レビューを書くcontinue author, this story line is really good, it would be a shame if it wasn't continued 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰[img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it]
Love the story, that's there is to it, tho I am still waiting for a update, it's also fun to reread it. Thanks author
Complete disappointment.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................
Hermoso, solo diré eso ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Fanfic GENSHIN IMPACT ini benar-benar luar biasa dan pantas mendapat pujian. Dari segi alur cerita, penulisnya berhasil menghadirkan sesuatu yang segar, dengan plot yang mengalir lancar dan twist yang tidak terduga. Setiap bagian dari cerita terasa sangat terhubung dan menyatu, membuat pembaca tidak bisa berhenti membacanya hingga akhir. Percakapan antar karakter sangat hidup dan natural, mencerminkan kepribadian unik setiap tokoh dalam Genshin Impact dengan sempurna, bahkan menambah kedalaman karakter yang mungkin tidak terlalu tereksplorasi dalam game aslinya. Penulis juga berhasil menciptakan latar belakang cerita yang sangat menghidupkan dunia Teyvat. Lokasi-lokasi yang ikonik seperti Mondstadt, Liyue, dan Inazuma digambarkan dengan detail yang begitu memukau, seakan-akan pembaca bisa merasakan sendiri atmosfer di sana. Ketegangan di setiap situasi terasa begitu nyata, dan deskripsi dunianya benar-benar membuat pembaca merasa seperti sedang berpetualang bersama karakter-karakter favorit mereka. Secara keseluruhan, fanfic ini benar-benar recommended bagi siapa pun yang menggemari Genshin Impact, baik dari segi cerita, karakter, maupun eksplorasi emosional yang dibawakan. Penulis mampu menyentuh hati para pembaca, dengan cerita yang seru, menegangkan, dan emosional.Setiap chapter bikin greget, tapi nih ya... sambil bercanda, aku kasih nilai 4.6/5. Nilainya bisa naik, sih... kalau penulis bisa mempercepat pembaruannya, ehe~. Soalnya, cerita sebagus ini bikin gak sabar nunggu kelanjutannya!
This shit is so... peak Writing Quality 5/5 Story Development 5/5 Character Design 5/5 Updating Stability 4/5 but I'll give it 5 because the quality each chapter is peak World Background 5/5
This is the one of the best genshin fics I've ever read... I highly recommend this if youre in to genshin fics Good job author-san
[img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls]
This is a beautiful fic BUT I NEED MORE WHERE ARE THE NEXT CHAPTERS?! I NEED MOREEEEEEEEE seriously though If you take a break at least warn us 😔
Pretty good novel with romance development and interesting interactions. Hope that this novel dont wrecked like 99% of any other faloo fics. Can someone tell me what original Chinese title of that novel?
I know that the novel in the story contains "LORD OF THE MYSTERIES", will Isaac have (Mythical Creature Form)? Ksksmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsskksksskksksskksksksskksksskskskksskksksdkkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkk
Sick fanfic hope to see this get more popular. Navia is good to Www×wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww×wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
You are the best chef I have ever seen in my life and your cooking is the best I will cry blood if you drop this masterpiece. Please continue
i actually like this fanfic, it's the reason I downloaded this app, to find weird but good fanfic like this. i can't quite explain why i like it given I didn't even play the game but i hope to anyone reading my review to give it a go.
Very good story. Loving the development, gonna have to catch up on the archon quest thi cause I’m starting to get confused by some plot points
Easily one of the best genshin fanfic, and it even has my 2 favorite characters: Furina and Nahida.
[proud dragon is here with five star] [this proud dragon has slide to this stream and found new amusement] [this proud dragon doesn't think this is good until 30 chapter.. and everything changes until attack of villain(mc) truly interesting]
...................................................................................I Just Love the way the Author cooked............................................................
A shameless 5-star review coming from none other than your dear small and feeble writer.This fanfic had been in my mind ever since version 3.6, however, due to being burnt out, I had to delay it. That was until Fontaine came out! I instantly fell in love with the characters and region. As such I quickly made it to my new fanfic's setting!I hope you enjoy your stay in this new work of mine! Also... Don't try to think too much about my identity :)
continue author, this story line is really good, it would be a shame if it wasn't continued 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰[img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it]
Love the story, that's there is to it, tho I am still waiting for a update, it's also fun to reread it. Thanks author
Complete disappointment.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................
