11.11% Marvel: Sex Stories / Chapter 4: The Power Broker: Chapter 2 - Black Widow & Agent 13

章 4: The Power Broker: Chapter 2 - Black Widow & Agent 13

Wanton moans fill the room as Wanda continues to bounce up and down on his cock. Just like she's been doing for nigh-on twenty-four hours now. Yeah… they hadn't ever really stopped fucking since her daddy left and she finally let down her hair for him. As she rides him towards yet another orgasm, Adrian groans into her tits, currently suckling from one of her nipples.

As it so happens, she has in fact grown larger in the chest area over the last twenty-four hours. He hadn't asked her to, but then he didn't really need to ask. The first time he paid any special attention to her beautiful bust, Wanda had taken it upon herself to enhance the experience. Nothing too over the top… but she was now sporting a pair of double Ds where before she'd only had a C-cup at most.

On top of that… well, she was lactating. As he drinks of her delicious breastmilk, Adrian can't really bring himself to mind the Reality Warper's go-getter attitude. Especially when it was so thoroughly focused on making HIM happy above all else. Wanda Maximoff wanted nothing more than to stay by his side for the rest of her days, relying on him and his abilities to keep her in check. And she was all too willing to enslave herself to him in all but name in order to do that.

Adrian, hedonist that he was, wasn't about to turn her down. He wasn't some moralistic good guy who would worry about whether he was going too far or pushing too hard. He wasn't going to let something as inane and manufactured as 'ethics' stop him from having his fun. In the end, he was who he was… and the world was his oyster, quite literally.

As Wanda continues to ride his cock, Adrian lets out one last groan and draws one final drink of breastmilk from her teat. Then, he pulls off of her nipple and grabs her by the hips, slamming her down onto his length one final time before blowing his load deep inside of her womb. It's not the first time he's cum in her in the last twenty-four hours. But for now, he's decided it will be the last.

He doesn't necessarily need a break, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want one. Of course, as far as breaks go… he just has Wanda get off of his lap and on her knees.

"Go ahead, darling. I know what you want."

He grins at her and Wanda blushes… before happily leaning forward and wrapping her new milk jugs around his member. As she begins to clean him off with her tits and her tongue, licking and lapping at the messy tip of his penis, Adrian sits back and hums… before turning on the TV in front of him with a thought. Or rather, he has Jean turn it on with a thought, and also has his lovely red-headed phoenix turn the channel to exactly what he wants to hear about.

A News Report begins to play and Adrian watches with a wicked grin as the world reacts to his first deal. Magneto hadn't been idle in the past twenty-four hours. The man might have sold his daughter to the devil for power, but he hadn't stopped to feel guilty about it for very long. Or maybe his guilt was what was driving him to act so far. He needed to make it worth it.

Either way, Magneto's actions had drawn the attention of just about everyone, including all of the Major News Networks. Adrian watches for a moment as some reporter talks about what they know so far… before rolling his eyes a bit. He'd never really been one for the news, to be quite honest. Too sensationalist by far, and he hated having to listen to other people talk. If it was important, he preferred to consume it by the written word… or at least, that's how he was in his old world.

In this world, he had an even funner way of handling things. Rather than watch the news or read a news article, he had Jean Grey and her psychic abilities to let him watch things happen in real time. Well, not quite real time. In fact, as he reaches for Jean and she comes to lean into him, sharing with him her insights of the world around them. Adrian finds himself falling back in time just a little bit and watching from a bird's eye view of a certain man's office, buried deep inside of a SHIELD base.

As Wanda Maximoff slides her gorgeous tits up and down his cock, Adrian watches the Director Nick Fury of several hours ago pick up the phone and growl.


"Sir… it's Magneto."

Growling even harder, the one-eyed man rubs his bald forehead.

"And what the fuck is Magneto doing that requires my personal attention? What is that damn terrorist up to now?"

When the voice on the other side of the line speaks, they sound… baffled.

"Well sir. He's uh… not doing much of anything actually? Or at least, he's not doing any harm. He's actually building something. Our analysts think he's building a man-made island out in the middle of the ocean, sir."

