Shroud Arcanum: GodSlayer Shroud Arcanum: GodSlayer original

Shroud Arcanum: GodSlayer

作者: Elvlin

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 - Prologue - Requiem's Resolve (Edited)

This is a Prologue Chapter. It gives some background of the world, but you can skip it.

In the vast expanse of space, an immense war rages. 

The very fabric of the universe trembled as immense fleets of warships engaged in battle against hordes of cosmic horrors.

Warships of every size, from agile fighters to colossal capital vessels, maneuvered in formation, leaving trails of radiant light in their wake.

Their metal hulls gleamed under distant stars, reflecting the myriad colors of faraway nebulas.

The enormous cannons on the battleship decks powered up, unleashing beams of energy rivaling the intensity of a supernova. 

In the void of space, there is no sound… But it doesn't make the warzone silent.

The whole area is filled with the spectacle of explosions, the brilliant eruptions of missiles, and the blazing paths of laser fire. 

Confronting these warships were monstrous beings from the outside our known reality, and incomprehensible creatures spawned from the nightmares of unknown dimensions, a nightmarish fusion of tentacles, eyes, and teeth. 

Their skin, if it could be called that, shimmered with an eerie hue, occasionally turning translucent to reveal the chaotic energies within.

Despite their monstrous appearances, they moved gracefully, phasing in and out of reality and leaving brief trails of dark matter in their wake. 

As these behemoths start their attack, their tendrils tear apart a cruiser with a single blow.

In response, the ships launched drones and fighters that swarmed like metallic hornets. 

The space is transformed into a chaotic battleground of shadows and light, where wormholes open to release reinforcements, and black holes threaten to consume any who come too close.

At the center of this conflict is a formidable Draconic God, brandishing a halberd whose blade shimmered with cosmic energies, with a shaft that glowed with intricate runes.

He is in combat with another Godly being. 

This being has six magnificent wings, three on each side, with the left exuding pristine white and the right radiating abyssal darkness. 

But if we look closer, the wing is not made from feathers. Instead, it's created from countless shards of crystallized emotions.

The white side was created from joy, hope, and love, while the dark counterpart was formed from despair, rage, and sorrow, each resonating with the pure energies of creation and the void. 

As the draconic god parried a blow and retaliated, he roared with a voice that resonated throughout the cosmos.

"You traitor, yet you claim to represent hope?"

Despite the space having no sound, their voice is carried by their magical energy, allowing them to converse.

The angelic being, hovering with grace, responded in a melodic and chilling voice, "I am hope, Draco."

"Hope for strength, for domination. If sacrificing the universe is necessary, so be it." 

With a piercing gaze, the Draconic God responded in a deep voice, like distant thunder. 

He feels very disappointed with what Hope chooses. They used to be comrades, but now Hope betrayed him.

"You've lost your way. Believing that sacrificing the universe is right is madness." 

In a blur, Draco dashed forward, thrusting his halberd toward Hope's heart, leaving arcs of light in its path. 

Gracefully gliding to the side, Hope dodged the attack.

His white wing lifted, and the crystalline shards started to come alive, vibrating as they absorbed the surrounding energies.

The crystals began to glow brighter...


The crystallized bullets were then shot out in a series of dazzling blasts, each radiating myriad colors.

Each attack crashed against Draco in waves...

Draco, in response, swung his halberd, unleashing arcs of cosmic energy with each swing.

The blasts cut through the void, cleaving through the crystalline bullets.

He then dashed forward again, trying to pierce Hope, But Hope raised his fist infused with energy, and it clashed directly with the halberd. 

The impact of the fist against the halberd created a spectacular explosion of light and energy.

In response, Hope extended his wing, now glowing intensely. The wing absorbed the residual energy from the clash, with each crystalline shard pulsating brightly.

With a swift motion, Hope directed his wing toward Draco, unleashing a barrage of energy-infused shards. Draco maneuvered skillfully, his halberd a blur as he dodged the incoming shards.

Each clash created a shockwave, impacting the surrounding stars and creating spirals of radiant gas and stardust. 

Hope dived towards Draco. As he inched closer, he pulled up sharply, creating a dark gust of despair that disoriented Draco.

Draco's eyes closed in response to the sensation, but his instincts kicked in. 

He tilted his head upwards, his jaw opening wide as a gathering storm of cosmic energy began to form within his maw.

Crackling energy swirled inside Draco's mouth, growing in size and intensity. Building a destructive force aimed at Hope.

Looking at the incoming attack, Hope spread his wings wide.

The crystalline shards on his wings started to shimmer more intensely, and runic patterns emerged around him. 

These runes, glowing with an ethereal light, seemed to draw upon the very fabric of the cosmos.


A barrier of light slowly formed in front of the Angelic being, a shield crafted from the energies of creation and destruction.


As Draco released his gathered energy in a ferocious beam, the light barrier in front of Hope came to life. 

The beam collided with the barrier….

KA-BOOM!!! Resulting in an epic explosion of light and energy. 

This collision created a vortex that spiraled outward, its gravitational pull dragging in astral debris, creating a vortex of cosmic force.

