15.38% A New Max Thunderman / Chapter 2: Meeting "My Family"

章 2: Meeting "My Family"

Taking a breath, he let the mirror hit the desk with a thud. He took a deep breath before muttering, "I'm Max Thunderman..."

"Of course you are. Who else would you be? Theodore Roosevelt?" A voice says from the cage, then the voice cackles. Whirling around, he saw Dr. Colosso, who was a supervillain turned into a rabbit by Thunder Man and now slept in Max's, well, now he guesses his own room.

"Shut it, Colosso." He snaps back, and he instantly questions himself. What was that?

Then he remembers what was said by... he never actually knew her name. But something she told him could happen was the possibility of inheriting some traits Max had, since he technically WAS taking over his life, his body, his family, everything. Some traits would definitely remain if not overpowered by him.

"So snippy. Did the move ruin your beauty sleep?" Colosso mocks. "Guess what, Maxie? I'm a rabbit! Deal with being uncomfortable for awhile." Colosso turns around, and heads back to sleep.

He, well, guess he could be referred to as Max, turned to look around, where he noticed boxes. They just moved to Hiddenville. That means he could either prevent potential problems, or push them on to cause more/bigger issues once the time comes.

Looking at where he assumed the slide was, he noticed the space was empty. Okay, the slide wasn't installed yet, this could be good.

Turning to look in the mirror, he saw his hair and instantly wanted to change it. Yes, in the show he watched, this was Max's haircut and it looked good, but with him in control, it didn't feel right. He didn't like it.

"'Hey! My hair is perfect, thank you very much.'" He hears a voice echo, and turns to look around, confused. "'Now, I don't know what you did, but I want my own body back, so get out of it.'". Oh, this was Max. Well, the previous Max. He was informed of this possibly happening before he was sent here.

"Sorry, Max, I didn't know I would get placed here." He speaks out loud, answering the Max in his head.

"Who are you talking to? Have you gone nuts? If you have, I'm going to need a new roommate. I'm not rooming with another crazy person." Colosso said from his cage.

Max, the newest one, turned around and looked at the bunny. "One more word out of you, and I'll be using your paw as a trinket." He threatens, and he instantly knows that the Max from the show would never have done that. That was all him.

Colosso shivers. "You animal!" Colosso yells then turns around. To ensure silence, and to test out what he could do, he points two fingers out and reaches for the blanket with his telekinesis. It felt... easy. Like he had done this before. Gripping onto a corner, Max pulls the cover down and over the cage, hiding Colosso from his view.

"'Hey! You just threatened to dismember my best friend!'" The previous Max yelled in his head, and he winced.

"He was getting annoying. Now, stop yelling." He mutters.

"'No! Give me my body back!'" The previous Max argues back.

"I can't. Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I literally can't. I don't even know exactly how I possessed you to begin with." He says calmly, moving to the other side of the room, then climbs on the rocks. Opening the window, he looks at the sky through the window.

"'Well, figure it out! I have to continue to be evil!'" He yelled again.

Max, the present one, sighed and accidentally released some heat breath, charring a bush. Dang it. "What if I stayed evil? Would you stop yelling then?" He asks.

"'That helps a little bit but not enough to get me to stop telling you to GET OUT OF MY BODY!'" He shouts loudly in his head, and he feels a headache rise.

The present Max looks at his hand, then tries to use freeze breath on it. Getting it mostly right (it was a bit colder than he liked) he placed it on the side of his head to help with the headache.

"Buddy, I'm sorry, but no. I can do things you request every now and then, but I'm in control now. Deal with it. I don't want to argue every day. You and your sister did that enough..." he mutters the last part.

"Max, who are you talking to down here?" He looks at the stairs as Barb, the previous Max's mother, walks down the stairs.

Keeping a straight face, the current Max answered smoothly, "Practicing a monologue for when I become an official supervillain. You know how us supervillains feel about our monologues!" He plasters a fake smile on his face as he looks at her, keeping it up.

Barb huffs with an eye roll. "Sure. I guess so. Get to bed. Your first day of school starts in a few hours, and you need to get some sleep." She turns around and walks up the stairs, leaving him alone again.

"'You're going to make me look insane! Stop talking out loud! I have a reputation to uphold.'" Previous Max says.

The current Max rolls his eyes. "'Fine, I'll just talk to you in my head. I'm here, you get to see what I do, and you can provide your input, but in the end, the final say is mine. Understood?'" He left no room for argument.

"'No! It's my body!'"

"'I can easily make you sit there in the dark with nothing for all eternity. Wouldn't you rather have a say on what happens with your body?'" Current Max asks calmly.

It takes a long second, but the previous Max finally relents and says, "'Fine. Fine, you get control. I'll just voice my opinions. And come up with amazing insults. I have plenty of time.'"

"'Good. Now, to avoid confusion, I'm Max, you're Maxie. I'm here, so I choose how I'm addressed. And you can go by a nickname. Understood?'"

"'Understood...'" Maxie mutters.

Moving back to the desk, he stops once he catches sight of himself in the mirror. "Before I do what 'mom' says, I need to do something first."

~~Time Skip to Morning~~

Getting up, he stretched his limbs out and looked at Collosso's cage. Max focused on the cage and then raided two fingers, focusing on using his powers. He gripped the bottom, and threw it over the top, revealing the rabbit.

Colosso gasped when seeing him for the first time since the previous night. "What did you do to your hair!? I thought you liked it the way it was!?" He had shaved the sides and back all the way down, leaving the top hair there. It was still in the swoosh Maxie had set up.