Adrian watches as the Nick Fury of the Past slowly blinks at that. Or is it considered winking, because he only has one eye? Well, no matter. The SHIELD Director frowns and growls into the phone once more.

"And why is this a priority, Agent?"

"Uh… because of HOW he's doing it, sir?"

"Are you asking or telling?! For fuck's sake, are you a SHIELD Agent or a goddamn intern?! Give it to me straight or stop wasting my time!"

"Sir! Magneto is currently drawing metal from the other side of the planet, Director! His powers seem to have ballooned massively since the last time we saw him in action and no one quite understands how or why!"

Adrian can't help but be amused as Fury's single visible eye widens in disbelief.

"… The other side of the planet? Meaning…"

"Yes sir. Our analysts all agree… his range is now seemingly global."

Immediately, the SHIELD Director is up on his feet, reaching for his coat.

"I thought you said he hadn't done any harm?! If he's pulling metal from all over the planet… get me a casualty report immediately! And get me countermeasures, yesterday!"

"T-That's just it sir! No one is being harmed by his actions! Not anywhere!"

Director Fury freezes in place at that, halfway into his trench coat and out the door. He pauses, looking downright incredulous.

"… Excuse me?"

"Sir, Magneto is being surprisingly… careful, I suppose? All of our sources report the same thing. He's taking metal from places no one will miss it. Scrapyards, shipwrecks, you name it. He's basically singlehandedly cleaning up the ocean. And while you'd worry that his 'streams' so to speak would end up hitting an airplane somewhere or something… they haven't. They've been very careful not to in fact. To our knowledge, not a single person has been injured since Magneto began this… latest set of actions."

Slowly, the Fury of the Past pulls back. His frown doesn't clear up though. In fact, he looks more troubled than ever.

"That would mean Magneto's range doesn't just extend globally… but so do his senses. If he's avoiding hitting even a single person, it means he COULD hit EVERY single person at once if he wanted to."

"Er… possibly, sir?"

Fury growls.

"Fuck possibly! Get me more information right the fuck now! I want to know everything we don't seem to know about this! What is Magneto really up to?! And where did this increase in power and range come from?!"

"Sir! Yessir!"

Adrian snickers to himself, well aware of the answers to all of Fury's questions. And yes, he had given Magneto THAT much of a boost. With the alterations made to the man's mind, he hadn't really minded doing it. The Mutant Utopia that Magneto had always talked a big game about… he'd make it now. He'd make it and he wouldn't ruin it by trying to go to war with the world or put humans in their place or any number of violent acts that the mentally unstable mutant was prone to doing.

Meanwhile, his 'awareness' suddenly propels forward, Jean 'fast-forwarding' the show she's giving him to the present. He watches Nick Fury sit back down at his desk and then speed up dramatically as the next several hours pass with little of note happening. Until finally, they're back to the present and Fury has a file in front of him, hand-delivered by some SHIELD gopher. Glaring down at it, he growls angrily.

Adrian can't help but read over Nick's shoulder. The file, after all… is about him. SHIELD had moved quickly, and in the past several hours, while Magneto continued building his island and the world started to wake up and notice what was happening, SHIELD had managed to track exactly where Magneto got his boost from. The Power Broker.

The one and only now, too. Adrian hums as Fury reads over the minimalist dossier they've managed to put together for him so far. Thanks to Jean, he even gets to hear the SHIELD Director's thoughts in a sort of narrated manner in real time.

This new Power Broker is much more capable than any other who has ever used the name. And from the look of things, he's managed to disappear all of the other would-be Power Brokers as well. His 'invitation' to make use of his services got lost in our bureaucracy and heads will roll for that… but at least we know now that he's the real deal.

Nick's eyes narrow as he flips a page to the preliminary psychological profile for Adrian located in the back of the dossier.

