51.81% I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon / Chapter 571: Ribombee's Journey (Part 1)

章 571: Ribombee's Journey (Part 1)


Where am I?

In the early morning, Ribombee woke up on a bright flower, propped itself up with its arms, sat on the petal, and rubbed its eyes with its tiny fists, still feeling a bit drowsy.

At this moment, two beautiful Masquerain flew over from not too far away.

"Little one, good morning, you're awake!"

Seeing the two Masquerain it had never met before, Ribombee suddenly remembered that it had been brought home by Yuga, and this place was now its new home.


Good morning, Masquerain brother, Masquerain sister.

Haha, this place is my new home! It's so beautiful!

Thinking like this, Ribombee shook its tiny fists and flew past the two Masquerain, fluttering in the endless sea of flowers.

Brother, sister?

Watching Ribombee flash past them, the two Masquerain were a bit confused.

Even though they called Ribombee "little one" due to its small size, Ribombee was actually older than them! Why did it call them brother and sister?

Unable to figure it out, the two Masquerain could only shake their heads and fly away.

Ribombee, with the wind on its side, flew past Grass-type Pokémon, greeting each one with an enthusiastic "good morning."

Because of its high speed, the gusts of wind it generated accidentally flipped over a hardworking Combee collecting honey. All the pollen on its body was scattered.

"Ribombee! Ribombee!"

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Ribombee quickly applied the brakes and stopped, apologizing to the Combee.

The Combee looked at the scattered pollen, very angry that its hard work in the early morning had gone to waste. It wasn't willing to let it go.

"Combee, Combee..."

The Combee rapidly vibrated its wings, sending out waves of sound. Soon, one Combee after another emerged from the flowers. Responding to the first Combee's call, they started "chasing" Ribombee.


Oh no! Didn't I already apologize?

Seeing the situation wasn't good, Ribombee immediately turned and flew (ran), apologizing while fleeing. However, the Combees all ignored it.

Just when Ribombee was being chased and feeling dizzy, it suddenly crashed into someone and was caught by a pair of "hands."

"What's going on?"

Seeing the figure holding Ribombee, the Combees that were chasing it all stopped "chasing" and began to talk excitedly.

Turns out, Ribombee had crashed into the Vespiquen, who was gathering nectar with Vivillon.

Since Vivillon had returned yesterday, the Vespiquen had approached Vivillon, preparing to brew Enchanted Honey together.

Having tasted the benefits of Enchanted Honey once, Vivillon knew its advantages. So, early in the morning, it was already helping the Vespiquen prepare for the second batch of Enchanted Honey.


Idol! Save me! I'm about to be torn apart by them.

Seeing Vivillon by her side, Ribombee immediately felt like she had seen a savior and began to plead for help.

Ever since she witnessed Vivillon's abilities during the Battle Company Building challenge, she had become Vivillon's fan.

"Are you the little one who just arrived yesterday? You look quite tasty!"

The Vespiquen held Ribombee in front of her eyes, pretending to be fierce.

"Ri... Bom... Bee."


Looking at the somewhat fierce Vespiquen and sensing her intimidating aura, Ribombee shivered, unable to help but shift her gaze towards her idol.


I... I'm not tasty.

Seeing the Vespiquen so close, with her gleaming teeth, Ribombee had tears in her eyes and felt extremely scared.

"Vivillon, Vivillon, Vivillon..."

Alright, stop teasing it.

Vivillon flew in front of the Vespiquen, helplessly saying.

"Vivillon, Vivillon, Vivillon..."

This is the little one who just arrived at the Flower Sea. You two should get along.

Vivillon turned to the Combees and said.

"Combee, Combee..."


The Combees lowered their heads.

"Alright, the misunderstanding is cleared up. You can go play now."

After saying that, the Vespiquen continued with Vivillon, continuing their honey-collecting mission.

"Combee, Combee..."

Sorry about earlier!

The initial group of Combees apologized to Ribombee.


No, no, it was my fault.

Ribombee felt even more embarrassed as the Combees apologized, rubbing its small head with a blush.

