50.75% Amalgam Universe Beast Boy / Chapter 67: M'gann Visits

章 67: M'gann Visits

Wolverine, "When or if you need me, come to Westchester NY. Or if I'm in the mood I will hunt you down and check on you." James Howlett says just before Nightcrawler teleports him and Professor X away.

"So, how did you get wind of this kid." Nick Fury asks me.

Logan, "There are still people who will notice the disappearance of kids they are used to seeing. Even if it's an orphaned kid. Word reached me and Devilgirl, so we couldn't stand by and do nothing just in case there was a danger to innocent kids." 

I wasn't trying to steal Devilgirls thunder, but she probably didn't want a world government agency poking around her life and I just didn't care if they poked at mine.

Clint Archer, "People that still care enough to notice things like that is one of the reasons I can do what I do.  Of course, I also like beating people up and getting paid for it too. What about you little Devil? Are you interested in becoming my partner and saving the world from the bad guys?"

Devilgirl, "Thanks for the offer Green Arrow, but I'm a one City girl for now. I can get ahold of you if I ever change my mind though."

Logan, "Well Mr. Fury, I think I will take my leave at this point. Hope we meet under better circumstances next time." I walk to the roof stairway and leave it to Devilgirl to decide if she wants to stick around or not. 

  When I get to the roof, Devilgirl is right next to me. "Thanks for keeping my part low key Logan, I don't think I want too much attention from something as big as SHEILD just yet."

  Logan, "No problem, I'm glad you trusted me enough to share this mission. We were lucky it was SHIELD and not some shadow-op government wacko. Take my number and if you need anything leave a message. Obviously, I can carry my phone on me with all the shapeshifting I do, but I do check it regularly." 

  Devilgirl, "See you around Logan." She shoots her grapple line to a nearby building and heads off on her own.

When I got home, I found Connor sitting on the couch reading a book on basic mechanics. After giving him a quick rundown on my night I headed to my room to get a couple hours of sleep. The next few weeks were nothing too special, we heard from Dick that he wanted to travel with the Circus for a time. Connor was working for Arnie and had found what he called his non-hero calling. Anytime he wasn't on a mission he was in the garage working on something. I talked to him about some advanced mechanics and their uses, but he said he preferred the simple transportation engine and didn't want to make his hobby a drive for something more like Iron-Man.

  Connor had made his own bike and enjoyed the time he spent on it. He said it was just relaxing and it helped his mind stop running all the time. I rode with him a few times and we both worked on our bikes with parts I special ordered. Our daily training was never missed, and I had reached the point in my muscular density-based strength that I could now in my base form freely bench press 2 tons and my max was a little over 2 ½ tons (5,200lbs). 

  One night I was sitting on a Gotham high-rise building thinking about the person I had been talking to over text. Pam was not a very talkative person, and her social queues were atrocious, but I found her nice to talk with nonetheless. She had finally agreed to go to the Botanical Garden with me next week. I think at this point I can't really get past the idea that she is Pamela Isley or as she was known in so many comic and movie variations, Poison Ivy. I wasn't 100% sure it was the same person but her name, her career, and her tone in many text conversations led me to believe it was her. I found no record of her in the library nor had anyone heard of Poison Ivy in Gotham but there were a few unsolved cases that had her signature in them. 

  So, this begged the question, what the fuck do I get her as a meeting gift? Obviously, flowers were out unless I wanted them to grow and strangle me. Any glass or crystal variation would be over the top in my eyes. Maybe I was just overthinking it, not everyone needed a meeting gift. But I want this to make more of an impact than just a handshake and hello. Now I really am overthinking it.

{I don't know, it seems kind of sweet to me. Connor and I met because of the team so it was much easier, and I was new to this world, so every learning experience was a gift.} M'gann thought.

Logan, {Well, if it isn't my little big sister. To what do I owe the honor?}

M'gann M'orzz, {Shouldn't it just be big sister? After all, I am older than you in every way.}

Logan, {You may think that and in years you would be correct, however, I was almost halfway through my lifespan before I ended up in this body and you aren't even a tenth of your lifespan now. So, I am claiming seniority.}

M'gann, {Fine, your mind feels older anyway so I can cope. Ho... How is Connor?}

Logan, {He is doing ok, he misses you terribly. But he is finding outlets to help him.}

M'gann, {I don't know why he reacted the way he did. He is blowing}

Logan interrupted her, {Let me stop you right there sis, I am not getting into the cause, or the blame game. That path leads to nothing but hurt all around. I will give you and him general information about each other but beyond that, you will need to talk personally.}

M'gann, {Ca... Can I maybe... Ask my big brother for advice.}

Logan, {I am always here for that M'gann, about anything. I won't promise you the right advice all the time, but I will promise I won't judge you if you don't take my advice.}

M'gann breaks down in tears and leans her head on my shoulder, {How do I make it stop hurting? Nothing brings me joy right now, not food or TV. Even being around my friends Artemis and Kid Flash only brings anger and hurt. I sit in my room and cry or sleep if I am not on a mission. I can't even call Sera, my friend from school. I kind of yelled at her when she started talking badly about Connor.}

Logan, {Yeah sis, you may want to call and apologize for that one. It's normal for some people to run down the person who hurt their friend, even when they don't really mean it. It is a way some people show they are on your side no matter what.}

M'gann, {I did that after realizing that was the case, but she is on vacation with her parents and has spotty phone service so we can't really talk much. Could you maybe tell me about what outlets Connor has so I can use that to help myself?}

Normally I wouldn't answer something like this but being in her mind I see she is just looking for something to help hold her head above the pain her heart feels. {He has found a love of working with his hands on motor vehicles. It calms his mind and occupies his thoughts, it also helps that he can go crush cars into little squares when he is feeling stressed.}

M'gann, {Do you have any advice for something I could do to help myself?}

Logan, {I think helping out at any community volunteer place would be great for you. You are a very cheerful girl usually and it goes with you wanting to help people when they are hurting. But for the long term, I would suggest a school degree in psychology. Maybe talk with Black Canary about her experiences in the field. Our telepathy is something any psychologist would be over the moon to have. You would be great with children who just can't express themselves.}

M'gann, {I... I never thought about something like that. I have never thought of being more than a teenager in school. In fact, I was thinking about shapeshifting into a younger version of myself and going to school starting as a freshman next year. Just to get the full experience Megan Morse had.} 

Logan, {You do realize that the Megan Mores you patterned yourself after wasn't real and didn't go to a real school. Not to mention that the show only lasted a year, so just one year of high school max anyway.}

M'gann, {I know that it's just Hello Megan got me through a really rough childhood time. You don't know what it's like on M'arzz as a white Martian.}

Logan, {You're right, I'm sorry if I sound a bit sanctimonious, but I want to see you looking forward not backward. I will never understand racism in any form. It just seems so arbitrary to me for beings to hate someone for an aspect of their appearance, especially one they have no control over. I think we are getting off on a tangent here, want to tell me the excuse you used to come to see me to ask about Connor?}

M'gann smacks her forehead, {Hello Megan! Aqualad is heading home to Atlantis for a visit and has been asked to invite you by the Queen, something about you helping her son recently. He also invited me to come along. So, I volunteered to fly here and ask you.}

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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