13% Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer / Chapter 29: Ch. 29 - A second student

章 29: Ch. 29 - A second student

[I can't believe you guys are telling me an idiot just because I said that Jin doesn't have chi. Well, let me enlighten you. First of all, chi would obviously be unlocked after reaching a certain percentage, don't forget that this is a Template System fanfic. And also, yes I looked at Jin Kazama's wiki page and I know that he has chi but obviously, our main character doesn't know that chi is something that Jin uses like his lightning in the Tekken series. So, yes. Jin doesn't have chi YET, yes I said 'YET' because he hasn't achieved a certain percentage yet to unlock.]

[Seriously, this is the reason why most authors dropped their works because of their readers not minding their own words. Yes, you're free to judge the author's work but do it in a way that will not offend or hurt them.]


After sending the unfortunate bear to the prison where thugs like him are usually sent to, Jin and the Furious Six were about to go back to the Jade Palace when an unusual someone started following them.

"Fluff? What's wrong?" Jin asked the small bunny.

"I want to learn Kung Fu! I will go with you guys!" Fluff excitedly said while carrying a large backpack on his back.

"What?" Monkey was flabbergasted and so is the rest.

"No, you're staying here. Kung Fu is not for someone like you. You're still a child, go home." Tigress sternly said while crossing her arms under her breast.

"Sniff." As soon as Tigress finished what she was saying, Fluff started sniffing and tears gathered on his eyes.

"Don't be harsh, my little kitty. So what if the kid wants to learn Kung Fu? Let him, Kung Fu was made for everyone to learn not just for special people like us. Come with us, Fluff. I'll see if you have the guts and determination to become a Kung Fu master!" Jin interfered after seeing Fluff almost on the verge of breaking down.

"R-really!" Wiping the tears away, Fluff got his excitement back.

"Yes. Now, your first training is to keep up with us. If you can't do such simple thing, then you don't have the right to be trained by me." Jin stated as Fluff quickly nodded his head.

Seeing that, Jin and the rest finally resumed their journey, followed by a small bunny that seems to have an inexhaustible stamina.

"He has a great stamina for a child. I commend him for that." Viper said as she looked back at Fluff who was staring at everything in amazement, as if it was his first time to see the place outside his village.

"Well, Rabbits are long known for their incredible stamina. How do you think they keep multiplying? From what I remember, rabbits have the most population in the entire china." Mantis said, informing them of his knowleedge.

While they were busy talking to each other, Jin and Tigress were walking side by side as she was whispering to Jin.

"Are you sure about this? Won't Master Shifu punish you for this?" She whispered worriedly.

"I'm glad you're worried about me but you don't have to worry. I'm sure Master Shifu won't mind. After all, the more Kung Fu masters there are, the better." Jin shrugged his shoulders and replied.

Tigress turned quiet after that and didn't speak anymore through the rest of the journey. Though, she still kept walking with Jin, side by side.


"First Po and now him? Jin, picking your students is not the same as plucking flowers in the yard randomly, it takes time and you must ensure that they both have the talent and dedication to learn and the most important is to have a kind heart. I don't want the matter of Tai Lung to happen to you." After reporting to Master Shifu about his new student, Jin didn't expect to be lectured by him and receive advice.

"Worry not, Master. Fluff met all of the requirements that you just mentioned. The only thing that's left is to determine his talent. However, I'm sure talent isn't the one that determines whether someone have the rights to learn Kung Fu, right?" Jin replied.

"Good. And yes, talent is just part of the requirement but not mandatory. The most important factor is to have the determination and kind heart. Since you have deemed him worthy then it is only natural for me to not stop you from making the decision." Master Shifu said to him before going back to meditation.

After Jin left, he proceeded to go back to the training hall where he met Mantis and Monkey having a small spar.

"Heh, still as slow as ever, Monkey. What would great strength and flexibility do if you can't hit your opponent?" Mantis mocked, as he was dodging all of Monkey's strikes and sometimes even lying on the ground, further insulting Monkey's ego.

"Well, you're still as small as ever. What would your great speed do if you can't reach me once while touching the ground?" Monkey shot back.

"Too bad for you, I'm already immune to that kind of insult. You have any other news ones?" Mantis chuckled and taunted. Just when Monkey was thinking about what he could use to call him names, Jin decided to interfere before Monkey and Mantis might kill each other if they went beyond.

"Alright, you both knock it off. How about fighting me next? It's been a while since I fought seriously." Jin grinned as he taunted them but challenging them with a gesture of his hand 'Come and get me.'

Glancing at each other, Monkey and Mantis talked through their eyes before coming up to a decision.

