75% Maken-Z (Dragon ball/Maken-ki!) / Chapter 18: Chapter 17 - Things To Come & The Dark Side Of The Homeroom Teacher! part 1

章 18: Chapter 17 - Things To Come & The Dark Side Of The Homeroom Teacher! part 1

WARNING!!!! The chapter as a whole was too long to be published so i split it into two parts so if the cuttoff/ end of this chapter seems weird sorry.


Having caught his breath, Gohan turned away from the unconscious principal as the last vestiges of his cum poured out of her ravaged entrance to the floor. His mind perhaps the most free from instinctual influence since coming to Tenbi. "Damn… that was something else…" He muttered, knees still shaking a little from his rodeo with Minori, bottoms of his feet submerged in the aftermath of his release in her, which had in fact reached all corners of her room.

She really made him work for it there… with that haze in control of him, he could feel himself being about one small step away from turning Super Saiyan near the end there.

With his mind this clear, Gohan fought down the small impulse to look back at the bent over principal, who's plump, bare ass was still jutting in his direction. Cheeks still red from the pounding he'd given them, along with any attempt his more instinctual side made to make him think over those events any more with an ease that he hadn't had before.

He didn't really have anything else to say about what had just happened, other than it being on a different level entirely from any of his other sexual encounters. Looking down at himself, the boy wordlessly conjured up a new uniform to wear with Piccolo's materialization technique, before hovering off the ground and using his Ki to rid his feet of the excess cum sticking to it, before he quickly put the uniform on his person.

Choosing to float over to the door so he avoided stepping in his own pool of seed, the boy gave a silent thank you to the unconscious, and thoroughly fucked Minori as he opened the door on his left and made his way outside. His shoe clad feet stepping back onto the floor as he closed the door to her cum filled office behind him and exhaled a small breath of relief. "Now, I just have to get through Miss Amado's punishment for me at the end of today. I hope it's nothing too bad…"

Oh, he had no idea…

Roughly two hours later…

Gohan sighed as the time approached 8:10 A.M on the clock above him in the cafeteria. He had chosen not to go back to the apartment even with all the time he had before classes started.

Perhaps it may have been a little rude to the girls back at the apartment, since he'd left before any of them were awake as far as he knew, and hadn't said goodbye, and if any of the three called him on it, he'd be sure to apologise for that. He just felt that since he was already in the school, he might as well just remain there and wait for classes to begin. It hadn't taken him too long to find himself here then and have his breakfast here when the staff were finally ready to serve, before just lazing about in his seat when he'd finished eating and his plates were taken away. Enjoying the peace of mind he had away from his hormones for the time being.

After all, as freeing as it felt now, given how quick it seemed to rear its head after he'd arrived at Tenbi, he was under no illusion that it would be gone for long. So, he might as well enjoy the freedom from that for as long as it lasted. However long that may be, he'd savour it for what it was worth.

Even this close to class, there was only a few other students milling about the cafeteria for their breakfast. Most of them being boys, with only a select few being girls from what he could see at a glance. The rest obviously preferred to have their breakfast at their apartments. That was fine by him, it made the place rather quiet and peaceful. A good place to relax after he'd eaten, in his opinion. Time seeming to go by rather quickly up to now, as he did so.

He didn't notice right away that one of the girls who'd just gotten their food tray with a single bowl of soup spotted him alone at his table, smirked, and chose to approach him.

"My first class is still about twenty minutes away…" He thought to himself, just looking to get the day over with and get Tomiko's punishment out of the way. After all, whatever she had in store for him, better to get it done sooner, rather than later. He knew it definitely wouldn't be a slap on the wrist, considering she'd caught him having sex in the pool of all things, and turning it into a cum-filled pond practically, before he'd vaporised it of course. "I suppose I might as well head over there in a bit and wait for class to start."

Just as he'd decided this though, a feminine voice caught his attention. "Hey, Gohan right?"

"Hmm?" Looking up ahead of him, Gohan's coal black orbs met sky-blue pools looking somewhat curiously and expectantly right at them. His eyes quickly scanning over the features of the girl who'd greeted him. Her hair matching the colour of her eyes and done up in a ponytail at the back by a large black ribbon and reached down to the middle of her back. Her skin almost snowy pale and without blemish. She naturally wore the female uniform, of course, which did little to hide her generously large E-cup bust that was bordering on F-cup just like Azuki's, slim waist, and round, curvaceous hips. Short skirt, like all the other girls, exposing her long, slender, porcelain legs that seemed to go on for miles, before reaching up near the end towards her torso, where they formed two decently thicc thighs.

Gohan knew he'd seen this girl before. Though he'd never interacted with her, he definitely remembered her pretty face from somewhere. Her name on the tip of his tongue…

Not wanting to keep her hanging without a real response, Gohan nodded his head. "Yeah, that's me." Then it clicked, his mind recalling his first day at Tenbi, where he'd seen this girl duking it out with Azuki outside of the school and was then later chosen by Minori to give a demonstration of a duel with her red-headed counter-part in front of the new student body. "Garrett-san, right?"

The blue-haired vixen smiled. "Yeah. Mind if I sit here?"

"Go ahead." Gohan replied kindly, not seeing any harm in it.

She did just that, placing her tray down in front of her as she sat down across from him.

"Came here to have breakfast today, did you?" She asked rhetorically, taking a spoon and dipping it into her soup, which Gohan had to admit smelled really nice, and blowing on it softly before placing it in her mouth.