In different areas…

Space itself seemed to rupture as bolts of black thunder clashed with the brilliance of a Crystalline Asura.

The Asura, standing tall, gripped a blade forged from the heart of ancient stars in each of its four muscular arms. 

Its movements were in sync: two arms parried and deflected the electric assaults of the thunder while the other two countered, slicing and thrusting to dissipate the dark energy. 

Each collision of their energy caused the fabric of space to quiver, birthing miniature supernova that briefly illuminated their battlefield before fading into the void.

Amidst the chaos, a radiant arrow, shining with the intensity of a thousand suns, pierced the void.

A silver-haired goddess had shot it, her eyes focused, embodying the perfect form of archery.


The arrow narrowly missed its target, continuing its trajectory until it collided with a distant planet. Upon impact, the celestial body disintegrated, reduced to cosmic dust and rubble. 

Sensing an opportunity, the black thunder transformed into a knight clad in obsidian armor, gripping a sword pulsing with malevolent energy. 

His eyes glowed red, gazing at the goddess with intense hatred. Without hesitation, he moved in a flash…

Appearing behind the goddess, he swung his sword vertically, leaving a fiery red trail in its wake.

The goddess, with an air of calm, did not flinch or turn. She knows someone will come and protect her.

CLANG!!! A loud sound echoed through the void. Her twin suddenly appeared and blocked the attack.

Before the black knight could reorient himself, the Asura appeared behind him, brandishing all four of his blades. 

Just as he was inches away from the knight, a burst of dark energy erupted, pushing him back.

A menacing, werewolf-like creature with an aura of malice appeared on the scene. 

Flashing a devilish smile, it spoke, "You all should consider surrendering now. It's quite clear that we're on the winning side."

The Asura retorted, "No, we will never bow to you." The Asura know if they choose to surrender, it means the end for the universe, so surrender is never an option.

Without hesitation, he dashed forward, creating a gravitational singularity pulling the werewolf off-balance.

The werewolf, however, countered with an eerie howl....

A wall of shadow appeared, shielding himself and dispelling the gravitational force.

In a swift motion, the werewolf pivoted on its hind legs. Now engulfed in dark, malevolent energy, its claws sliced through the air, aiming for the Asura's heart.

The Asura parried, his blade absorbing some of the creature's corrupting energy. 

Utilizing this moment, the Asura counter-attacked, one of his searing blades arcing in a swift horizontal slash…

The werewolf ducked under the attack.

The blade narrowly missed its target, slicing through the air with a hiss. However, the searing blade left a few stray burns across its dark fur. 

Sensing an opening, the Asura swiftly shifted his stance, unleashing a barrage of strikes with all four blades. 

One blade produced illusions of itself, creating mirages of attacks from all sides that confused the werewolf. 

Meanwhile, another blade generated vortexes around the beast's paws, attempting to throw him off balance.

The werewolf's eyes glinted as malevolent energy surged from him, removing all the vortexes and the illusion. 

This dark energy ripples through the void, causing the surrounding darkness to tremble and react. 

First as mere wisps of shadow, then solidifying into distinct, menacing forms.

Each was a copy of the werewolf…

As they materialized, they let out a chorus of laughter. "Kekeke…"

These apparitions moved in sync with him, mirroring his every move, creating a confusing, multi-pronged assault against the Asura.

In a coordinated movement, the clones lunged together, encircling the Asura. 

A clone leaped forward with claws extended, aiming a strike…. 

Instinctively, the Asura raised his blade to parry, but the clone dissipated into smoke. 

Another clone comes from a different angle, its claws swiping menacingly through the air. 

The Asura spin to meet this new attack. His sword surged with energy and began to generate its own clones. 

These sword clones, emanating from his original blade, joined the fight, clashing with the werewolf's shadow. 

Amid this chaotic battle, the Asura unleashed another aspect of his power. His sword, glowing with energy, began manipulating the gravity around him. 

With a powerful swing, he directed a wave of gravitational force outward in a sweeping arc. 

This distorts the space around the werewolf clones and draws them inward.

The sudden shift in gravity disrupted the clone's coordinated assault. They try to struggle, but it's useless. Their form starts disappearing.

Asura then gathered the power of the stars around him, his body glowing brighter.

He slashed forward, creating a wave of energy that destroyed the remaining illusions. As the smoke cleared, the werewolf was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a roar erupted from behind him.

The werewolf's malevolent energy surged more intensely before concentrating on his body, transforming him into an avatar of darkness.

They then dashed at each other. 

CLASH! A massive, blinding explosion occurred, leaving their fate unknown.

Moments earlier, on another battlefield, the bow-wielding goddess seized the moment to create an arrow imbued with the essence of the universe. 

Drawing back her bowstring, she shoots it, sending the arrow streaking across the void.

The dark knight, in response, creates a torrent of dark lightning. 

It surged forward, intercepting and deflecting the arrow, causing it to shoot past him and obliterate an asteroid in its path.


He then unleashed a barrage of dark lightning strikes. Each attack zigzagged unpredictably. 

