49.46% Harry Potter and The Book / Chapter 46: Chapter 46

章 46: Chapter 46

Harry was, for once actually in combat. It would not do to simply send shadow clones at everything. Not to mention, he didn't want to rely on genjutsu to ensure that Tetsuya wouldn't catch any clone going 'poof'. So he had faced off one on one against the well trained fellow in front of him. However, Harry was still more skilled. He had spent quite a four years in pursuit of the art of combat, and he was still an excellent taijutsu user. While he doubted his was the way of Maito Guy, he was far more capable of beating people than the average martial artist. Fighting against multiple enemies that could do what he did, only without fear of injury meant that he had to fight the experimental and highly imaginative "super" clones of himself that could and had been turned into everything from berserkers to speed demons. Sure, it gave too much off a headache to even think about using in combat(memories of popped clones that went to one of the various 'super' modes were plain debilitating,even with his inhuman Vernon given tolerance to pain. Something to do with the limits of the jutsu he guessed, even if it was merely a sacrifice of one ability for a better version of another). Stealing moves and watching the spars at various dojos did the rest. Sure, it wasn't Japan, but there were still the ones in and around London, few as they were. At the moment, he was using kendo, just a lot more flashy and stronger and faster. The joys of chakra augmentation...

Harry had consciously chosen to limit his arsenal. What he wanted was a one on one fight if he chose to end it with clones or spiked pits? No this was a spar, at least as far as he was concerned. From the Japanese ninja's fight with the multiple clone controlled Sasori, Harry knew that he could beat the other boy. It was simply a difference of skill. It was highly unlikely that both of them were as fanatic about taijutsu as Harry was after all.

It was infuriating. No matter how much energy and effort he pushed into his arms and legs, he was utterly useless against his opponent, who kept himself just a bit faster, just a bit stronger, just a bit better. And the worst part was, Skywalker was blocking his expert strikes with a tiny kunai and swatting at him with the reverse edge of the kodachi. However, Tetsuya himself retained just enough sanity and rationalized that at least he doesn't seem to want to kill me...'. So much for the great prodigy.

By the end, he was so tired that he simply collapsed and refused to move from his spot. He lay on his back, breathing heavily and wondering what came next. He also had the irrational urge to write a haiku on the futility of life and struggle.

Skywalker bent down over him, looking as unruffled as the start of the encounter. Sasori was now nowhere in sight.

"You are of interest to me Tetsuya kun. I must admit that my curiosity has been satisfied. Perhaps in a few years you will truly be an interesting opponent"

The man walked away, the soundless footfalls not leaving a trace of their passage. As his head fell sidewards, Tetsuya could just make out a chuckle as he left. And with that, the cloaked figure was gone, as if he never was there. Tetsuya still lay on the forest floor, on a bed of leaves, limbs flayed out and notched blade beyond his reach. He fell unconscious, shortly before as his comrades landed beside him, to dispense aid. Till he woke up, all they had were questions.


Deep in the bowels of castle Hogwarts, a different encounter was taking place, The staff meeting was somewhat irregular in frequency. Partly because there really wasn't that much to talk about that needed every single teacher to attend. Gossip could be done elsewhere and all the real bragging was done at the staff table in the great hall anyway. Albus Dumbledore, headmaster and holder of titles too numerous for use in casual conversation watched as his staff good naturedly bickered over such things as quidditch, their students, and all round gossip.

The headmaster himself was not party to this, because strictly speaking, he was the neutral fellow. Not that anyone minded, even if McGonogall was at his side so he caught more than a fair bit about Gryffindor, his old house.

Even the otherwise surly Severus Snape was not above sneering at everyone else and bragging about the best in his house. But then, when it was the Severus Snape who did the bragging, everyone listened. Because unless it was bemoaning about 'that Potter spawn', the man had very little to say at all. He was a Slytherin. And they really weren't supposed to waste their breath on trivialities

Today though, was special. Today was the day that Dumbledore was finally going to ask about two students who were odd in some ways, Harry Potter and Tetsuya Watanabe.

Harry Potter was an enigma. His classmates considered him odd. He was never without either a blank expression or an insane one. It was difficult to say exactly what went on in that mind of his. Not that he was a bad student, in fact he was far from it. But he seemed always distracted, as if he was lost in the contemplation of weighty matters.

And then there was his seeming familiarity with the maze that was Hogwarts. He never got lost. Ever. It was inconceivable for a first year to not get lost even once. It was something he had the portraits and prefects confirm. While It wasn't really possible for the headmaster to know everything that went on in Hogwarts, some people were specially monitored, including Harry.



You can follow me on my Patreon for more advanced chapters. The story is on the Silver level

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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