67.92% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 36: Doom

章 36: Doom

"Batman to all non founding members, retreat now!!!" Batman shouted over the comms. He immediately got up from his seat and ran through the watchtower to the Zeta Tubes.

*Recognised - Batman - 02*

Batman felt the cold air hit him as he emerged from Clark's fortress of solitude. He quickly headed over to Clark's Solar room; as he opened the door he saw his friend floating and absorbing the solar rays that were healing his body. As a Kryptonian Clark was capable of incredible things, but this also meant that Kryptonite was near-lethal to him as there had to be a balance of some sort.

"Clark we have a situation," Batman said in hopes his friend would hear him. Batman clenched his fists as memories of the last time they encountered doomsday played on his mind; a lot of heroes had died including Superman —or so they thought at the time. Batman could only hope that Diana and the others could distract it long enough for Clark to finish healing.

Batman felt useless at the moment, his first instinct was to head over and attempt to fight Doomsday with the others, but he knew that wouldn't work, he didn't expect to ever see that monster again. As of this moment, Clark was still in the middle of the healing process as the kryptonite poisoned a lot of his inner organs, but considering how long he had been inside he shouldn't be too much longer —or at least Batman hoped.

Batman went back towards the Zeta tubes and took it directly to his Batcave where he started formulating a plan and getting together the equipment he'd need in case the heroes all fell.



Mark was launched back across the ground roughly as he tried to restrain Oliver who had now become doomsday. Mark shuddered at the sheer strength difference between them, he wouldn't be surprised if he could take all of us at once. Mark watched as his father rushed in and ducked underneath Doomsday's punch before clocking him underneath the chin, the blow managed to lift him off the ground and send him up, but it was easy to tell it didn't do any considerable damage.

Nolan followed up by trying to kick him but Doomsday grabbed Nolan's leg before throwing him down to the earth and creating a massive crater. The other heroes tried to join in despite the broadcast that Batman had sent over all their commlinks; Doomsday grabbed a hero that Mark didn't recognise and tore him in half —his blood and guts splashed across the heroes in front of him. It was at that moment that Mark realised that he couldn't hold back just because that was his brother; Doomsday was ready to kill every single one of them.

But first Mark zoomed over to Kara and Kori who looked like they were about to jump in and get involved. "No fucking way!" Mark said as he grabbed them both by the shoulder.

"Mark we-"

"I said no! Look at him, he's tearing us all apart, you are leaving! Kori take her back to the watchtower now!" Mark said in a commanding voice.

"Of course Honoured one..." Kori said as she grabbed Kara by the shoulders and led her off. Kara let it happen as she knew that Mark was trying to look out for the safety of her and their baby which she knew was right.

"You better not get hurt again or I'll kill you!!!" Kara shouted at Mark before they flew off.

Mark smiled before looking at Doomsday and laughing nervously "I don't think big man's gonna give me a choice," he said to himself. Mark raced towards Doomsday who had just ripped Wonder Woman's sword out of her hands before grabbing her by the neck and repeatedly slamming her into the ground.

Spinning at super speeds he used his meta power to increase the weight of his leg he then proceeded to slam into the top of Doomsday's skull. The blow was powerful enough to send him straight to the ground and release the grip on Wonder Woman; Mark then increased the weight of his whole body and dropped onto Doomsday's spine. He threw weighted punch after weighted punch to the back of Doomsday's head, even when the skin from his knuckles started to tear off.

Doomsday roared and pushed himself up from the ground sending them both into the air. He then turned around and punched Mark launching him away; Nolan and Wonder Woman then rejoined the fight sending a barrage of punches at Doomsday. Even Martian Manhunter and Hawkwoman attempted to take down the monster, Martian Manhunter tried to wrap his body around the creature to contain it but it was able to rip him off easily.

