
章 17: Lament

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-


-Akira POV-

The time is nigh...

I took out the gear I needed to complete this Assassination Mission.

First, it was a set of completely dark baggy pants and a coat that Makoto had suggested for me.

Their purpose was rather simple, a good set of clothes for nighttime missions and Assassinations among others.

The other purpose for these clothes is how baggy and oversized they are on me... It's for the sake that a couple of Whiskers could hide in my clothes for a surprise attack or counterattack.

On that note, my Chakra is at full capacity, so I manifested Whiskers clones.

Liquid shadows moved to form said Rabbits and two of them without hesitation hopped into each of my sleeves respectively.

The third one crawled underneath my right leg and was holding onto dear life on my calf.

I'm used to this tactic after a lot of practice, My performance is not hindered by the Whisker's weight or the feeling of fur on my body distracting my senses.

I took out a kunai from the shadows as well, and as I held the life-ending tool in my hand. It never felt so heavy in my own grip, a tool I've practiced using for years by now.


With a deep inhale, I exhale.

I've resolved myself to do this.

I tightened my grip on the kunai, no longer bothered by its weight.

The voice of Eiichi broke me out of my mental preparation, "Are you ready to set out?" he stated neutrally, holding the Original Whiskers in his hands as I had requested him to protect the Original in case something happened.

Which he surprisingly agreed to do despite being an observer, "It is a small matter, I shall accept" he responded when asked.

I turn to look at Eiichi, "Yeah, though, I'd appreciate one of your pep talks right now" I smirk at him

Eiichi gave me a small smile as he replied, "I'm certain Makoto told you how to handle your first mission had he not? I believe my advice would be irrelevant here."

I deadpan at him, "Oh... Now you decide to refrain from lecturing me?" I then considered his words, "Ah... Yeah, he did advise me."

"And what did he suggest?" Eiichi gestured for me to elaborate.

I shook my head at Eiichi, "Look, I'll tell you later. If you are not gonna tell me anything insightful I might as well act now, who knows if something unexpected happens. My window of opportunity is now."

Eiichi nodded, "Good. You may proceed, I expect great results from you."

I walked away as I commented unimpressed, "Yeah sure, place some high expectations on me why won't ya..."

-Scene Change-

Sneaking into a sleeping bandit's camp when the wind blowing is no issue.

They have nothing like a wall surrounding their camp, nor do they have anything in the nature of God forbid, a Barrier.

What they do have though, are patrol guards.

Their duty, is self-explanatory.

According to the Whiskers assigned to them, they hold key points surrounding the camp in a circle.

A total of 6 of them in total.

First, I'll remove them.

As I hop from tree to tree, my steps are silenced by carefully concentrating Chakra at the soles of my feet to reduce the sound emitted to a bare minimum to the most of my capability.

This method and or technique is called, quite "poetically" - Silent Step.

I have not perfected this method, of course, the sound of my steps is much quieter but they still emit sound.

Much like Water Walking and Wall Walking it involves a basic level of Chakra Control.

However, this method is much more difficult than the former two since one must adjust Chakra to the frequency and strength of the step.

It isn't only a matter of solely Chakra Control.

It is also a matter of Experience.

Makoto argues it's an 80% Experience and 20% Chakra Control ratio to be proficient with this method.

Stepping on wood with a specific weight on you would cause X amount of sound.

Change the material and or change the weight and you would cause Y amount of sound.

If you change the angle, the pressure and many other factors would cause Z amount of sound.

The purpose of Chakra here is to mute as much as possible the X, Y, or Z amount of sound.

...That's the dumbed-down version of the explanation. Chakra and Physics are just... A pain, especially when the former bypasses the latter when convenient but adheres to it when not.


When walking on water or on walls, Shinobi for the most part are not fixated on the sounds, only on the fact that they can walk or stay on the surface of the water.

That's why when Shinobi run on water, there is impact, weight, and most importantly sound. It's the same story for walls.

My level of Chakra Control and experience is not good enough to attempt any further for now.

I am used to using this technique on trees so I'm good for now, at this level it isn't too risky.

Failure of proper Chakra management results in exactly the same as in Water Walking or Wall Walking - Exploding the wall if you pour too much Chakra on the soles of your feet. In the case of too little Chakra in this technique, simply no sound will be muted, it'll sound the same as if I'd stepped on it regularly.

It is also this very simple technique that allows people like S-Rank Assassination level Shinboi to perform as well as they do.

This technique ranks at a modest E Rank but has the potential for an S Rank when mastered.

It's quite literally the basics.

Again, a matter of experience - You gotta walk on a lot of stuff and attempt to mute and adjust accordingly.

Unfortunately, I do have to rely on this technique as constantly moving from one shadow to another costs significantly more Chakra than simply moving quietly with Silent Step.