Two Pokémon who hadn't known each other became good friends instead of enemies.

"Combee, Combee."

Let me take you to my home and treat you to some delicious sweet honey.

One of the Combees said to Ribombee.


Sure, sure!

Ribombee nodded eagerly.

Seeing that the situation had settled and that they were on good terms, the other Combees dispersed, continuing their honey-collecting mission.

Guided by the Combees, Ribombee was led to the entrance of Amber Castle.


Wow, it's so impressive!

Seeing the magnificent golden castle in front of it, Ribombee exclaimed.


Of course!

Seeing Ribombee's admiration, the Combees were very proud.

Following behind the Combees, Ribombee entered Amber Castle and was once again dazzled by the sweet scent wafting through the air. It was almost drooling.

Led by the Combees, Ribombee arrived at the front of a honey pool.

"Combee, Combee."

Try it, try it!

Ribombee quickly scooped up some and put it in its mouth. Then it closed its eyes and smacked its lips, thoroughly enjoying it.


So... delicious...

After finishing the sweet honey, Ribombee took out a green pollen ball and handed it to the Combees.

"Ribombee, Ribombee."

Try my pollen ball, it's my treasure.

The Combees came over and took a bite of the pollen ball.

Ribombee's pollen balls not only tasted delicious but also had healing effects.

Because of sweet honey and the pollen ball, the two little ones quickly became even better friends.

"Combee, Combee."

Since you're new here, let me show you around.

"Ribombee, Ribombee!"

Okay, okay!

Ribombee was very fond of this place, filled with flowers everywhere, and was delighted that the Combees were willing to show it around.

The two little ones happily danced in the sea of flowers, constantly admiring various types of blossoms.

But after flying for a while, they suddenly felt a wave of pressure coming from a certain direction.


Do you know who's in that direction? They seem powerful!


I don't know!

The Combees shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

"Combee, Combee!"

But I heard it might be Dragonair-sama's mother!

After thinking for a moment, one of the Combees said.


Oh, Dragonair's mother is that powerful?

Ribombee covered its small mouth in surprise.

Dragonair was already strong, but it seemed like his mother might be even stronger.

"Combee, Combee!"

Oh well, let's not worry about it. Let's go play somewhere else quickly.

Saying that, the Combees pulled Ribombee away.

After flying for a while, they suddenly heard strange rustling sounds coming from a nearby thicket.


What's that sound?

Ribombee tugged the Combees and flew over.

The two of them quietly pulled apart the grass and looked inside. They heard a scream, followed by a frantic Tsareena and a Cacturne jumping out.

The blushing Tsareena lifted her foot and kicked towards Ribombee and Combees.


Run, quick!

Ribombee grabbed Combees and quickly flapped its wings, flying away. Tsareena, who could only walk on two legs, and the Cacturne couldn't keep up with them.

After flying for a while, Ribombee and the Combees noticed that Tsareena hadn't caught up. They slowed down and caught their breath.


That scared me! What were they doing?


Th-they... might... driving...

Combees blushed and stammered.

"Ribombee? Ribombee?"

Driving? What kind of car do you drive?

Ribombee looked puzzled.

"Combee! Combee!"

Oh well, let's not think about that. Let's explore other Parks. You've only been in the Flower Sea, haven't seen the other Parks yet! It's a good opportunity to show you around.

To prevent Ribombee from asking more questions, Combees rushed out of the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, passed through the light gate, and entered the main Ecopark.

In the main Ecopark, Natus were resting on weather trees with closed eyes. Gardevoir (male) was teaching four Raltss along with Gallade, and a group of Medidite surrounded in meditation.

Not far away, a little Ralts was riding on the back of Vulpix, while Hoothoot hopped around on the ground.

Just then, a gust of wind rushed out of the light gate, carrying the little Ralts on Vulpix' back and causing Vulpix to stumble and fall, knocking into Hoothoot in front.

All three little ones fell flat on their faces, and when they tried to find the culprit, they saw two yellow figures darting into the Shallow Sea Shore Sub-Ecopark.

