Saturday. Phoebe is on board." Max told her.

Tara nodded and stood up, moving her panties back while Max put himself away.

"Sounds good. Talk later?" Tara asked.

"Of course." Max responded. After he did, Tara smiled and leaned down before giving him a peck then walking off.

Max just stood up and slid his glasses back on, then walked back the way he came.


`The next day, he stepped into the living room, inadvertently running into his father. They just gave each other a look before turning to look at Barb, who was currently stacking cups in the kitchen. At the same time they stepped into it.

"Hey, Barb." Hank greets.

"Mom." Max greets, walking past her and to the coffee pot.

Barb immediately smacks the cups over. "I wasn't doing anything!" She shouts immediately., taking a glance at both of them.

"You're good at that." Max states blankly, not looking behind him as he grabs a coffee cup. He still hadn't slept. The last few days have been a b***h.

"He's right, Barb." Hank agrees, pulling the flyer to the tournament out of his pocket. "You should totally compete in the tournament Billy was going to do."

"It says all ages." Max tacks on, starting the pot of coffee and just staring at it. He had to try very hard not to just zone out he was so tired. He needed to read more books to improve focus. Or he could just buy a s**t ton of bamboo, a katana, and a stand for said bamboo.

It would have to be something to think on. (A/N: This is a yes or no for you guys.)

Barb takes a second to think about it. "It is kinda fun..." She mutters.

Max finally zones out, staring at the coffee pot. He stares at the drip, the dropping of liquid into the rest sending his mind into a spiral. His head flashes to different instances of the same sound. Water dripping from sinks. Rain droplets hitting a porch. A thick, red substance rolling down a pair of fingers before dropping into a pool of the same liquid, a pool he had caused when he-

"Does that sound good, Max?" Barb asks, and he turns around quickly. So fast in fact that Barb moves backwards a bit.

"What?" He questioned, blindly using his telekinesis to start pouring the coffee.

"I was asking if you, Billy and Nora would come with me and your father to this tournament. As a family event." Barb said.

He nods slowly, evening his breathing back out. "Phoebe?" He asks.

"If she can get off work in time, she can join." Hank dismissed.

"Yeah. I'll make sure my calendar is clear." Max finally answered, turning around and taking manual control, pouring the rest then taking a sip, humming in contentment. Right after, he turns back to his parents.

He balances the cup in his hand as he passes them, making sure not to spill it over anything period.

As he walks away, he casually mentions, "If a sledgehammer shows up at the door, it's mine. Just send it down the slide."

It takes a minute, but eventually Barb calls out, "If a WHAT shows up at my door!?" But by then he's already halfway downstairs so he doesn't respond.


He was typing away at his keyboard, checking the safes that he had ready to get shipped to him. Dark web contacts were great. That was when he got a text on his phone. He lifted it up and quickly unlocked it, then saw that 'Spare Parts' was texting him.

*"Today is my first day. Would you mind rating my outfit?"* His twin had texted, and he blew a breath out, leaning back in his chair.

*"Sure. Send it quickly."* Max replied.

*"Okkkk."* Phoebe responded, then sent an image of herself in a pair of black jeans, blue sporting shoes, and white broderie top covered in flowers.

He started typing out a response when a second image went through, and it was Phoebe in just plain underwear in front of the mirror.

He stopped and stared for a little over a minute before it unsent.

*"Would you ignore that? No questions asked, I owe you a favor, just please ignore it."*

He just nods. A favor to be cashed in at anytime? Sounds good.

*"Okay. By the way, she will make you change when you get there, but it does look good."* He answered, then placed his phone down.

He sighed before getting up to answer the front door. Because that would be his sledgehammer arriving.


So, he has been up for around seventy-two hours and most of it was spent making holes in his bedroom. The first safe was on the way, and he just had to put it in the hole and cover it up. And before anyone asks, yes, the hole in the wall was covered when his mom walked in originally.

They all walked into the cup stacking competition, and Max turned to his right and immediately regretted agreeing to this. Sarah was right there. How she knew he would be here? He had no idea.

He zoned out as he moved to a corner, bumping into Avery. All of these people in one place, in a room this small, was bothering him.