Simply seeing this as her way of striking up casual conversation, Gohan obliged, if only to pass the time. "Yeah. I woke up much earlier this morning then my roommates, and since I don't really know how to cook, and I was feeling hungry, I just decided to come here rather than wake any of them up." None of it was technically false, except the real reason he'd come her so early was for his 'punishment' with Minori, though Garrett didn't need to know that.

"I see." She nodded, though he couldn't help but note the odd smile on her face, as she took another spoonful of her soup.

"You come here in the morning often?" He asked her back.

She nodded after taking another spoonful. "Yep. Like you, I don't know how to cook all that well, so I've been coming here for my meals every day outside of the weekends since I came to Tenbi last year."

"Ah, okay." Gohan nodded, before looking at her curiously. "What about your own roommates? Can they not cook either?"

"I don't have any roommates." Gohan blinked in mild surprise at that little tidbit. "I used to back in first year, but they're both gone now. Everyone else was happy enough where they were put, so that left me with an entire apartment to myself this year." She said before taking in another spoonful of whatever soup she was having.

"Well, that's pretty lucky." He commented off-handedly. Deciding not to pry into why they were both gone, as he didn't really need to know.

Garrett quirked a brow. "Whys that?"

Gohan scratched the back of his head. "Well, you get plenty of privacy since it's just you, which means you're free to do what you want in there, without having to worry about what someone else might think. That's something most of us don't have." Especially him, since he lived with Haruko, Kodama, and Inaho in what was supposed to be just a three-bedroom apartment, which led to it being rather cramped, and him having to sleep up in the attic essentially. In comparison, their living arrangements were a night and day difference.

"Hmm, You're not wrong there." She nodded thoughtfully, before looking at him teasingly. "Although, it does get a little lonely at times by myself. Wouldn't mind some company one of these days~." She winked flirtatiously.

"Uhh… hehe…"Gohan chuckled awkwardly, feeling his cheeks heat up at the insinuation as he broke eye contact with the girl and looked off to the side. She likely was just joking around, but after what he'd gone through so far, he couldn't be entirely sure, especially since he didn't really know her.

Giggling a little at his admittedly cute reaction, and after taking another tasty spoonful of her soup, the girl propped her arm up by the elbow on the table and rested her left cheek against the palm of her hand. Her sky-blue pools regarding him with keen interest. "That aside, I've been hearing something quite interesting about you, Gohan."

"Nothing bad I hope…" He said somewhat jokingly as he looked back at her, though he was a little curious as to what she'd been hearing.

"Oh, definitely not bad in my opinion…" Garrett's eyes narrowed slightly, as her smile quirked up a little with an odd enthusiasm. "Considering it has to do with you and Azuki butting heads."

"Huh?" Gohan blinked.

"I heard that you beat her in a duel several days ago…" She took another spoonful of soup, before giving him a lidded smile. "Tell me, is this true?"

"Uhh… yeah, that's true…" Gohan saw the girl beam at his confirmation, looking quite pleased at the knowledge that Azuki had lost. "How do you know about that though?" It was a fair question, considering as far as he was aware, not many actually knew about the second wager outside maken-ki, and only those involved with the club knew about the first.

"You remember the cavalry two days ago?" At his small nod, she continued. "I didn't catch the full conversation, but I heard enough when Azuki was talking with Chacha-san and Kimi-san, about getting even with you after you defeated her." It was amusing to her really. Azuki hadn't noticed she was changing near her when she started conversing with the two. Normally she would've just tuned it out, but once she heard Azuki mention getting back at the boy across from her for the defeat he'd handed to her, she had become far more interested.

"Ah…" Well, that made sense. Azuki was probably trying to hype herself up to beat him this time, not knowing that he'd essentially throw the match to her.

"I must say, I'm impressed." She said earnestly, a small glimmer of admiration and respect in her eyes. "Me and her have been going at it since we were freshmen, and I've never been able to beat her…" there was some serious bitterness in her tone at that. Quite frankly, she had never liked the hot-headed redhead, and had only grown to dislike her more as time went on. A harsh scowl forming on her beautiful features as she remembered their most recent duel, where she'd taken her precious teddy bear away from her. The bitch.

Forget mere dislike, she despised the fact that she'd taken him away from her. The constant string of defeats against her were bad enough, but taking away her favourite teddy bear that she'd had for almost a decade? Yeah, that crossed a line with her. Azuki deserved to suffer in her mind for that slight.

Was that petty and childish? Perhaps, but she didn't care. That was how she felt, and that was all that mattered.

Her scowl evaporated quickly into a certain level of awe though as she met his gaze again. "And yet you, a first year, beat her within your first week here… did you even have your maken then?"

"No. I didn't." Not then, not now, and not ever. According to Minori, he was just far too powerful for one of those things in the first place.

Garrett whistled. "Damn, wish I'd been there to see that. The only other first year she's taken on other than you was Kurigasa-san, and she took him out without using her Maken…" The feat was extra impressive given Kurigasa had been using his own maken to the best of his current ability, and it still hadn't gotten him anywhere, other than possibly crushed balls after Azuki punched him in the groin for looking down her skirt.

