64.7% Bleach: The World Revolving / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Moving On

章 22: Chapter 22: Moving On



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AN: Can you guys help me clarify this, at this point should the academy be called Genji School or Shin'ō Academy? Some of you might not care but I try my best to be as accurate as possible, albeit Kubo is excruciatingly annoying when it comes to clarifying things…😭

I'm going to leave it as Shin'ō Academy for the time being, but if anyone can confirm that this is incorrect please tell me! 

Anyhow, remember to review/comment, more motivation = more chapters.

Chapter 22: Moving On

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" 

Koda clenched his forehead with the tip of his fingers, in utter disbelief at what he was hearing. 

"I said, I'm offering you a chance to become a Soul Reaper. Your wife has already accepted, she'll most likely become one of my pillars" Koda turned to the woman in question to which she responded with an affirming nod.

'Hold on, did he just say wife, since when?' 

His headache only worsened upon realizing that she clearly had made some "adjustments" when conversing with the figure.

"I'm aware you've managed to acquire a few of our Kido techniques which I commend you for, however interrogating a few grunts will only get you so far. Should you become a Shinigami far more techniques will become available to you, alongside the proper training methods of course" 

He respectfully gestured to the overtly-eager recruiter, clearly needing a moment to process what was going on. 

"Just to clarify, you're aware that we've both killed a varying number of your subordinates right?" 

The stache-wearing man nodded which caused Koda's headache to slowly transition into a migraine. 

"But in spite of that, you're offering us to join you, on top of making us even stronger?" 

"That's correct" He shrugged as if it was only natural. 

"And despite you being enemies with Soul Reapers, you accepted?" 

"I did, but Soul Reapers have never been my enemies" The duo's behavior was starting to slowly chip away at his sanity, seeing people who were supposed to be mortal enemies act so nonchalant with each other sent his thoughts into disarray. 

"Care to elaborate?" 

"You should already know the answer, I enjoy battling, I don't care who it's with as long as they're strong. It's never been personal whether the one's I slay are Shinigami or common criminals" 

"And you're content with this, uhm…" 

"Yamamoto, and the one's she had killed were at fault for not knowing the magnitude of her prowess. Though the death of my subordinates might pain me to some degree, my role is not to save, but to lead them" 

Koda looked at him disapprovingly, Yamamoto being the professional he is, did nothing to give away any hints. However Koda had a gut-feeling that he wasn't being told the full story, the dots just didn't seem to connect.

"Sorry but you're going to need to be more convincing than that, why do you really want us to join?" He was already well aware that Unohana wouldn't let him refuse either way, wherever she went he would be dragged along. 

That wasn't too much of a problem for him, getting stronger was always an enticing prospect. Albeit with that said, he still wanted to know precisely what he was getting into. 

Making such a move without knowing every dotted line, comma and full stop didn't sit right with him. 

"Perceptive are we? That's a good quality, alright then" 

Both Unohana and Yamamoto shared a brief knowing glance with each other. Shortly after, the atmosphere grew solemn as the faint "playfulness" the Shinigami had displayed dissipated. 

He was about to say something that wasn't to be taken lightly, not even remotely. 


One word, that was all he needed. 

"Excuse me?" 

The Captain-Commander groaned deeply before elaborating, the word alone imbued him with nothing but lament. 

"Most seem to think that we're some sort of police force, that we seek to uphold some frilly concept like absolute justice. That honestly couldn't be further from the truth, that isn't even remotely connected to what we stand for, do you know what we were called before I founded our organization?" 

Koda searched his memories until the bartender's words managed to resurface in his mind. 

"Balancers, was it?" 

"Exactly, my only priority is upholding balance. Sadly, there are those who seek to tip the scales, to send everything we know into turmoil. I cannot allow this to happen, therefore—" 

He took a moment to pause, as if he truly regretted what was to come. 

"It is my duty to get rid of them, and for that I need my Shinigami to be powerful. You probably don't know this but a good chunk of my subordinates were once branded "criminals". As long as those who follow me are strong enough, their pasts are just empty air to me. Naturally, I extend this treatment to you" 

Koda's attention fell upon the still sleeping Hikaru, curious as to if he was among the bunch the Shinigami was referring to. 

"I don't know about him, perhaps you can ask him once he wakes up" 

It was quite a lot to take in, both with the disclosure of Yamamoto's true intent alongside the reality of what Soul Reapers were. What he could end up becoming, and what it could offer him, or perhaps take away. 

"Who exactly are you going to war with?" 

'Those who seek to tip the scales' was too cryptic for Koda to understand, he needed a more concrete answer.

"Sorry, whilst I sympathize with your desire to have the full picture before making a decision, I'll have to keep that confidential unless you accept my proposal, but if you have any other 'concerns' feel free to ask" 

He didn't take kindly to the notion of not knowing who he was fighting before it was already too late, but then again, Unohana would ensure he was part of it one way or another. 

"Fine, but if I do end up joining your ranks, what exactly would my job be? Other than participating in this war of yours of course" 

"There is a reason we're called Soul Reapers, we are quite literally responsible for managing death. When people pass their souls may end up wandering for too long in the realm of the living, should that happen they may end up turning into demonic beasts, monsters void of reason consumed by the desire to devour others" 

Koda's attention had cut off mid-way through the monologue, the mention of one phrase shook him to his core. 

'Realm of the living? No I must be jumping to conclusions, there's no way he means that. But I might as well try to confirm it with him just incase' 

"Realm of the living? What's that?" 