Ribombee and Combees, coming out of the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, found themselves in a beautiful blue ocean with sparkling waves, a breathtaking sight.


Wow! Where is this place?

Ribombee joyfully flapped its wings over the water's surface, using its finger to create ripples.

Just then, two pink tentacles emerged from the water and wrapped around Ribombee.


Seeing Ribombee in danger, Combees shouted and swiftly flew over.

At this moment, a Cradily slowly emerged from the water, its tentacles dripping with water.

"Little one, I haven't seen you before."


Let it go!

Combees shouted.

"I won't let go. What can you, little one, do to me?"

Cradily didn't take Combees' warning seriously. It was just curious when it saw a new face.

Combees immediately used it Gust move to attack Cradily. However, Combees' level was much lower, and Gust was only a basic move, which had no effective effect on Cradily.

Cradily watched the futile attack with an amused look.

But just then, a Water Shuriken flew towards it, cutting off one of Cradily's tentacles.

At an unknown time, the Heroic Greninja, had already stood on the beach. It was now looking coldly at Cradily.

Cradily's heart trembled as it saw Greninja, and it silently withdrew into the water, casting a resentful glance at Greninja before leaving.

Greninja and Cradily had known each other for a while, and it knew Cradily's mischievous nature. Cradily didn't mean any harm; it was just feeling playful.

Without a word, Greninja walked towards the forest above the beach.

"Ribombee! Ribombee!"

Wait Benefactor! Don't go! I haven't thanked you yet!

Seeing Greninja about to leave, Ribombee immediately called out and, along with Combees, chased after it.

Despite its small size, Ribombee's strength was comparable to Cradily's. Even without Greninja's help, it could have escaped Cradily's grasp easily. However, it appreciated Greninja's assistance and wanted to express its gratitude.

As they walked through the forest, they passed by a small stream where a Cloyster was resting with its shell closed.

But as Greninja walked by, the Cloyster opened its shell, spat out a small stream of water, and stared at Ribombee and Combees with big eyes. However, Ribombee just made a funny face at it and giggled as it flew away.

On their way, Ribombee bombarded Greninja with questions, asking where Greninja lived, if they could be friends, why Greninja wasn't talking...

But Greninja didn't utter a single word to this little chatterbox.

As they got closer to the depths of the forest, Ribombee could faintly see a lake covered with blossoms and smell the fragrance in the air.

Just then, a figure bathed in pink light dashed towards them, heading straight for Greninja.

Greninja immediately leaped onto a tree, throwing a Water Shuriken at the approaching figure, but it swiftly dodged.

The figure landed on a tree branch and engaged in a fast-paced battle with Greninja, neither giving an inch.

Meanwhile, a Mightyena watched the battle with starry eyes, filled with admiration.

"Ribombee, Ribombee!"

Who is that? How dare they attack my savior? I have to help my savior!

Ribombee was about to step in to assist Greninja but was promptly stopped by Combees.

"Combee, Combee!"

No, don't! That's Linoone, and it's sparring with Greninja! Don't disturb them!

Greninja was well-known in the entire Ecological Park, thanks to its regular challenges to other Pokémon in different Sub-Ecoparks. It had even visited the Flower Sea, so Combees recognized it.

As for Linoone, it was a long-time resident of the Ecological Park and currently the head of the patrol team, responsible for monitoring the entire YoYo Day Care, along with the Natus. They had special psychic abilities that allowed them to sense everything happening in the Day Care.


What's wrong with that infatuated one over there?

Ribombee pointed to the big Mightyena, which was gazing at Linoone with an affectionate expression.


Upon hearing the words of Ribombee, Combee was dumbfounded.

Mightyena's reputation was just as significant as its partner, but its notoriety came from its infatuation with its partner, Linoone.

Indeed, every Pokémon in the entire Ecopark knew this fact, but no one dared to mention it in front of Mightyena.

Recently, it was that mean Milotic who had been taunting Mightyena, and even its three wives had fled to different Sub-Ecoparks just to avoid its relentless pursuit.