Really troublesome.

I arrive on top of a tree with a clear view of the first guard.

And he's... Extremely lax.

Currently busy smoking a cigarette in the middle of a dark forest, a lone lamp provided the only source of lighting as it was placed on a makeshift table he had.

Luckily, the moon was bright tonight.

Much like a predator, I can direct Chakra to my eyes to boost the ability to detect faint traces of light.

It's also one of the basic techniques and is as ancient as the Warring States Era.

Nighttime combat had an important and critical role to play back in those times - Not to mention the Three Great Shinobi Wars that followed.

It's a specific application of Chakra Sense Enhancement that can be applied to the hearing, smelling etc...

The weakness is also obvious - An extremely bright light pointed at me right about now would be a literal flashbang, paralyzing me for a few moments.

Funnily enough, this technique was derived from idiots trying to activate their nonexistent Dojutsu.

Someone thought channeling Chakra into his eyes would cause him to activate the Byakugan or Sharingan but instead, he got... Slightly better visual capabilities.

...In other cases, the eyes exploded but I digress.

It isn't a concern for a Chakra Starved Child like me.

Anyway... As I stared at the completely relaxed guard a thought crossed my mind.

...Maybe using Silent Step was a bit overkill when their guard is this down? Literally.

One thing to note, which is important, is that there is a bell beside the Guard.

If he rings that, it's pretty much game over for the Assassination Mission and it'll turn into an Elimination Combat Mission so to speak.

A massacre to put it more bluntly.

That is if he managed to ring that though.

Hmm... Okay, let's do this.

Hopping from the top of one tree to another, I find myself at a tree located a very short distance behind the guard.

I hop down, disregarding the sound my landing caused.

There wasn't anyone nearby to hear this besides this guard.

...And he wouldn't be able to react in time.

The guard's eyes widen momentarily as his body turns around to look at me.

But as he finally registers my presence, it is too late.

I am already in front of him as I swing my Kunai with practiced motion, The familiar and yet alien sensation of flesh meeting steel, flesh gives away as the Kunai slices the guard's throat open.

An aimed strike intendant to end the man's life without much struggle or sound.

I instinctively move aside to dodge the fountain of blood that began to spray out of the man's throat - Only my Kunai came out colored red in this engagement.

I stopped as I stared at the guard's body falling with a thud on the ground, blood painting the greenery with crimson.

I was no stranger to gory sights.

Taming my Shikigami always painted a rather bloody spectacle, especially the smell of the burnt Whiskers.

Nevertheless, this was a fellow Human.

I began to process whatever I had just done only to stop myself.

I was reminded of what Makoto had told me prior to this mission...

-Flashback Start-

We were training in Eiichi's underground area as per usual, I blocked a choreographed strike from the enthusiastic Makoto's kunai.

"Say, Makoto. I've got a question." I start as I try to kick him, which he dodges effortlessly.

"Ask away, Akira!" He gestures, his interest peaked as he stops the spar in favor of my question.

...I hate the fact I have to resort to asking this clown such a question... but whether I like it or not he's the expert.

My expression is complicated as I ask, "How does one cope with-" Only to be rudely interrupted by Makoto.

"How does one cope with killing another human being, is it?" Makoto's smile widens.

I frown at him, "What are you? A Yamanaka? ... But yes, that's what I was about to ask." I shook my head

He answers my sarcasm literally, "Well~ As you know, we Nara have close ties with the Yamanaka so-"

"Answer the question... Please..." I grit my teeth at him, cutting him off from what was about to be a purposefully lengthy memory tour.

He shrugged nonchalantly as his eyes narrowed at me.

An atmosphere of seriousness enveloped us, despite the contrasting smirk Makoto wore, "It's a fairly common question Akira. A well-studied one as well. Standardly, it's the material most Academy Students cover in their last two years in the Academy. However, if you were to ask me, they approach it completely wrong. The concept itself honeyed, and the students cuddled. The subject was taught way too late, under the excuse that now is no longer time for war. When war is always waged, in the shadows."

I roll my eyes at him, "Could you stop spewing me your personal bias and theatrics? Get to the point..."

His smirk widened, his eyes still no less serious though, "I was getting to that, a little patience Akira. The point is that coping with the killing of another human being requires a personalized approach. There is no one correct fit-all answer to your question... Now, now don't be disappointed! There are, of course, common and well-known methods depending on your personality and values as an individual. My method would surely not fit yours. However, I can suggest a method for you according to the psychological profile we have on you, if you'd like."

I nod, disregarding the already-known fact these guys keep notes on me.

