7.24% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

章 5: Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

===Godrick, age fifteen, seven years after killing Gorfyddyd===

Godrick and Mordred once more knelt before Artoria as she sat on her Throne.

It had been many years since Godrick had killed King Gorfyddyd, and since that time he had killed many more men.

He and his sister had been placed in the care of Sir Lancelot, serving under him during the wars they had fought in the years that had passed.

His sister had become more hot headed as she grew, while he had become more level headed. His anger about his mother and sister having to masquerade around as men continued to build, but he was hoping his mother would allow the two of them to blow off some steam in the coming months.

"My two sons." Artoria said after standing from her Throne.

Godrick felt Mordred tense beside him, and he gave her a little nudge to calm down.

"Both of you have performed adequately over the last five years. Mordred," She said, turning to her.

"I Have been impressed with your leadership skills, as well as your skill on the battlefield. Sir Lancelot speaks highly of your courage. I would expect nothing more from my eldest son."

"Godrick." She said, now turning to him.

"You have shown remarkable skill and self restraint in battle. Your willingness to sacrifice your own body for your fellow soldiers is commendable, but I must offer you a word of caution in this matter. Be sure to take care that you know your limits. I wouldn't wish to lose you." She said before looking down the Great Hall of the gathered nobility.

"My Sons Have come of age, and thus, must prove themselves worthy of becoming Knights of my Round Table. Both will be tasked with a challenge they must carry out. If they succeed, they will be accepted into my ranks. If they fail, they will be rejected from my ranks until a vote is held by the members of my order, to see if they are worthy of a second chance." She said before walking down the stone steps to stand before Mordred.

"Mordred, my first born. You will be tasked in ruling the vassal state of Powys. You will oversee everything, and will give judgments as you see fit. Sir Lancelot, and Sir Gawain will be your counselors. Heed their words, as they will never lead you astray in your duties. This task has been given to you as the next Heir of the Throne, and will test your character and temperament in the months to come." She said in an authoritative voice.

"Now, Godrick. You have no claim to the Throne, and as such, you will never sit upon it. However, I wish you to be Mordred's right hand, and closest confidant. I wish for him to know that you will be his strongest Knight, and that no task will be too large for you to handle. As such, you are tasked with destroying Aberrheidol Castle." She said.

A gasp ran through the gathered nobility, as Aberrheidol Castle was said to be nigh impenetrable, and had been used for warfare for as long as anyone can remember.

Another thing about it, was that Aberrheidol Castle was actually held by one of Artoria's nobles, who was actually in the room.

"Why, you can't! My family has held that Castle for years. Why would it need to be taken?!" Marquess Grasso said as he stood from his chair unsteadily.

His outburst angered the Knights around Artoria, and Lancelot stepped forward with his hand on his sword.

"Remember who you're talking to Pig. Or I'll gut you from groin to throat." He said threateningly.

The fat Nobleman sputtered at the insult before Artoria's distorted voice cut through the tension.

"I'm sure the good Marquess was just confused about why we are attacking one of his castles. Isn't that right Marquess Grasso." She said with a hint of mockery in her voice, giving the Marquess a way out of his blunder.

"O- Of course your Majesty. I would never dare offend you." The fat man said before giving what he thought was a bow.

In reality, he merely bent over a small bit before collapsing back into his chair.

"Indeed." Artoria said with a hint of disdain.

"Marquess Grasso. Do you know that your castle has been infected with the spies of the Warlord?" She asked, causing the room to go silent.

Grasso shook his head slightly, his mouth open making him look like a fat fish out of water.

"Y- Your Grace, there must be some sort of misunderstanding! My family has served your line for hundreds of years! This must be false information!" He said.

"It's not false information. Sir Tristan has been tailing four of the most vicious headhunters of the Warlord. And where did they end up?" She asked, leaning forward a bit.

The Nobleman stayed silent for a moment, lowering his head in defeat.

"What, you don't want to guess? Come now Marquess, the answer must surely be on the tip of your tongue." She said mockingly.

"Aberrheidol Castle." He said, his voice quivering a bit.

"I'm sure you had nothing to do about this, right?" Artoria asked, her distorted voice ringing through the hall.

"No, your Majesty, I swear!" He answered, looking up sharply.

"Good. Then none of this leaves this room. If we catch anyone fleeing the Castle before my son gets there, we will have no choice but to hold you responsible for leaking the information."

He just shook his head as he looked around him, feeling like he had been tossed to the wolves.

"But your Majesty, I wouldn't dare, but what of everyone else? They could leak the information and pin it on me! One doesn't get to this position without making enemies!" He said, concern in his voice.

"That's not my problem Marquess Grasso. It seems you have some grudges to settle before you leave here today." Artoria said ruthlessly.

Grasso lowered his head in anger and defeat, vowing to repay this humiliation a thousand fold.

After walking out of the Great Hall, Godrick and Mordred followed their mother to her personal chambers.

As soon as they entered, Artoria removed her helmet before shaking her hair loose. Mordred did the same, and a new voice broke the silence.

"My, how big you've both grown." Merlin said, appearing from the shadows.

"Merlin!" Artoria said in disbelief.

"Where the hell have you been?" She almost shouted.

"Calm yourself Artoria." He said in his wise young voice.

"I have been here and there around the whole of Britain. Looking, and searching." He said cryptically.