Over the next few hours, he kept moving whenever Sarah spotted him. He did notice every time Billy and Nora bet anything. Though, he did decide to do something drastic.

Barb was going to win.

He moved to Billy and Nora, watching Barb and Hank be happy about making it to the finals, knowing that Avery also made it.

"Bet on mom." He said simply.

Nora just gave him a look. "Why?"

Max shrugs. "I'm gonna make her win. Bet on mom."

When it came, and the bell went off, he used his telekinesis to push Avery's hand. At that speed, a slight mess up dooms it. And she knocked a single cup over and that gave Barb the win. While Avery complained, Barb cheered.

Nora came up to him on his left, and Billy came up to him on his right. Nora asked, "So, what's your cut?" She questioned.

"Donate fifteen percent to cancer research." He answered, then turned to step away, but came face to face with Sarah. S**t.

"Hi, Max." She greeted with a nervous smile, bouncing on a foot.

"Billy. Nora. For your sake, get lost." Max told them.

"Got it." Billy says.

"Alright." Nora replies, then they both walk off.

"Sarah, what do you want?" Max asks.

"To be with you, duh. Why else do you think I sent that picture?" She responds with a sly smirk.

Clicking his tongue, he grips her arm and walks forward, dragging Sarah with him. All the redhead does is let out a smile and an 'oomph'.


He pulls them into a closet and silences Maxie. "We will never date. Ever." Her face goes sad, but he continues before she can talk. "But tell you what, occasionally I will come to you for primal needs. During that time, you can pretend that we are dating. But once we're done, we're done. Understood?"

Sarah takes a deep breath, but nods quickly. Then hesitantly reaches for the front of his pants.

"Go ahead." He says, and she quickly unbuttons them before reaching inside and grabbing his length, squeezing it to get a grip before starting to stroke it.

He groans, pressing a hand to the wall right next to her head as she bites her lip. She moves her head closer and starts to lay kisses on his neck, not leaving any marks as she stroked him faster.

She reached down with her other hand and snuck them into her own pants, dipping them underneath her panties. Her fingers found her clit, and the digits started to rub herself quickly right from the start.

Sarah could already feel herself fast approaching, and with her getting closer, she yanked on his rod faster before smoothing it over with her hand. She kept kissing his neck, trying to keep her breathing normal while preventing herself from making any loud sound.

Her hand, soft and silky guided itself up and down him with inexperience, and it was weirdly a turn-on, so the pleasure was increased by a lot. She seemed to be enjoying her own fingers, panting against his neck heavily.

He could feel his limit approaching, and to give his other hand something to feel, he reached behind her and got a large grip of her bottom. She moaned lowly into his neck, her fingers speeding the rubbing on her clit up tenfold.

He groaned and spilled himself, his seed shooting out and landing on her hand, along with some on her shirt. This pushed Sarah over the edge, and she finished on her own hand with a pant.

It takes a minute or two for both of them, but Max recovers faster. "Well? You going to clean us up?" Max questions, giving her a look.

Sarah quickly snapped back into it and gathered all of the semen up before she put it in her mouth. Then she swallowed before showing him her tongue. He just nodded.

"You go out first."

"Okay, Max."


The next day, he steps into the kitchen only to get ambushed with a kiss on the cheek from his mom. "Thanks for rooting for me, honey. It meant a lot." She gives him a large smile before moving away.

He wipes his cheek while moving to the table, blowing a breath out. He had spent the night loading the safe into the wall and setting up security measures. Then he put his things in it. But he still has the floor hole to do.

He instantly got a bowl of his favorite cereal placed in front of him, and he had to pause before he shrugged and started eating it.

He glanced up as Phoebe entered the kitchen, spotting a work shirt under her jacket.

"Have to head in early?" Max asked.

"Yeah. Sarah of all people applied for a job." Phoebe practically groaned, grabbed a banana, then left.

All Max could do was sit there for a second.

So that's how Phoebe was going to get fired.



{End Note: I'm sorry that it took so long but I had people move in and my hours got increased so I lost even more time. To make up for no sex scenes last chapter, there's two here. Hope you enjoyed.}

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


