53.62% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 37: 37. All Or Nothing

章 37: 37. All Or Nothing

(A/N: HI guys, sorry for the wait. I started going to the gym again, which has eaten up alot of my time. I hope you enjoy the chapter! Also please leave me a review if you haven't, I only have 7 of them so far!)



Fire engulfed the room as the rose on Jeannes sword bloomed. Flames raced towards Godrick as he was rooted in place, transfixed at Jeannes flames.

Then the Flames reached him, as he finally seemed to understand what was happening. He reacted by covering himself with his left arm, but was knocked from his feet as the flames engulfed him.

The flames burned everything around the Juggernaut, and Jeanne could have swore she heard a scream of pain.

Through the flames she could see her companion, kneeling among the flames, holding his left arm that seemed to be causing him pain. His teeth were clenched as he held his left wrist, seeming to try and control it as his arm glowed an eerie blood red, his veins seeming to glow.

The fire began to swirl around the arm, being absorbed and sucked into the veins themselves as it burned the poison from Godrick's system.

Jeanne pushed herself with everything she had, giving everything to her companion. She could feel he was in pain, but knew he wasn't dying from her flames. Normally, she had to use the flames of her sword, which were a representation of her burning, to destroy a single target. But something about the divinity stored in Godricks left arm was strange. She had never felt a divine power like it, and had gambled on the fact that Godrick could take it.

Her flames were able to destroy everything, but could they destroy Ruin itself?

She gave one final push with every ounce of her strength, causing a massive surge of power that turned everything white.

Soon the flames from her sword started to die, and with it, Jeanne herself. She slowly slumped to one side, where Mordred caught her.

Jeanne weakly held her head up to see that the flames had disappeared around Godrick, showing that he was kneeling down with his head touching the ground. His arms were outstretched in front of him, his right hand gripping his left forearm as if in extreme pain.

The flames had done something to the arm, turning the blood red veins a deep color of amethyst. The flames had left Godrick relatively unscathed, though most of his armor had been destroyed, leaving him bare chested.

The sound of static electricity filled the air, as an explosion of amethyst lightning burst from Godricks arm, striking everything in the room.

Godrick got to his knees holding his arm into the air as the lightning shot into the sky, a silent scream of anger and agony on his lips.

Nothing could be heard over the cracking and booming of the lightning, as thick bolts carved through the Hanging Gardens, leaving deep gouges in its floors and walls.

Multiple stray bolts struck at the Grail, knocking it from its floating position to come crashing down on the ground, shaking everything.

Another stray bolt came directly for Jeanne, hitting her in the chest. She gasped in pain, but when she looked down to her chest, she was fine. She had begun to fade into Golden particles, but the lightning stopped her, rejuvenating her enough that she had a couple more minutes of life before she faded completely.

As suddenly as the lightning started, it stopped, leaving Godricks chest and arm smoking from all the power he had just expelled.

Godrick fell to the ground, the momentarily release of energy not enough to alleviate the power coursing through his body. He was breathing hard as he looked at Jeanne, seeing her laying in Mordred's arms, weakly staring at him.

He unsteadily got to his hands and knees before getting to his feet. He slowly made his way over to the pair before falling to his knees once again in front of Jeanne.

He took her in his arms from Mordred and transferred as much energy as he could, still trying to get rid of as much as he could. He reached out and grabbed Mordred's arm as well. She protested at first, but when she felt the rush of power, she closed her mouth.

After a moment, faint footsteps were heard as Shirou came to the edge of the enormous room, standing atop it looking down.

Seeing Godrick, Jeanne, and Mordred, he scowled, turning to Semiramis before speaking.

"It seemed he failed and broke through your control."

Semiramis looked sharply at Godrick before she commanded him to kill the two women next to him.

He didn't move, which made her huff in annoyance.

"We will continue with the original plan then." Shirou said nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't care.

He leaped from his position atop the roof, and landed in front of the Grail that had fallen to the ground.

"It's such a shame. But then again, if you want something done right, do it yourself." He said, turning back to the group and drawing his sword.

Jeanne lightly squeezed one of Godricks arms that held her, drawing his attention back to her. She was still weak, the energy he had given her only being used to keep her spirit here in her summoned form for a couple more minutes, if that. Godricks reserves were still unknown to him, but he had so much energy that he couldn't function properly at the moment, but that wouldn't stop him from doing what needed to be done.

He looked down into Jeannes deep blue eyes as he looked into his pale one's, a silent message being communicated between them.

She smiled faintly, before he gently gave her back into Mordred's care.

"I'll fight with you!" She said as she received Jeanne, to which Godrick simply shook his head. He stood to his full height before closing his left hand into a fist as his Command Seals glowed a deep red before one lit up and disappeared. Mordred felt an overwhelming urge to pick Jeanne up and flee from the Hanging Gardens. She did her best to ignore the command, but she finally lost the battle of wills as she took Jeanne up in her arms and began to run for all she was worth.

Godrick watched the two women depart before a second Command Seal lit up on his arm before disappearing. This was directed towards Astolfo, commanding him to take Jeanne and Mordred away from here when Frankenstein made her move.

Turning back to Shirou, Godrick looked at him, Shakespeare, and Semiramis in pure loathing, hating what they had made him do.

Pure rage filled his being, as he clenched his fists and prepared for his final assault. With the energy he had stored from Jeannes sacrificial Noble Phantasm, he would incinerate the Hanging Gardens, and anyone that was foolish enough to still be on them.

Shirou drew his long blade once more, bringing it to his side, holding it low, its blade almost touching the floor.

Godrick rolled his neck and shoulders, feeling them pop and stretch as he took his stance, his right arm pulled back and cocked, while his left was held out in front of him, ready to defend himself.

