97.05% Bleach: The World Revolving / Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Rivals

章 33: Chapter 33: Rivals



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AN: You'll probably notice some changes to my writing style. Mainly cosmetic alterations to make chapters look "neater" at least from my perspective. 

I won't use italics for thoughts anymore, at first I wanted to experiment with WN's new feature but now I'm not a big fan of it.

Also sorry for the lack of chapters as of late, I've been working on my planning quite a bit and it's taking me a while to get everything right. 

Chapter 33: Rivals

Yesterday had been nothing short of chaotic. His head had throbbed as if someone were drilling a hole directly into his skull, despite the pain only having lasted a mere minute it had felt like eons to him. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that he still didn't know why. 

He knew it had something to do with his Asauchi, the agony only began after it started trembling erratically. And then there was the stalker, the scar it left in his arms no longer burnt but that alone wasn't enough to offer him any solace. 

He wanted answers, but didn't have the faintest clue regarding where to start. He had tried beckoning with his blade, but as per usual it retained its silence. 

'Something's wrong with me, everything feels— sharp. Normally I'd be fond of such a feeling, but there's something about that just doesn't sit right. It isn't— natural.' 

His vision shifted down towards the Dojo's floor, he flexed his arm as a part of him wondered if it was even his anymore. As a matter of fact, his whole body sympathized with him. The answers were most likely available within his own mind, but Asauchi's insistence on his lack of readiness denied him that method. 

'You're seriously a pain in the ass to work with, you know that? No matter how high I climb, you always contrive a higher wall for me to scale. How many will I have to break down before you speak to me?' 

"Oi seducer, it's your turn" He looked up to see Ukitake walking away from Shunsui as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Today was supposed to be a rest-day, at least by Chōjirō's standards, which mainly consisted of the trio tiring themselves out without his "assistance". 

"Look who's talking" For some reason Shunsui had grown oddly enthusiastic when it came to training, though it was a sudden change it wasn't exactly unwelcome. Simply confusing. 

He wasted no time taking his stance with both Zanpakuto's in hand, Koda could feel his Reiatsu flare up as the atmosphere grew heavy. 

'Huh, he doesn't seem like the Shunsui I know, not that I'm complaining. If he's this eager to fight it's only fair that I respond in kind.' 

Koda withdrew his Asauchi, he took a deep breath in an attempt to cast aside all the contempt he held for his blade for the time-being. This version of Shunsui didn't seem anything like his usual half-assed self. 

"Something happen recently?" Though it was brief, Ukitake managed to catch Shunsui stiffly clenching his palms before promptly re-composing himself. 

"You could say that" His voice feigned indifference, but luckily for him neither of them caught on to it.

"I see" He held his blades upwards in a cross-guard, ready to receive Koda's swing as it came crashing down. 

But the impact never arrived, Koda had stopped his swing halfway. 


A faint grin started to creep up his face as his right foot swept Shunsui off his feet, the latter winced as his back collided against the wooden floorboard. 

'He feinted? Since when did he use feints?' Koda had always been a straight-forward fighter, cunning had never been a part of his form, at least to his knowledge. 

"I guess I'm not the only one who's changed?" 

"You could say that" He mimicked. 

The two of them shared a chuckle as Shunsui brought himself to his feet. He wasted no time charging Koda as the two started to exchange blows, but as the fight progressed the grin on Koda's face slowly began to fade. 

Shunsui's Reiatsu quickly grew violent, the tip of his Zanpakuto aimed itself directly at Koda's abdomen as he tried to pierce straight through him. 

He smirked, convinced that he had built up enough momentum to break through his guard— he knew how quick Koda's reactions were, but even so they weren't fast enough to catch his attack. 

Yet seemingly out of the blue, all the strength in his arms vanished. He looked down only to see Koda's fist crushing itself against his plexus. 

Shunsui fell to one knee, gasping for air as Koda looked at him with chagrin. 

"You've…gotten…faster" He breathed. 

"Perhaps, but I think we both know that isn't why you lost." 

A self-deprecating laugh escaped Shunsui's lips as his expression let off a tinge of embarrassment. 

"Enlighten me." 

"Why?" He didn't see the need for an explanation, Shunsui was a smart man. As a matter of fact he was far more intelligent than Koda, not that it bothered him. 

"No reason in particular" In truth, a part of him felt the need for someone other than himself to confront him. He knew what he had done, but simply deliberating on it wouldn't suffice. 

Koda shrugged as he decided to comply. 

"You tried to fight like me, which is quite frankly an impossible feat." 

"And why is that?" 