"I remember watching that too…" He could recall his initial surprise when he thought Kai was going to get rocked by Azuki's attack, only for Azuki to be the one hurt initially, while Kai was fine thanks to his defence-based maken that hardened his body. He then also recalled vividly how it ended, with the poor guy making the mistake of looking down her skirt and getting a knuckle sandwich to his family jewels for the trouble, which had made him cringe just watching it, hearing the sound. Thankfully, the big guy didn't seem to have any lasting damage from that, so that was good. A part of him- the instinctually driven part of him- saw where the boy was coming from when he'd frozen up in that moment. Azuki was downright sexy in her own tomboyish way, especially with her exuberantly fit, curvy body… and those large… pale… perky… round and bouncy boobs of hers, which he'd had the privilege of seeing twice now in all their naked glory… the way her pink tips stood on their peak, fully erect and flicking joyously around, just waiting to be ni-

"Down tiger, down!" feeling his mind start to wander in a moment of weakness, and his organ begin to stir at the memory of Azuki's lily white globes bouncing around before his eyes, he immediately squashed that imagery and threw it to the furthest recesses of his mind in record time with an ease he normally didn't have these days.

With his hormones easily in check, Gohan got back on topic. "It's kind of ironic, now that I think about it."

"What is?" Garrett looked at him confused.

"Kai-san challenged her to a duel, and she beat him without a maken, and then she challenged me to a duel, where I beat her without one, while she was using hers…" Gohan let out a small chuckle. Now that he thought about it, the way that had gone was kind of amusing. Tells Kai there's no need to use a maken to beat a first year like him, only to then later go on and lose to him even when she fully utilised her maken, just like Kai had.

He was pretty sure there was a humorous joke in there that even Azuki would laugh at… either that or she'd get angry at him for bringing that up to rub it in her face.

Probably the former as of now, since in her mind she'd redeemed that loss in the cavalry.

"No way!" Garrett suddenly exclaimed, knocking Gohan out of his thoughts as she abruptly stood up and slammed her hands down on the table, leaning over it at Gohan with an expression of shock. Eyes wide with disbelief. "You beat her even when she used her maken!?" No matter how good he was without a maken, beating Azuki when she was using her maken…

Taking her red-headed rival down in just unarmed combat she could buy. Azuki was a highly skilled kick-boxer who had some decent knowledge in Muai Thai, but she wasn't infallible, and even she had almost gotten the better of her at some points when they fought without their makens. But with her maken… that sounded insane…

"Uhm… yeah…?" His reply was awkward, but completely honest. Not a hint of a lie in his tone, or on his face.

"Unbelievable…" The bluenette sagged back down into her seat, still staring at the half-breed in utter disbelief.

Forget what she said before about his victory being impressive. As much as she hated to admit it, Azuki was one of Tenbi's best maken users, significantly better than her going off their duels… and for him to win against her while she was using it, with no maken of his own…

It spoke volumes of not only his skill, but his strength as well. This, admittedly rather handsome junior of hers, was quite the monster indeed. A force to be reckoned with.

But if that was true then… how did he lose to Azuki at the cavalry when she wasn't using her maken…?

Sure, he could've had an off day, but she didn't believe that for a second. That sounded too convenient, and from what she remembered he looked perfectly fine during the cavalry. Hell, he beat Shiria without too much effort, and rom what little she knew of the famous idol, she was far from a slouch. So there didn't seem to be any rime or reason to how he could've lost to Azuki then when she was inferior to what she'd been during their first fight.

"Unless… he lost to her on purpose…"

Seeing the girl sat across from him almost slack-jawed and gone silent for over a minute, Gohan read the mood and felt the rather short, but fairly friendly conversation die on a rather awkward note. Perhaps he shouldn't have let that last part slip…

After waiting a few more seconds, the demi-saiyan decided it was probably best he headed off, if only to get away from the awkward atmosphere he'd accidently created.

"Well…" Gohan started, catching the girl's attention. "It was nice talking to you, Garrett-san. Perhaps we could talk again later, if that's alright with you?..." He asked, wanting to be polite and not come across as rude to the girl, after she'd been pleasant with him.

"Sure, I guess…" She replied with a small nod, still processing things in her head.

"I'll see you later then…" Rising from his seat, Gohan turned towards the Cafeteria's entrance, which was closer to him than the exit, and made his way out into the hallway. Once there, he made his way down the hallway on his right that would lead him towards his homeroom class, which for today was both early in the morning and at the end of the day.

Garrett simply stared out where he left. Her thoughts whizzing about rapidly in her head at the implications of her revelation. Wondering why he'd thrown the match with her…

After mulling it over for a moment, going over each event she'd witnessed during the cavalry for any sort of clue, she inevitably came to how it ended. With Yan Min appearing suspiciously right after Azuki had 'won' against Gohan, and had humiliated her in front of everyone by exposing her. The memory still fresh in her mind of how she'd torn Azuki's swimsuit in two, and how Azuki's victorious expression morphed to one of horror as her bare breasts bounced out in front of everyone, with the remains of the attire barely clinging on to hide her sex. A thoroughly embarrassed, near completely nude image of her that would forever be burned into the minds of those who'd seen it.

It all clicked than as she put together what must've happened. Her eyes widening again as the realisation dawned on her, before a large smile crossed her lips, damn near splitting her face in twine. "Oh, you devious little bastard Gohan-kun… I'm starting to like you more already…"

Oh, she was definitely chatting with him again after classes, for sure…


"Uhm, Azuki-san… are you sure this is a good idea?" Kimi asked tepidly from the red-head's left, as the duo of her and Chacha followed behind their fiery friend as she stalked up the stairs towards a certain half-breed's apartment. The trio all in their school uniforms again for the day.

Without even turning around, Azuki replied rather hotly, "Of course! I'm not letting him get away with running off like that!" stepping on to the floor she knew the apartment was located on, she added with a hard scowl. "That sneaky little bastard still owes me!"

