45.78% Basilisk / Chapter 38: The beginning of the war

章 38: The beginning of the war

Nonetheless, a time came when I deemed it appropriate to finally put an end to my interaction with the entity known as the One. On this day, I ventured to a location within the boundaries of the former Yahweh's pantheon, where I experienced a sense of unease, foreboding a potential turn of events.

Donning my armor, which, following my immersion within the realm of Lolth's offspring, her assimilation, and subsequent transformation into a deity, had become an integral part of my being and its attributes, artifacts that resonated with my spiritual essence, I further fortified myself with every defensive measure I possessed, including the most robust personal defenses capable of shielding me against any singular threat. I donned a total of six hundred defensive layers!

All streams of my consciousness detached from their previous tasks, focusing solely on my protection and vigilantly monitoring my surroundings, swiftly responding to any signs of danger.

Arriving at the site itself, I might have been driven to despair if I were a mere mortal of ordinary means!

Before me, on a gleaming pedestal-altar, into which an immense amount of activity flowed, lay an easily recognizable image of Christ, against which my own expenditure of the energy of faith, from the reservoir of the one egregore, for all the time since I gained access to it, would seem like a mere drop in the ocean.

I do not know whether this is the actual body of the Nazarene Jew, Joseph, who claimed to be the son of God, or whether it is the embodiment of the faith of hundreds of millions of devout Christians who, for the past nineteen centuries, have believed in his resurrection and ascension into heaven. Nevertheless, there was no doubt before me that it was the body of God. I could not interpret it as either alive or dead.

And I never wanted him to awaken, regain consciousness, and descend to Earth to judge the entire human race on the Day of Judgement! And this is what all the People of the Book believe, with the exception of perhaps the Jews.

And as soon as I became aware of the impending apocalypse, the arrival of which to this realm is foretold, I, without considering the consequences, struck Christ with all the might of my being, enveloping him in consuming darkness and fading light. My fear was that he might awaken at that moment, and I would find myself on my way to his domain. Here, my administrative powers would be no match for the authority of Jesus within the realm of his "father".

The full force of my assault, directed towards the source of my terror, was predicated solely on my personal capabilities, for had I relied solely on the power of the local egregor, the clash of interests would have resulted in a catastrophic failure, potentially leading to the collapse of the entire system. It was not my intention to personally experience the consequences of confronting the One Legion with his «son».

My interactions with the local environment were limited to preventing the absorption of actions by the body of Christ at all costs. My power, albeit with great difficulty, obliterated the corpse of the now-deceased God, or rather, in a state akin to lethargic slumber, causing time to seem frozen for me. With a tremor running through every fiber of my being, I endeavored to maintain the pressure of the energies emanating from my divine essence, ensuring they remained at a level capable of fulfilling the task of annihilation. My every fiber was committed to bringing this matter to a decisive conclusion!

The fabric of space and time in my immediate vicinity became utterly chaotic as I endeavored to shatter the unwavering belief of all those who hold to the notion that the arrival of Christ/Isa on Earth is an inevitable event, and with that, the imminent arrival of Judgment Day.

It is impossible for me to precisely determine the duration of my presence in this realm of the collective unconsciousness, as the reality within this space was undergoing a profound transformation. With each increment of energy emanating from the physical body of Christ, manifesting in the form of quarks, the surroundings grew increasingly akin to the realm of Chaos. Yet, in terms of the temporal perspective of Earth, my sojourn in this realm undoubtedly lasted for a span of several years!

I could no longer discern anything before me, and it seemed as if from the intensity of the situation, I had completely lost my sight and, with it, other aspects of my being, for by the end of this confrontation, I no longer felt my physical form or the space around me. In the final year of my excessive focus on the objective I had set for myself, all I had left was the sensation of the impending apocalypse looming near me, with the edge of my senses, and the determination to launch an assault against it with all the strength at my disposal, delivering a clear message: to eradicate the threat and safeguard reality from the peril that menaced it. When my perception ceased to perceive the objective indicated by my mind, my consciousness simply ceased to function.