"I'd suggest delaying the reaction. You have a bad habit of not dealing with problems the moment they appear - You like to delay, ignore, and disregard them until they come back to bite you and leave you no choice but to cope and or deal with them. However, this isn't necessarily bad when it comes to Killing. If you were to try and process a kill every time it happened, especially being a boy as overly empathetic and self-centered as you are, you'd be ineffective and likely die eventually. So, lean onto your habit - Do not try and process the Kill Now. Deal with it Later, after you're done with the mission." Makoto lectured sharply and pointedly.

I took a few moments to digest what he had suggested.

Knowing myself...

"I see... It might work. However, that doesn't completely answer my question, how does one cope with it "Later" as you term it? This is essentially half an answer." I rub my chin as I stare skeptically at Makoto.

He smiles knowingly, "Ah, then it becomes a test of your character. As I've mentioned, there isn't a concrete fit-all answer Akira. It depends on your values and personality. I have a good grasp of your personality and some of your values, but what I suggest to you here won't be likely what works for you, so do take it with a grain of salt... Why do you kill? Sometimes a concrete answer works, and sometimes a delusional excuse also works. At the end of the day, it'll be up to you to figure that one out. Unfortunately, no one in this world can provide the ultimate answer to how to cope with a Kill. The: "Why" is the first question that must be asked, as the rest of the questions are directly derived from it. But be warned, sometimes the answer you may find to such a question is... Unexpected." Makoto ends his lecture as he approaches me.

I get on guard as he smiles at me in a friendly way, proceeding to grab my hand.

I stare at him skeptically as he hands me a Kunai.

I direct my attention at the Kunai, wondering at what he's trying to convey here only for him to ask me a simple yet pivotal question.

With a Cheshire grin, he asks, "So, Akira... Why do you kill?"

...Why do I kill?

As I stood frozen, I glared at the Kunai I had been handed, tightening my grip on it as I juggled with the critical question.

Good or Evil.

He isn't asking whether I'm killing good people or bad people, which is a prime factor for me.

He isn't asking whether I'm trying to save others or put them out of their misery.

He isn't asking about any other reasons but the act itself - Nothing about the other person, nothing about the situation and the circumstances attached.

No, he is asking the Original Question. The one from which all those questions are derived...

Why do I kill?

In hindsight, perhaps this would have seemed too open of a question to have a concrete answer.

But if I dig deeper...

Hmm, now I understand.

A 1 or a 0.

Well... The answer to that would be -

-Flashback End-

It's not important right now...

Puke later.

Ignore it.

Focus on the task at hand.

Breath in.

Breath out.




Okay, onto the next one.

"Whiskers, any updates?" I ask the clones that are hidden in my sleeves.

I get a squeak of "Negative" from the clones as I nod pleased.

Good, let's go.

-Time Skip-

With another swing of my kunai at the female Guard's throat the sixth and final guard is down.

It was the same song and dance as the first guard.

They all were extremely lax and paid zero attention whatsoever.

The 3rd and 4th guard were literally drunk.

It's probably because they were overconfident.

Considering that more than likely, a Shinobi would have never been sent to take care of them normally.

Hell, their base is also quite the stretch to figure out and find.

I got lucky that I found them, thanks to Noc and Mir among other reasons.

"Ah... Warm." A sense of discomfort from the blood that landed on my face from slitting the guard woman's throat.

I stood once more, in front of the sixth person I'd killed today.

This was the first woman among the six - Her bloody and helpless expression from prior to her death was etched onto her face as I glared at it.

...I think I'm gonna puke.




I shook my head, "Only 122 to go..." I let out, my gaze disconnected as I began to make my way toward the main camp.

Complete the mission - I chanted in my mind as I tried my hardest to ignore the results of my actions.

Numbers, was all these bodies are.

That's right.

Only numbers.


No, no - Their numbers I've got to take care of.

A task to be completed.

Meaningless... Numbers.

-Scene Change-

Arriving at the campsite, its outline looked exactly as the Whiskers Clones had reported to me.

A total of 50 Tents.

Each tent has enough space in it for 4 or 5 people to comfortably sleep in plus furniture.

Evidently, they have a surplus of tents. Considering I assume 133 is their max number of people - They've stated they were preparing for a more significant ransacking in my initial eavesdropping with Whiskers. As such, I doubt besides the troublesome 5 that left to who knows where there'd be more people.

Nevertheless, this is meaningless, I know which tents hold people.

On that note, here's the rest of the camp's details.

A few campfires and cooking pots were scattered around in a rather organized manner throughout the camp.

Chairs, tables, packs of cigarettes, and other odd goods.

The camp is well-lit with lamps, disregarding the night completely.

It's quite literally a tiny functional town in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

Were it not for the conversations and statements these people had that Whiskers relayed to me, I would have left these guys completely alone.

The concerning amount of weapons and tools for murder would have also presumably raised an eyebrow or two from me, though.

They amounted to more than 300 easily as a rough estimation from eyeballing it.