Tch, unfortunately the analysts are probably right. His willingness to empower a man like Magneto to this extent shows he's lacking in moral character. That said, if the rumors about what he demanded in payment are true… we might have a way in with him. We know that Magneto entered the Power Broker's lair with his daughter at his side… and then left without her. The Scarlet Witch staying behind to… what, satisfy the Power Broker's whims and desires? He might have a weakness for beautiful women…

Suddenly, the vision freezes. Or rather… Nick Fury freezes, Adrian realizes after a moment. The office remains the same, and indeed anyone could have technically walked in at any moment if they had the clearance. But they weren't going to, because the same woman who had mentally frozen Nick Fury in an instant in time was keeping an eye out for that sort of thing.

Meanwhile, to Adrian's surprise and immense amusement, options suddenly appear before his eyes, like the interface of a video game. He quickly manages to grasp what's going on from his connection to both Jean and Wanda. Put simply, Nick Fury is currently trying to decide who to send after Adrian for 'negotiations'.

The SHIELD Director's initial plan was to send his best Agent, Phil Coulson, along with one of his better-looking female agents, for the purposes of trying to wrangle Adrian and get a handle on him and what he can do. Fury couldn't risk himself by going into close proximity, given what he knew so far. So he had to settle for his second best option.

But Jean and Wanda had both intuited that Adrian really wouldn't care about Coulson. He just wasn't worth Adrian's time. While it had been somewhat amusing forcing Magneto to sell his daughter into sexual slavery for more power, doing so with Coulson and whatever female agent that came alongside him wouldn't be any fun.

As such… cut Phil out altogether. Remove the very idea from Fury's mind. And that left Adrian with a list of Fury's best-looking female agents. That was what his 'video game interface' was currently showing him right now. A list of their names. Whichever he picked; he didn't doubt that Jean would make Fury think HE'D picked it instead. Amusing to say the least… but Adrian had never been a fan of multiple choice, especially not in a situation like this. Why would he pick one… when he could have all of them?

Though… ehhh, all was a bit much for him this early. He didn't need ALL of them, now did he? No… but two wouldn't be amiss. Reaching out, Adrian uses both hands to tap two of the names on the list at the same time. They both light up green, signifying his picks as he leans back in amusement and watches Director Fury 'resume'.

As far as the one-eyed man is concerned, he'd just spent the last couple minutes deep in thought. That way the overly paranoid bastard wouldn't realize he'd lost time. Regardless, with 'his' decision made, the SHIELD Director nods and begins typing away at his keyboard, sending out his orders to the two female agents that Adrian has chosen.

Humming, Adrian 'pulls back' from the bird's eye view of Fury's office that Jean was giving him, returning to the real world where Wanda is still slurping away at his cockhead while sliding her tits up and down his length. He smiles down at the reality warper, and then over at his beautiful, ever-loyal psychic.

They had a little bit of time to kill before the new girls got here. And so Adrian moves things to the bedroom, where Wanda ends up on her hands and knees, eating out Jean while getting fucked from behind. As he grasps the Scarlet Witch's pillowy ass with both hands, he watches in amusement as it inflates ever so slightly, growing even fatter for him to grope and squeeze to his heart's content.

He was going to enjoy having Wanda around, even if his own powers gave him total control over his domain anyways. She was just… too much fun, really.


The 'representatives' from SHIELD arrive an hour later, and by that time Adrian is all too ready for them. Once more seated in the same space where he met Magneto and his daughter, Adrian now sports not one but two gorgeous ladies occupying the space on either side of his chair. As Wanda and Jean flank him, Adrian smirks at sensing their new guests trying to find an infiltration point.

If Coulson HAD been allowed to come along, he probably would have just walked up and knocked. But that was because he was smart enough to realize that trying to get the drop on someone like Adrian just wasn't happening. Alas, Fury hadn't been in his right mind when he'd 'chosen' the two agents he'd actually ended up sending. Neither was particularly… diplomatic.

Adrian 'watches' as they end up splitting up, showing division in the ranks while they try to infiltrate his 'humble' abode from multiple directions. Then, after letting them crawl around in large air vents that hadn't been there minutes before their arrival, he snaps his fingers and opens holes in the ceiling, allowing them both to fall down to the floor.