The awakening was a painful experience, but upon reflection on my state, I came to the realization that nothing of grave consequence had befallen me; rather, I had merely stretched my spiritual faculties by a third of their capacity. My spiritual injuries can be likened to those of the body, such as pulling ligaments or sustaining sprains due to overexertion, in terms of both their nature and the accompanying discomfort.

Having ascertained that there was no immediate threat to my person, I opened my eyes to find myself facing the accursed altar pedestal once again, albeit without the presence of the Christ figure. Instead, a metallic nugget resembling a rugby ball in size and shape lay upon a golden platter. As I attempted to discern its nature with the aid of my charms, my disbelief was palpable, yet it was confirmed once more what a fortunate son of a bitch I was!

This was none other than the mythical Adamant, a black metal with a violet tinge, capable of slaying a deity. I now possessed at least five kilos of this immensely valuable substance.

"So, Svyatozar!" I exclaimed, "Breathe deeply... Calm, only calm... Uffff... It has subsided!" I uttered after several moments of deep breathing, for the intensity of my excitement had rendered me oblivious to all meditative and mental techniques that might have served to calm my agitated mind.

Upon my release, I encountered a final and substantial argument against any entity I was familiar with. As I was extracted from the collective consciousness of the One, drawn into my own sphere, I began contemplating the potential applications of this substantial quantity of metal. Two pairs of furious eyes of my loyal companions fixed upon me. Alas!

"Svyatozar, my dear, what does this mean?!"

The voices of Maria and Koneka resonated with anger and indignation. "Where have you been?"

I contemplated responding with the phrase "I was running", but I knew better than to antagonize myself, so I improvised.

Dear ones, how could I have known that after our wedding night you would be absent for so long, and that it would take several years for you to become goddesses? As soon as I comprehended the reason for your prolonged slumber, I created artifacts designed to assist you in accelerating the process of activating your ninth shells and restoring your other spiritual sheaths after the strain of navigating through a vast flow of diverse energies.


Maria inquired, her tone less animated and slightly subdued. It is difficult to maintain anger towards a reasonable individual who has invested so much effort on one's behalf, especially when they acknowledge the time and dedication invested.

I could not precisely determine the precise moment of your awakening. This was my first attempt at crafting an artifact to aid goddesses in their development, so I also decided to prioritize my own well-being. Now, it is time to shift our focus from aggression to concern.

What is amiss?

Maria's query arose as I found myself embraced by my wives, their gazes filled with concern as they attempted to probe me through their own powers of perception, yet failing to find any basis for their apprehensions. My health may not be in peril, but they sought personal reassurance from me.

In my experience, our initial intimacy did not go unnoticed, nor was my ninth shell fully formed and open by that point. Thus, I hastened the process, aided by the egregore of the One where I had spent my time. Now, I possess unfettered access to my full divine potential, having also strengthened myself threefold during this period.

I did not deceive, and to accomplish all of this, I had to sacrifice the body of Christ, though they need not be aware of this detail.

"Are you certain you are well, my love?"

The dog must have died when my cat first expressed her feelings aloud.

Indeed, it is so!

And then he bestowed a kiss upon Konek, followed by a kiss on Maria's lips. The two exchanged sly glances, their hands intertwined, as they effortlessly transported me through the dimensional barrier to our shared bedroom. In an instant, we found ourselves in bed, completely unclothed.


Thus, I anticipated a flurry of activity in the East, yet it transpired that I required an additional period to adequately prepare for the spectacle I was about to witness! The Japanese had completely lost control of the situation and were resorting to deception.