Hawkwoman got a few good hits in with her Mace and Doomsday even let out a few roars of pain, but it ended pretty quickly when he grabbed a hold of her wing. Though luckily for Hawkwoman Mark managed to grab a hold of Doomsday's hand before he could tear it off her body. Wonder Woman stabbed her sword straight through Doomsday's elbow joint and twisted forcing him to let go of her wing; though he wasn't happy about this he rewarded Wonder Woman with a backhand to the face which sent her to the ground.

Nolan sent rapid lunches into Doomsday's stomach while Mark clung to his back and ground a red sphere against his head. Doomsday let out a huge roar before grabbing Nolan by the face and slamming him into the ground, he then ran across the earth dragging Nolan across it before he grabbed his legs with his other and cracked him against his knee which made the older Viltrumite yell out in pain.

But Doomsday wasn't finished and he reached behind him and grabbed Mark. He then used him to beat Nolan some more before throwing them both across the ground and continuing the massacre. However Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter jumped back in "All heroes you need to listen to Batman and retreat, this creature is beyond you, LEAVE NOW!" She shouted. The heroes reluctantly followed her orders, most of them knew what Doomsday was capable of and they knew that they'd likely just get killed.

Mark got up despite the pain he was feeling right now. When he looked over however he saw that his dad wasn't moving "Dad?" Mark said a little hesitantly.

Nolan looked at his son with regret on his face "He is a lost cause, Mark, there is nothing to be gained by fighting him except death," Nolan stated.

"Dad you can't leave we need your help," Mark said as he grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry Mark but there are more important things I need to do, if I die now my mission will be incomplete," Nolan replied.

Mark clenched his fists "He's your son, and you're just gonna leave him like this?" Mark asked.

However, Nolan didn't reply and instead took one last look at Oliver before shooting off into the sky and disappearing. 'That Bastard!' Mark thought to himself angrily as he clenched his fists. He looked back towards the fight and saw Green Lantern hit Doomsday with a large baseball bat —it was about as effective as if he'd just used a baseball bat.

Mark considered leaving too, he wasn't a hero he didn't need to risk himself like this. "Damn it!" Mark shouted before he shot off towards Doomsday; he wasn't a hero but it didn't mean he could just let these people die, who knows how many other people would die if Doomsday wasn't stopped here. Mark unsheathed his dagger and slammed it into Doomsday's back before twisting it, the monster roared before swinging its arm around which Mark was able to block but was sent to the ground; Mark flipped over grabbed the ground and flung himself back at Doomsday slamming a weighted foot into the back of his legs which buckled him.

Wonder Woman took advantage of this and with her sword back in her hand thrust it straight through his chest. Doomsday grabbed Wonder Woman and threw her off before grabbing the sword out of his chest; Green Lantern tried to come in for the attack but Doomsday sliced the air with his sword. In his hands wasn't any normal sword but the Sword of Athena —a sword capable of cutting Superman's skin. It ripped through Hal's energy shield and then his stomach, his guts nearly spilt from his stomach but he used his ring to create a quick bandage that wrapped around him.

Doomsday went to finish the job but Mark caught his arm and swung underneath kicking him in the jaw and sending him back. "You okay Lantern?" Mark asked as Hal was on his knees holding his stomach.

"I'll be fine..." Hal breathed out, but Mark could see blood drilling onto the ground and sighed. "Lantern you're no good here get the injured back to the Watchtower, they need you more than we do," Mark told him, and while it bothered him to take orders from Mark he knew if he took one more hit he'd most likely die. He got up and scooped up the heroes that had been injured by Doomsday in a large green bubble and flew out of the area.

Mark flew over to Doomsday who was in the middle of beating Martian Manhunter into a pulp. The alien hero struggled to shift and move around the monster's punches as they were so fast and powerful; Wonder Woman tried to assist but Doomsday was easily able to handle them both. Hawkwoman slammed her mace at the back of Doomsday's head, the monster immediately turned and grabbed her by the waist digging his claws into her sides. Hawkwoman screamed in pain as she tried to get out of Doomsday's grasp but the creature grew his claws so that they pierced deeper into her body. Mark shot a lightning bolt straight at Doomsday's face which dazed him, he then got in close and grabbed his dagger out of Doomsday's back before stabbing it into his throat and attempting to remove his head.

