100% Master of Deception System / Chapter 62: Valuing

章 62: Valuing

Kang Shuwei's speech was fast as he was following this mind map that Sun Ting had created to explain everything that Li Xuan had done since August 15th.

When he had just started speaking from the beginning, many people in the arena had not taken this seriously, after all, smart people were still in the minority.

In the vast majority of people's hearts, Li Xuan was just an eighteen year old kid.

However, when Kang Shuwei truly began to explain Li Xuan's layout, everyone in the conference room was mesmerized.

When they heard Li Xuan instilling the idea of "wanting to travel around the country on a train" to others around him, everyone was stunned.

This topic had first appeared in August!

He had already started planning this a whole month in advance?

But that was not all.

After they heard about the role of kites, the role of night running, and the books with changed covers, that shocked expression on their faces had overflowed!

Even though they were only listening to Kang Shuwei's narration, they were just as able to experience that feeling of excitement.

Li Xuan was really only eighteen years old!

Not only that!

He had already started laying the groundwork back then.

He was deliberately attracting the task force's attention, always guiding Kang Shuwei's thoughts forward.

This awesome tactic of Li Xuan's that was able to manipulate people's hearts was simply unimaginable!

He had calculated all the variables, the retention time of the surveillance, the extreme speed of the search ...

Many people had already held their breaths, and even though they were just listening like this, they were just as able to feel the sense of urgency that was so room-inducing!

Just as they were deep in thought, thinking that this was the end, Kang Shuwei threw a question at them.

"Leaders, if Li Xuan had never shown his face in the midst of the surveillance, what kind of situation would it have been?"

"He obviously could have left without leaving any traces, so why did he deliberately show his face?"

Everyone present froze.

Their minds were suddenly struck by the fact that since Li Xuan was able to calculate the layout in such a way, his design was bound to be impossible to be meaningless.

But why on earth!

This sent them into a deeper level of amazement.

Before, they could at least understand the things Kang Shuwei had said, but now, they could no longer think of a reason.

The entire conference room was silent.

After pausing for a few seconds, Kang Shuwei continued to speak, " That's because he wants to attract us to show our faces."

"From his perspective, he must know his opponent and what kind of strength he possesses."

"That way, he can know himself and his opponent, and adjust his plans appropriately according to the situation."

"He forced us to expose ourselves, and by the way, used the bureau he designed down to test us."

Hearing Kang Shuwei's words, many people sucked in a breath of cold air.

This kind of layout scheming, this kind of big picture view, was too frightening!

Before they could react, Kang Shuwei continued, "Now, we've checked into Li Xuan's situation at the airport."

"He is expected to land at the Guangdong East Airport at 3:30 p.m. There is still time to contact Guangdong East, so we must act now!"

"I think everyone is aware of the potential threat he poses, once he and out of control, once he turns his back on common sense ..."

"Then the consequences are unimaginable! "

At this time, Song Jingwei immediately reacted, this was the best time, neither did he have to lose face himself, nor did he have to make people feel incomprehensible.

Now when people knew what Li Xuan had done, no one was sarcastic about Kang Shuwei's incompetence, they had personally experienced that feeling of being deeply trapped in a cage, experiencing that feeling of being played in the palm of one's hand.

So it was impossible for them to have any more slack feelings towards Li Xuan, even though they had suffered a loss at the station, arresting Li Xuan was still the first priority.

He was just about to open his mouth when he was interrupted again.

A middle-aged man with glasses who looked very civilized spoke, "Indeed, Li Xuan is indeed powerful."

"According to the conditions that are there now, it is indeed very likely that Li Xuan escaped on an airplane."

"But, how do we know that this isn't a set up by Li Xuan?"

Upon hearing what came out of his mouth, many people's eyes were cast over again.

As for Song Jingwei, he was interrupted three times, and at this time, his heart was also a bit impatient as he spoke up, "How could this be a bureau?"

"It was confirmed that Wu Qing boarded the plane with them, and before all we can do is to liaise with the Guangdong side as soon as possible, and arrest Li Xuan when the plane lands!"

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit stagnant, the arguing voices instantly quieted under the influence of Song Jingwei's impatient tone.

But the cold scene didn't last long, as the svelte man spoke again, "Although it can now be confirmed that the so-called Wu Qing boarded the plane, who knows if the Wu Qing who boarded the plane was Li Xuan himself?"

"Since the airport can put Li Xuan in, then naturally who boarded the plane, what is the identity, there is no way to confirm."

"I understand your organization's desire to arrest Li Xuan as much as possible, but no matter what, once the Guangdong East Airport cooperates with the operation, it will easily lead to another waste of public resources."

"The waste of public resources is one aspect, but it's also a serious blow to our reputation as Jinling and the airport."

"Think about it, if this matter comes to light, a young man of only eighteen years of age has blended into the aircraft Yang and successfully disguised as a university professor to enter the cockpit ....."

"What kind of situation would that be?"

Hearing these words Song Jingwei had a hard look on his face.

Although what this man said was hard to hear, what he said wasn't wrong.

The effects of what happened at the train station at noon hadn't dissipated yet, and in this situation if they pounced again, the effects would be very bad indeed!

Just as this Sven man's words caused Song Jingwei to flinch a little, Kang Shuwei spoke up once again: ''You have a point. But I don't recognize your statement!"

"When you encounter difficulties, do you have to retreat?"

"What's more, now that the documents have been issued from above, the potential threat Li Xuan has at hand is indeed huge, and once he gives up the bottom line, it's very likely that he'll cause an even worse impact."

"Contacting the Guangdong East Airport this time is already imperative. Even if we flounder again, we must still get hold of Li Xuan's next piece of intelligence!"

"If we tie our hands for fear of repercussions, then when will we be able to catch Li Xuan?"

His resounding voice rendered the svelte man speechless.

However, the others present nodded their heads, and even Song Jingwei's expression became a little better.

It was just that none of them had noticed at this moment that their perception of Li Xuan's case had completely changed.

If it were fifteen minutes ago, before Kang Shuwei finished telling them what Li Xuan had done in the past one or two months, they would never have agreed to Kang Shuwei's proposal now.

However now, they were well aware that the choice was now down to the last one!

That Sven man also stopped arguing about anything, he froze before lowering his head and remaining silent.

Song Jingwei, on the other hand, immediately clapped his hands, "Contact the Guangdong East Airport, make sure to get everything under control before Flight ZC5546 lands!"

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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