Having been entrenched within the egregore of the One for several years and subsequently remaining bedridden with my wives for an additional year, I approached the forthcoming military developments in the East completely uninformed. Having dispatched a number of my agents in the guise of illusory avian forms, I failed to gain any closer proximity to the Imperial family. Meiji carried with him a talisman of apparent divine origin, which rendered him impervious to surveillance and prying eyes. My illusory efforts were ultimately foiled when I came within a kilometre of the Emperor of Japan, at which point I was preoccupied with a more pressing matter: exploring the innermost recesses of my cat's anatomy. Thus, I simply resigned myself to the impossibility of ascertaining specific war plans on the part of the Japanese.. I hoped that everything would unfold in a manner similar to the historical trajectory of my previous world, albeit with a subtle adjustment for the presence of magic in this one.

Let us return to the distressing state of affairs in the Russian military. Regardless of my comments regarding the deplorable state of supply, the pervasive corruption in the upper echelons, or the outright cowardice, treachery, and lack of competence among certain generals and admirals, who have ascended to positions through the influence of their illustrious lineage and the support of influential clans, it is worth noting that the majority of officers and enlisted personnel are comprised of individuals of exceptional character and integrity. These individuals possess the fortitude to engage in combat against overwhelming odds, driven solely by their own convictions and a desire to uphold the legacy of their forebears. Equipped with advanced technology, they emerge triumphant from battles, unshamed by their deeds.

For the fallen, there is no disgrace!

In essence, this entire affair with Japan could have been avoided had our diplomatic corps functioned effectively. Were they to have conducted a comprehensive assessment of Japan's capabilities, it would have become apparent that they could pose a threat to the Russian Empire's stability in the Far East.

However, as a major power, Russia often finds itself in situations where civilized Europe relies on its assistance, yet ultimately, it is Russia that bears the burden of responsibility, while the benefits and territories accrue to others. This was the outcome for Russia after its victory over Napoleon, but it did not receive any tangible gains. Alas, I have allowed my emotions to get the better of me.

On this occasion, our intrepid diplomats advocated for the intervention of the Russian Empire in an alliance with Germany and France during the negotiations between China and Japan following the devastating defeat of the Chinese during the 1894–1895 war. The Japanese had already effectively acquired the Liaodong Peninsula and the island of Formosa, also known as Taiwan. However, due to our intervention, China retained control over the Liaodong Peninsula.

It is difficult to determine who was more responsible for the complications in our relations with Japan. Throughout our interactions with both Germany and France, we have received claims and complaints. However, the longest period of peace we enjoyed with the Germans occurred during the reign of the Teutonic Order, and I shall refrain from discussing the French, who, as eternal allies of the Ottoman Empire, have been and continue to be our perpetual adversaries due to our ongoing territorial disputes at the border.

Regarding the English, who view everyone on the other side of the English Channel as their inferior and second-rate subjects, the progenitor of Nazism, and the very concept of white supremacy over the rest of the world, there is no need for further elaboration. It is in our fate that our nation has never had, nor will ever have, genuine allies. In this context, it is not simply that it is impossible to maintain friendships in international politics, but rather that our cultural values fundamentally diverge from those of other nations.. We are so foreign to them that our neighbours seek to eliminate us by any means possible. And this is not a figment of my imagination or a manifestation of paranoia regarding a universal conspiracy against the Russian people; historical facts bear this out.

When the Teutonic knights arrived in Rus lands, they did not aspire to seize power or assume the position of rulers on our soil; at best, the Slavs were regarded as slaves, nothing more. The next significant test in our history came with the Mongol-Tatar invasion, where once again we had to serve as a bulwark against a nomadic wave that rolled across the steppes from the Great Wall of China, intent on reaching the Atlantic Ocean.

Then there was Napoleon, followed by the formation of the Entente, and soon, if things remain unchanged, the outbreak of the First and Second World Wars.

To be perfectly honest, I can understand the future animosity and claims of the Japanese towards the Russian Empire. If we had not interfered in the division of territories following Japan's defeat of China, they would have obtained the necessary unclaimed lands and easy access to continental resources.