Now, where are the people and where am I?

Currently, I am standing on top of a tent, overviewing the well-lit and yet empty campsite.

Usually out of more than a hundred people you'd expect at least someone to be outside.

Either this is a convenient coincidence or they are disciplined.

Nonetheless, this makes my job just that much easier.

I drop down quietly, beside the entrance to the first tent I've decided to target, barely a sound echoes out of my landing.

Now, the only problem is peering inside and seeing if someone's awake...

I whisper, "Leg Whiskers, go check on them. Report back if anyone is awake and where everyone is at."

Wordlessly, the Whiskers attached to my right calf leaves through the spacious gap in my pants and hops quietly inside the tent which lacks any zip or any door - Again making it much easier to invade their personal space.

A moment passes by and the Whiskers in my sleeves report what they've received from the scouting Whiskers, 'One. Awake. Grab me. Petting. Rest. 3. Asleep. Back turned. Now time to Kill.'

That's my signal.

I sneak, my full concentration pressed into Silent Step as I enter the tent, noticing a woman cooing at Whiskers as she is petting him and holding him in her hands, her back turned to me.

An easy target.

Do not waver.

I reach behind her and... Instantly end her life by slitting her throat.

As her lifeless body begins to drop, I hold it carefully and lean it down on the ground soundlessly, the sound of blood spraying and flowing barely audible.

Nevertheless, I glared at the other 3 sleeping bandits who were still sound asleep.


With that settled I moved on, quickly ending the lives of the 3 sleeping bandits, cluelessly dying in their slumber.




I spit to the side in disgust, "Ugh... Got some blood in my mouth."

My attention was taken away by a squeak.

'4. Humans. Left Tent. Tent Far Away. From Here.' The Whisker's Clone that had been held by the now-dead woman relayed a message as he crawled into my right calf through the gap in the pants.

"Follow them and report their location," I ordered as I got out of the tent.

I'll have to deal with them...

-Scene Change-

As I stood at the top of another tent, overlooking the 4 people who went outside I could see them chilling.

By chilling, I mean two bandit dudes are fooling around with two bandit girls shamelessly outside.

Not together mind you, each couple is in a different spot.

One's a little north of where I'm at.

The other's a bit south, beside a bush.

Laughing and, ahem... Fucking.

I mean... It's cold outside, wouldn't you rather instead do the business in the tent?

They had separated to their respective... Spots.

Probably deciding to do the deed privately.

Actually, on second thought it was quite polite of them to let their 5th lonely roommate sleep through the night.

Nevertheless, as impolite and unpleasant as this is.

I'll have to take care of these guys first.

They are outside and awake, they are a risk.

...No matter how... Concentrated they are in their business.

"Whiskers, leave these couples to me - Make sure you observe and pay attention to other tents, and make sure to report to me any changes in the situation," I commanded before making my move.

I have fewer Whiskers Clones manifested than there are currently occupied tents. Thus, I must wisely delegate them.

Spawning more in would cost Chakra and is an unnecessary risk when I can manage with this much.

I arrived after a few minutes of sneaking around in front of the closest couple, located beside the bush.

The sound of grunts and heavy breathing easily masked my steps as I appeared beside both of them completely unnoticed.

They made it extremely convenient for me to end them both at the same time when the man leaned in to kiss the woman.

With a swish, flesh met with metal as I sliced both their throats open with a single slash.

117 and 116. Okay, next.

I slowed down the fall of both bandits by grabbing them and letting them down slowly so as to not make a sound - Their tent was nearby and the 5th Roommate was sound asleep.

I took heed to turn away from the corpses and not look at them after finishing my job with them.

I wiped the warm blood off my face and onto my sleeve as I got to work on the next couple.

I sneaked around slowly and meticulously for a few minutes, eventually arriving at the location of the last couple who...

Aren't there anymore?

I blinked once, twice.


I whisper, "Whiskers! Find them!"

Okay, okay, this isn't too bad - If they are to head straight into their tent without checking on the other couple who are doing the deed, I should be in the clear, I'll have to rush in there to kill them quickly.

It's only polite to not disturb your friends when they do the deed right?

I could only hope...

The message was relayed from the Whiskers in my sleeves to the rest of the Whiskers hiding and hopping around in the vicinity - Specifically one of the Whiskers closest to the tent.

Evident in the response of a silent squeak of my right sleeve Whiskers going up to my shoulder to relay the message.

'Found. Body' He relayed, sending a sense of absolute dread down my spine.

...Oh, no.

"EVERYONE! WAKE UP! WE'VE GOT INTRUDERS! SOME PEOPLE'S BEEN KILLED" A loud, gruff, and manly sound came from where the couple I killed was.

It was so loud that it echoed through the silent camp easily.


Of all the damned...

