
Help Make Mark 1

At dawn, people who have stayed up all day have severe fatigue. Especially people who have little discipline.

So there's a certain period of time when Tony and Ho Yinsen are not being watched.

During this time of course they make their private goods.

The battle armor parts that have been scattered all over the ground to confuse the terrorists have begun to be picked up, assembled, and debugged.

The conditions are so bad that all kinds of parts are completely forged with hands so even Tony, a super genius, all kinds of problems emerge.

"Tony, The transmission device here in the arm is stuck, maybe the parts and materials are substandard!"

Ho Yinsen was sweating. If the transmission device in the arm fails, not only this arm but also the flamethrower and missile launcher on the arm cannot be used.

It can be said that this glitch can directly make this armor lose its long-range strike ability.

But now the time is too hasty, it's not known how much time will be wasted if they want to re-forge qualified parts.

While Ho Yinsen can't do anything about it, maybe Tony, the genius, has a way.

After nearly three months of getting along, Ho Yinsen has been completely convinced by Tony's hands-on ability and genius brain.

Tony Stark's fingers were flying across the keyboard, "Wait a minute, my aim assistance program will be written soon!"

Watching Tony and Ho Yinsen racing against time, even an outsider like Limulu couldn't help but get caught up in it.

It's only a matter of one or two shots in the movie, but it's days of unremitting efforts in reality.

Limulu had a thought to use Imitation to mimic human form.

Looking at the appearance that is not much different from Rimuru, Limulu couldn't help but ask, "Great sage, why do I look like Rimuru while mimicking human form"

[Answer: Because this is the last humanoid image you thought of before your death]

Coming to the helpless Ho Yinsen, Limulu said, "It's not that the parts are unqualified but you got the parts C9 and G9 confused"

Ho Yinsen was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Limulu and said in a panic, "You… who are you?!"

Even while Limulu looked like a harmless little girl, the atmosphere was extremely tense, Ho Yinsen couldn't help but swallow several mouthfuls of saliva, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

The fire was shining brightly allowing Tony to see Limulu's long blue hair and golden eyes.

Tony raised his hands in a friendly, innocuous gesture, "Hey little girl, are you also a victim of terrorists? Are you a mutant? I don't have a prejudice against mutants, maybe we can be friends."

Tony's words firstly described Limulu as a victim to show his friendliness and secondly, he specifically stated he had no prejudice against mutants, resolving Limulu's possible hostility to the greatest extent possible.

Limulu shook his head, "Nope! I am not a victim, nor am I a mutant. In addition, "I am a man!"

"A man?"

Tony and Ho Yinsen were stunned, looking up and down at Limulu a few times they showed a "You're teasing me" expression.

Although the cave was dark, they weren't blind, they could tell the difference between a man and a woman.

But now they are in a dangerous situation and a little girl just suddenly appeared. How can they mention such a thing?

"Ok! Ok! Little man, can you stay there for a while and let Uncle Ho Yinsen and I work first?"

Tony comforted while trying to fool Limuru.

As long as it is delayed for a while and the armor is completely completed he and Ho Yinsen can escape.

Even if the little girl was a hostile mutant, Tony had some means of protecting himself when the armor was done.

Hearing Tony's words, Limulu rolled his eyes.

Was he trying to fool him like those uneducated terrorists?

"Okay, aren't you guys going to make the so-called missiles?"

In an instant, both Tony and Ho Yinsen began to have dense beads of sweat appear on their foreheads.

Seeing the nervous Iron Man, Limulu felt an odd sense of pleasure.

Seeing the smile on Limulu's face, Tony and Ho Yinsen both realized they were being played by Limulu and both of them suddenly had the urge to slap Limulu.

Watching Ho Yinsen Rebuild, Disassemble, Replace, and Reinstall the arm of the armor Limulu nodded in satisfaction. As a doctor, Ho Yinsen is the most flexible in his hands.

After knowing where the problem was he quickly completed the replacement of parts C9 and G9.

After Testing, Ho Yinsen immediately felt the difference, the arm was running extremely smoothly and the problem was solved perfectly.

"This…" Ho Yinsen looked at Limulu, his eyes filled with disbelief. How old is she? To understand such complicated machinery. Is she also a super genius like Tony?

Of course, this problem wasn't what Limulu discovered but the great sage is also his ability.

Seeing Ho Yinsen's surprised eyes, Rimuru couldn't help but feel proud for some reason…

"Ok, the aiming assistance program is completed, what's the problem let me see"

Tony rushed over but was greeted by Ho Yinsen's smiling face.

"No, Tony the problem is solved"

Ho Yinsen Briefly told Tony what had just happened and Tony was extremely surprised after hearing it.

Part C9 and Part G9 are both designed by him and naturally, he knows the specific situation. These two parts are small and inconspicuous, but their positions are extremely important.

Once the assembly is complete, it is difficult to find the problem again.

Even for him, it is estimated that it will take a certain amount of time to investigate with Jarvis, but he didn't expect that this girl who seems to only be a primary school student will be able to see it at a glance.

However, now's not the time to care about these things.

"Let me see, um, what's going to be assembled now is the most complicated energy supply system, damping system, and flying gear."


Ho Yinsen nodded, these three systems are too complicated to tolerate any mistakes so Tony can only do it himself.

Ho Yinsen looked at his watch and said "Tony, according to past habits the terrorists will get up in an hour and a half at most. We're running out of time.

Tony picked up a wrench and said "An hour and a half, enough time"

Without looking up, Tony yelled "Parts F4 and G7!"

Ho Yinsen searched but the speed at which he searched for parts obviously couldn't keep up with Tony's needs. Many times Tony had to stop and wait for Ho Yinsen to deliver the parts.

Watching this, Limulu looked anxious.

So he decided to help.

Whenever Tony called out any parts, Limulu would find them immediately and deliver them to Tony.

Tony was surprised at first but quickly got used to it.

With the progress of the assembly process being taken over by Limulu Tony didn't even need to call out what parts were needed, and Limulu could directly hand the parts he needed to him.

Even though he and Limulu had met less than half a day ago, they cooperated as if they had worked together for ten years.

Limulu gave Tony too many surprises so he had long stopped testing Limulu as an ordinary child.

Now in Tony's eyes, Limulu is a genius on almost as smart as him.

In particular, he also cooperated with him tacitly, which made Tony appreciate him even more. He wanted to dig Limulu to Stark Industries immediately.

The most important thing is Limulu's age. Young age means strong plasticity. This is simply a rough gemstone.

"It was done Half an hour earlier, Tony and the blue-haired girl You guys are amazing!"

Hearing Ho Yinsen call him "blue-haired girl" Limulu immediately glared at Ho Yinsen and retorted "What girl, didn't I say that I am a man. A man!"

However, in the eyes of Tony and Ho Yinsen, Limulus's "Fierceness" is not fierce at all but rather cute.

Tony Stark smiled and stretched out his hand, "Got it, Got it. Thanks for your help, Let me introduce myself again my name is Tony Stark, and you can call me Tony. May I know your name?"

Seeing Tony's outstretched hand, Limulu smiled and also stretched out his hand only for him to not reach.

Seeing this Tony smiled and squatted down just enough so Limulu could reach his hand.

Limulu's face went slightly red turned his face slightly and mumbled "My name is Limulu Tempest You can call me Limulu"

Tony: "Limulu, It's a nice name, matches a lovely girl like you, but the surname Tempest is rare."

Limulu glared at Tony and said, "I'm a man!"

Tony nodded "I know I know our little man is really beautiful and cute"

What's the matter with your perfunctory tone!?

It's so frustrating!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