The Japanese islands were not capable of providing a decent standard of living for their people at that time, due to a lack of resources. However, Russian Ivan was easily deceived by inflated promises and dragged into this conflict. After all, Japan was willing to consider Manchuria as a new territory of the Russian Empire in order to maintain peace with us.

Consequently, the Japanese found themselves in a predicament, with their hands tied behind their backs, as neither the Germans nor the French could be trusted to bolster Japan, which may have also posed a future threat to us. However, at that time, we had already acquired a potential adversary on our doorstep. This development was exploited by the British and Americans, whose intentions went beyond our own strengthening and the establishment of naval bases in the Pacific.

And what I beheld now, the unfolding spectacle of battle, or rather, the ordeal of our fleet anchored in Port Arthur, left me utterly unmoved and unimpressed by the events. I cannot say for sure. It is perhaps the natural and customary attitude of the native Japanese towards their adversary, but to enlist demonic entities in their cause during the conflict, which commenced to devour the souls of seamen who had fallen into the sea and consumed their flesh, was an act of utmost inhumanity.

As one who is well acquainted with the horror that befalls the souls of those unfortunate ones, I could not remain aloof and witness the atrocity perpetrated by these devils, who kept these creatures under their control and on a tight leash, allowing them to wreak their bloody havoc.

I confess that for a brief moment, I was momentarily taken aback by the sense of lawlessness that permeated the situation. I had long been accustomed to the notion that those around me were predisposed against demonology. However, I failed to consider that events transpired on the far side of the globe, far removed from Europe, where dark sorcery was not generally regarded as taboo.

Here, the rationale behind my predicament was even more complex, as the European school of demonology primarily focused on eradicating, imprisoning, and expelling demons. In contrast, the Japanese approach centered on enslaving demons and utilizing them in combat and daily life. Shamanic practitioners, such as the Ommojis, maintained the obedience of up to a hundred demons, predominantly water and wind spirits, allowing them to swiftly achieve their objectives, often in the form of interactions with Russian sailors.

I fail to comprehend the rationale behind such ferocity, for the Japanese navy found the Russian fleet with their trousers down, in harbor, with no expectation that someone might initiate hostilities without prior declaration! Alas, history does not appear to have taught our people a lesson. Not only was the Japanese armada able to approach our vessels unimpeded, but also successful sabotage operations were carried out within the confines of the port.

I am unaware of how the initial engagement at sea between our navies in my original timeline occurred, but here we have a veritable carnage. A ship, after all, is not a vehicle; to bring it to combat readiness, merely turning the key suffices to ignite the engine. It requires anywhere from half an hour to an hour for all systems to be warmed up, and it also needs time to exit the bay, yet none of this time was granted to them. The shooting commenced like in a shooting gallery, and I likely would not have intervened had these beings not unleashed their subservient demons.

From the three large vessels, alas, I, as a non-sailor and far removed from the maritime world, could not discern any significant differences between them. To my untrained eye, all ships appeared to vary only in size and the number of cannons they carried. Thus, from these three vessels, I sensed a potent surge of negativity, albeit not of a dark nature.

It was during this encounter that I had the unique opportunity to encounter and become acquainted with yet another form of demonic entity, an entity that exists in its own plane of existence and is prevalent in Japan. These entities are known as Ayakashi.

These demons, for the most part, are the product of the generation of negative emotions in humans. The negative energy emanating from the sensual spirit serves as the source of origin for these monstrous beings.

From time immemorial, long before the arrival of the Bronze Age on the Japanese islands, when the population of future Japan had already begun to grow, a unique culture emerged, encompassing the imaginative creations of tribes still clinging to a primitive way of life. These tribes sought to clothe their fears in the form of fictional beings, which subsequently began to materialize from the negative energies accumulating in the region.

Coincidentally, the Japanese archipelago straddles a vast energy rift between planes, with the plane of negativity proving particularly close to permeating the material world.