Why did they go towards the other couple? Regardless of the fact their shared tent was nearby?

Why did they have to finish so early?

Did they go to check on them?

Did they want to go tease them or something?!

How did this go so wrong?!

...I should've rushed here and not sneaked around so meticulously.

...I shouldn't have delegated Whiskers away from them.

I should have accounted for this and not strived for perfection or maybe have been more patient.

Damn it!

Sounds of murmurs and screams, as well as movements came out of the tent beside me.

...Now's not the time for self-reflection.

"Gotta move" I mumbled as I hopped onto the top of the tent, my small body easily hidden by it.

...What now?

Did I fail the mission?

No... I didn't, I only failed the Assassination aspect of it.

Failed would probably be an understatement.

Now... I still have to eliminate them.

All of them.

When they are awake and on guard.

Although they are simple bandits without the capability to utilize Chakra, this does make things significantly harder and much less... Pleasant.

...There's no time to waste, I must strike while they are still panicking and unequipped.





I quickly analyze the situation and what I require to complete this mission.

What I need is the ferocity and the ability to make sure no one leaves here alive.

...They'll do.

My hands moved to form the Shadowgraphic sign of a Dog, "Divine Dogs" I utter emotionlessly.

Liquid Shadows move to form the figure of Noc and Mir as a familiar dip in my Chakra is also felt.

I waste not a moment as I command them, "Eliminate everyone. If you detect anyone trying to escape, disregard the rest and make sure they don't."

They wordlessly hop off and land in front of the tent I'm on, entering it to see a band of bandits who are only half equipped as the rest are still drowsy from alcohol and their earlier sleep state.

I could only hear a snarl from the top of the tent and the sounds of screaming and yelling and the squelching of blood and crunching of bones from here.

It was easy for me to assume what was occurring there.

"115, 114, 113, 112... Good."

...I have to do my job as well.

I move from the tent towards 12 bandits who are running towards the tent that holds Noc and Mir as I appear in front of said bandits.

"Heh, it's just a ki- HUH?!" I didn't let him say anything as I ran towards him at a speed he barely reacted to as the other bandits instinctively swung their swords and spears at me, slowly.

I jump and land on the bandit's shoulders with my feet and stab him on the softer side of the head, piercing his skull and instantly killing him.

I hop off his shoulders and move on to the next one...

-Time Skip-

"56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, and 45." I counted emotionlessly as I stood before 3 burnt-down tents I had done in with a short cast of Dragon Fire Jutsu.

Screams of agony and cries for help, the metallic smell of blood coupled with the smell of flesh burning, the chilly wind contrasting with the warmth and heat exuded from the fires I had started.

That is what this hellish scene looked and felt like.

And I was its sole perpetrator.

...They are evil

No, I'm evil.

No no.

They are bandits.

They deserve this - they reaped what they sowed.

No, no one deserves this.

Stop. Focus on the mission, disregard it all.

But I...




...Chakra Capacity is at around 40%. More than enough.

"GO TO HELL YOU BASTARD!" Another bandit came running at me like a lamb to the slaughter as my gaze was now pointed at him.

He's making it easier for me, not having to chase him.

I blocked his sword slash with my kunai, with a tang - Proceeding to quickly kick him in the chest with enough strength to cause him to slip.

As his body fell I threw my Kunai and hit him in the heart, as it pierced it and got stuck in his chest, killing him.

"44." I breathed out tiredly as I stepped on his chest and removed the bloody kunai - My face was the definition of apathy.

The sounds of running and screaming are echoed out as I hear agonized screams originate from afar - Another couple of bandits who were trying to run away were caught and mauled by Noc and Mir.

In the corner of my eyes, I see a few bandits attempting to sneak around behind me.

...Okay, Next.

-Time Skip-


Only 7 left.

I narrow my eyes and scan the area, bodies with varying causes of death surround me and the entire camp.

The sight of a brutal and merciless massacre.

Sections of the camp, are set on fire whilst Noc and Mir run amok killing every single Chakra Signature that isn't myself.

A loud and vocal scream of agony from afar comes out once again.

That must be Number 7.

6 Left.

I suspect some of the bandits are faking their deaths, hiding among the bodies.

I'm still missing some people.

Upon taking a look at all of the bodies, one stands out to me.

There was a twitch, a slight rising of the chest.

I was meticulous enough to make sure I ended them instantaneously except those I burnt down.

So this is definitely someone faking their death.

I did nothing to mask my steps as the sounds of scorching flames and the powerful cold wind did the job for me.

But to my surprise, as I got closer to the body it jumped into motion.

Perhaps masking my steps would have been the correct choice.

...I'm just too tired.

It was a woman - An expression of pure terror plastered on her face as she shakingly held her spear.

I didn't stop as I slowly approached her, my kunai was painted red with blood, and so was my entire body and face.

