/ Fantasy / Bunny and the Moon

Bunny and the Moon オリジナル

Bunny and the Moon

Fantasy 244 章 453.8K ビュー
作者: LotusLin

4.94 (37 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Separated from the beloved Moon Goddess Chang'er, Tuzi the former-bunny turned divine lady, is violently thrown from the Realm of Gods into the Mortal Realm.

Can Moon stay focused long enough to solve the mystery of who stole her beloved Tuzi, with the too-handsome-for-his-own-good, God of Sky distracting her at every clue's reveal?

Why did the Sky God’s best soldier Atlas dive into the Mortal Realm after Tuzi?

Will Tuzi be able to guard her heart against this dashing soldier?

Why are so many alpha gods suddenly so interested in her business?

And why are mosquitos the absolute worst…?

Solve the mystery of the Moon Goddess’s stolen lady, in this romantic, funny and action-packed spin on the legend of Chang'er and her white bunny.

Bet you can't figure out who did it!

[Novel images are AI generated]

[Excerpt from Novel]

The Goddess remembered that day clearly. As she floated in the sky near the cold doors of death, she shivered. She had lost too much blood. The pain was overtaking her senses. She knew she was dying.

She hugged the rabbit in her arms even tighter, not wanting to drop her loyal friend.

How the Goddess had wished she could see her loved one, just one last time, she thought sadly.

The cold began to invade every part of her body, spreading itself like sharp frost through her bones. She had not thought that she would die feeling so lonely and scared. She choked back a sob. She wasn't sure if her eyes were becoming hazy and blurry from her tears or from her consciousness slipping away...

"You're safe now... I will never let anything bad happen to you..."

"Thank you..." she whispered gratefully.

When the Goddess finally awakened, she was home within her palace in the Realm of Gods. She sat up slowly in her bed assessing her surroundings.

Sunlight shone through the grand windows onto freshly cut flowers on the bedside table. She could hear the song birds serenading the world outside. The air smelled like a mix of vanilla and honey.

Nothing was out of place here. She was wearing a light nightgown. She lifted the hem of it so she could take a look at her body. Her light skin was smooth and glowing. There were no injuries at all.

For a moment, she wondered if her time on Earth as Queen Chang’er was nothing but a dream. She took a deep breath when she felt something moving under the blanket. Curious, she lifted back the covers and gazed into the face of the little rabbit who had been her companion through it all.

The Goddess’s eyes became wet with tears as she lifted the rabbit up onto her lap. She couldn’t believe that the little bunny survived the journey to the Realm of Gods.

“Was it you who saved me…?”

The rabbit rubbed its furry face against her hands, wiggling her little cotton tail, happy that her master had finally awakened from her long slumber.

“You silly one…” The Goddess touched her finger against the rabbit’s nose, which caused it to twitch slightly.

“For your kindness,” she said gently, “I will repay you, my little Tuzi.”

The Goddess worked her magic and changed Tuzi’s form into a human. Forever her companion and friend. The legend of Chang’er goes, that she became the Moon Goddess in the heavens, accompanied by her loyal white rabbit. Sometimes, if one stares long enough at the Moon, they can see the rabbit shift into a human.

Parents Strongly Cautioned
  1. Air_Ace
    Air_Ace 貢献した 32625
  2. QueenFrieza
    QueenFrieza 貢献した 25727
  3. Foxiidust
    Foxiidust 貢献した 17212


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    You would never believe that this is the author's first book! Her grammar is impeccable and the story easy to read. The relationships I've read so far are like a warm hug on a winter day. This entire book is a hidden gem that deserves more recognition. However, don't let the softness and sweetness mislead you, there are occasional points in the story where a bit of darkness peers through which makes me certain the author can pull off really dark and complex themes as well.Great job 💜

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    LV 13 Badge

    If you enjoy fantasy novels, this book is a must-read! It's like a breath of fresh air – I fell in love with it from the moment I picked it up. The writing style and grammar are excellent. I find myself getting lost in the story every time I read it, and I'm sure others who've read it feel the same. Keep up the good work, author! Please don't stop updating – I'd be devastated if you did. 😊

    1 の返信を表示する

    I remember adding this novel to my library sometime during December but because I'm also an author and quite busy usually, I didn't get the chance to read it.After seeing it popping in the gift broadcasts several times these past few days, I finally decided to read it and oh my, what an absolutely amazing story it is.As someone who loves reading Greek mythology and writing eastern fantasy, I absolutely adore this novel. Author Lotus has a unique and catching style of writing. Plus, the story is so good. I started last night and hardly want to put it down.Keep up the good work, dear author. I just love your novel❤

    1 の返信を表示する

    I truly love this book, I wish it would gain more publicity

    2 の返信を表示する

    This book is fire. At first i didn't want to read the first long chapter but when i started! It drawed me in!

    1 の返信を表示する

    Nice plot keep going. More chapters needed

    1 の返信を表示する

    This is a really fun read so far! This is a story about the realm of gods, how they interact, how they affect the realms, as well as romance between two hetero pairs (Tuzi*Atlas and Moon*Sky). There is also the lovely friendship between Tuzi and Moon (which could also be romantic, depending on you lol), which is just a breath of fresh air. Anyway , this was great fun and hope to see more!

    1 の返信を表示する

    Overall, it's a story that almost resembles a poem; the writing style is truly beautiful. The only minor issue I found was the length of the chapters, but apart from that, it's excellent and very entertaining!

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    This piece of work is like delicate brush strokes painting 🎨 the delicate art of an intriguing story into life and colour

    0 の返信を表示する

    I recommend this book 100% for everyone, if you aren't reading this, you are outdated

    0 の返信を表示する

    Another great find with a fmc after Restart: The World Savior's New Beginning. Especially the grammar is perfect. keep up the good work.

    1 の返信を表示する

    I really like reading your book. Keep up the good work.

    1 の返信を表示する

    I can't say much aside from how I absolutely loveee this story hehehe. Being Silent reader made me feel so bad that I needed to leave a Review 😙 It's a great story and I like the writing styles , the flow and pacing is quite on point too, I just want to beg the author for more

    1 の返信を表示する

    Love it[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

    1 の返信を表示する

    The story is so cute and interesting. The first chapter along will make you hook to the story. When I started reading, I just can't bring myself to stop reading more. It's written so welly. The plot is amazing. Keep up the good work dear author.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Cute tittle✔️ Cute Mc Tuzi✔️ interesting storyline✔️ Gotta say only the name makes me wanna read it and i did and i love it, first chapters were so interesting[img=recommend][img=recommend]

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    The first chapter really really immersed me into the world the Goddess loved so much! As a fellow novice Author, I truly salute you

    1 の返信を表示する

    Definitely a one-of-a-kind story that explores the fascinating mythology of gods and goddesses. I particularly like the way author has an explanation to human events and innovations by connecting it to the gods in her story. It is also very well-written, miles ahead of a lot of stories in WN. Awesome work, Linlin!

    1 の返信を表示する

    The cover the title the writing and characters all carry elegance

    0 の返信を表示する

    I love you Lotuslin, love your work, the characters and will always be vouching for you😊😊😊😊🤯🤯

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    作者 LotusLin