Throughout the long history of Japanese culture, a vast array of monsters was created and subsequently embodied, born from the superstitions and fears that pervaded the minds of the Japanese people. Thus, the race of demons known as Oni and the other werewolf-like creatures came to life.

It is important to note that there is a distinction to be made between Japanese kitsune, which are fox-like creatures, and Chinese foxes. All Chinese foxes are without exception cannibals, representing a race of supernatural beings that arrived in our world during the era of world convergence tens of thousands of years ago.

Japanese kitsune, on the other hand, are more diverse, with their nature depending on their place of birth and whether they are incarnated or born from incarnated parents. In essence, ayakashi werewolves share a similar nature to demons, although this does not necessarily imply that they are enemies of humanity.. Furthermore, in addition to these, there exist a multitude of other demons, known as Ayakashi, which personify various concepts. Most of these concepts are associated with negative emotions and natural phenomena, such as sorrow, pain, terror, fear, inclement weather, storms, tsunamis, thunder, fire, or other catastrophic events.

Given their demonic nature and inherent vulnerability, the Ayakashi race is particularly susceptible to the spells and tactics employed by the European demonic school. The Emoji possess numerous methods to effectively eliminate any of these demons. However, due to the constraints of their existence on a limited island, characterized by scarce resources, their society has developed a pragmatic and frugal mindset. As a result, the Ommoji have chosen to seal and subdue any demons they encounter, leading to the accumulation of vast numbers of enslaved demons in the possession of ancient Japanese sorcerers and Emoji.

My conclusion regarding the existence of Japanese clans with their own demonic legions was the result of my analytical process, based on the limited information I possessed and the evidence I have witnessed.

The assault was swift, and the deployment of demons was so unforeseen that I was unable to immediately respond to the horrific attack on Orthodox souls by Japanese sorcerers. Prior to this, I had never encountered living representatives of this infernal race, and thus I did not immediately recognize the malignant signatures of demons unleashed through the will of emojis. During the moments when the assault on our vessels commenced and hundreds of Russian mariners were taken to the depths, the ayakashi succeeded in devouring several dozen sentient beings, but they were unable to do more.

While I deeply desire to remain uninvolved in the affairs of my nation, I could not permit the wholesale sacrifice of innocent seamen, allowing local demons to consume their souls!

**February 9th, 1904 at 00:29**

On the deck of the cruiser «Pallada», Semka turned to Savva and asked:

"Why are you angry with Prokhor?"

Savva replied: "He's just a fool, his tongue like a broomstick."

Semka responded: "I don't see the point. You shouldn't get offended. My advice to you is: if someone doesn't know how to talk, they should show their position with their fists. Otherwise, they'll swallow an insult and be the laughingstock of the whole crew for the rest of their service."

This exchange took place between two young sailors on the Pallada, Semen, who had joined the cruiser only a month before, and Savva. They were discussing the behavior of Prokhor, a fellow crewmember who had been transferred from a destroyer that was currently undergoing repairs in the dock. The destroyer was expected to be ready for combat duty in the sea in March.

Semen warned Savva that if the officers found out about the fight with Prokhor, they could cause trouble for him.

The response of Semyon to his companion remained a mystery to Savva, as a deafening detonation, the clanking of metal, and a deck shaking with such ferocity that the comrades could not maintain their footing, catapulted them into the frigid waters.

The impact of the Japanese torpedo striking the side of the cruiser was so powerful that it momentarily rendered the friends unconscious, leaving them incapable of swiftly regaining their composure and resurfacing. However, upon their eventual ascent to the surface, a harrowing scene unfolded before their eyes!

The docks in the harbour were ablaze, warehouses had been set ablaze following a successful act of sabotage, and the cruiser Pallada had been split in two by a single torpedo strike to the side, leaving it nearly completely submerged. For those present, the events unfolding before their eyes were nothing short of a shock, as they struggled to comprehend how a single torpedo had caused such extensive damage, and why the wreckage of the ship had sunk so swiftly, with no more than a dozen seconds passing since the attack. Little did they know that magic and the supernatural forces had intervened!