"P-PLEASE LEAVE! I-I-I'LL DO ANYTHING! I BEG OF YOU! Y-YOU CAN TAKE ALL THE MONEY AND GOODS WE TOOK PLEASE!" She screamed and begged as she was paralyzed in fear.

The pace of my steps never changed, her begging fell on deaf ears.

As I finally reached striking distance she let out a weak whimper, "P-please, I don't want to die..."

I took a closer look at her and froze.

Her face, was ugly and marked with tears, he lower body wet with the blood of others and her having pissed herself in fear. Her arms and legs shook as she barely held on to her weapon.

I looked deep into her eyes and saw my own reflection, I couldn't help but murmur the observation, "Monster Child."

That was what I looked like in the reflection of those fear-paralyzed eyes.

And that self-reflection - Scared me.

Perhaps, noticing my frozen and hesitant self the bandit woman had mustered up the bravery and lunged at me with the spear screaming, "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

I remained unmoving in the face of that danger, still shocked at my own image.

But just before she could pierce me with the spear... The Whisker's clones in my sleeves jumped into motion.

Each reaching her face and...

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" She screamed out in pure agony as those sharp and large Rabbit teeth bit down on her eyes.

"Wha?" I broke out of my stupor as I noticed the woman dropping to the ground as two Whiskers adamantly latched onto her, biting onto her eyeballs.

Without warning, the Whisker's hidden in my right calf jumped into motion as well and reached her throat biting down on it as well to choke her to death.

I blinked once, twice.

And looked at the body of the woman as she finally drew her last breath and died.

Three Whisker's clones painted completely red in her blood slowly made their way back to me and wordlessly entered my sleeves once again.

As I couldn't let my eyes off the corpse of the woman who begged for her life, I received a ping from Noc and Mir that thankfully took my attention away from the woman.

'Everyone Dead.' They reported.

My Chakra was nearly depleted so I dismissed them.

I'll thank them later.

I relaxed the muscles on my body as I took a deep inhale - Proceeding to cough as I inhaled smoke, "G-Got no jutsu for that one..." I muttered in cruel humor.

I decided to step away from the burning tents and move towards the Largest Tent here.

Ultimately, I'd assume this is where the leader lives of whatever inconsequential hierarchy they have here.

It's simply inconsequential since they are all dead.

A tent the size of a small house - Ginormous for regular tent proportions, small for the average home yet it's an impressive structure all the same.

Trails of blood and corpses were strewn near the entrance - I wasn't the one who dealt with them, it was Noc and Mir.

Noc and Mir had eliminated much more than I did.

I enter the tent to find, the alleged leader.

Or at least, what remained of him.

His face was chewed off and disfigured, his limbs torn off as if he were a toy for Noc and Mir.

His clothes and the single bed in this whole large tent were what clued me into his status in this would-be group.

The reason I had made my way here was not to figure out the thought process of these bandits or try and understand them.

As Eiichi said, it doesn't matter.

And it doesn't matter especially when they are no longer amongst the living.

I came here to find a clue as to where they store all the goods and money they have ransacked and collected from the towns they've haunted.

Some of the goods I noticed scattered across the town were Stolen Hides, Dried meats, fish, and other goods some of the towns had.

I had nothing I could do with those as most were already used and or unusable, as such, I looked for where they kept the Stolen Ryo.

At the corner of the tent was a large chest.

Large enough to fit me inside of it, but not a grown man.

Wow... How niche.

I approach it to notice the classic Keyhole.

And of course, I'm missing a key.

I survey the surface of the tent unmoving from my position and glare at the body of the alleged leader.

...No key in sight.

Damn, should've brought a spare storage scroll.

I sigh, "I really can't be bothered." I proceed to grab the chest and attempt to lift it.

I just hope it holds paper currency for the most part.

I lift the chest in the air, it's surprisingly light and thankfully holds barely any coins judging by the clinking of coins in there.

Okay, good.

I take in the chest into the shadows. The weight of it is felt immediately but I am used to carrying bricks in there so I'm fine.

...Thank goodness I took those out prior to this trip.

Now with that settled.

There are those 5 that left this camp which are unaccounted for.

I exit the large tent, only to notice that small droplets of water are on my skin.

"Raining, huh," I mutter as I gaze at the brightness of the moonlit sky.

At least the fire's gonna go out.

I roamed the massacred camp to see if there was anything I should take note of prior to taking shelter from the rain, which was slowly but surely intensifying.




The rain washed away the blood on my face and further drenched my clothes.

I found nothing of note in my wandering of the massacred camp, besides the results of my actions.

The smell of rain washed away the foul stench of charred flesh and the iron of blood, as I walked towards the Leader's Tent to bide my time and escape the rain.

This... All this.