Artoria just stood there in disbelief, before she shook her head.

"What the hell does that even mean?" She asked in exasperation.

He turned to look at her before tutting at her ever so quietly.

"Now, now. Is that any way to speak to your elder? Didn't I teach you better?" He said in his smooth voice.

"I don't give two damns how I speak to you, you abandoned us, and we deserve some answers!" She yelled.

He gave her a small smile before giving his response.

"I guess I do need to explain where I've been all this time. Don't I?"

"Yes you do. But by all the Gods am I glad you're back!" Artoria said, pulling the man into a hug.

"You've done so well in my absence. I'm very proud of you." He said, rubbing her back.

Over the next couple of day, Godrick would prepare himself for his siege on Aberrheidol Castle. He tried his best to interact with Merlin, as Artoria seemed to be very fond of the man, but the mage always turned a cold shoulder to him.

Godrick didn't know if the man simply didn't like him or not, but Merlin tried his best to avoid the young man as best he could.

"Hey, don't take it too hard." Mordred said while the two of them sat together on a hill overlooking the Castle they called home. The hill was covered in short grass with a tree a few hundred feet away from them.

"I just don't understand why he doesn't like me. He and mother will be having a conversation, and when I walk into the room, he'll stop and give me this look as if I make him uncomfortable." Godrick said, his elbows on his knees as he and Mordred sat.

"Have you talked to mother about it?" Mordred asked, laying back with her hands behind her head.

She wasn't wearing her armor as usual, having disguised herself as a maid as she followed her younger brother.

Godrick looked down at the grass beneath him.

"No. I haven't." He answered.

"I guess I feel nervous about speaking to her about it. She just seems to hold him on such a high pedestal." He said, looking at his sister.

"Well it is Merlin we're talking about here." She said, looking to the sky.

He let out a long sigh before looking towards the castle, where he saw a lone figure approaching them on horseback.

Nudging his sister, she quickly sat up and took on the dominor to one of a timid farm girl.

"Sir Godrick!" The man on horseback said as he neared.

"The King demands your presence. You and Prince Mordred are to depart for your trails tomorrow morning." He said in his nasally voice.

The young Nobleman was Marquess Grasso's son and he curbed his horse next to the pair. It was a big beast, as it had to carry around the little piggy on its back.

Godrick stood up and patted himself down before holding out a hand to help Mordred up. She took it, and patted the frills of her "peasant maid" dress of the grass that clung to it.

Mordred couldn't help but look at the fat Nobleman. They all knew each other, as the young man was Marquess Grasso's son.

"Damn, I can't even believe that horse can hold you up." Mordred said in her snarky voice.

The Nobleman seemed shocked at being spoken to, and quickly turned to Godrick.

"Tell your whore to hold her tongue, lest I cut it out!" He said furiously.

"Son of a bi-" Mordred started to say before the young man was unceremoniously pulled from his saddle, and hit the ground hard.

Godrick stood over the fat young man before he turned to the horse, and hoisted himself up.

Turning the horse around, he trotted towards Mordred as he held a hand out.

She smiled and took it, jumping up and sitting on the horse's rump before spitting on the young man as they rode by before she held up her middle finger.

"Get back here! Ill find you, you wench! How dare you do this to me, my father will hear of this!" The young man screamed as he stood up.

He knew there was nothing he could do to Godrick, but who was this maid that had spat on him?

"Son of a Bitch!" He screamed as he threw his riding gloves to the ground in a fit of anger.

A long time after, the fat young Noble burst through the doors that led to his family's residence in the capital.

"FATHER!!!!" He screamed.


Godrick and Mordred were once more standing in front of Artoria, though this time they were in her office.

"Now," She said, looking up to them from the scrolls on her desk.

"You two must prepare. You leave for your assignments in the morning. Mordred, you will be departing with Lancelot and Gawain. Godrick, you will depart with Agravain and Galahad. I expect you to keep the damage to the city to a minimum, am I understood?" She asked both of them.

"Yes mother." Both of them said as they bowed their heads.

"Godrick, after you are finished with your task, I wish for you to travel to Powys, and reside there for a while. Once the summer is over, you both will return, and you will be judged if you are worthy of joining the Round Table." She finished.

She then stood up from her table and walked around it, looking into her children's eyes.

Mordred was as tall as she was, but her son stood head and shoulders above them at about six feet six inches (201.1cm).

"Be safe. Both of you." She said, bringing them into a hug.

The pair felt a bit awkward at this, as she had been more reserved for the last couple of years.

After a couple moments of the hug, she let go, and returned to her reserved demeanor.

"Now, off to bed. Both of you. You have a long day's travel tomorrow."


"What do you think?" Agravain asked Galahad, both staring at the city gate that led to Aberrheidol Castle.

"I'd say gates can always be rebuilt." He said.

Godrick, who was squatting in between the two of them in his full plate armor, had just asked if the gate needed to be intact for his task.

With his handler's permission, he finally stood up and walked to his horse, the one he had stolen from Grasso's son.

He patted the beast on the neck before removing his halberd, and walked to be in-between the two of them one more, hefting his weapon to his shoulder.

"Guess I'll get to it then. Wish me luck." He said as he began walking down the hill.

"Restraint remember!" Galahad yelled after him, as he and Agravain watched from atop the hill.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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