Kimi let out a despondent sigh at that, knowing Azuki had been in this mood since yesterday evening when Gohan ran out well before his time was up. Of course, that wasn't the only reason for her mood…

"Heh, guess it can't be helped then!" Chacha remarked with a care free smile, not bothered in the least by Azuki's foul mood.

As they, or rather, Azuki approached the door to the demi-saiyan's apartment whilst they held back by the stairwell, Kimi couldn't help the embarrassed blush that graced her cheeks yet again as she looked at her best friend. The cocoa-skinned girl still smiling brightly with eyes full of mirth at the situation, as the petite, black haired girl recalled what had led to Gohan's early, rushed departure and Azuki's ire. The 'full-body massage' as Chacha had called it, where she and the scarlet-haired lass had walked in on Gohan and her looking about to get up to a little more than a simple massage…

Of course, Chacha hadn't seen the problem with what was going on, and was rather disappointed when Gohan left. Further compounding her embarrassment and Azuki's growing slew of unpleasant emotions when she had off-handedly muttered how they were 'just getting to the best part' before they interrupted.

Azuki had damn near exploded when she heard that the other day. Stuck between embarrassment and fury over the whole thing, had started reprimanding Chacha for her behaviour with Gohan.

Azuki might as well have been shouting at a wall, and she had come to figure that out rather quick in her scolding, as Chacha clearly wasn't listening and didn't care for her friend's anger.

"Azuki-chan really needs to loosen up a bit. She can be such a prude sometimes, ya know?" Chacha said bemusedly, clasping both her hands behind her head and resting it against them.

Kimi blushed harder, not at all in the mood to correct Chacha's vocabulary with it being 'you know' rather than 'ya know'. She couldn't get that image of him on top of her out of her mind. As naughty as it was, she'd read a doujin awhile back that held a near identical premise to what she'd seen going on between the two, and there was no doubt in her mind that had Azuki not alerted them like she had, things would've gotten rather… steamy… between the two…

"Oi Gohan! Get your ass out here right now!" Azuki yelled, knocking rather loudly on the door as she got up to it. "You and I have some unfinished business, you hear!?"

The door swung inward seconds later, revealing not the young man she'd asked- or rather, demanded- for, but the familiar petite form of Kodama Himegami in her school uniform like them. The short, lithe, twin-tailed blonde regarding the hot-headed tomboy with a less than amused look.

"Do you have to be so loud and obnoxious?"

Azuki narrowed her eyes dangerously at the girl. "Can it, twerp. I'm here for Gohan, not you."

The smaller girl felt her brow twitch in aggravation being insulted on her size yet again by the busty red-head. "Yeah, I knew that already. Pretty sure half the block knows by now with how loud you are, you insufferable cow."

Azuki physically fought down the urge to take a jab at her non-existent chest again as payback for that comment. Settling simply for wider scowl. "I don't have time for this. Just get him out here now."

"In case you couldn't tell, and I can't say I'm surprised considering how dense you are, he's not here." Himegami sneered.

Azuki's right eye twitched almost venomously at the blond. "Then where is he?"

Himegami snorted. "Like I'd tell you, even if I did know."

"Why you little…" Azuki wanted to implode right there and smack the girl, but quickly reigned that it again. As annoying as the twerp was, it wouldn't do to punch a fellow maken-ki member, no matter how tempting it was right now. Sucking a retort through her teeth, she levelled a glare on her, believing she was lying and stalling her just to piss her off. "Look, he and I have unfinished business, as I said before, so I'd appreciate it, if you could tell me where he is."

"Hmm…" The twin-tailed gal crossed her arms under her diminutive bust, making it seem like she was humming to herself in thought over that. "Tell me, what business do you have with him, exactly? Surely it has nothing to do with the wager you had with him at the cavalry?" Though she asked this, she had a hunch that was the case, since Gohan had returned rather early yesterday compared to what he should've.

Azuki just sighed and forced her ire to recede further for the moment to deal with this. "It does, actually. That idiot ran out on our deal not even halfway through!" She couldn't help but huff, especially knowing what him and Chacha were about to get up to just as she'd entered the girl's room. "I'm here to make sure he knows that he still has to repay the wager after ducking out like that. Preferably today, I might add." And she'd make sure she gave him a good smack up top the head for getting too handsy for her liking.

The irony wasn't lost on Himegami, and had her chuckling derisively at the girl in front of her. "You're such a hypocrite…"

"What was that?" Azuki looked at her sharply.

"Didn't you do the same thing, genius? You never finished your full day with us either, and as I recall, you also ducked out well before your time was up, Azukin." She called her mockingly.

For a second, Azuki locked up and paled slightly at the reminder, before her cheeks tinted pink at the memory, eyes burning with fury as she hissed, "That was different!"

"Really?" Quirking a brow, the shorter girl smirked. "How was it different? Far as I can tell, both of you ran off before the day was finished, and that's all there is to it."

"Oh, you know that's bullshit!" By this point, Azuki's teeth were ground together, with both of her eyes narrowed like slits. "Gohan has no excuse for running away!" At least not a good one, in her mind. The cheeky pervert. "I had a damn good reason for leaving when I did! You humiliated me in front of him by pulling my pads down, you squirt!"

"Pads you could've easily pulled back up, you big titted cow!" She retorted hotly, blood beginning to boil from having her stature jabbed at again.

Admittedly, if Azuki had been honest with herself in that moment, Himegami had her on that one. Granted, the size of her borderline F-cup breasts would've made it a good deal more difficult to do, but she could've easily excused herself to the bathroom or something to fix it and come back, rather than bolt as she'd done.