"I'll show you that in the world of Kung Fu, speed defines the winner!" Mantis confidently said.

[A/N: Guess where I got that quote from?]

"I'm getting excited." Monkey excitedly said while assuming his monkey style stance.

Seeing that they're ready, Jin took a coin out of his pocket and said.

"The moment this lands in the ground, the battle will begin, understood?" Seeing them nod, Jin flicked the coin in the air as he quickly went on his Kazama style stance.

Everyone's eyes were on the flipping coin that slowly loses its momentum in the air and started falling down on the ground, thanks to gravity.


The moment the coin landed on the ground, Mantis was the first one to move as he's the fastest among them.


Aiming at Jin's vitals, Mantis intends to take down Jin by striking his nerves, making him lose control over his limbs.

"Hah!" Smiling in victory, Mantis thought that he finally got Jin when he suddenly saw how Jin sidestepped, allowing him to pass by him.

As Mantis was in mid-air it is impossible for him to change his position, so the moment he saw Jin's kick heading towards him, he knew that he's done for.

"Don't worry, Mantis. I got you!" Just right in time, Monkey arrived to intercept Mantis as Monkey slid on the ground and used his tail to wrap around Jin's kicking leg.

Seeing that the leg that was supposed to kick him had halted, Mantis sighed in relief and landed on the ground safely. He didn't expect for Jin to react that fast.

Meanwhile, Jin noticed how Mantis got away thanks to Monkey, so he decided to take down Monkey first.

Pulling his leg back down on the ground, forced Monkey release his tail from his leg, which gave Jin enough time to deliver a devastating punch towards Monkey's abdomen.

"Oh no." Monkey knew it's too late for him to react and even if he did, his speed is not that fast for him to evade Jin's punch. So he could only cross his arms and hope for the best for him.


Unfortunately, Jin's combined strength and technique, made his lunch 10 times more stronger than his full strength.

So, Monkey was basically thrown away and collided with the wall.

"Monkey!" Mantis worriedly tried to rush towards Monkey to check on him, however would Jin just allow him to do that? This is a fight and in a fight you don't turn your back on enemies.

Stomping on the ground similar to what Tigress did, Jin's stomp causes a huge airwave on the ground that caused Mantis to lose his speed and also his balance.

"Ooh!" Thrown away a little, Mantis thankfully managed to stopped himself from being blasted completely.

However, Jin isn't the type to give his enemies time to breath, so the moment he caused that airwave, his body was already moving and arrived in front of Mantis.

Having no time to defend himself, Jin's kick quickly collided with Mantis's small body.

Mantis might be the fastest in the Furious Five, however that leaves his durability weaker than the others.


Of course, this is only a spar so Jin slightly tuned down his strength as to not kill Mantis accidentally, however despite holding back a bit, Mantis was still vulnerable to his kick, so he was blasted away with blood coming out of his lips.

'Shit!' Realizing what he has done, Jin immediately rushed over to Mantis to check up on him.

Thankfully, his vitals are fine and he's just unconscious.

"Hooo. You had me worried there for a second." Jin wiped off his sweat that had formed from the fight and the nervousness.

"Haahhh!" Suddenly, Monkey emerged from behind with a Bo-staff in his hand.

Surprised with the suddenly arrival of Monkey, Jin was too late to react and could only use his forearms to defend himself.


Skidding on the ground, Jin's forearms reddened due to the force.

'Shit, he hits like the fucking tank from L4D!' Jin said to hskmelf as he shook his arms to fade the pain away.

Landing on the ground, Monkey was now serious while holding his Bo-Staff behind him while squatting a little.

'Looks like he's serious now. I wonder how strong he really is. The movies didn't show that much of the Furious Five and their true strengths.' While he was thinking to himself, Monkey decided to strike first.

Throwing the Bo-Staff in a spinning manner, Jin bent his back backward, making the Bo-Staff spin past away from him, when Monkey suddenly jumped and arrived near the Bo-Staff.

Finally getting hold of his Bo-Staff, Monkey quickly whirled it around his body while still in mid-air before slamming it towards Jin, who was still bending his back.

'Fuck!' Quickly picking himself up, Jin tried to intercept Monkey's upcoming strike when Mantis surprisingly came up behind him and struck the nerves on his left leg before rushing to hold the strike the other one.

"Do it, Monkey!" Mantis yelled.

"Monkey's technique: Whirlwind strike!" Yelling the technique's name, Monkey brought his Bo-Staff down towards Jin.

Looking at this in shock, Jin's body suddenly released slight sparks of red lightning before...



You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