"Ah, you must have been born here. The realm of the living is home to a species known as 'humans', once they die their souls are supposed to pass on and arrive here, our world is basically a resting place for them until they are reincarnated" 

That word, "human", Koda's expression stiffened as the words got caught in his throat. 

'Then that would mean…' 

For a split second he had almost considered asking him if there was any mention of the word "Earth", but that would've done nothing but elicit unneeded suspicion. 

"Is something the matter?" Yamamoto didn't have much trouble spotting his unease, but discerning the source of it was another matter.

"No, please continue" He forced himself to remain composed, but he took a mental note to investigate this "realm of the living" whenever he had the chance, there was a chance these humans weren't the one Koda knew, but there was also a chance they were. 

One way another, he needed answers. 

The Head Captain simply shrugged off Koda's odd behavior, and continued his explanation.

"As I was saying, our job is to get rid of these beasts, that way the chances of wandering souls being devoured by them lessens, and the chance of them being able to come here and reincarnate, increases. Hence, balance

Koda scratched his chin, managing to grasp bits of what he had said, but the core of Yamamoto's words remained alien to him. 

"Then again, you can't truly comprehend what we do unless you've done it yourself, it's a tough job, but a necessary one" At least the man sounded sure, Koda would decide whether it was true with his own eyes. 

"Let's hypothetically say I accept, what then?" 

The Shinigami's lips curled upwards, convinced that his monologue about duty had successfully convinced Koda to join him. Obviously, the real reason for Koda's eventual compliance had its arms around his body. 

"That's simple, you'd become part of my recently founded Shin'ō Academy. I'll put you together with my two current disciples. They both have their ups and downs but I think you'll fit in just fine, not to mention I'd like for them to interact someone with perspective like yours" 

It wasn't blatant but his tone had a certain spring to it when he mentioned his disciples. 

Koda seemed slightly skittish at the mention of becoming his direct disciple, he had expected to receive training but to be personally mentored by the man himself wasn't within his conjecture. 

"So I basically need to be schooled before I can actually become a Shinigami?" 

Yamamoto let out a hearty chuckle thanks to Koda's "colorful" phrasing, his soon-to-be student hadn't expected him to have much of a sense of humor. But that was much better than having a bleak teacher with a personality akin to a blank sheet of paper. 

"You should be honored, I'm giving you a chance to transform yourself from a diamond in the rough to a polished gem. The leader of the Shinigami himself is offering to teach you, what kind of idiot would refuse such a chance?" 

Koda rose a brow upon recalling the latter half of his boasting, as if a massive bomb had been dropped on him in the most casual manner possible. 

"Hold on, the leader?

Yamamoto's pupils widened upon noticing Koda's confusion.

The self-proclaimed "leader" smacked his scarred head in frustration, internally reprimanding himself for forgetting to mention something eminently important. 

"Right, because I already told her I somehow managed to forget you didn't know, it must be my old age. In that case, allow me to introduce myself properly this time, my name is Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, I am the Shinigami Head-Captain, it's a pleasure to meet you— Koda Yachiru" 

Koda was quick to grip his nose-bridge, almost shattering the bone beneath it if not for the thin layer of self-restraint that he still withheld. 

"First of all, what?" 

His mind went over what he just heard once more, which did absolutely nothing to appease his discomfort.

"And second of all, what?

But then he came to a certain realization, this man could Shunpo at speeds that he hadn't even seen Unohana touch upon. He could hide his presence even when one was staring him right in the face, and most importantly— 

Unohana hadn't killed him, as a matter of fact he began to think that he should have connected the dots sooner. The sole fact that a battle-maniac like her hadn't even attempted to attack this man spoke volumes. 

But there was still one more thing he had picked upon, and though not nearly as troubling it still bothered him a tad bit. 

'Does he seriously think I'm her husband? It's probably best for me to clear that misunderstanding up in private, I'd rather not have her plunge a blade into my chest when things are looking up for me…' 

"My apologies, I probably should have told you before I went on my tangent. Oh well, better late than never" His carefree attitude was in truth quite bothersome, but now that his identity had been made clear perhaps thinking before he spoke was the best course of action. 

No longer wanting the throbbing sensation in his head to continue, he decided to change topics. 

"So this academy, how long will I spend in it?" 

"Let's see—" 

'Let's see? He doesn't have it planned already? What kind of academy doesn't even know how long they want their students to spend in it?' 

"I'll probably just keep you in it until I deem you prepared, and being my disciple won't make graduating any easier for you. As a matter of fact, much more will be expected of you, and if you can't live up to those expectations— I'll drop you, simple as that" 

Unohana scowled at the thought of Koda being anything less than within arms length, but if Yamamoto really wanted to stonewall her there wasn't much she could do about it. 

'At least he's honest, and…' 

He noticed Unohana's expectant glare, abandoning her never was, and never would be an option. Not that it mattered much to him, even if he really was free to choose he most likely would have accepted regardless. 

He wanted to be strong, Yamamoto could give him that. In hindsight it was practically a win-win scenario. 

"In that case, bring it on, Yamamoto-sensei" A new chapter of his life had officially begun, one that would eventually change him permanently, for better or for worse.

This chapter marks the end of the first arc, before I continue I just want to thank everyone who has stuck with the story till this point. Without your engagement I probably would have lost interest in writing this by now. 

It's time to move on to Koda's new role as a Soul Reaper (trainee)!

Iguana32 Iguana32

As per usual, make sure to comment/review if you want to see more of this fic.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


