13.79% Unparalleled versatile entity / Chapter 4: Remiris Greenwood

章 4: Remiris Greenwood

One of the forest roots leading to diastreia, the royal family's carriage could be seen pulled by two white horses full of energy. Just then the coach man halted in fear of what was in front of them.

A pack of mountain jaguars were blocking their path, and the menacing look on their faces spelt danger. "I knew I should have asked for guards, what am I going to do." The coachman took a quick glimpse at the fair lady at the carriage, she was still sitting calm and composed with her wooden staff held against her lap.

"Don't panic coach man, they're just D rank monsters," The girl who looked just like a kid but with long pointy ears and ashen long hairs reaching her waist, the hair was beautifully decorated with flower as her eyes had this unfazed piercing gaze.

Stretching her long wooden staff of about five feet, the monsters felt threatened as they attempt to pounce on her leaping into the air.

"Edge cutting whirlwind." She said with low voice as the jaguars were engulfed in a whirlwind that had razor sharp edges slicing through their skin like knife and butter.

"Thank you my lady." The coachman bowed with adoration for her power. "You may keep the cores for yourself."


"Neil don't forget, compose yourself before her, like you she's also royalty."

"But dad, how many royalties are in the human kingdom.?"

"No...she isn't a human, she's an elf, the daughter of the high elf queen Toya." The king said to Neil whose curiosity not only to see another royalty but a female elf grew high.

"Well I'll only compose my self if she does." Neil said while crossing his arms against his little pumped chest...."Don't let prde get the best of you....oh look the carriage has arrived."

upon hearing that he couldn't help but stretch his neck to look at the sight of the Elven princess. "Princess Remiris, you've grown so big the last time I saw you."

"Don't flatter me, my height only grew by three centimeters, bit it seems you've grown beards...pitiful how short human lifespan is." Saying with a nonchalant voice was no other than the Elven princess Remiris who had long ashen hair, representing her race as an high elf.

"What the heck, that's an insult to the face of the royal family."

"(sighs) and I guess this is the child I'll be teaching, with that attitude I doubt if he'd be any talented, you should just give up and let your self die slowly."

"That's it, I'll kill you...No on tells me to die! no one..Ice spears." Neil said as he released a six feet spear of ice at the Elven princess who easily formed a shield around her but was soon caught off guard when the spear had managed to crack the shield, looking up were two more spears ready to fly at her direction any second from now."

"I take my word back, I acknowledge talent wherever I see it, be it in the life of a human, I highly doubt of this comes naturally but nevertheless I'll train you. Now to you king Julius! You said he didn't have any experience whatsoever."

Everywhere was silent waiting for the king to reply. "Even I am just as confused as you." He said shifting his attention at Neil who just stood there regretting his decision to attack that he didn't know when the ice spear fell off his control darting into the air only missing the body of the Elven princess by a hairs breath but the two horse who were now tired after a long journey didn't survive the six feet spears of ice been drilled into them.

"Don't get all worked up over little things, I was the one who thought him that spell for defence and from what I'm seeing, he's already mastered it under on night." Noel said as she walked majestically from the stairs of the palace, with a look of rivalry against Remiris, her height was indeed the same to Remiris but her elegancy and fashion far surpassed hers.

"If it isn't old friend Noel, this house brings back a lot of memories." Remiris said with a hint of amusement on her voice as she let out a cold smile towards noel.

"Enough with the cold attitudes, I could report you to your mo..."


"No don't...sorry." Remiris could be seen prostrating her self before the king and his family. "You may rise." Neil said in a voice of supremacy which made Remiris cursed herself in secret.


"Let me introduce myself properly.... My name is Remiris Greenwood, daughter of queen Toya Greenwood and your new trainer... it seems you're already familiar with magic since you could already do wordless casting."

"My name is Neil Argus, son of king Julius the third, well I already have this great aptitude for magic so teach me all you know." Saying with a polite voice, Neil bowed slightly as a sign of respect to his Trainer.

The scene was somewhat beautiful, as the training ground was completely empty, but the beautiful background make it seuu6em as if it was brimming with life. The once Conflicted relationship had now turned to a trainer and student one.

Remiris finally breaks the silence with a few words of advice....

"It's true you have strong magic power but your control over magic is extremely poor, Your ice spear attack was very powerful but it took too much power despite not even drawing out it's full potential.

Keep it as a secret between me and you, but my eyes has a unique skill called unveiling eyes, it let's me see the magical attributes of a person like a screen, for some reason I can't see your lifeform even though you're clearly a human, nor can I see your skills, the only thing I could see was your magic power and it was indeed very high."

"Maybe you should try increasing the mastery of the skill, I bet it's only level 1" Neil said with a mocking smile as Remiris just stood there puzzled, even if he had said it to laugh at her, it was indeed true, it was a level 1.

Increasing unique skill wasn't as easy as increasing ordinary skill, it could be said as that the time and work it would take to increase three normal skill to level 5 would be the same time to increase 1 unique skill to level 2.

"Here hold this." Remiris tossed a red seed like substance at Neil who managed to catch it just before it landed on the ground.

"What is this?" Looking at the round ball like structure the size of an orange, it had red colours with a rough texture complimented with black dots on the body.

"It's a devouring flower seed. Before one can completely grasp magic, he first had to understand the begining of it...That was the word of a wise sage. Magicules are the fundamental of magic, you could also call them mana. They're what make magic take form."

"Some things depend solely on magicules to survive, take this seed for example, it grows only after being fed by magicules, you could use it as a training guide, to manipulate magicules Is a very important process of being a mage."

"Your task is very simple, feed it mana to the point that it produces it's first flower."

Neil never had a shroud of doubt on his mind that he wouldn't do it on his first try, in his former life he was a computer genius who knew almost everything on a computer like the back of his palm, the first time he tried coding, though completely new even the boss of them all: C++/C# was perfect on his first try.

"Here goes nothing!"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