The dagger-wielding twin moved, spinning and jumping around, evading the bolts. 

Yet, one bolt managed to graze her. Her divine skin began to erode and sizzle where it struck, making it scorched black. 

Even with her strength, she cannot fight back against the corrupt energy. 

From this wound, golden blood spilled, leaving a trail of radiant droplets in the space.


The twin goddesses have always been together from weak until they finally reach their current level of strength.

Seeing her twin's injury, the archer goddess's eyes shimmered with rage. She shot a volley of cosmic arrows, each infused with the fury of supernovas...

In response, lightning surged around the knight, concentrating on his sword.

He then slashed, deflecting each arrow. The clashing energies erupted in spectacular explosions.

Amidst this, the injured twin tries to ambush the knight, but the knight senses her ambush. 

Their weapons clashed, but the knight deflected the attack and then used the momentum to pierce the goddess's heart.

A brilliant gush of golden blood spurted out, creating a luminous mist in the vast darkness.

It looks like the birth of a new nebula. 

Seizing this opportunity, the knight, his eyes blazing with crimson glow, channeled more dark lightning into the blade. 

The negative energy coursed through the goddess's body, obliterating her from the inside. 

Her body cracked and trembled as the dark energy consumed her.

She let out a haunting scream, "Argh!!!', which reverberated through the void.

In a moment, all that remained was a cloud of shimmering stardust. 

Upon witnessing her twin's cruel demise, the Bow Goddess felt like her heart and soul were cut in half, her face filled with grief and fury.

"Nooooooooooo!" The Bow Goddess screamed, a pained cry coming from the depths of her soul.

Her aura shoots forward, causing nearby planets to quiver and distant stars to flicker. 

She entered a frenzied state, her silver hair flowing like liquid starlight, her bow glowing with an intensified glow.

Drawing back an arrow bathed in celestial fire, she unleashed a barrage of arrows at the dark knight. 

Elsewhere, Draco felt a pang of pain in his heart... 

Every time his allies die, from grunt soldiers to his comrades, he feels a stone of guilt dropped on his shoulder. If only he didn't bring them into this war.

But what choice does he have?

If they do nothing, everything will come to an end.

Turning his head, he locked eyes with Hope, whose eyes showed pity and determination.

Despite what he chooses, he still feels the pain of the loss of his old comrade. But his heart is determined.

For him, his choice is the best option for the universe's survival. "Give up, Draco. Can't you see? You are losing." 

Draco's reptilian eyes glinted, a blend of anger, sorrow, and resolve flickering within them. 

He has already had a backup plan. He hoped it was not needed, but looking at the grim situation, he decided to do it. 

He gathered his energy and roared, his voice thundering across the space, reaching every battleship, cruiser, and his allies.

"All units!" 

"Commence 'Requiem's Resolve'!"

A minority part of the fleet began to retreat…


As the rest of the ships move forward at full speed into the enemy... 

Before coming to this war, all of them had resolved.

They know what is at stake, and all of them, without hesitation, press the button.

Spaces between stars lit up with brilliant flashes as these ships self-detonated.

BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!!

Meanwhile, Draco's hand closed around Hope's neck, strangling him. 

Raw, primal energy surged and crackled around Draco…

As the vortex of power intensified, Hope gasped, "You're this desperate?"

Draco's eyes, burning with the intensity of a supernova, met Hope's. "This is better than letting you win." 

This is their last plan: to detonate everything as they send the seed out, hoping for them to sprout and grow strong enough to do better than them.

In a desperate attempt to free himself, Hope unleashed a series of frenzied attacks on Draco. 

He doesn't want to die now. In his mind, Draco is the crazy one. They cannot survive by gambling their future on people who do not even exist yet.

His weapon punctured Draco's scaled hide multiple times, releasing sizzling droplets of draconic blood that vaporized upon exposure to the void of space.

Yet, Draco only tightened his grip… He's determined to end all of this now!

The energy reached its climax, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion. 

A light so blinding that it shines through entire galaxies, engulfing both Gods in its fiery blaze.

The rest of the spaceships continued their self-destruct sequences, transforming the battlefield into a spectacle of blossoming fireworks. 

Each explosion takes down a horde of cosmic horrors with them.

Their goal is clear: take them as much as they can to give change to the future generation.

Time passed as the space filled with corpses and debris, and in the middle of it, a severed portion of Draco's tail was still brimming with power. 

The tail then starts to burn its energy reserve, hurling it through space till it lands upon a distant blue planet…


End of the Prologue: if you enjoy it, add the book to your collection.

If you have any input, please leave a comment below. I appreciate all your support.

Elvlin Elvlin

Hello, this is my debut in writing.

I genuinely hope you Like it. Any feedback or suggestions are most welcome in the comments section.

If you enjoy the story, please consider adding it to your collection and casting a vote.

Your Support is valuable to me. It gives me the motivation to continue writing.


This story has been edited a few times as I try to make it better. If you have any input, feel free to comment below.

last edited - 12/04/2023

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    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