"'I'm with Colosso. What did you do to my beautiful, beautiful hair?'" Maxie sounded heartbroken, even in his head.

"'I made myself more comfortable. That, and I want to see how your family reacts. It seems like it'll throw them off of their game, don't you think so, Maxie? It would be devious, wouldn't it? Don't you live for chaos? A break from routine, or an overnight appearance change would do that. Phoebe would be shocked, your mom would be weirded out but proud, your dad... he wouldn't notice, Nora would compliment it, and Billy wouldn't know why everyone is commenting on it.'"

It takes a second, but Maxie responds with, "'That is true- wait how do you know about the rest of my family?'"

"'I have your memories too, dummy.'"

"'Oh, makes sense.'"

"Max! What are you looking at!? And answer the question!" Colosso snaps him out of it. He needed to work on focusing on conversations in real time, and conversations with Maxie.

"Zoned out. I decided to try a new look. No harm in trying, right? Plus, it will throw Pheobe off her game. It will open up new routes for blackmail." He is technically telling the truth, but that's not the main reason. He wanted to make this incarnation of Max Thunderman his own in some way.

"Oh, devious, Maxie. I like it." Colosso replies.

"It's Max. Don't call me Maxie. I'm not a child." He glares at the rabbit, focusing a bit on blindly pulling a pair of jeans on a box to him. Maxie's room was messy, he'd have to fix it later. He liked things organized, and he always made sure they were organized. The problem was that Maxie did not care about the organization, and never made sure things were easily accessible. The sudden change could be suspicious, but he wouldn't be able to help but fix the room.

Getting changed into jeans, some tennis shoes, and a blank long sleeves shirt, he grabbed his backpack full of supplies and walked upstairs.

"'You sure you want to interact with my family? They're insane, and extremely annoying.'" Maxie mentions.

"'I'm in your body, I took over your life. I have to avoid arousing suspicion until I can firmly establish who I 'become' here. Once I can, I can avoid them as much as I want to. For now, though, I have to deal with them.'" Max says, and Maxie sighs heavily.

"'Fine... I guess that makes sense...'" Maxie said, and Max noted how disappointed he sounded.

Stepping into the kitchen, he placed his backpack on the ground next to the counter before moving to grab a box of cereal. He grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal into it, then once full, he placed the cereal back where he got it. Getting milk out of the fridge, he poured it into the bowl before putting it back.

Pulling a drawer out, he grabbed a spoon then closed it. Putting the spoon into the bowl, he hopped onto the counter. He got up before everyone else, thanks to his past life.

"'Wait, what time is it?'" Maxie asked in his head.

"'Around seven.'" He answers, taking a bite.

"'You actually get up this early on your own? How do you do that?'" Maxie asked.

"Practice..." Max actually mutters out loud, then hears footsteps.

He glances at the stairs, seeing Barb move down from the second floor. He sees her eyes look at him.

"Hey, Max, I'm just going downstairs to wake you up." She says offhandedly, then stops while still moving to the basement stairs. She turns around slowly. "You're awake? At seven in the morning? On your own?" she asks in shock, moving closer.

"Yes, mom. I figured since we moved here to live normal lives, I should start behaving like other normal kids. To keep our secret. I don't really want to move again. This town probably sucks enough, I don't want to end up someplace worse." Max lies smoothly and without effort as he takes another bite.

Hank moves downstairs quickly, and Max watches as he moves to the fridge. He didn't notice him, as predicted. This world was a little unnerving to him. Anything could go wrong at any time.

"Max, honey, did you cut your hair?" She asks, mouth agape. Ah, she noticed the sides and back shaved down.

"I did. I figured I would try something new." He was technically telling the truth. He took another bite and swallowed as Barb gave him a smile.

"Well, I, uh, I like it. It, um, suits you." She nods, as if confirming it to herself. Max nods too, agreeing with her.

"'Is she lying or just shocked?'" Maxie asks.

"'Shocked, probably.'" Max responds in his head.

Nora and Billy ran downstairs, dressed for school. Ah, the younger siblings. Max glared at the bow on Nora's head. That inspired a short period of time where his daughter had INSISTED on bows everywhere she went.

Nora stopped right before entering while Billy breezed past him at normal speed. "You cut your hair." She tilts her head to look at it better. "It looks good." She compliments, moving past him. He nods, taking another bite of cereal. He was almost done.

Then Phoebe came downstairs, and she paused the second she saw Max. "Um, who's the random guy in our house?" Max rolls his eyes, then looks over at Phoebe from the counter.

"Morning, Pheebs. Did you dream of puppies and rainbows, or is it still talking cupcakes that invade that glitter box you call a head?" Max smirked at her, Maxie's traits seeping into the words. Okay, they were stronger when dealing with Phoebe. He had to learn how to control that.

"You cut your hair." She points out.

"I did. What about it? Jealous that I have less hair and still look better than you?" The smirk stayed on Max's face as he looked at Maxie's (technically also his) twin sister. Maxie's personality was invading this.

"Why did you cut it?"

Max rolls his eyes with a sigh. "If I have to explain this one more time-" he takes a breath. "I wanted to try something new. If I like it, I'll keep it. If not, I'll go back to what I had before." He knew he was going to keep it.

"You look so-"



"Different." Phoebe decides on, moving past him to grab breakfast for herself. Max shrugs, then decides to quickly finish his cereal.

Once done, he took the bowl to the sink and had to immediately stop the urge to wash it. Max Thunderman doesn't wash dishes after he uses them. At least not yet, he doesn't.

He moves back and grabs his backpack, then walks out of the door without a second thought, pulling out his phone to look up directions.

Next stop; Hiddenville High.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