"Isn't it obvious? You're too smart to fight like I do." His pupils dilated in response, that certainly wasn't the response he had in mind. 


"I'm simplistic, whilst you're complex. The two don't mix, but more importantly— why did you even try to mimic me in the first place?" 

Shunsui's manner of combat was especially difficult for him to counter, why he'd cast aside such an advantage was beyond him. 

His hand slowly inched towards the azure hairpin he donned, carefully caressing the bestowal so it wouldn't be blemished. 

"To be honest I don't really know the answer myself. I just wanted to know how you could be so confident whilst you fought, perhaps I thought I'd uncover something if I tried to emulate you." 

"Shunsui, I can't see when I fight" His voice sounded rather somber, both Shunsui and Ukitake found themselves gaping in response to his unusually grim demeanor. 

"That's not entirely true though, right?" 

The clothed Shinigami dipped his head, sighing deeply as leveled with his colleague. 

"If the world were just an amalgamation of lines and presences to you, would you be able to fight comfortably?" 

It was then that the two of them truly took into consideration what Koda was experiencing, what he had to endure each and every time he fought, walked— and even ate.

"The truth is, I'm scared. Think about it, If I channel my senses incorrectly even for a split second— that's it. I'm finished, but that's besides the point. I'm not trying to throw a pity-party for myself, the point is all emulating me does is make you weaker." 

Shunsui wanted to respond, but the words had gotten caught in his throat. This was the first time he had seen Koda so— sentimental, to say the least. 

"Anyways I'm not going to probe you for answers. If you want to get stronger that's fine, your motives are none of my business. I know you're more than capable of forging your own path." 

He wouldn't treat him like a child, although they were students all three of them were adults at the end of the day. They didn't need hand-holding, especially not from one another. 

"Hey, Koda." 


"You don't know what either of us look like do you?" When they first met Koda had already begun his training, it was a pretty strange concept to think about— spending each and every day with the same people without knowing their appearances. 

"No, why do you ask?" Though he had something to say, on second thought continuing the conversation didn't seem all that wise, at least not at the moment— the mood felt sour enough. 

"Nothing, but just so you know I'm the better looking one" He managed to get a chortle out of Koda as the atmosphere lit up thanks to his banter. 

"Whatever you say" Ukitake scoffed as Koda stood up, a yawn left him as he approached the doorstep. 

"I should probably head-off as well, it's not like there's anyone to stop us from ending the day early" Shunsui agreed as the trio returned to their dorms. 


"You two go on without me" Koda halted abruptly, warranting the disquiet of his peers as his attention focused itself elsewhere. 

"Something wrong?" 

"No, just felt like grabbing a quick bite." 

"Suit yourself." 

He walked off before either of them could question him further, a simper gradually formed on his face upon realizing who the familiar presence belonged to. 

As he marched he could feel the person walking towards him in-kind, someone he had met before his vision had been limited. 

A man with messy chestnut hair and a crudely-shaped weapon, a person he both respected and loathed to the highest degree. 

"It's been a while, lunatic" 8th Division Lieutenant, Hikaru Toshiko. 

"Looks like you didn't end up a cripple after all, I'm impressed." Koda half-mocked. 

"Of course not, but it looks like I can't say the same for you now can I?" 

"I didn't have much of a choice, if I hadn't crippled myself you would've never mustered up the courage to face me head-on, right?" 

Hikaru snickered as he dropped his snappy attitude. 

"Yeah yeah, I can tell you're not actually blind. Some sort of training I assume?" 

"Pretty much, so— what have I done to be blessed with your presence?" 

Though he didn't make his thoughts known, Koda could tell Hikaru had yet to fully recover. But the fact that he could already stand was nothing short of impressive, he had practically been put through a meat-grinder during their confrontation. 

"Nothing really, just wanted to plop by. Though my Captain did tell me a rather intriguing piece of information, concerning you specifically." 


"Don't bother acting dumb, I know about you and the new Captain." To Hikaru's dismay, Koda didn't react even in the slightest. As it turns out, Shunsui's constant chirping about his relationship instilled indifference in him whenever it was brought up. 

"Jealous?" He taunted. 


'Of course I'm jealous! I've been trying for years on end to court my Captain. Yet this bastard manages to wed one so easily? Is there no justice in this world?' 

"Sure, anyways if there's nothing else I'm going to hit the hay." 

'Hit the hay? What kind of pastime is that?' 

"Wait, there is something." 

"Make it quick." 

Hikaru's posture stiffened as his gaze hovered around Koda's Asauchi. 

"I want a rematch." 

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