Doomsday let go of Hawkwoman before grabbing Mark by the head smashing him into the ground and stepping on him. He roared before bone-like appendages in his muscles started to grow from his middle knuckle; Doomsday brought his arm up ready to pierce Mark straight through the chest, but Martian Manhunter flew into the monster pushing him back and making him miss. Doomsday grabbed the Martian who tried to phase out of his grasp but Doomsday was too quick and he found himself ripped in half by the monster.

"J'onn!!!" Diana shouted as she picked up her sword and slashed at Doomsday who brought up his arm to block the strike, he then thrust his fist into her and impaled her onto the bone appendage; Doomsday arced her through the air before slamming her into the ground. Mark stood up and cursed as he saw that his only remaining allies were incapacitated, he wasn't given much chance for reprieve as Doomsday rushed towards him slamming his fist into Mark who barely avoided it; Doomsday followed up with a punt at Mark who could only block it, and he was sent smashing into a large rock wall.

Mark looked up as he saw Doomsday rushing towards him again except before he could reach him he was kicked away by someone Mark didn't expect to see."Since when can you fly?" Mark said with slight amusement.

Connor turned around and let out a small smirk "Why are you scared you'll lose now?" He asked. After his injuries inflicted by Deathstroke Connor spent a bit of time in orbit healing; now that he was fully healed he was ready to fight.

"Superman killed the last Doomsday, so I assume you can handle this one on your own," Mark said with a smirk as he flew next to Connor.

Connor shook his head "Unless Superman comes now we are probably fucked," he admitted.

"You're a bit of a downer aren't you," Mark said.

Connor however couldn't answer as Doomsday was coming towards them both, every step was like an earthquake. They both shot towards the Monster and met him in the middle clashing with him and kicking up the earth in a large radius. Mark grabbed his arm giving Connor the opportunity to deliver a barrage of blows to Doomsday's face; with every punch he delivered, it was backed up with the full power of his heat vision.

When Doomsday tried to grab Mark, they switched, Connor grabbed the arm and Mark delivered an incredibly powerful combination before slamming a red sphere into the monster's gut and smashing his knee on his face. Doomsday roared before catching Mark with a powerful punch, however, Connor grabbed his foot before spinning him around and throwing Mark straight at Doomsday; Mark weighted his feet and slammed feet first into him throwing them both across the ground and through multiple large boulders.

Doomsday tried to grab Mark's legs but Mark was faster and he grabbed both of Doomsday's arms before pressing his feet into his stomach, and flipping him over his body straight into Connor who brought both harms down into a sledgehammer strike. Mark and Connor floated above Doomsday —who was starting to get up— and they released a full-powered stream of Heat vision and lightning at the beast.

After a full minute of it, they stopped only to see that Doomsday was barely affected at all. "This is such bullshit..." Mark said.


Mark and Connor delivered rapid blows to Doomsday who to their disbelief was starting to adapt to their tactics. Doomsday caught Connor with a punch to the side of his head, he then caught Mark's fist and tried to impale him on his bone spike; Mark barely avoided it, and only did so by twisting his body out of the way, but the bone appendage still managed to cut his side. Mark released a full-powered wave of repel blasting Doomsday away, he dropped to the ground and breathed heavily.

Connor came up to Mark and helped him up with a hand. "I'm not sure how we can beat him," Connor said honestly.

*Nanosuit at Full Power*

"I might have a few ideas," Mark said with a grin.

"Provide support let me handle it," Mark said as the Nanosuit covered his body. Connor's eyes widened slightly as he saw the suit of armour come out of nowhere, but he quickly dismissed it, as it wasn't the weirdest thing he'd seen.

