10.88% Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,) / Chapter 6: Waifu App In DC 5

章 6: Waifu App In DC 5

(Third Person POV)

-Hall Of Justice, Washington D.C.-

To say Batman was mad was to say that the water was wet. After returning from dealing with Wotan, it is an obvious answer as the Justice League found that not only had they gone to Cadmus but brought back a person who looked oddly similar to Superman.

So, as he looked to Robin to explain, the Boy Wonder says, " Well, we thought that since you all were busy dealing with Wotan, we could investigate Cadmus."

Batman's stare does not flinch as he says, "We gave all three of you explicit instructions to remain in the hall. Not only did you break into a highly secure private corporation, but you have seemingly brought back someone the League does not recognize. So explain, Robin."

Robin then looks at me, and after nodding, he says, " Well, since you showed interest in Cadmus before you left, we decided to investigate, and what we found there was something you should know about."

Aquaman then asks, " And what information have you three discovered?" Aqualad, answering his king, says, " Oh my king, the corporation was not only hiding an entirely newly created species but was cloning members of the Justice League and had successfully managed to clone Superman, and our friend here was the result."

Standing up and looking at all of them, Superman looked at Superboy with shock, surprise, and almost a hint of disgust, and as Superman walked over to him, Superboy's gaze and stance did not even move a centimeter. As the two stood before one another, Superboy placed a hand in front of him in a greeting manner.

"It is an honor to meet the real Man Of Steel, but considering the circumstances, I assume you do not seem very enthused from your current look." Superman then looked at me oddly, to which Batman replied, " Do you have a name or designation?"

"Project Kr was all I was labeled as, but I am trying to come up with my own." Batman then walks up to Superboy and stares him directly in the eyes as he says, " Well, you are not lying, but it is going to take much more than that, and I assume you know this?"

Superboy then nods as he says, "Before you do that, I have a gift from all the data I could find from Project Cadmus, all unedited. Do with it as you will." Superboy then hands a USB drive to Batman, who then takes it and places it in his utility belt for study.

Batman, nodding to him, says, " Follow Black Canary and Captain Atom to the medical wing to do some tests." Superboy then nods, walks up to the two, and leaves the room.

Batman then begins to berate the three and says, "Regardless of the outcome, all three of you disobeyed direct orders and could have possibly overplayed the League's hand to our enemies. This will not be happening again."

Kid Flash then replies, " Sorry, Batman sir, but that's not possible, and besides, we simply used what you all taught us, and hey, look what we accomplished. We freed a clone of Superman and brought data back for us to use."

Batman then interrupts, " All three of you entered a privately owned business with no evidence to use against them, and the clone found the data."

The info brought the three some form of shame, but then Flash said, " I assume what Batman is trying to say is that he was worried for you guys, but while you all were unauthorized, you did do good work. All of you did a good job."

This did manage to lift their spirits, to which Robin said, " Well, on the subject of all the three of us, we did come up with an idea to form a type of team for us that are still being mentored, that is." Robin then looks to Batman and says, " All three of us played a part in going there, and we worked well enough."

Batman, listening to his protege, formed a microscopic smile as Robin explained his idea.

("Superboy" POV)

Walking through the hall with Captain Atom and Canary was initially awkward as they did not know how to approach the conversation, so I initiated the process.

" So may I ask of the extent of the tests? While I am willing to show my abilities, I would be more remiss from injections." Canary almost flashed a smirk as she asked, " Afraid of needles? You have only been conscious for a few days from what the others said."

"You would be right, but I was most certainly poked and prodded with a large variety of various needles, and to say that I am less than enthusiastic about being poked and prodded more would seem a bit obvious." I said, to which Captain Atom replied stoically, " You'll most likely have to donate some DNA for study, but we will try to keep the injections to a minimum."

Black Canary then asks, " You said you were trying to find a name. Any ideas?" Thinking momentarily, I reply, " I myself favor the name Neoth, no last name yet, of course." The woman then nods, saying, " North is a good name, but why that one specifically?" This woman is trying to probe me, but a name is unimportant.

"The name's meaning mostly as the root meaning means evolved, and with my hybrid DNA, it seemed fitting." The answer seems to pause her as Atom asks, " Evolved physically or mentally? I have dealt with enough megalomaniacs that believe themselves evolved." The thought does ring some sense, to which I respond, "I mostly need it in a physical aspect as I do not believe myself above others other than in terms of overall physical terms."

The two then nodded as we arrived at the medical center, and after sitting down, they placed some suction devices on my chest and back to scan me. Still, as they try to do so, the readings seem to be in an alien language, which I attribute to information defense keeping me from being identified or scanned.