Closing the door behind her, since she knew neither Haruko nor Inaho would be coming today, Himegami sent a pointed, razor sharp glare the silently fuming Azuki's way. "If you must know, Gohan-kun left about two hours ago. Don't ask why, because I don't know." She had a hunch she knew what he was going out for, considering what he'd been up to with his out of control hormones so far, but like hell she was going to tell her that! "He's probably at school by now, if I had to guess. Happy now?" She added with a tone so thick with sarcasm you could cut it.

Azuki seemed to visibly calm down somewhat at finally getting an answer from the twerp, though she still glared at her somewhat for being so much of a pain in the ass to her.

Not that Himegami gave a shit, as she was officially done with this conversation. There was only so many insults she could take about her body from this busty bimbo before she snapped. "Hmph! Now if you'll excuse me, I have classes to get to." Turning her nose up, she turned away from the fiery red-head and took her leave towards the stairs. Chacha and Kimi stepping to the side to allow her to pass by.

"Damn midget…" Azuki muttered in annoyance as she tempered her emotions further, now that she had what she wanted.

"Well that could've gone better…" Chacha remarked, stating the obvious with a bemused smile as she looked over at Azuki. Kimi nodding timidly in agreement seeing how aggressive and confrontational the two were with each other.

Talk about over the top…

"Eh, it doesn't matter." Azuki waved off dismissively. Her mood still clearly sullen. "I got what I wanted. Now I just need to confront him."

"You gonna go do that now?" Chacha rose an inquisitive brow. Wondering if Azuki was going to be bold enough to call him out from his first class for this.

For a moment, the tomboyish girl seemed to consider it, but decided against it in the end.

"Nah." The tomboy exhaled. "I'll wait until classes are over and get him on his way out. It'll make things easier. Now, we might as well get going too. Don't want to get in trouble with Minori-sensei for being tardy, now do we?" She added with a light smile, bringing some levity to the air around them, which Chacha chuckled at, and Kimi smiled at appreciatively.

Later that day…

The day had gone by fairly quick for Gohan, quicker than usual anyway. All of his classes up to now simply breezing by like the wind. Nobody had really approached him either. The other boys being too caught up in the fact that tomorrow would be the first co-ed swimming lesson, which they were all eagerly looking forward to, for naturally perverted reasons. Particularly Kengo, who looked like a giddy child waiting to be handed what he'd always wanted for Christmas, already lost in his own world most of the time imagining what was no doubt a highly exaggerated version of the first lesson where the girls would all show up in varying skimpy swimsuits for him to ogle at how accentuated their curves were.

The girls, while talkative with one another, were more reserved, and kept to themselves away from the boys. This had persisted through each class, as the day went by almost like a cheetah dashing through a forest at full-sprint.

If he didn't know any better, he might've thought there was an outside force moving things along faster in order to get him to the end of the day with Miss Amado-san.

He almost chuckled at that. Even if that were true, the upside at least was that the day didn't drag along leading up to his punishment, so as to make him stew in what she may have planned for him. It had simply pushed him through the day up to now, so he could get the punishment done and out of the way.

Now all he had left to do, was get through his final homeroom class with her, take his punishment right after on the chin, and then head back to the apartment since there wasn't any business to do with Maken-Ki yet, which was fine to him.

He had entered his homeroom for the second time today, along with plenty of his fellow first years both male and female. He caught a smile she sent his way, her eyes closed just like her younger sister, giving her a kind, almost motherly air about her. And yet he couldn't shake off the eerie vibe that came along with it, as he made his way to his seat and sat down. She had given him that same smile and singled him out earlier in his first class as well, but it was more pronounced this time, likely because his punishment came right after this one.

The last class flew by relatively fast as Tomiko went through her lesson, occasionally looking over at him again with her eerie smile, before the final bell inevitably rang.

"Ara Ara, guess that's it for today class. I'll see you all tomorrow!" The voluptuous teacher gave a wonderful smile to her students as they began rising from their seats and filing out of the room. "Gohan-kun, stay behind with me." She said, still smiling as her focus shifted over completely to Gohan, who hadn't so much as risen from his seat yet.

Gohan sighed, ready for what was to come. "Yes ma'am."

"What's going on? Did you get in trouble or something?" Gohan turned his head at the feminine voice, looking to his side to see Uruchi Minaya stop near him on her way out with a raised brow.

"Something like that." He answered vaguely, giving her a small, friendly grin. "Thanks for the concern, but I should be fine."

"Hmph." She turned her head from him in a childish manner. "I was just curious. Why would I be worried about you? You can handle yourself just fine." She replied, giving him a compliment whether she realised it or not, as she walked off and made her way out of the classroom. Though the question of why he was being held back still lingered in her mind.

When the door finally closed shut, only Gohan and Tomiko remained.

Silence fell over the room then for a moment, as Gohan remained seated, waiting for his homeroom teacher to speak first. The quiet of the room serving to make him a small bit anxious on the inside, not knowing what she may have him do.

"So, Gohan-kun…" The woman finally began, stepping out by the front of her desk and leaning back as she comfortably sat herself down on the fine, sturdy wood. Crossing one slender, curvy leg over the other as her hands clasped and rested over her knee. Her eyes remaining closed but pointed at the seated boy regardless across from her. "Why don't you seat yourself down at the top of the class while I decide what to do with you, hmm?"

Gohan kept silent as he nodded his head and did what he was asked, not wanting to offend his teacher by speaking up and questioning why he needed to do that.