To their credit, they each land relatively well and are up on their feet and ready for a fight a moment later. Of course, at seeing him just sitting there, flanked by a red head with phoenix wings and the Scarlet Witch, both tense up and stay where they are.

"Black Widow. Agent 13. What a pleasure it is to meet the two of you."

And really, it very much is. On the one side is Natalia Alianovna Romanova, aka Agent Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow. In all of her all-black glory and vibrant red locks, she's absolutely gorgeous and imminently fuckable. She's sin made manifest and has been the subject of more of Adrian's fantasies than he could hope to count in his past life. In this life however… she was just another woman, or so he thought. As soon as he saw her on the 'list' however, he knew he had to have her.

By comparison, Peggy Carter's niece Sharon Carter, aka Agent 13, is equally as gorgeous in her own way. A beautiful blonde, her all-white leather catsuit contrasts quite well with Natasha's all-black. The two of them might as well have had their 'uniforms' painted on, given the way the leather clings to their bodies. Or maybe it's another material designed to look like leather. Adrian honestly doesn't care enough to check.

Their reactions to being directly named are certainly interesting. Natasha's eyes narrow slightly as she assesses the situation, immediately trying to figure out how she can take him down if it comes to that. Sharon isn't TOO far behind her… however, there's an element of pride in Agent 13's eyes as he acknowledges her by her moniker. She's pleased to be identified, despite the fact that as a secret agent and spy, she SHOULDN'T be so easily caught out.

But then, that's the problem with SHIELD and its more capable agents. They're supposed to be a spy agency, but all of their enemies tend to know them on sight. Adrian doesn't know if that honestly makes the two women more impressive or not, truth be told. In the end though, it doesn't really matter. He'll have what he wants from them, one way or the other.

Of the two, Agent 13 is the first to speak up, seemingly almost jumping at the chance to speak over Natasha. Indeed, from the way the Black Widow glances in Sharon's direction, she's not pleased by it.

"Director Fury has sent us to ascertain your threat level, Power Broker. You've caught the attention of SHIELD and if you cannot be reasoned with, then we are authorized to use force to make you comply."

Stiffening beside her, Black Widow prepares for a fight if Agent 13's words manage to raise his ire or anything. But Adrian just grins.

"Luckily for the two of you, I can most definitely be reasoned with. SHIELD wants to ascertain my threat level? Well, as far as my powers are concerned… the answer is Yes."

Sharon and Natasha exchange a quick glance at that. Before either can speak however, Adrian moves things along. He can't help it… he's feeling impatient what with two beauties right in front of him.

"You can let Fury know that I will not answer to SHIELD, nor is your organization capable of making me. The Scarlet Witch works for me now, and I'm sure you're both aware of her powers."

Their eyes flicker to Wanda at that and he can see the wariness there. Neither wants to tangle with a Reality Warper.

"That said, I am happy to help out when needs must. If the world is ending, then feel free to call on me and I will do my part to save it. After all, why wouldn't I? All my favorite stuff is here."

He cracks a grin at the incredibly cliché joke, while his two guests process his words. Thanks to Jean, he can see in their minds as they both come to the same conclusion irrespective of each other… that's the best SHIELD is going to get, and their best bet is to withdraw and turn over this information to Fury, ASAP. But of course, Adrian doesn't want them to leave. So he speaks before they can yet again.

"Of course, that's what I'm willing to give SHIELD. But what about the two of you, hm? What about your greatest desire?"

They both stiffen at that and Adrian can see their desires for what they are. However, they're muted by a sense of duty and responsibility, a sense of loyalty to SHIELD and to Nick Fury in particular. Well now, that just wouldn't do. With a small use of Jean's abilities, Adrian rearranges Natasha and Sharon's priorities. He doesn't mind control them or anything like that, or wipe away their loyalty to SHIELD. It's a minor alteration at best.