As they try to fix the problem, Canary asks, " Neoth the reading are malfunctioning. Do you have any ideas why?" I give them a confused look as Covert Talent plays its part. I respond, " I have no idea, as none of my powers that I know about cause such things."

My answer then gives them a bit of annoyance. Captain Atom then takes a needle with Kryptonite at the end, which I assumed was meant for Superman if he is ever injured. As he approached, I felt immense discomfort, but as my Superboy Prime Template grew, the effects lessened with time, and my Garou template still made me above peak human even at tier five.

As the needle enters my arm and draws blood, the pain is momentary, and after a second, the needle is withdrawn, to which Canary asks in a concerned tone, " Are you alright? I know that Kryptonite feels terrible for Kryptonians." I give her a small nod as I say, "Well, it is not very comfortable, but the weakness is acceptable, and besides, my human DNA makes it less effective ."

The info seems to make her feel better, to which she then says, " Well, until we can discover what's keeping our computers from scanning you, the blood will have to do unless you feel like giving us samples in another way." Raising my brow in confusion, I ask, " And how may I ask ?"

She then chuckles as she says, " Well, let me ask it this way. Have you been given the birds and the bees talk yet?" My fake discomfort seems to amuse her as she says, " Well, it's something you are going to have to learn eventually, but for now, ignore that. However, that conversation will be interesting. We will try to get you set up with something."

As she places a stethoscope on my chest, I breathe in and out, to which she records my heartbeat and tests my nerves like a typical physician.

Luckily, she did not seem to want to check my other male parts, which I accepted. Captain Atom said to me, " We will be heading over to the project to verify your story as well as check over the data you gave us, and while I would thank you for giving us an edge over the enemy, your presence will cause issues." Nodding, I ask him a question: " So would there be a way for me to own a property as, from what I was led to believe, I did have an account made to hold funds."

The captain then thinks for a moment before saying, "Well, if you do have legal funds as well as enough to pay for a property, I would assume you should be able to own one, but you'll need to get an identity set up first. Any ideas for a last name, son?"

The thought does interest me as I did not want to associate with the Kents in case anything happened, so only one last name comes to mind: " I myself favor Goodman. Yes, Neoth Goodman is a suitable name." The Captain then says, " Yes, I agree Neoth Goodman is suitable, although evolved good man?"

" I felt it fitting and humble in my own way as while I am physically stronger than normal men, doing good is still worth it." I told him, which was both a truth and a lie: doing good for myself is always nice, and if being the good guy works, then do it, but sometimes you gotta get my hands dirty." So, since I got an extra 130 points, I first bought HUD for 10 points and then Toggle for 20 points so that I didn't have to take out the phone for every purchase.

The phone itself will appear normal for anyone else, but when dealing with higher-level beings, they may not be affected by the phone's normalcy effect. Luckily, Captain Atom had turned away, and the phone was hidden from normal tech. Now, all they have to do is simply think of the phone's holographic display, and I can buy and purchase other things by simply thinking of it.

Now I have 100 points to which I then decide to buy another template, Evil Morty Smith, and with both stacks, that brings me down 40 points, leaving 60 left. Thankfully, unlike the normal catalog, the templates do not stack exponentially in terms of price, with each one being only 40 points. What I am limited by is essentially space within my soul, as I do have a limit on how many templates I can have.

But from the information from the essence I gained, I can take other templates as I grow in power. Since Superboy is a tier 7, I can hold four templates without harming my soul, as these templates are essentially soul additions that contain equipment and memories of various people.

Now, the reason I use my third template slot on Morty is the fact that his evil Morty counterpart gained intellect on par with Rick from Rick and Morty, but what made him more effective was his cleverness and his understanding of Rick's as a sort of species.

All of them, or at least a very vast majority of them, are cosmic nihilists who believe they are simultaneously unimportant while also being the most important beings in their universe. They believe in appealing to their egos and drinking away their pain.

And with this template came a boost to my intellect as well as his knowledge of Morty's various creations, in addition to the knowledge and tech that he was able to gain from Rick before he had him killed, at least his version of Rick.

While his own intellect is lesser than Rick Prime's, his own unique view on the Rick and Morty multiverse made him a threat to not only the universe but the entire Multiverse. Luckily, he only wanted to break away from the infinite finite curve as well as the cliche roll of a Morty to a Rick, but who knows, as I wasn't able to see the later seasons after he dealt with the Council of Ricks.

But now I can see how he views the universe to a lesser extent, and it is both eye-opening and depressing. For what is one person amongst infinite copies, and what can one do to truly change their fate when it is known that their fate still happens regardless in another time and another universe? Yet, unlike them, I understand that I am but a small piece in this Multiverse with maybe infinite copies of me, but I am here in this moment.