Smiling a little wider as he seated himself in the chair at the front of the room just across from her, Tomiko pursed her lips as she made it appear like she was thinking over what to do with him. "Let me see now… " She tilted her head up in faux-thought. "What to do with you…"

Gohan sat there waiting on the woman directly in front of him, doing a good job of keeping his mind off how her pencil-thin, upper-thigh length black skirt did nothing to hide her lusciously curvy, snowy pale legs. The boy also not realising that normally she didn't wear something like that to work, and usually had her ankle length, thin dress worn underneath her usual sweater.

"Hmm… what to do indeed…" Tomiko put on her best pondering expression as she hummed to herself. De-clasping her hands and placing them apart on either side of her desk, she 'unwittingly' spread her legs apart by a good amount. For all pre-tense and purpose, it looked as though the woman was utterly oblivious to the view she had given the boy.

And what a view it was indeed. Gohan, who'd previously been idly staring at her legs in wait, not found himself ogling right between the mature, beautiful teacher's legs! His eyes getting an incredible gander up her thin skirt, right at her crotch. The boy gulped and immediately blushed when he saw what appeared a super thin, constricting black thong hugging the woman's lower lips. Barely covering the tantalising pink slit, and hugging it so tight that the outline of what it did cover was fully visible to him. Labia and all.

"Dammit Gohan, look away! Don't let your hormones get the better of view! Stop it now before she sees you!" The boy chided himself, feeling his little friend downstairs begin to rise again, to his chagrin, clearly back to form after the ploughing he'd given Minori.

"Ara ara… I just can't decide!..." The words of his teacher, sounding so sweet even now that they were like honey, reached his ears and rattled him out of his thoughts. His own thought going unheeded for the moment, as the woman, so deep in thought from what he could see about what to do with him, spread her legs even wider!

Gohan couldn't stop himself from marvelling at how wonderfully thicc her thighs really were without something obstructing the view! The two shapely, alluring thighs only adding to the arousing sight of what laid in the middle. The black fabric of her exceedingly thin thong coiling over her clit and somehow emphasizing that wondrous, juicy peach even more!

The boy felt his face heat up even more as the seconds ticked by, along with his manhood slowly rising back up from the ashes, noticeably beginning to poke through his trousers beneath his desk.

"Oh my… looks like this will be quite easy indeed…" The sexy homeroom teacher thought to herself with an inward snicker, her eyes peeled open slightly as her chocolate brown orbs gazed down with mirth at the boy failing in every way possible not to stare exactly where she wanted him to. "Let's see how long he lasts before I finally get him to snap, ufufu!" His punishment had already begun, whether he knew it or not. That being him squirming under her, trying his best to hold the beast within back, before it eventually became too much for him.

And boy was she enjoying watching him squirm! It would be a good source of entertainment for her before he snapped. However, this was only the beginning. She couldn't wait to see how he held himself together when he found out what was really beneath her sweater and skirt!

"Oh!" She started, faking surprise as she looked down. "And what is this I see, hmm? You're here to be punished for your dirty little deeds, and while I'm thinking about your punishment, what do you do? Take a cheeky peak up my skirt? How naughty of you, young man!..." She nearly licked her lips seeing the boy flinch and instantly avert his eyes.

"S-Sorry miss Amado-san! I-I shouldn't have done that!" He stuttered, face completely red with embarrassment at being caught, and in arousal for what he'd seen.

"Ara ara, so naughty indeed…" Raising herself off the desk, she stepped in front of his desk and took a good look at his face. "Ufufu, he's only embarrassed because he was caught. There's not a lick of regret on his face for doing that at all..."

Bending over, she placed one hand on his desk as she brought the other one up to cup his chin, the boy not making any attempt to resist her turning his face back to face her. "Do elaborate for me dear. Are you telling me you shouldn't have stared up your innocent teacher's skirt because it was wrong of you to do? Or because you got caught doing it?" She wanted to laugh to herself seeing how the boy's face contorted in shock at her words. He was so adorable.

"B-Because it was wrong of me to do, miss Amado-san!" He stuttered again. His reply sounding very weak. Like he didn't believe that himself.

And she knew he didn't. Whether he wanted to deny it or not. She could see it written all over his blushing face and widened eyes. "First you take a peek, and a long one I might add, up my skirt, and now you're lying to my face as well? Ara ara, such a bold boy…"

Gohan sucked in a breath, feeling this gorgeous woman's hot breath wash over his skin with how close their faces were, and how it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. His coal black orbs refusing to meet her chocolate brown gazing at him judgingly through barely open eyes.

"My oh my… what am I going to do with you, young man?" Removing her hand from his chin, she ran it through his locks of spiky hair, and took her time while doing it, as though she were a maternal figure rubbing her disobedient child's head. "Such a shameless pervert you are… miss Kushiya clearly wasn't enough to sate you…" Leaning in, she smiled like the Cheshire cat as she whispered into his ear, "And neither was Minori-chan, was she?"

The boy's eyes widened to the size of saucers as she revealed she knew about his most recent exploit that morning. "I must say, you left her and her office quite the mess when you left…" She giggled into his ear. "Though I suppose you did much the same for miss Kushiya in the pool as well~."

I mean really, was he not expecting someone to just walk in at some point and see the aftermath? He probably hadn't thought about it at all, and just left the room after he was done, leaving poor Minori laid out front first over her own desk, utterly naked and unconscious from his visit. She had decided to walk in there just before her class had begun and inform the woman about her own impending punishment for him later today, and to make sure she didn't disturb it, and had ended up coming across such a sight.

What an animal.

