"If you break my trust, I'll break your heart." Dora winked at Kael with a playful glint in her eyes, before turning around to face the inside as she stood in a circle of girls. The music blared through the speakers, a mix of bass and beats that rattled the walls of the college dorm and she moved lightly to the music, feeling on cloud nine.
Dora grinned as she turned back once more, and saw Kael's eyes fixed on the back of her dress. Of the lack of it. Though the butterflies in her stomach were on the rise. For when she had chosen this daring dress, she had not thought to participate in this game!
The game was simple—at least in theory. When the music stopped, the girls, standing in a cicle would lean back, trusting the guys behind them to catch them before they hit the floor. A game of trust, they called it, but it felt like more than that. But she was thrilled for he had volunteered to stand there behind her. She had no wish to feel someone's hands on her.