85.26% Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss- / Chapter 162: Ch.162

章 162: Ch.162

At a corner of the outpost, gunshots echoed energetically from the shooting range since morning.

In each firing position, Nikkés held firearms such as assault rifles, submachine guns, and machine guns, aiming at targets set up in front of them. They pulled the triggers, firing ammunition one after another, maintaining their proficiency through regular training to complement their military training.

For them, military training was essential to keep their skills sharp. A dull body meant dulled instincts, and any hindrance in handling their weapons could lead to surprisingly swift casualties in the midst of combat.

"─Finished shooting!"

"─Chamber clear... Alright!"

Despite the upcoming duty of the guard squad commander tomorrow, Eagle, a mass-produced Nikké unit, diligently oversaw the shooting training, ensuring the safety of their firearms and, most importantly, their hands.

At the moment, there are no issues with the ongoing training. Just as Eagle was thinking that the training would be completed after two more rounds, Neon appeared at the shooting range.


"─Ah, Neon-san. What about Anise-san?"

Neon and Anise, both belonging to the outpost and under Moore's command like the mass-produced Nikké units, had arrived.

----I wonder if the Counters had shooting training scheduled for today as well.

Eagle recalled the hand-written schedule on the whiteboard in the dormitory. It listed the plans of each unit and department, a peculiar hobby of someone since the time she transferred to the outpost.

The members of the Counters, the special operations team, were supposed to be given a break under the name of a recovery period. As Eagle remembered this, Neon, looking apologetic, spoke to Eagle.

"Um, Eagle. I'm sorry, but... could you lend a shooting position available to Anis?"

"...Well, I don't mind, but..."

She agreed to the request but couldn't hide her suspicion. One reason was that Anise didn't seem to have a personality so dedicated to training.

And another reason was—

"...Um, where's Libertine Tail?"

Anise used a Tetra-made grenade launcher, but it was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she had a training assault rifle with fingerprint authentication deactivated, hanging from her shoulder by a sling. Did she take it out from the armory?

"...What? Even I want a change of pace sometimes."

In addition, she seemed particularly in a bad mood. Exceptionally so.

Eagle, who was met with a piercing gaze, continued to look at Aniss head. A thin bunch of stray hairs extending from her crown, one of her many charming points, was twitching for an unknown reason.

Having found an available shooting position at the edge of the shooting range, Anise, without hiding her displeasure, headed there with the assault rifle she carried. Eagle watched her back, and Neon, moving to her side, whispered.

"─Actually, Anis has been in a bad mood since yesterday..."


However, it was unclear why she would use a different weapon, not her favorite firearm. Eagle couldn't help but wonder what had caused this change in attitude.

"─Neon! Hurry up and come!"

As Anis entered the shooting position, loading bullets into the magazine, she called Neon over. Responding to her, Neon bowed to Eagle and hurriedly walked towards the shooting position.

"...Is everything okay?"

Having high aptitude and being familiar with a weapon like a grenade launcher didn't mean she couldn't handle other firearms. As a Nikké, she had received training in handling various weapons.

Pointing the muzzle in the wrong direction and scattering bullets is unthinkable.

Above all, Neon was standing nearby. Well, she was also a fervent enthusiast of firepower, so occasionally, she tended to go overboard. However, Eagle's thoughts on this matter were short-lived.

A sharp metallic sound as the lever was pulled.

Followed by the deafening rapid gunfire.


"...The targets..."

Involuntarily, the mass-produced Nikkés at each shooting position released their fingers from the triggers. Nevertheless, securely engaging the safety devices was only natural.

Anis, who entered the shooting position at the edge of the shooting range, kept the trigger of the assault rifle she had raised pulled. Ejected casings fell one after another, and the fired projectiles pounded the iron plate target located 100 meters away.

"That Nikke playboy...!"

"You won't improve your accuracy if you don't space out the shots a bit more!"

"Shut up! Neon, bullets! Load them quickly!"

Having rapidly emptied a magazine, she urged Neon, who was standing by, to hurry. As soon as she received the empty magazine and the loaded one, she exchanged them, completed the reload, and fired again.





Somehow, a chill ran down the spine.

It was strange, considering they were in an air-conditioned movie theater.

Seated on a couple's seat, crossing her long legs, Moore supported her cheek with the armrest, casually watching the melodrama playing on the darkened screen. The reason for this lack of interest was undoubtedly because she wasn't very interested.

However, sitting side by side on the couple's seat, Viper showed a completely opposite reaction.

Enthralled by the cheesy—no, the romantic youth drama unfolding on the screen.

Glancing sideways at that, he quietly sipped his carbonated drink through a straw, making no sound.

The romantic story on the screen, and the movie itself, were approaching their climax.

He had enough composure to consider whether TetraLine was the distributor, and a faint sound of sniffing noses came from next to him, vibrating his eardrums.

Turning his gaze again, Viper seemed to be tearful—or was he? Water droplets had accumulated at the corners of Viper's eyes.

Was the script story so touching? The question was endless, but the sensitivity to tears varied from person to person due to the intensity of emotions.

Unfortunately, his emotions were not swaying—rather, it was as calm as a calm sea. But it seemed that Viper was not in that category.

Slipping one hand into the pocket of his slacks, Moore pulled out a freshly cleaned azure handkerchief and casually offered it to the side.