All he does… is put their desires in front of their sense of duty. Instead of feeling beholden to SHIELD above all else, they suddenly have just enough selfishness in them to be enticed by his offer and want what he can potentially give them. It's not enough for them to betray SHIELD outright however, so Adrian grins and sweetens the pot.

"I will need a SHIELD liaison going forward, of course. But I don't need two, now do I? So… one of you can stay on as my liaison and I will give you your greatest desire as a signing bonus, and the other can report your mission's success to Director Fury. Who wants what?"

Thanks to the minor alteration, they both want to be his liaison, of course. For different reasons though. Adrian watches in amusement as they step forward at the same time, both speaking over the other.

"I would be the best choice for liaison. I am SHIELD's best agent."

"You should take me on as your liaison. As the niece of former SHIELD Director Peggy Carter, I have connections at SHIELD that Agent Romanoff does not."

As soon as they're done speaking, the two turn and glare at each other aggressively. Adrian just chuckles, holding up his hands to forestall the impending highly lethal cat fight before it can begin.

"Ladies, please… you're both beautiful, obviously. Hmm… honestly, I can't possibly decide between the two of you. Let's try something else, shall we? What do you both want from me? As my liaison, what would be your signing bonus, so to speak?"

Once again, they speak at the same time, all but talking over each other. Adrian understands them both perfectly though, of course.

"I wish to be able to have a child. I want to be a mother. I don't care who the father is."

"I want to be better than her. She has all of the advantages and is Director Fury's favorite because of it."

There's a pause and they both look at each other again, this time rather than anger, it's with incredulity. It makes sense though. To get to where she is today, Black Widow had to suffer greatly. She wouldn't wish what was done to her on anyone. Meanwhile, Agent 13 has had her own trials and tribulations, but cannot live up to Natasha's strength or prowess. Likewise, she's not sterile against her will and has never wanted to be a mother, so it's hard for her to understand where the other agent's desire is coming from.

Adrian hums, pretending to ponder their desires. In reality, he's just letting the moment drag out for a beat before he speaks again with a wide and wicked grin.

"Convince me."

Both femme fatales pause at that, but it's Natasha who moves first. The red head doesn't hesitate to reach up and pull the zipper on her catsuit ALL the way down. At the same time, she struts forward. In an instant, she goes from an admittedly gorgeous but incredibly professional and lethal secret agent… to a vision of seduction, using every bit of her sex appeal and all around sultriness to draw his eye.

He imagines she would normally be wearing a dress at some fancy party while adopting this persona, but Adrian can't deny that it's impressive, even when she's stripping out of her catsuit. Licking her lips, the red haired femme fatale walks right up to him and straddles his lap right then and there, hooking her arms around his neck after exposing her cleavage and belly button to him.

Humming, Adrian casually reaches up and tugs her unzipped suit aside, watching as her beautiful breasts bounce free. He might just be a tit man… but then, he's also an ass man at times. Luckily for him, he's experiencing both at the moment. Even as he stares at Natasha's tits, he's able to feel her leather-clad ass grinding into his crotch.

Behind her, Agent 13 finally recovers and hisses in anger, beginning to move forward while reaching for her own zipper. But Adrian stops her with a raised hand.

"Wait your turn now. She made the first move. You will respect that."

The blonde's jaw drops open… but ultimately, she steps back, looking downright mulish. Adrian spares her an amused glance, able to see the competitiveness raging in her eyes. Earlier, when her first through seventh priorities were all to SHIELD, she was able to hide her dissatisfaction with Natasha's incredibly swift rise through the organization behind a sense of duty and loyalty. But now? Now she hates that Natasha has once again beaten her to the punch.

Good. That only means she'll be working all the harder when it's finally her turn. For now… Natasha doesn't waste any time. The Black Widow likely realizes that she's actually put herself at a potential disadvantage by going first. Now that Adrian has decided they're taking turns, Sharon has all the opportunity in the world to watch what Natasha does… and then try and one-up it.

However, Natasha also recognizes that it's only a disadvantage if she lets it be. In the end, all she has to do is knock his socks off so damn much that whatever her competition does… ends up paling in comparison.