The difference in strength between a Shinobi and a Regular Man is this great?

I knew that the difference was insurmountable, hopeless even.

But to this degree?

Would I have struggled with them were they properly organized, equipped, and not in complete hysteria?

Even then - The answer would be a resounding "No".

A child of only 8 years of age, who happens to be trained in the Chakra Fueled Combat is capable of massacaring more than 100 adults?

Yes... I knew that the difference was this great, it was etched into my psyche since Day 1 in my training as a prospect Shinobi Of The Hidden Leaf.

To know it is one thing.

But to experience it? To be the literal example of this statement?

How... Creepy.

I entered the tent and lay down on the leader's bed without care as I stared at the tent's ceiling.

I surveyed and examined whatever memories of the Naruto World I had left prior to being memory wiped - Something that would hint at a similarly gruesome scene.

And no matter where I looked in my fragmented memories.

No image looked as vile and repulsive as what I had just done.

Besides the Uchiha Massacre that is.




Fine, for now, I'll wait for these guys to return until tomorrow evening.

If they don't, I'll just report back to Eiichi and we'll see where we go from here.

...Should I make graves for these people?

-Time Skip-

-The Next Day-

-Noon Time-

The rain has ended and the sun is shining.

Barely any thoughts rang in my mind, I was practically empty of thought.

My only course of action was simple - My thoughts were inconsequential.

I await those 5 who have yet to return.

For now, I had dug a mass grave for 90 out of all 128 people I had eliminated.

I had nothing better to do.

Nay, It was the only thing I had to do.

And so, as I listlessly and mechanically continued digging and dragging bodies or whatever was left of them into the mass grave, a shocked gasp broke me out of my mechanical task.

"W-What happened here?" A horrified and muffled male voice stood out.

I turned to look and saw a few people.

Their gender - Doesn't matter.

Their Name - Doesn't matter.

Only their numbers matter...





And 5.

Yes, these were my targets.

"Divine Dogs." I formed the shadowgraphic hand sign and with a familiar dip in my Chakra.

Noc and Mir are formed from Liquid Shadows.

Causing the 5 individuals to back away, and start running in a panic.

Shovel in hand, I don't do anything to chase them, I only continue with my task of putting the dead in their grave, "Kill them and bring them to me." I command Noc and Mir as they loyally jump into motion and chase after the panicking group of bandits who had returned from... Inconsequential.

Screams of agony and cries for help were all muffled in my mind as I continued on with my task.

Eventually, Noc and Mir brought me 5 new bodies to bury.

Marking my mission done and dusted for all intents and purposes.

All 133 Numbers were Completed and Eliminated.

Nevertheless, I had to finish digging this grave for them - It was necessary.

Minutes pass by.

Hours pass by.

The rain has restarted.

...It won't stop me.

And finally, I'm about to finish burying all these bodies.

As I dragged each corpse into the mass grave, I couldn't help but think about the lives I had taken.

Each body felt like another layer of guilt, burying my own innocence alongside their lifeless bodies.

Was this truly necessary? Killing all of them like that?

Is this right or wrong?

...Will there ever be redemption for such an act?




Okay, now I'm only left with the last 5 Noc and Mir brought to me.

I drag the first without trouble into the mass grave.

I repeated the same with the second and third ones.

I grabbed hold of the fourth body, noticing it was a woman, I accidentally took a closer look at her face and body.

Cascading Green Hair.

A familiar attractive figure and face.

Half her neck chewed off to end her life.

This was...


I couldn't stop myself from dropping the body and snapping back to reality from my self-hypnosis.

My eyes widened, and tears welled up as I stared at the disfigured face of the kind and bubbly girl I had only recently gotten to know.


The shock and grief hit me like a tidal wave.

I couldn't bear to look at the horrific consequences of my actions, as my heart ached with a sense of loss and regret.

"No... No, no no no no." My voice shook in pure regret, as the images and short memories of this bubbly and lively girl flash in my mind's eye.

I lowered myself and, "BLEGGGHHHH" puked as I had never had before.




I moved to grab the face of Emi, I touched it to try and see if this was an Illusion, a passing Genjutsu cast on me by some random tormentor.

But that illusion was quickly broken and reality settled in once again when a familiar voice was heard.

"Now this is both an unexpected and a regrettable development." The familiar voice hummed with slight regret and a twinge of intrigue.

I disregarded that voice, as I was too transfixed at my brutal and senseless murder of Emi.

I heard the tactless man approach me as he sat in front of me.

The tears didn't stop, and yet I had to bring my head up to look at my own Mentor.

Who brought me into this accursed mission.