"I… I uhh…" The half-breed was tongue tied, at a loss for what to say to the woman. He had forgotten he'd left such a mess…

"Nothing to say?" She giggled again, pulling away from his ear, unintentionally tickling the side of his face with her long locks of hair. "Why so surprised? With the state you left her office in, it was quite easy to figure out the culprit was you. I don't think there's a single man on this planet other than you who could leave her in such a sorry state, not to mention the amount of 'bodily fluid' you left behind. It's inhuman, honestly. Something I've only witnessed from you…"

Gohan bowed his head in shame. Or rather, he thought he did anyway. Once again, that shame never truly came over his face, though even he wasn't aware of that.

"Such a deviant… even after all that, you still want more. Perverted and greedy…" She said with mock disappointment, working her way around his desk, making sure to trace her index and middle finger along his beat red cheek until she stood behind him. Her arms wrapping around his neck as she leaned forward and pushed her soft, massive breasts down on to his head. The malleable mounds squishing against it the further she pushed them down, flattening them out in the centre like thick pancakes and causing the copious amount of boob flesh to start bulging out on either side in any way it could over his dome from beneath her sweater and her little surprise underneath. "Are you enjoying this? Having your teacher this close, pushing your sweet little head into her boobs?"

Gohan swallowed a huge knot in his throat, his face turning into a furnace as his head became nestled into his homeroom teacher's large sweater puppies. "They're so soft… softer than even the pillows Bulma-san gets for her beds at capsule corp…" and according to the older bluenette, they were the highest quality pillows around, with no other pillow around being softer than them, she had bragged. "They feel so good… even with her sweater on…"

The demi-saiyan's eyes began to glaze over slightly, as his heart started being faster in his chest, almost like a drumbeat in his ears, as he felt 'little Gohan' rise further, pushing through his pants even more as it gradually hardened further.

God, if they felt this good on his head with that pesky sweater on, he could barely imagine how good they'd feel stripped out of the woman's clothes, with his face nestled between them as he held them in his grasp…

"Hmm… no, this isn't enough for you, is it?" She cut back in, drawing him out of his growingly perverted thoughts. "I'd bet you'd much rather me be naked now, wouldn't you?" She teased, her voice coming out silky smooth, as her one of her hands cupped his cheek. "That way, you could really feel them against your head. You could feel your teacher's huge, naked tits press down on your precious little head," Suddenly, she began rubbing her spongy mounds over his head, rolling the squished, tender flesh over it. Grinding the supple, sweater clad knockers over his dome. "and feel her hard nipples poke into your scalp…" The woman let out a low moan, feeling her tips harden within her clothes from her little act. Her expression turning positively lecherous. "Why, I think it might just drive you insane… ufufu!..."

"Haah… m-miss Amado-san…" The boy exhaled a little more haggardly, trying to temper his clearly growing arousal, and stop the flood of imagery she'd just given him from drowning his mind. Even as just her words alone on the matter finally brought his cock up to full mass beneath his trousers, sticking out proudly through the fabric of both it and his newly formed underpants despite their best efforts to pull it back in.

"You know what, Gohan-kun?" She suddenly pulled away from the boy, heaving her breasts off his head much to his dismay as she rounded back around to the front of his desk. "I think I have the perfect punishment in mind for someone like you~."

"O-Oh… well, what is it?" He asked, now back to struggling to keep his inner demon in check. "D-Dammit Gohan, keep a hold of yourself!... Don't let it rule you… Sh-She's testing you man, don't make this any worse than it already is!..."

Tomiko smiled sadistically at the squirming boy, seeing him struggle ever harder to keep a lid on depraved instincts. He wouldn't be able to do that for much longer with her around, that's for sure. Especially after what she was about to do next…

"My… so eager, ufufu!..." Turning herself around, the brunette bent over and reached out under her desk for something, intentionally giving the boy a perfect glance at how her pathetically short, paper-thin skirt melded against her full, plump ass. Perfectly accentuating her flawlessly round, fat butt cheeks, and the crack that separated them, while also rising up just enough to give him a glimpse of the thong hugging and riding up her lower regions. Which only made his now fully erect penis pulsate at the delectable sight.

She managed to pull whatever it was out from beneath her desk, and slowly turned back his way as she stood up straight, showing that what she had in her hands right now… was a small, leather head harness with a red ball attached and a latex black whip…

"Yes… this'll do alright…" She mused with a gleam in her eyes. "Now, I don't think I'll be needing these anymore…" Eyes motioning down to her sweater and skirt. Placing her whip and harness down on her desk for the moment, Tomiko wasted little time hooking a finger into her skirt and giving it a clean tug, pulling the useless fabric down to her ankles, pooling around her feet.

Gohan's eyes damn near bugged out of his skull at this, gaze focusing in like a laser on the crotch, and how the wafer-thin black material wrapped taut around her nether regions and snaked up behind to her glutes. His mouth beginning to water even as he clamped down on his hormones, pressure mounting on his control.

It only got worse, as his pupils shrank to the size of pin-pricks when she crossed her arms and grabbed the hem of her sweater, tugging it and pulling it up in one swift motion.

Boing! Went her generously huge F-cup globes, bouncing around and jiggling exuberantly within their remaining confines. Bobbling around within the woman's bra like two bowling balls smacking against each other.

Except it wasn't a bra… as the sweater was dropped to the floor, the elder Amado sibling showed off what she'd been hiding up till now… a very familiar, very risqué garment she wore beneath.