The Multiverse is a vast thing, but if one were to focus on all the things that could happen and all the things that are happening in various universes, it could bring anyone to their knees with depression. I mean, look at what it did to Rick, as even with the death of his family, he barely blinked. But now, I am blessed with this perspective and can enjoy it.

Even though a small part of me is happy that the template did not come with his annoying voice, for now, it seems that the Captain has finished his view of my vitals. He turns to me and says, "Well, Goodman, it seems that you have a clean bill of health with your heart rate and various blood tests saying that everything is fine even if I can't make heads or tails of the specific parts of it. I assume this was on purpose for whoever created you to keep the process of your creation out of our hands."

It seems the information defense keeps me safe from being scanned, and those trying to scan me will write it off as impossible. I send a silent thanks to whoever gave me this device.

But a small part of me is also somewhat scared that they are able to create such a thing as well as seamlessly enhance someone's body and soul so quickly from possibly multiverses or even universes away.

Dimensional sciences are not lost on me, as even the infinite finite curve was less compared to the DC multiverse mess. For now, though, my thoughts are interrupted by Canary returning with Batman in tow. The detective then stands in front of me and says, "I have verified the USB drive you gave me as well as checked it for any viruses or bugs. It seems clear, and while I would thank you for your foresight, I have something else to ask."

"What do you need from me, Batman?" He then shows a hologram of Mount Justice and says, " I assume, given your newfound Freedom, you're going to need somewhere to find your legs, and I would like to offer you the chance to join something bigger, something new."

Giving the cave a look, I give him a nod as I ask, " Will I be required to live there full-time?" Batman then says, " Until we can verify the fact that you can be found trustworthy and can control your abilities, I am afraid that is affirmative." Taking a deep breath and seeing that this offers its own opportunities, I give him a nod.

Play along and find an out. The whole Multiverse is at my fingers, but playing hero should be fun. But for now, I need time to build, develop, and learn. And with Evil Morty's knowledge filling my mind, it shall become all the simpler. Batman then says, " The cave will function as a temporary home until further notice, and for what it is worth, he will come around eventually."

Knowing who he was talking about, I simply said, " As an unknown, he is not responsible for me, and neither am I for his opinion of me, but I am here, and I want to live, so for now, him not beating me with an inch of my life is enough." The comment does send a frown to Canary's face as Captain Atom nods in agreement.

"I don't believe he would do that, Neoth." Canary says as I respond, " Not that I am insinuating that, but most of us don't know what we're capable of. Especially when emotionally distressed or desperate." Batman actually gives a slight nod as if understanding my point and, after doing so, leaves the room but not before saying, " We should be able to get you into the Zeta tube system so that you can be taken to the cave, but for now, we would ask if you can show us your abilities follow me."

Getting up, I do so and head to the testing area with my Covert Talent learning as we walk. I learned from how he moved. Quietly and efficiently as a ghost, and for now, this is enough.

Points Remaining: 60 Credits

Perks Mentioned:

HUD: Your Smart Device is now part of you and accessible with a thought via a customizable HUD. You are still able to summon a device for waifus to interact with, should you wish. You can customize the display at any time.

Toggle: You can use your HUD to adjust absolutely any and all abilities, perks, skills, traits, etc., that you have from this CYOA or 3rd party sources, from 0-100%. This perk does not allow you to raise any ability or parameter above 100%, even if something else is reduced or turned off.

The device holder can access the abilities of all subjects that have a copy of this perk and has the final say, even including the ability to disable subjects' perks or alter the enforced loyalty of a Binding. Once you've purchased this perk ten times, it will apply to every member of your retinue.

Uses of this perk include reducing super senses. Turn off Shroud shifting due to unconscious desires. Limit yourself and a Saiyan sparring partner to T6, so you do not need to worry about the planet if you lose control. Turn off out-of-context abilities to play at being a local. Turn off the retinue's powers on board game night, and reduce card counters' memory to even the playing field.

Information Defense: Scouters can't read your power level. Information about you, from mind-reading, super-analysis, or metaphysical senses, will tend to be unclear, incomplete, misleading or even flat-out wrong, or similarly unreliable - the more important any secret of yours is, or the more dangerous to you, the more difficult it will be to perceive, much less perceive accurately. This applies to both attempts from outside of your retinue and unwanted attempts from within.

Covert Talent: You lie, cheat, and steal. You have a prodigious talent for larceny, trespassing, theft, espionage, counterintelligence, and other forms of covert activity, whether it's performed on a government's dime or not. You can disappear into any crowd, no matter how sparse.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