Eiichi's words were like a heavy weight on my shoulders. "As unfortunate as this series of events seems," he began, his tone laced with a hint of understanding, "and as nice of a young woman as she was, do you truly believe she was as innocent as she seemed?" His tone now carried conviction and strength, "But, once again, the reasons do not matter Akira. Innocent or not innocent. Good or Evil. Those concepts are abstract and not always black or white, ultimately they are inconsequential for a Shinobi's Mission. Your role is to complete it. Any considerations you may have are naive and would delay its completion - Or worse... Cause it's failure and your death." Eiichi lectured, but truth be told, it fell on deaf ears.

Eiichi gave me a short and proud smile, "Despite this, you have done well. Akira. Your Assassination Skills still leave much to be desired... But you have completed the mission of eliminating them, as well as dealt with your first kill and subsequently responded well to the chaos caused by your discovery. No Genin I ever knew would have performed as well as you did. Be proud of your accomplishments." He brought a hand to my shoulder and encouraged me

Be proud?

Should I be?

Still noticing my turmoil as well as complicated expression Eiichi asks a vital question.

A familiar question.

"Akira, why do you kill?" Eiichi asks gently

I freeze at that complex and yet paradoxically simple question.

I respond shakingly and yet firmly, "To Survive."

It was always to Survive.

Survive what?

I don't know.

I need power, I need strength. I need experience.

For those, will lead me to a good life here.

That's the conclusion I had prior to my memory wipe.

And the conclusion remained after the wipe.

Past me knew something Current me didn't.

Something Vital.

But still... It hurts... What have I done?

Eiichi gave me a genuine smile as he patted my shoulder, "A fine answer. Would you like a moment for yourself?"

I shakingly nodded as he wordlessly made his way out of there.

I had two bodies left to bury.

I silently, boiling with my still whirling emotions took the body of Emi and gently lowered it into the grave, together with the last body.

The rain intensified but I cared not, as I shoveled dirt into the mass grave to cover them all.

I had no help from my Shikigami in this endeavor.

It would be too shallow of me.

I at least had to do this on my own.

As the sun set once again, I finally finished burying the bandits.

Including Emi...

Damn it...

I can let go now? Right?

At my own permission to let go, at the lack of something to distract myself with...

I collapsed to my knees, tears mixing with the rain, and I screamed.

A raw, heart-wrenching cry that echoed through the empty camp, releasing the pent-up internal agony and despair that had consumed me.

It was a cathartic release, a recognition of the darkness that had found its way into my soul, and a desperate plea for redemption.

Which I will never find.

Right or Wrong.

There is no redemption for Murder.

For the blood of others on my hands...

There is only moving forward.

Or so, I believe.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

-Akira POV-

So, responsible Nara as I am.

I forgot to hand in my Chakra Theory Assignment.

Look, it's better than not even doing it at all like the average Nara - COUGH - Shikamaru.

How did I forget?

Well, I'm forgetful and my friends either don't give a flying fuck about it or are too concentrated on munching on some potato chips.

So, Suzuki-sensei told me to hand it in early before classes so he could grade it.

That was nice of him, but what isn't nice are the two hours of sleep I missed in order to wake up early and now make my way towards the Academy when the sun just barely started rising.

I jogged at my leisure towards the Academy only for a voice I was eerily familiar with to call out to me.

"What a passionate young wellspring of YOUTH!" The voice called out to me causing me to stop in my jog to turn to look at its source.

By familiar, I mean familiar in my past life.

I believe this is the first time I have met this Literal Icon.

"Hey?" I tilt my head in confusion as I greet the bowl-headed, bushy-browed, and spandex-wearing Might Guy.

"Are you also running 50 loops around the village as the sun rises?!" He asks excitedly, his eyes literally burning and a... Rainbow manifests behind him?!

...This must be some kind of Genjutsu.

I feel that if I somehow respond in affirmation, it'll result in me precisely doing just that.

As such, I'll say the raw and unfiltered truth, "No-"



Thus, was the story of me getting kidnapped and forced into the hardest P.E. session of both my lives by a spandex-wearing Taijutsu fanatic.

-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Yo, people! I'm happy to announce that following this chapter there will be a 2 Year Time Skip!

That's right!

There's a significant event that will be happening when Akira's 10 Years Old so yeah!

I have to portray that so no skipping to Genin sorry :P

As such, how was this chapter?

I'll admit it was really difficult for me to write the fighting and emotional aspects of this chapter.

Well, it really wasn't fighting - it was more like a massacre. 

They wouldn't risk getting an inexperienced Akira into a hard fight now would they?

I hope it came out right, logical, realistic, and up to snuff if you know what I mean.

I'm interested in your opinions on Akira and the events! Is he good? Is he evil? Would you condemn his actions? Would have you done the same? Is his goal shallow and selfish?

And so on!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Octopuses have three hearts. Two pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body. This unique circulatory system helps them efficiently distribute oxygen throughout their complex, highly active bodies. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


