75% Naruto: Enigma / Chapter 3: Awakening

章 3: Awakening

*Two Year Later*

Tetsuya and Minato walked through the streets of Konoha, their eyes wide with curiosity. They had turned four now, old enough to wander a bit further from the orphanage. Minato was chattering excitedly about the different shops and people they passed, but Tetsuya was quieter, more introspective.

"Look, Tet-tet, they're practicing taijutsu over there!" Minato exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement as he pointed toward a training field. Two genin were circling each other, muscles taut, faces etched with concentration. With a shout, they lunged, fists and feet flying in a dance of combat.

Tetsuya's eyes narrowed, his consciousness zooming in on the fighters as if pulled by a magnetic force. He saw one genin pivot on his back foot, a telltale sign he was going to attempt a sweeping kick. The other shifted his weight just slightly too forward—vulnerable. Then it happened: a surge of insight, a rapid download of information. He could see the strain on their muscles, the extension and recoil, the microscopic imperfections in their stances, the sluggishness of a fist pulled back just a millisecond too late. It was an ocean of intricacies, and he was drowning.

His mind raced to keep up with what his eyes were processing. A chain of predictions formed in his head—how the genin could correct their stances, exploit openings, and adapt their techniques. The data flooded in faster and faster until it was a roaring torrent.

And then the world went black. Tetsuya's legs wobbled and gave way beneath him, his vision narrowing into a pinprick before vanishing altogether.

He felt himself crumple to the ground, the sensation oddly distant as if he was sinking into an abyss. The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was Minato's voice, tinged with panic, shouting his name.


When Tetsuya woke up, the glaring overhead lights of a sterile hospital room welcomed him. He blinked, and in that instant, an explosion of information bombarded his senses. Each object in the room came into startling focus. He could discern the thread count in the sterile sheets, the micro-cracks in the tiles on the floor, the frequencies of the beeping medical monitor beside him. His eyes darted to a glass of water on the nightstand, and he saw more than just a glass—he saw its molecular structure, the dance of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

The influx was too much, as if a dam in his mind had burst, releasing a flood of immeasurable data. With a strangled cry, he squeezed his eyes shut, his body arching in the bed as his hands clamped around the sides of his head. But as quickly as the torrent had arrived, a peculiar calm descended when his eyes were closed.

His mind was still abuzz, but the frenzied flood of information had dialed down to a manageable trickle. Even with his eyes closed, he realized he could "see" in a way he never had before. He felt the unique signatures of chakra emanating from Hisako and Minato who stood beside his bed, concerned. Their outlines glowed softly, traced by an ethereal luminescence only he could perceive. The inanimate objects around him also took on a certain form, less detailed but discernible through their absence of chakra.

Tetsuya's breaths came fast and shallow as he processed what was happening. He recalled the strange event of the spinning wheel and the enigmatic gift it had promised him. So this was it—a sense of hyper-awareness that exceeded any normal limitations. But with this new "sight," Tetsuya felt torn. It was a double-edged sword, granting him perception beyond ordinary but at the cost of an overwhelming vulnerability.

His eyes flicked open for just a moment, but the barrage of information was still unmanageable, as unbearable as before. He swiftly closed them again, unable to tolerate the sensory overload. He didn't have the control he had hoped for. The feeling was akin to standing before a gushing fire hydrant with no way to stem the flow.

Minato's voice broke through his internal struggle. "Tet-tet, are you okay?" There was a real concern in his voice, not the innocent curiosity from before.

Tetsuya clenched his jaw, focusing on the dulled, yet still informative chakra-based vision his closed eyes offered him. "I'm not sure, Minato," he responded, his voice tinged with exhaustion and a touch of fear. "I really don't know."

Hisako, beside him, leaned down and gently touched his forehead. Her chakra felt warm and comforting, but also like a torrent of complex information that he had to will himself not to decipher. "Rest, Tetsuya. You're safe here," she said softly.

He could sense her sincerity through her chakra, the gentle fluctuations that signaled emotional depth. He wished he could find comfort in her words, but he knew that 'safe' had become a relative term for him. As he lay there in the hospital bed, his mind awash in both the wonders and horrors of his new perception, 'safe' felt like a distant land to which he no longer had a map.

Struggling to find a way to cope, Tetsuya remembered the cloth strips that Hisako often used for cleaning and first aid in the orphanage. If he could cover his eyes, he reasoned, he might be able to avoid the sensory overload when he accidentally opened them.

"Hisako," he began, his voice tremulous but hopeful, "could you please find me a cloth strip or something to cover my eyes with?"

Hisako looked puzzled but nodded. "Alright, if you think that will help." She left briefly and returned with a length of soft, white cloth.

With his eyes still tightly shut, Tetsuya reached up to feel the cloth as Hisako handed it to him. He wrapped it around his eyes, tying it securely at the back of his head. The moment was pivotal; it felt as if he were acknowledging his new reality, marking a line between his life before and after this overwhelming awareness took hold.

Minato, who had been quiet, finally spoke up, his chakra emitting slight fluctuations of curiosity and concern. "Why are you wearing that, Tet-tet?"

"I'm seeing too much," Tetsuya explained, his words a blend of exhaustion and resignation. "This helps me... manage it, at least a little."

"Are you going to be like this forever?" Minato asked, his voice tinged with a sadness that Tetsuya could also sense in his young friend's chakra.

"Minato, do you remember how some families in Konoha have unique abilities that get passed down?" Tetsuya began.

"Like the Uchiha and their Sharingan?" Minato asked, his chakra pulsing with intrigue.

"Exactly," Tetsuya nodded, relieved Minato was making the connection. "Well, it seems like I've inherited something similar from my parents. It's... overwhelming, so this blindfold helps me control it."

"Wow, that's so cool! But also sounds really tough," Minato replied, his chakra swirling in a cocktail of admiration and empathy.

"Yeah, it's both," Tetsuya admitted. "But it's a part of who I am now, and I have to learn to live with it."

"And the blindfold?" Minato queried.

"It's like a... safety net, for now," Tetsuya explained. "Until I can figure out how to handle this, I need it."

Hisako, who had been listening to their conversation quietly, interjected. "I'll make sure to find you a more comfortable and durable blindfold, Tetsuya. This is your life now, and we'll adapt as best we can."

Tetsuya felt a warmth flow through him. It wasn't just from the words Hisako had said, but from the genuine concern and love he sensed in her chakra. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew he wouldn't face them alone. And that was a comfort, even if 'safe' was no longer a place he could easily find on any map.


A/N: I wasn't sure how to have him get the six eyes (limitless)[obviously he cant have them when he's born so] and garou's talent so just did this and combined them into one awakening kind of.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