To that end, Natasha lets him ogle and play with her naked breasts for only a moment before pulling away and turning around. Then, she backs her ass up into his crotch, allowing him to run his hands over her heart-shaped derriere as she moans wantonly in response. Adrian groans, his pants growing tight… until ultimately, he decides they're in the way.

Natasha gasps when he suddenly goes from clothed to naked, his cock abruptly slapping down over her catsuit-clad ass. She looks back to see his size and her eyes grow lidded, a seductive showing while internally she's calculating her next move. It only takes her a second to decide what to do, and Adrian smiles as she reaches back and grabs his cock, before gently but firmly tugging him up out of his chair.

Good. If she'd just given him a lap dance and ridden him to completion, that would have been fun but ultimately expected. She needed to impress him… but she also seemed to have his measure. She walks them both over to the nearest wall and bends over it, lifting her ass cheeks into the air and moving up onto her tip toes as she arches her back beautifully.

It's the perfect position for a man like him to dominate and fuck a woman, and Adrian can't help but chuckle. She's instinctively intuited that he's the kind of man who needs to be in control. Of course, what Natasha doesn't know is that he's already ALWAYS in control. In this space, his power makes him the absolute god of everything in his range. However, alongside Power Manipulation, he also has Jean Grey and Wanda Maximoff at his beck and call.

When he says that this world is his playground… that's not hyperbole. And even a strong, independent woman like Natasha Romanoff is nothing more than his plaything. Still, he lets her think she's got him right where she wants him… mostly because right where she wants him is right where he wants to be. With her zipper pulled all the way down to her taint now, her pussy lips are exposed… and so Adrian grabs onto her leather-clad hips and thrusts in, pounding right into her tight cunt.

She's already sopping wet, given her ability to get aroused on command. Her control over her bodily functions is immaculate thanks to what the Red Room did to her. As he begins to fuck her, Natasha moans wantonly… not fully a fabrication, but mostly one. She IS feeling the pleasure, but it's muted. Most of it is an act, even as she plays her part perfectly.

Ah, but he doesn't want an actress… he wants to break down the Black Widow and make her his bitch. That's the plan even if he does choose Sharon over her as his liaison. Whoever walks away from this to report to Director Fury isn't going to be happy about it. They're going to want him; they're going to CRAVE his touch.

To that end, Adrian begins breaking down Natasha's barriers. Her senses are slightly muted, and so he starts with that. Every single thrust he makes takes away a little bit of what the Red Room did to her. Every time he punches deep into her cunt, he removes a fraction of the mental scarring. She doesn't think or feel like your average woman, not after everything she's been through… so he helps her out by restoring her, bit by bit.

By the time Adrian reaches up and grabs a fistful of Natasha's red hair, pulling her head back while continuing to fuck her from behind… her moans, squeals, and mewls aren't so fake anymore. Her little show is less and less of an act and more and more the real thing, even as she lets out a startled gurgling squeal as he makes her cum for him. Not just a faked orgasm that she forces herself to experience, but a very real climax that leaves her shaking and shuddering and staring up at him from upside down as he pulls her head back far enough to look down into her eyes.

Knowing that she's really feeling it now, Adrian settles in to fuck her harder and faster by the moment, pounding away at her pussy through climax after climax until finally… he finishes. He cums inside of her, filling her sterile womb with his seed, giving her a small taste of what might happen if she manages to 'win' the liaison position and gets her greatest desire answered.

Then, he pulls out of her, letting her slide down the wall as her legs, turned to jelly, fail her for the first time… ever. As the Black Widow is left a shuddering mess on the floor before him, Adrian just grins and turns towards the other SHIELD Agent in the room. His cock twitches as Sharon Carter looks at it with something akin to trepidation mixed with anticipation.

She's had plenty of time to figure out how she's going to one up Natasha now. But she's also gotten to watch as he completely wrecked the very woman she feels like she's not able to measure up against. Adrian just watches on in amusement, eager to see what she does next.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