When Greninja and Linoone finished their sparring session, Linoone warmly welcomed the newcomer, Ribombee. Compared to Greninja's aloofness, Linoone had a much more outgoing personality.

However, with this warmth came disdainful glances from other Pokemon, resembling the expressions of a primary wife towards a mistress.

"Rimobee, Ribombee."

Che, not only is she a nymphomaniac, she is also a jealous woman, and she is also ugly!

Ribombee whispered to the side.

Combee watched the exchange, astounded by its partner's behavior.

Best friend, do you want to experience being pursued across several Ecopark as well? Combee pondered.

Following Greninja, they returned to the Heart Lake, where Ribombee was captivated by the water hyacinth blossoms scattered across the surface, filling the air with a pleasant fragrance.


Suddenly, a long, slender figure emerged from the water, shook its head vigorously, and sprayed countless water droplets, startling Ribombee.

Soon, more and more figures surfaced, and they all began to greet Greninja and Linoone on the shore. However, the lead Pokemon quickly noticed Ribombee.

"Milotic, Milotic!"

Hey, is this the new little guy? I've never seen them before!

These Pokemon were the Melotic that had been living at the bottom of Heart Lake.

"Ribombee, Ribombee!"

Hey, don't call me 'the little guy'! Ribombee protested.

"Milotic, Milotic."

Alright, my mistake, you're not the little guy! The leader of Melotic apologized gently, trying to make amends.

"Ah, that's better!" Ribombee crossed its arms triumphantly, clearly impressed with the leader of Melotic.

Yes, this one's quite the character! Ribombee nodded in satisfaction.

Just as Ribombee was basking in its newfound popularity, a massive blue figure burst out of the water, creating a tremendous splash that soaked Ribombee to the core.

However, upon seeing the fierce expression on the other Pokemon's face, Ribombee swallowed the angry words it had been about to utter.

Terrifying! Ribombee patted its chest in relief, reflecting on its close call.

Unfortunately, the colossal figure paid no attention to Ribombee and immediately started bonding with the leader of Melotic. Ribombee was left standing alone in bewilderment.

What's going on in this world? How does such a terrifying Pokémon end up with such a gentle and beautiful spouse?

Ribombee felt disheartened.

I hope that someday, my idol will love me, and then I can die without regrets!

Ribombee made a wish.

Watching its friend's mood swing from cheerful to despondent, Combee shook its head in amusement.

Combee thought, I never knew you were this kind of friend.

Disheartened, Ribombee left the Shallow Sea Beach Sub-Ecopark with Combee and ventured into the Grassland Sub-Ecopark.

One moment, Ribombee was downcast, but upon entering the Grassland Sub-Ecopark, it was instantly reinvigorated by the picturesque scenery.

However, when it looked up and saw flying-type Pokemon soaring above, Ribombee's enthusiasm waned.

It seems this place isn't very friendly to bug-type Pokemon!

The flying-type Pokemon hadn't noticed Ribombee and Combee yet, as they were engrossed in their own activities. But the lounging Persian, perched in a tree, had spotted them.

Persian licked its lips, then used its claws to groom its whiskers. It watched Ribombee and Combee with great interest as they surveyed their surroundings.

"Hello there!"

Persian approached Ribombee, looking up at it and Combee. Its voice was lazy, and it appeared quite amiable.


Ribombee cheerfully greeted it.

"You seem rather unfamiliar," one of the Delcattys remarked.

Delcattys had a graceful and friendly appearance, but unfortunately, they were the wives of Persian. Their elegant looks were just a facade; they were, in fact, quite cunning.

"Yes, I was brought here by Yuga yesterday," Ribombee replied.

"Oh, so Yuga brought you here?" The moment Ribombee mentioned Yuga, Persian squinted its eyes and seemed to feel uneasy. Its tone subtly changed when it continued speaking, deliberately emphasizing the word "Yuga."

Combee was the only one who sensed Persian's sour undertone, while Ribombee, blissfully unaware, continued chatting with the Delcattys.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C571
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