*Maximum Strength*

Mark shot towards Doomsday who was already racing back toward them and he connected his fist with the creature's jaw whipping his head back and sending him tumbling backwards. Doomsday tried to get back up but Mark wouldn't let him, he delivered blow after blow to his face digging him deeper into the earth. He then grabbed Doomsday by the leg and threw him up into the air to where Connor was waiting; the young Kryptonian released a full-powered heat blast sending the creature back down to the ground. Mark needed to get the dagger if he wanted to finish things but at the moment it was in Doomsday's neck as the monster didn't even bother removing it.

Mark flew at Doomsday but was caught off guard when the giant whipped his fist around and caught Mark sending him into a nearby cliff. Connor picked up the slack and rushed down to Doomsday shooting with him with his heat vision as he did; he then sent a right hook and an uppercut in quick succession. He then spun around at super speeds connecting his fist to Doomsday's jaw thousands of times per second until Doomsday was able to catch him; Connor went to shoot him in the face with his heat vision but nothing came out. 'Not now!' He thought to himself as he tried to get out of the creature's grasp.

Doomsday impaled Connor on his spike and stabbed into his body multiple times before throwing him to the ground. Luckily for Connor, Mark returned and released a boulder-sized red sphere into Doomsday's back sending him shooting off.

"Connor are you okay!?" Mark asked as he knelt by him.

"I'm fine..." Connor growled out as he stood up and went to take another patch from his supply only to see that he'd run out. "How long have we been fighting..." Connor said mostly to himself.

"I don't know but it's nearly dawn," Mark replied as he looked up to the sky.

Mark then looked down at Connor "Did those patches give you your powers?" He asked.

Connor nodded "I can still fight," He assured him.

"No you can't," Mark said bluntly.

"Doesn't mean I won't," Connor said with a grin.

"Get the rest of the heroes out of here, I can handle Doomsday on my own," Mark said as he clapped him on the shoulder.

"Are you an idiot?" Connor said.

"Maybe, but I don't want any more heroes dying, it means more work for me which will get annoying, I think Batman already has me on speed dial," he said jokingly which made Connor snicker.

"I'll try and bring back some reinforcements, hold out until then," Connor said.

"I'll probably be done by then," Mark said with a grin.

"Take care of yourself Connor... and I'm sorry for flinging you all the way to Kansas," Mark said with an amused grin.

Connor rolled his eyes "I'll be back soon," he said before crouching down and leaping back towards the crater where the palace used to be.

Mark floated in the air before shooting off after Doomsday. Despite all the fighting, the creature looked only a tiny bit injured —which didn't bode well for Mark. Mark tackled Doomsday back to the ground and dragged him across the earth; Doomsday punched Mark in the side and to his surprise the spike managed to pierce through his armour and into his side. Stifling a grunt of pain Mark slammed his knee into his gut before reaching out and grabbing the special dagger out of his neck. Before Mark could stab the blade straight through the monster's brain Doomsday grabbed him by the head and started squeezing.

*Maximum Armour*

*Warning Power Drain Significant*

The pressure was relieved slightly but it seemed that it wouldn't last for long. Mark instead stabbed into the creature's chest and then used a small red sphere to force the dagger straight into Doomsday's heart. The monster roared as it kicked off Mark —sending him tumbling across the ground— and then ran after him pushing himself forward on all fours. He grabbed Mark by the waist and then jumped up and slammed him into the ground; he followed up by kicking him out and ended it with an elbow drop straight to his stomach.

*Warning Nanosuit Compromised*

Mark looked down and saw a massive bone protrusion in his stomach coming from Doomsday's elbow. 'Not again...' he thought to himself. Mark kicked Doomsday away with a combination of Red and his feet.

*Maximum Healing Active*

*Warning Other Modes cannot be used at this time*

'Well at least that's something,' he thought to himself as he watched his suit cover his wound.

Mark stood up despite his muscles protesting, it seemed the suit injected him with morphine or something else cause he couldn't feel the pain of the hole he had in his stomach. Mark breathed heavily as he prepared himself; he then shot towards Doomsday, ducking underneath a punch as he did so, he then put all his strength into an uppercut which launched him into the air.