"Semyon! On the right! Turn around!" Savva's voice, filled with terror, failed to penetrate the stunned mind of his comrade. He was shouting because, before his very eyes, a monstrous being with serpentine features had emerged from the depths, and if he were in the Mediterranean Sea, he would have identified it as a colossal moray eel.

It was in this guise that the ancient ayakashi manifested itself, having been captured and subjugated by the imperial sorcerer Oeda over a thousand years ago, and now serving his descendant who serves as the secretary to General Togo. The ayakashi is personally participating in the battle today, leading the Japanese armada.

Savva, a man of strong spirit, had managed to survive many dangerous situations, but the sight of his friend, whom he had spoken to and shared a pipe with just moments before, torn in half by the monster, filled him with primal terror. A cry of horror rose in his throat, and he despaired of seeing another day, when suddenly a miracle occurred!

It was as though night had been transformed into day. The heavens were aglow with a radiance so brilliant, a snow-white luminosity that had never before been witnessed, not even in the midst of daylight. Within this radiance, one could discern the silhouette of a mounted warrior with a spear, which illuminated the entire vicinity and served as a source of blinding brilliance.

Every Orthodox present at the scene might have been tempted to believe that St. George himself had descended to their aid, but something within their souls resisted such an interpretation, and from deep within their hearts emerged the realization that the warrior come to their rescue bore the name Svyatozar.

And his name truly embodied his essence, for he radiated a divine light that illuminated an expansive area for hundreds of kilometers around, eclipsing even the brilliance of the sun. The radiance emanating from him was so sacred and benevolent that it brought back to life the very souls of the sailors, who had been wounded and on the brink of death, right before my very eyes.

The malevolent creatures that inhabited the waters and skies above Port Arthur, numbering in the hundreds, began to dissolve and dissipate like mist under the relentless onslaught of sunlight and warmth.


While my illusory avatar was enacting the arrival of the Holy Me, the Holy Father of all, illuminating the scene with actions that poured into the world uncountably, framed in a healing and dispelling light of darkness, I made my way to the flagship. There, Admiral Togo, with the fortitude of a true samurai, gazed upon the unfolding picture of his impending defeat and the collapse of an operation that he had believed to be already won.

My avatar, undeterred, launched a series of Spears of Light spells at the Japanese vessels, one after another, bringing an end to the battle. Only a single vessel remained afloat near the Russian port, bearing on board an extraordinary individual, the commander-in-chief of the unified Japanese fleet — Togo Heihachiro.

I have already had the opportunity to delve deep into the minds of those present in the captain's cabin, all of them being members of the highest echelons of the Japanese navy. Among them, Heihatiro stood out as the most fascinating individual.

He was a monarchist at heart, having embarked on a path of resistance against what he saw as usurpers — the Tokugawa shogunate — even in his youth. He participated in the civil war and distinguished himself, earning the attention of the Emperor of Japan, who sent him abroad for further study.

After the restoration of power to the dynasty overshadowed by Amaterasu, Heihatiro, along with six others, was sent to England for naval science studies at the academy. There, he also pursued parallel studies at Cambridge, graduating with distinction from the Faculty of Mathematics. Upon completing his education in England, Heihatiro returned to Japan as a lieutenant commander, continuing his service under the benevolent rule of the gods-bestowed emperor.

When Heihatir learned of the order to launch an attack on the future enemy without declaring war, he found it difficult to accept such a turn of events. He considered this decision and action of the emperor to be a strategic ploy. He was prepared to take full responsibility for it, and after the military campaign concluded, he intended to commit hara-kiri. However, upon receiving the details of the attack plan and the weapons to be used, he managed to restrain himself from performing seppuku in that moment, albeit with great difficulty.