The room was silent as the two combatants looked at each other, sizing the other up. The only noise was the wind howling over the Hanging Gardens, and Shakespeare's fearful breathing.

Godrick and Shirou moved at the same moment, suddenly before each other in a split Instant.

Shirou's long blade was battered aside by Godricks left hand before his head was knocked to the right as Godrick landed a right hook to his skull.

Reacting quickly, Shirou went with the momentum, bringing his blade back around to cut deeply into the Juggernauts waist, drawing blood as he did, but it did nothing as Godrick seemed to not notice, striking down with his left fist before switching back to his right.

Over and over the two traded blows, Shirou's sword biting deeply into Godricks flesh, as Godricks fists rained down on Shirou's body.

Godrick's wounds seemed to heal the moment he took them, while Shirou continued to take more and more damage.

Godrick was like a machine, repeatedly throwing his fists into Shirou's face with no end, leaving the man with blood coming from his face.

Shirou swung his sword, meeting Godricks left forearm once more before Godrick brought his right arm down on Shirou's, knocking the blade from his hand before delivering a nasty backhanded strike.

Shirou spun in the air a couple times before he landed a bit away from Godrick, more blood coming from his lips.

Godrick advanced on the man as he used energy to heal his chest of the wounds he had taken. Shirou's chest lit up as two Command Seals were used, forcing his servants to fight Godrick on his behalf for a moment.

Shakespeare was terrified as he jumped in front of Shirou, frantically flipping the pages of his book before Godricks massive hand closed over his head, locking him in place. Godrick then dragged the man by his head as he continued walking to Shirou, who was crawling towards the Grail that lay on the ground.

"Give me more!" He shouted as he finally reached it, sticking his hand into it as if it would heed his call.

Godrick advanced with his prisoner as chains shot up from the ground to wrap around his figure. The chains didn't stop him, as he simply continued to walk through them as they tightened around him, shattering as he did.

Purple magic circles formed, firing amethyst colored beams at him, to which he just absorbed as they made contact.

Finally reaching Shirou, Godrick grabbed the man by his feet, ripping him away from the Grail before stomping on his chest with all his strength. The floor cracked and shattered around Shirou as he felt multiple ribs break under the Juggernauts foot.

Desperate to free himself, Shirou pulled a small knife out of a hidden slot in his armor and started stabbing it into Godricks foot.

The Juggernaut simply raised his foot and stomped down once more, causing Shirou to stop as more ribs broke, and pain started to bleed into other parts of his body.

Shakespeare was struggling in Godrick's right hand, but a vicious twist caused a loud 'CRACK' to be heard, the man losing all feeling in his body, his arms and legs going limp. He let out a faint moan as the weight of his body was focused on his broken neck and skull still held in Godrick's right hand.

The Juggernaut reached down and gripped Shirous head with his left hand, squeezing just enough for his helmet to start crumbling into itself as he raised Shirou to a standing position.

Shirou reached up with his hands, trying to pry Godricks fingers from his head to no avail.

Suddenly Godrick let Shirou go, giving the man a moment of reprieve before punching him straight in the face, shattering his helmet and sending his head to crack into the Grail.

Shirou rebounded from the Grail, only to be met with Godrick's left hand closing around his throat, smashing him back into the Grail again.

Shirou looked into the Juggernauts eyes, seeing a vicious hatred in them.

His long golden hair began to rise and fall as if turning to flames, golden energy starting to shine from him as he prepared to end everything.

A golden dome exploded into existence, as Godrick released all the energy he had stored.

The dome covered every aspect of the Hanging Gardens, completely enveloping it as if a golden sun had appeared in the sky. Golden flares came from the dome, accompanied by amethyst bolts of lightning, the colors clashing as the two energies seemed to fight for dominance over each other.

Godricks eyes widened as he felt a familiar Noble Phantasm approaching him from the sky. Looking up, he saw a shooting star falling towards him at blinding speeds.

Using his right hand, he lifted Shakespeare into the air, causing the man to cry out in pain before his head was obliterated as Godrick caught the falling star.

Turning back to Shirou, Godrick bashed the meteor into the man's face, over and over until he had absorbed the energy, immediately pouring it all into his Self-Detonation. The rock soon shattered, leaving Shirou's face bloody, his nose bent in an odd direction, his left eye a bloody mess, and leaving him with several missing teeth.

Soon Godrick's energy reached max output, but he wasn't done, as he poured everything he had, sacrificing his very stats, dropping each one to E rank in order to destroy his foe.

He felt Fran getting closer, having known she had jumped from Astolfo's Hippogriff when he had activated his Self-Detonation. She was approaching fast, having reached terminal velocity as she fell.

Godrick drove his fist into Shirou's stomach, making him double over. Godrick then grabbed him by his collar with his right hand, then by the waistband on his back with his left before lifting him into the air before bringing him down with all his strength on his knee, creating an anvil for Frankensteins hammer.

Fran, who had jumped from Astolfo's Hippogriff, activated her Noble Phantasm at full power as she fell, green lightning following her as she did.

As she approached at terminal velocity, she saw the Juggernaut raise Shirou above his head before bringing him down on his knee.

However, just as Shirou was about to have his spine broken, a red Command Seal appeared then disappeared. A purple magical circle formed around Shirou, making him disappear. Semiramis appeared in his place, just as Godricks knee met her back.

A moment later, Fran brought her mace down on the woman's chest, forming her blasted tree at the moment of impact.

In that Instant, Godrick detonated the Golden sun, turning everything a blinding white, as energy exploded outward, turning everything for thousands of feet to ash, and everything beyond that a mess of molten rock and fire.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