With her cheek still propped on her hand, the handkerchief extended towards her. Reflected in Viper's peripheral vision, he alternated his gaze between the fabric and Moore's profile.

Soon, the slender and well-groomed fingertips were aligned, and the offered handkerchief was received to wipe away the teardrops at the corners of the eyes.






"─Ah... sorry, darling. I kind of wrinkled the handkerchief..."

"...It's fine. If I can wipe away the tears of a woman—especially an exceptionally beautiful one—that's more than enough."

"...Are you flirting?"

"...No? Why would I?"

The screening concluded, and the lights returned to the theater.

The borrowed handkerchief, now crumpled due to Viper's grip, posed a dilemma for him. Offering one hand while shrugging, he presented it to Viper.

In addition to being wrinkled, the fabric was slightly damp from absorbing tears. Moore considered whether to return it as is, but whether he didn't mind or wanted to convey that, he lightly folded the handkerchief and tucked it into his slacks pocket.

Both stood up from their seats and began descending the gentle stairs.

Discarding the containers they had used for their snacks in the trash, as they left the movie theater, the makeshift blue sky spread overhead. Glancing at the wristwatch wound around the inside of his left wrist, Moore noted that it was just past noon.

"...Do you want to eat something?"

"Darling, are you hungry too? I just thought I'd like to eat something too ~~~♡"

The young man in a suit—regardless of whether he looked his actual age or not—and the slightly mature-looking girl, entwined her slender arms around his left arm while pressing her ample bosom against him.

It went without saying that the situation could potentially draw attention from the A.C.P.U. police.

As he tried not to attract too much attention, he traced back to his previous memories, considering a date spot that had been featured near here. More specifically, he recalled a page from a recent magazine featuring spots for young couples.

Certainly, Anis had been speaking envyingly about date spots, but at that time, Moore had finished maintaining his assault rifle, preparing to head to the shooting range for zeroing calibration, so he had only half-listened to the conversation.

The troublesome task or mission assigned by Moore, in exchange for Viper's cooperation, was a date with her. She mentioned being acquainted with the owner of a club where Niképhilia gathered, but it seemed it had been a while since they last contacted. According to Viper, "There's pressure, and I don't want to work for free."

So, in exchange for helping out, she proposed a date with Moore. Whether she knew the true and proper date courses or spots, or whether she had thought of enjoying date shopping while having servants or maids attend to them, anticipating that he might not know—only she would know the truth.

It turned out to be quite unexpected.


"...What's wrong?"

"Nothing at all~~~ ♡"

With her slender arms entwined around his left arm, enveloped in a jacket, and walking in close proximity, it must have been challenging. Especially for Moore, tall and large, with a usual wide stride, the difficulty was amplified.

Surprisingly, he seemed accustomed to escorting women—or at least, that's how she felt.

They walked with synchronized strides, and Viper instinctively guided him away from the side of the road.

Attempting to press her ample bosom against him, she found him unresponsive. If this were the Outer Rim, men would undoubtedly be leering or letting their imaginations run wild.

Undeniably, his behavior was gentlemanly. However, the concealed carry shield holster on his left side, housing a pistol, spoke volumes about him, suggesting he was far from the conventional notion of a gentleman.

Thinking of it as an interesting toy, Viper gazed up at his profile from below with a playful glance.

The deep vertical furrows on his forehead were not due to discomfort with the date. As evidence, Viper acknowledged his dark brown eyes continuously scanning left and right.

It seemed as if he was paying close attention.

"...What's wrong, darling?"

"...No, it's nothing."

Seated at a restaurant on the Royal Road, a popular date spot for young people, Moore began his meal while still wearing a furrowed brow.

Naturally, his gaze wasn't directed at Viper sitting across from him but was busily scanning left and right.

"...Darling? Are you okay? If you're not feeling well..."

Setting down the knife and fork, wiping her mouth with a napkin, Viper began to tell him that there was no need to force herself.

However, just before she could speak, Moore, whether sensing her calling out to him or not, turned his gaze back to Viper.

"─Ah, sorry. I just... well..."


What did he mean? Tilted her head, Viper asked.

There probably wasn't any obligation to answer, given the situation, but she was perceptive. Eventually, he would be found out.

Thinking about it, Moore picked up a glass, took a sip of the poured water, moistened his lips.

"...I recently realized that I'm not good with crowds. I tend to be wary of people passing by. And not being able to use one arm makes it even worse."

It felt like he had indirectly confessed to having a personality and habits unsuitable for a date.

Viper wasn't cut out for combat. She was probably well aware that she would be easily overwhelmed if she were to face Moore head-on, especially when he was in perfect condition.

If he wanted to, he could easily shake off her grip.

Despite enduring some degree of discomfort and impulse, she was accompanying him on the date.

A kind of superiority blossomed within Viper, and she couldn't help but let out a chuckle while trying to hide her smile.

"─Thank you. Darling is truly kind~~♡"

"...Is that so? I might just be enjoying the perks of dating an exceptional beauty."

"...Are you flirting?"

"...No. Why would I?"

Clearly puzzled, he turned his head again.

Watching him, Viper felt a sense of relief, as if the malice and venom had dissipated. Involuntarily, she chuckled, covering her mouth.

NikkeSimp NikkeSimp

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C162
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