For him, consorting with dark forces and demons was a most abhorrent crime, yet he considered himself a samurai bound to fulfill his orders without flaw. Only then could he release his emotions and act in accordance with his conscience and honor. In truth, he already regarded himself as a dead man, for participating in such an abominable act of intimidating and demoralizing the enemy's forces, as this act was viewed in the imperial court, was not merely an abomination but a transgression against humanity.

It so happened that his family had, centuries ago, faced demons, and then emojis, who brought with them a hyakki yakō, a parade of hundreds of demons, on multiple occasions. Each encounter ended tragically for his forebears, leaving his family on the verge of extinction.. Thus, he harbored not merely antipathy towards the Ayakashi, but a genuine hatred that had been cultivated and nurtured within their family since childhood, when even the young children of the household were regaled with cautionary tales from their family history before retiring for the night, akin to the narratives found in Stephen King's works rather than traditional fairy tales suited for children.

Now, this man of honor and eloquence, standing at the observation port, witnessed the collapse of the emperor's plans aimed at dismantling the primary Russian naval stronghold and, consequently, the primary striking force in the Pacific region.

But I did not have long to deliberate on how to proceed with the sole Japanese vessel remaining afloat, when I was apprised by my illusionary spies in St. Petersburg of a development.

There was nothing in my world that could compare to this, even if we allowed for the presence of magic, but until today, the course of history has been almost identical to that of my previous world. Despite my ability to be a more discerning observer, many of the names, surnames, and significant historical dates in this world correspond with those of the previous one.

Thus, the news that the Winter Palace of the Imperial family had just been obliterated by a devastating explosion, along with Nicholas II, his wife, and their children, with the exception of Maria Nikolaevna, the fifteen-year-old grand duchess who was paying a visit to her grandmother, Maria Feodorovna — the mother of Nicholas II — struck me like a blow to the head.

The explosion occurred during breakfast when the entire ruling family of the Imperial House was gathered in the dining hall, with the sole exception of Nicholas II's daughter.

They were hemmed in on all sides. I had already resolved to pay a visit to the imbecile who had recently assumed the throne in my historic and spiritual homeland. I intended to reconfigure his personality, so to speak, installing a new operating system, and then let him go forth with a new identity and character upon which one could sharpen knives. He would clean up the mess in the country and restore order in person.

And here's a surprise!

And if nothing is done, the Russian Empire is destined to fall prey to the Tartars. The masses of the people must still be sufficiently prepared by the foreign intelligence services for revolution. Nevertheless, the spirit of change has long been brewing in the major cities of the country, where various intellectuals and progressive students are merely awaiting a serious cause with even a minimal chance of success to ignite the revolutionary conflagration.

I am convinced that the Romanovs themselves are now engaged in a struggle for power. Despite the fact that regulations and procedures for succession have long been established and legally codified, according to which Maria, the daughter of Nicholas II, should become empress, only in such dire circumstances for the country as a war with an external power, can male relatives closely related to the Romanov dynasty attempt to sideline or eliminate her and pave the way for their own ascension to the throne.

And I still find it difficult to comprehend the rationale behind Emperor Mutsuhito's sudden decision to break away from his isolationist policies and embark on a path of radical war. The near-total annihilation of the Romanov dynasty, even by the standards of medieval Japan, stands out as an extraordinary event.

Here, a man who had set his sights on liberating his nation from its self-imposed isolation, seeking to forge connections with the broader world and establish its place in global geopolitics, issued an order for such an act of horror. Were these events to unfold not in the Eastern reaches of Eurasia, but on the fringes of the Catholic realm, in a matter of moments, the Inquisition would have descended, accompanied by my Argali, and the knights of the Order of the Creator would have mobilized.

On the far eastern edge of our continent, there was no hint of the dark undercurrent that had suddenly risen to the surface, indicating nothing less than a diabolical breach!