Putting both his hands together he started forming a blue sphere. It grew bigger and bigger until he couldn't make it grow anymore. "Bigger!" Mark shouted as he channelled the powers of Shazam into the sphere making it grow to the times it's height. He then launched it straight into the air —a blue sphere bigger than a three-story building. Mark zoomed past the blue sphere, he watched as Doomsday was sucked against the sphere. The creature roared as its bone protrusions were snapped off and sucked in and its muscles started to rip. But in an incredible feat of strength, Doomsday turned around and sledgehammered the blue sphere straight into the ground —freeing himself from its influence.

Mark grabbed Doomsday out of the air delivering punches as hard as he could as he threw him to the ground. Mark roared as he created a red sphere in his palm the size of a coconut and slammed it into Doomsday. Channelling the power of Shazam the red sphere reached the same size as the blue one and it sent Doomsday hurtling towards the ground with Mark following.

Mark felt his body drain and his muscles grow smaller 'I guess Black Adam wasn't lying,' he thought to himself.


No lightning bolt came, the connection Mark had to the rock of eternity had withered away and the powers of Shazam had left him. Mark looked down as he saw Doomsday lift the Red sphere off him and throw it back at Mark who flew out of the way.

Mark landed on the ground between the two Red and Blue spheres. Doomsday roared and charged at Mark throwing a fist with broken bone protrusions at Mark who avoided it and sent one into Doomsday's gut. They exchanged punch after punch but it was quickly determined that Doomsday was on the cusp of victory as he slammed Mark into the ground and scrapped his claws across his face and body —ripping off the Nanosuit and exposing his body.

Mark felt exhausted and weak but he still managed to get a good hit on Doomsday and get out from underneath him. Mark drew both Spheres closer as he went back in and tackled him to the ground; Mark kept punching Doomsday in an attempt to keep him in place despite the hits Doomsday returned and the spikes that would pierce Mark's body. Mark felt chunks of his flesh being torn from his body by Doomsday who eventually slammed Mark off of him.

However Mark wasn't done and with the last of his strength, he rushed back towards Doomsday, grabbed him by the arm and threw him up towards the enclosing spheres. He heard Doomsday roar as both spheres connected trapping him inside; Mark felt his eyes and nose start to bleed as he merged both of the spheres —never having done this with spheres so big before.

With a final yell, he merged them creating a giant purple sphere. Mark watched as Doomsday was reduced to nothing 'Goodbye Oliver...' he thought solemnly.

The purple sphere started to destabilise. Mark hadn't accounted for the mental strain that merging both spheres would cause, and so maintaining it would be just as equally taxing. Mark fell back onto the ground as the sphere started to destabilise.

*Maximum Armour*

Mark activated it despite knowing it would take away from his healing, but at the moment he had no choice.


The purple sphere exploded as both opposites couldn't exist in the same space. Mark lay on the ground half his body had its skin removed and he was missing his left arm. The armour had managed to mitigate the damage somewhat but it was otherwise destroyed, though luckily for Mark the armour around his stomach was still present.

Mark opened his eyes, the world was a blur as he pushed himself up from the ground. "At least I'm not dead..." Mark said with a small chuckle.


Mark felt his stomach drop as he looked over to the source of the laughter and saw the Joker who was clapping his hands.

"Very good very good, I say that was more entertaining than my regular bouts with Batsy!" The Joker applauded as he approached Mark.

"It's a shame it's over now, but you know what they say, all good things must come to an end," The Joker said as he backhanded Mark to the ground.

Mark looked at Joker with a venomous expression in his eyes as he watched the Clown Prince of Crime approach him. He stood up and clenched his fists despite the pain and exhaustion he was feeling.

"Oh, you're going to fight me? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

"No... I'm going to kill you."

(AN: Last Chapter next chapter, rip Oliver. Hope you guys enjoyed this Arc. Raven Arc is next.)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C36
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