"Th-that's a…!?" Gohan was left in a mixture of shock, disbelief, and increasing arousal, as his eyes bared witness to his teacher's new attire. An exceedingly skimpy, latex black BDSM outfit identical to the one her sister had worn before. "I-It's just like what Yuuka-san wore!..." Only, Tomiko's hugged her body much tighter than Yuuka's had, emphasizing and accentuating each and every one of her incredible womanly curves to the max!

And by Kami was she sexy in it! He couldn't stop his eyes from roaming up and down her body, analysing every detail of her scantily clad, bodacious body. Running from up top, with her auburn hair that cascaded down to the middle of her back, and framing her heart shaped, drop dead gorgeous face, before trailing down to her neck to her chest, where the outfit revealed a bountiful amount of her delicious, creamy white cleavage! Her succulent, silky smooth boob flesh seeming to bubble up within the fabric, which barely managed to contain her jiggling flesh without popping off from the strain!

Eyes falling lower, they scanned over her taut belly. Taking small note of her cute belly button before trekking down past her naval, greedily glazing over her wide, shapely hips and thin, supermodel-esque waist. Gobbling up the sight of her delicious, thicc thighs and tightly hugged camel-toe as they fell further, before trickling down her long, slender legs that seemed to go for miles and miles. His gaze enjoying the journey it went on trailing down them. Thoroughly enjoying and lapping up every inch of flawless porcelain leg he could of both until he reached down to her feet, which were clad in high-heeled stilettos the same colour as her outfit, that added several inches of height to the woman.

Eyes zooming back up faster than the speed of light as the woman picked up her whip again with both hands, giving it a good stretch underneath her bust, his eyes paid rapt attention to how her fat F-cup melons wobbled ecstatically inside their holsters like two humongous scoops of freshly made jelly. His mouth, he thought, felt like it was about to froth like a dog in heat, only for him to temper it back with as much strength as he could muster. Even as his instincts gripped him, gaining control over him faster than they ever had before! His cock so hard right now it was wonder it hadn't pierced through its prison by now!

"Stand up, Gohan-kun! It's about time we got started on your punishment!..." She licked her lips saucily, picking up and giving her folded whip a few practise stretches, making her bouncy betties jiggle rhythmically alongside it.

Steadily, if a bit shakily, Gohan rose to his feet and stepped out of his temporary desk. Standing mere inches away from his hot, skimpily garbed teacher. Utterly filing to keep his eyes from dipping down to her bubbling pool of creamy white, jiggly cleavage

A savage grin crossed the woman's beautiful features as she looked down at his jutting erection. "Looks like someone's excited about their teacher punishing their behaviour… I'll bet the sight of me in this really gets you off, you naughty little man~." Strutting one foot forward and in front of the other, she added insult to injury by turning her body at over a ninety-degree angle, allowing him a chance to see her plush, juicy apple-bottom, completely exposed for his eyes to scan over. Both pale half-moons bare, as the fabric of her outfit rode up through her ass crack like someone was giving her a tight wedgie. "Like what you see?" She asked sultrily, making both her buttocks squeeze together, all but strangling the thin fabric wedged between them, before she made her outer butt cheek rise up and down. Making it look like it was stroking the thin material against her other mound.

She relished watching the boy shake from time to time, desperately holding back whatever urges he was having, as his face scrunched up, with beads of sweat pouring down his temple. "Ara ara, so unruly… it looks like I'll have to do my duty as your homeroom teacher and show you some discipline!" Without warning, the woman turned her body back as she unfurled her whip, and sent it clapping forward at a speed that was like a blur to Gohan at his current suppressed state.


It Clipped his pants much like Yuuka's had done, instantly sending both it and his underwear pooling to the ground. Relieving his massive erection from it's confines as it flicked out into view.

Gohan let out a small, surprised yelp at being de-pantsed by the gorgeous homeroom teacher. The only visible sign to him that she'd struck with the whip at his current power-level… Boing!... being the way her bound breasts joyously bounced around.

Guess he now knew where Yuuka had learnt how to do that. The two of them truly were related, there was no doubt about that.

"My, so big!... to be this horny over your own teacher… such a disgrace! This punishment will do you good!" More like he'd do her good when she made him lose it. "To start, put your hands behind your back, Gohan-kun~."

"U-Uh, right!" He didn't waste time. Something about her tone having him pull his hands behind him before putting any real thought into it.

Stepping closer to him, she gave him a dangerous smile, and before he realised it, he heard something click behind him, restraining him at the wrists almost as if by magic.

"D-Did she just handcuff me!?" Even with how horny he was getting, that incredulous thought still blazed though his skull as he glanced behind him, noting that yes, he had indeed been handcuffed alright. "I-I know my power level is really low right now… but I can't believe she managed to put that on without me noticing she had them!" What was she, a ninja or something?

"Don't go breaking those now… it's a part of your punishment, see?..." But oh, did she expect him to break them sooner or later, when he was primed and ready to ravage her!

"Being handcuffed is a part of it?" He thought with incredulity. First the outfit with the whip that made her look like a dominatrix, then she had whipped his pants down, exposing his cock to her, now to his dismay alongside his hormones rising back up quicker than he ever could've anticipated to unbearable levels, and finally, she'd cuffed his hands behind his back.

He couldn't help but ask, "U-Uhm, miss Amado-san…"

"That's mistress to you young man, until your punishment is complete." She cut him off.

Gohan swallowed at the title, but for some reason wasn't at all bothered by referring to her like that as opposed to Azuki. "Mistress… what are you going to do to punish me?" He was starting to get a hunch this could be like his previous 'punishment'. Which his bestial side would love.

Though if it was, they were definitely getting off to a kinky start. He had certainly never been handcuffed before…


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