Now, let us disregard the petty squabbles of the local neighbors of the Russian empire; I am referring to China and Korea, who, as states, have been little more than satellites of either China or Japan throughout most of their history. But why were the Indians not alarmed by this? Only the intellectuals of England were able to establish a presence in India. Meanwhile, the British imperialists soaked themselves in Indian blood in the jungles that, after their initial crushing defeat, they never looked back.

The entire subcontinent of Hindustan is replete with a multitude of mystical anomalies and vast, well-documented and concealed spatial lacunae and realms. And while there are nearly three hundred million ordinary Indians today, when there are only four hundred million total non-magical individuals across Europe, it is worth considering that there has never been any persecution of sorcerers in India. On the contrary, sorcerers constitute the highest caste in society, as their religion dictates. Therefore, it is logical to assume that there must be an order of magnitude more sorcerers in this country compared to Europe, where knowledge has not been eradicated.

It is plausible that there were sorcerers who sensed the emergence of a vast number of demons, followed by my divine intervention. Despite all of this, I fail to detect any attention or interest from anyone. How peculiar, indeed!

My mind was racing, and it was doing so in a grandiose manner, employing all the channels of my consciousness. At that moment, some of these channels were focused on the abduction of Maria Nikolaevna, the sole surviving daughter of the deceased Emperor of the Russian Empire.

She had not even had time to comprehend anything. One moment, she and her grandmother were sitting at a small table, engaging in a leisurely conversation. The elder woman was curious about the younger girl's family dynamics and the state of Nyx and Alex's relationship. Then, like a distant explosion, a shattering occurred, and my illusory avatar transported the ladies into a state of slumber, depositing them in one of my many guest chambers in my abode. They would remain there until I decided what to do with them, and there were certainly thoughts, but the question remained: how best to proceed?

These events unfolded in a matter of moments, leaving me in the captain's quarters with the paralyzed and dazed officers of the flagship under Admiral Togo's command.

Thus, I shall leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of these Japanese on the sole remaining vessel of their former fleet; I shall take with me only the supreme commander, and leave the rest to our sailors to sort out. Having brought Heihachiro Tōgō under my control, I proceeded to the imperial palace in Tokyo, specifically to one of the chambers where the Emperor had hosted Admiral Tōgō on several occasions in the company of other military experts and generals, during which discussions on strategy and plans for future warfare took place.

Once within the confines of the palace, I became acutely aware of the intricate network of enchantments that surrounded me. These enchantments formed a delicate web, designed to detect any unauthorized entry and promptly alert the authorities.

Upon entering the castle, it appeared that each guest underwent a form of identity verification. A mark was imprinted upon their aura, serving as a testament to their status as a dignified individual within the palace's boundaries. However, this was merely the surface layer of magical enchantments. Beneath the physical realm, a multitude of scanning constructs weaved their way through multiple planes of existence, spanning from subspaces to other dimensions.

The quality of these enchantments suggested the involvement of masterful ritualists or artisans, although in this particular case, the expertise of seal masters and conspirators from the realm of Japan was evident. Their approach to magical workings differed slightly from that of traditional ritualists.; In a setting where a European would impose their will and bend reality to suit their desires, the Japanese approach is more flexible, persuading the world to follow their lead. However, the castle in Tokyo, built less than fifty years ago, has seen the art of local sorcerers, and I am convinced that they are of a high calibre. Without my intervention (as a witcher), there would be few magicians in Europe capable of competing with the local craftsmen.

I summoned a dozen of my duplicates and sent them to reconnoitre the palace, while I personally made my way to the emperor's chamber. What a creature he is! Yesterday morning, after giving the order for his fleet to sail to Port Arthur to attack, he knew at that very moment that there would be a full-scale assault following his instructions, with hundreds of Russian sailors destined to become demon food. He was enjoying himself with his concubines, the villain.

Unconcerned with the well-being of Emperor Meiji, I intruded into his mind and immediately regretted my actions.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C38
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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