Hermoso, solo diré eso ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Fanfic GENSHIN IMPACT ini benar-benar luar biasa dan pantas mendapat pujian. Dari segi alur cerita, penulisnya berhasil menghadirkan sesuatu yang segar, dengan plot yang mengalir lancar dan twist yang tidak terduga. Setiap bagian dari cerita terasa sangat terhubung dan menyatu, membuat pembaca tidak bisa berhenti membacanya hingga akhir. Percakapan antar karakter sangat hidup dan natural, mencerminkan kepribadian unik setiap tokoh dalam Genshin Impact dengan sempurna, bahkan menambah kedalaman karakter yang mungkin tidak terlalu tereksplorasi dalam game aslinya. Penulis juga berhasil menciptakan latar belakang cerita yang sangat menghidupkan dunia Teyvat. Lokasi-lokasi yang ikonik seperti Mondstadt, Liyue, dan Inazuma digambarkan dengan detail yang begitu memukau, seakan-akan pembaca bisa merasakan sendiri atmosfer di sana. Ketegangan di setiap situasi terasa begitu nyata, dan deskripsi dunianya benar-benar membuat pembaca merasa seperti sedang berpetualang bersama karakter-karakter favorit mereka. Secara keseluruhan, fanfic ini benar-benar recommended bagi siapa pun yang menggemari Genshin Impact, baik dari segi cerita, karakter, maupun eksplorasi emosional yang dibawakan. Penulis mampu menyentuh hati para pembaca, dengan cerita yang seru, menegangkan, dan emosional.Setiap chapter bikin greget, tapi nih ya... sambil bercanda, aku kasih nilai 4.6/5. Nilainya bisa naik, sih... kalau penulis bisa mempercepat pembaruannya, ehe~. Soalnya, cerita sebagus ini bikin gak sabar nunggu kelanjutannya!
This shit is so... peak Writing Quality 5/5 Story Development 5/5 Character Design 5/5 Updating Stability 4/5 but I'll give it 5 because the quality each chapter is peak World Background 5/5
This is the one of the best genshin fics I've ever read... I highly recommend this if youre in to genshin fics Good job author-san
[img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls]
This is a beautiful fic BUT I NEED MORE WHERE ARE THE NEXT CHAPTERS?! I NEED MOREEEEEEEEE seriously though If you take a break at least warn us 😔
Pretty good novel with romance development and interesting interactions. Hope that this novel dont wrecked like 99% of any other faloo fics. Can someone tell me what original Chinese title of that novel?
I know that the novel in the story contains "LORD OF THE MYSTERIES", will Isaac have (Mythical Creature Form)? Ksksmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsskksksskksksskksksksskksksskskskksskksksdkkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkk
Sick fanfic hope to see this get more popular. Navia is good to Www×wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww×wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
You are the best chef I have ever seen in my life and your cooking is the best I will cry blood if you drop this masterpiece. Please continue
i actually like this fanfic, it's the reason I downloaded this app, to find weird but good fanfic like this. i can't quite explain why i like it given I didn't even play the game but i hope to anyone reading my review to give it a go.
Very good story. Loving the development, gonna have to catch up on the archon quest thi cause I’m starting to get confused by some plot points
Easily one of the best genshin fanfic, and it even has my 2 favorite characters: Furina and Nahida.
[proud dragon is here with five star] [this proud dragon has slide to this stream and found new amusement] [this proud dragon doesn't think this is good until 30 chapter.. and everything changes until attack of villain(mc) truly interesting]
...................................................................................I Just Love the way the Author cooked............................................................
A shameless 5-star review coming from none other than your dear small and feeble writer.This fanfic had been in my mind ever since version 3.6, however, due to being burnt out, I had to delay it. That was until Fontaine came out! I instantly fell in love with the characters and region. As such I quickly made it to my new fanfic's setting!I hope you enjoy your stay in this new work of mine! Also... Don't try to think too much about my identity :)