9.58% Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth / Chapter 6: Surprisingly, My Life as A Vampire Goes Well

章 6: Surprisingly, My Life as A Vampire Goes Well

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Vampire: a blood-sucking demon. The connotation of the word demon has never been positive. Whenever you call someone a Demon, you show your contempt toward the person. The word shit is even better than the word demon. Unlike the latter, no one will get mad when they are called 'the shit.' If any, they will feel flattered. Then again, words are not interpreted as what they are but the things associated with them.

Shit is in no way appealing, but the progressive culture and the constantly shifting society make people no longer see it as what it is. Everyone still hasn't forgotten what shit is, but they will not take offense when they are called 'the shit' as it doesn't represent the repulsive product of excretion but the validation of everyone around you. Some people out there do find shit appealing but let's not dive into that topic.

Well, that may also be the reason why people want to be called 'the shit' nowadays. However, only coprophiles like them; which says something about what kind of people appreciate 'the shit' type of people. Shuddering at my thought, I discarded it.

Where was I? Oh, right; connotation. Why is the word demon still considered bad even today? The reason is the things that demons are associated with. Demons are associated with chaos, misery, deceit, and suffering. Nothing good ever came out in history whenever demons were mentioned. That paradigm prevails to this day, so the prospect of its changing meaning is still far away. However, if someone who claims himself to be a demon does something good, will everyone change their view?

Back on track; will people view Vampires more favorably if we do good? The likelihood is there but still unlikely. People are highly prejudicial. They reflect themselves on people so much that they find it hard to believe in people. For example, a thief won't leave his things unguarded because he believes there are people like him who will snatch them at a moment's notice. Therefore, in regards to whether people will believe Vampires; they will first think what they were going to do if they were Vampires and then conclude that they wouldn't be truthful to humans. They are, after all, superior.

Finishing my thoughts, I concluded that I could never reveal my identity to anyone. I didn't care about people's views but having a bunch of crazy bastards chasing after my ass didn't sound appealing. As pretentious as it was to don a mask and hide my true self like a Riajuu, I still had to do it for the bigger prospect.


My body stiffened and my brain immediately looked for useless topics that might distract me from the warm body sleeping on me. The said body was so comfortable on me that it shuffled around carelessly. Some of its parts had touched some of my dangerous spots, preventing me from sleeping. Why did I end up this way? I wasn't quite sure either. Kiss-Shot just asked me to sleep after our dinner and then I found her joining me in bed.

Kiss-Shot didn't provide any reason, so I was left stumped about what to do. Our position was both comfortable and uncomfortable, making me feel quite conflicted. In the end, I resigned to my fate and closed my eyes. I breathed in Kiss-Shot's scent and found it surprisingly relaxing. Against my better judgment, my arms found their way around her body. Surprisingly, when I treated her like a body pillow, I became more relaxed. Quickly, I drifted off to the dreamland.

Morning came and I was awakened by a searing pain on my cheek. My eyes quickly shot open as I wondered if Kiss-Shot had slapped me. To my surprise, she was still sleeping soundly in my arms. The pain on my cheek made me ignore our intimate position. I sat up abruptly, waking her up in the process.

"What the…?" Kiss-Shot blinked her eyes in confusion as I covered my cheek. Much to my horror, my hand was soon assaulted by the same searing pain. "Ah, right. You haven't applied sunscreen, so the sun still hurts you."

"I thought the sun couldn't hurt Vampires!" I exclaimed in panic before scrambling away from the sunlight.

Kiss-Shot merely stared at me in amusement from the bed. I ignored her stare and looked into the mirror. Soon enough, I found my cheek red from irritation. A quick look down at my hand allowed me to see the slightly better state of my hand. My heart beat faster at the thought of how fragile I was during the day. The hardships of being a Vampire only dawned on me now and I would have cried if Kiss-Shot didn't put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Relax. The sunlight won't kill you even if you stand under it for hours. At some point, it will stop hurting you. It is very painful, though, so I advise you not to try it."

I sighed, causing my heart to calm down. "Like hell, I will try it."

"Anyway, go clean yourself and apply the sunscreen to the body parts that will be exposed to the sun. After that, we will go buy some clothes for you."

"You sound like my mother."

"More like your master."

I scoffed before standing up. The pain had subsided and the red spot on my cheek had turned two shades lighter meanwhile the one on my hand had already disappeared. I stepped into the bathroom and locked the door to prevent Kiss-Shot from entering. Given what she had done the night before, I didn't want to take the risk. Though, if she wanted to, the door would never be able to hold her off. Still, self-defense was justified even if it was futile.

Fortunately, nothing happened. I could bathe in peace while idly noting how red my eyes were and how sharp my gaze had become. Without a doubt, everyone would be even more reluctant to approach me now. Sighing in resignation, I washed off the soap that stuck to my body and finished my bath. I dried my body, applied the sunscreen, and then clothed myself.

When I got out of the bathroom, I immediately motioned Kiss-Shot to the bathroom, but she shook her head saying that she didn't need it. Fair enough. She smelled good this morning when I woke up. Kiss-Shot sputtered, making me realize that I had just said my thought out loud. Cursing my mouth inwardly, I acted like nothing happened as I followed her outside.

I was a bit tense when I stepped out of the apartment building, but my worry quickly vanished when nothing happened. Kiss-Shot immediately ordered a taxi and we made our way to the shopping mall. The trip to the shopping mall was quiet but not uncomfortable. I spent the time looking out the window which was mimicked by the blonde sitting beside me.

We arrived at the shopping mall not long after. After Kiss-Shot paid the taxi driver, we immediately scrambled to the clothing store. I merely followed after her and let her do what she wanted. I wouldn't be the one paying for my clothes, so I gave her the liberty to choose for me. She was quick at what she was doing as she handed me the clothes soon.

"Try these on. Let's see if they fit your image," she said with a contemplative look.

"As long as they cover my body, they are good, aren't they?" I asked offhandedly, not expecting a response.

"What kind of stupid mindset is that?" she rebuked in distaste.

"That's what is called pragmatism," I defended wittily.

"Stop saying any more nonsense and try those on!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Damn, why am I surrounded by violent women? Judging by the piercing gaze on my back, it seemed my mouth had failed me again. I wisely ignored the look and stepped into the fitting room. Putting on the first pair of clothes, I stared at the mirror while wondering who the Riajuu staring back at me was. I was wearing khaki pants with a white slim-fit T-shirt under a denim vest. I stepped out of the fitting room and asked for my sponsor's validation.

"Suits you. Next!"

Then, I stepped inside to put on the next pair of clothes. This time, I was wearing slim-fit chinos and a crème-colored shirt that I tucked into the pants. I stepped out of the fitting room and was immediately met with Kiss-Shot's look of disapproval. She approached me and then immediately messed with my shirt. She unbuttoned another top button of my shirt before folding my sleeves up to my elbow.

"That's how you wear it," she remarked proudly.

"What's the point of buying a shirt if you are only going to sabotage it?" I mumbled.

"Enough with the bullshit."

"Yes, ma'am."

The cycle went on for a couple of times before Kiss-Shot eventually decided it was time to pay. By the end of it, I was wearing a new set of clothes and eight bags of clothes, one of which contained my old pair. The set that I was wearing was the one I wore first and I had to say I would have looked cool if I wasn't wearing sandals.

"Let's buy your footwear."

"Eh, you are going to buy me that too?"

"Of course. Why did you even ask?"

Not intending to refuse a gift, I asked her to lead the way.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal AsheCrow

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


