11.82% Naruto: Behind the Scenes Emperor / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Awakening of "The Anchor"

章 11: Chapter 11: The Awakening of "The Anchor"

The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the courtyard where Lelouch and Yuta stood facing each other. The air was thick with anticipation, a silence that spoke volumes. It had been weeks since their last meeting, and much had changed in the interim. Lelouch's influence had grown significantly, and Yuta had come to a profound realization about his role in this world. Now, they were on the verge of a momentous event.

"Are you ready, Yuta?" Lelouch asked, his violet eyes piercing through the twilight. He had always been a master strategist, and his journey in this world had only sharpened his skills. Yet, this moment was different. It was not about strategy or influence; it was about power—specifically, the power of Geass.

Yuta nodded, his expression a mix of determination and apprehension. "I am. I've thought long and hard about this, Lelouch. I need this power to ensure my survival and the survival of those I care about."

Lelouch understood the gravity of the request. The power of Geass was not to be taken lightly. It was a manifestation of one's deepest desires, a reflection of the soul's true intentions. For Lelouch, it had been the desire to create a peaceful world for his sister, Nunnally. For Yuta, the desire was survival—his own and that of his closest allies.

"Very well," Lelouch said, stepping closer. "Close your eyes and focus on that desire. Let it fill your mind, your heart. The Geass will respond to your deepest wish."

Yuta closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His mind raced with images of the past—the battles, the bloodshed, the losses. But more than anything, he saw the faces of those he wanted to protect: Lelouch, C.C., and the potential allies they would summon. He wanted to ensure their survival, to anchor their existence in a world fraught with danger.

As Yuta concentrated, he felt a strange sensation, a warmth spreading from the center of his forehead. His heartbeat quickened, and his breath came in short, rapid gasps. It was as if his very soul was being laid bare, exposed to the cosmos.

"Lelouch," he whispered, his voice trembling. "It's happening."

Lelouch placed a hand on Yuta's shoulder, grounding him. "Stay focused. Embrace it."

Suddenly, Yuta felt a surge of energy, a force that seemed to originate from within and beyond him simultaneously. His eyes snapped open, glowing with an intense, otherworldly light. The power of Geass had awakened within him, and he could feel its presence, a latent potential waiting to be tapped.

"I can feel it," Yuta said, his voice a mix of awe and fear. "The power... it's incredible."

Lelouch nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Tell me, Yuta. What is your Geass? What can it do?"

Yuta took a moment to comprehend the full extent of his new ability. "I call it 'The Anchor.' With it, I can anchor myself or anyone else to a substance. As long as that substance remains intact, the anchored person will live, regardless of their original lifespan, illnesses, or injuries."

Lelouch's eyes widened in surprise and admiration. "That's a formidable power, Yuta. But what are its limitations?"

Yuta took a deep breath, acknowledging the constraints that came with his Geass. "I cannot anchor one creature to another. That means I cannot anchor myself to you or C.C. to gain immortality. The anchor must be a substance, something inanimate."

Lelouch considered this, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Even with that limitation, it's a significant power. You can ensure the survival of key individuals, yourself included, by anchoring them to indestructible substances."

Yuta nodded. "Exactly. My primary goal is to ensure our survival. With this power, I can make sure that even if we face overwhelming odds, we have a contingency plan."

The implications of Yuta's Geass were profound. It added a new layer to their strategy, a safeguard against the inherent dangers of their world. Lelouch saw the potential immediately, his mind already weaving this new power into their overarching plans.

As the glow faded from Yuta's eyes, he felt a sense of clarity and purpose. The power of Geass had awakened within him, and with it came a renewed determination to protect his allies and shape their destiny.


Meanwhile, within the ranks of Hanzo's forces, murmurs of discontent were growing louder. The rumors of nobles raising private forces had not gone unnoticed, and the shinobi were divided in their opinions.

In a dimly lit barracks, a group of shinobi gathered, their expressions a mix of frustration and resignation. "This isn't what we signed up for," one of them, a burly man with a scar running down his face, grumbled. "The nobles are playing their own games, and we're left to clean up their mess."

Another shinobi, a young woman with sharp eyes, nodded in agreement. "We should be focusing on our missions, not dealing with the whims of the aristocracy."

However, not everyone shared their sentiments. A seasoned shinobi, his face lined with years of experience, shrugged. "Let the nobles do as they please. As long as they don't interfere with our duties, it's not our concern."

The debate continued, highlighting the growing rift within Hanzo's forces. Some were fiercely loyal to their leader, willing to follow his orders without question. Others were becoming increasingly disillusioned, questioning the motives of those in power.

Back at the training grounds, Yuta and Lelouch were unaware of the turmoil brewing within Hanzo's ranks. Their focus was on the future, on the new power Yuta had awakened and the possibilities it presented.

"Lelouch," Yuta said, his voice steady, "with this power, we can ensure our survival and the success of our plans. We need to be strategic about how we use it."

Lelouch nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. "Agreed. We'll need to choose our anchors carefully, substances that are both durable and inconspicuous."

Yuta smiled, a sense of confidence filling him. "We'll make it work, Lelouch. Together, we can shape the future of this world."

As the chapter drew to a close, the stage was set for the next phase of their journey. With Yuta's newfound power and Lelouch's strategic brilliance, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The rise of influence had only just begun, and Yuta was determined to see it through to the end.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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