40% Unkillable [An Anime-verse Story] / Chapter 2: The God and the Wishes

章 2: The God and the Wishes

"You have died."

"Figures. Seeing as how I got chopped up into tiny little pieces."

I take a sip from the cup the man beside me offered to me a while ago. He was an old man with a huge, white beard, a calm smile ever present on his face. There was this strange, majestic aura oozing out of him, with his eyes shining brightly as if holding the truth to everything.

We were both sitting on a tatami mat, with a round table in front of us, a bucket filled with cookies, and two cups of tea on top of it. We were surrounded by clouds, wind blowing around us but surprisingly, it wasn't chilly.

It feels nice, just sitting here with my cup of tea in hand. I am sure that if I had lived my life to the end, without any knives and stabbing involved, then this moment would have been my retired life.

This is the most relaxed I have been in my short, 16 years of life as a human being. It's quite sad, really. Seeing as dying has been the only way I could truly relax. Was my life that hectic?

Welp, I am dead, so that's not important anymore.

"So, what now?" I asked, putting the cup down for a while. "Are we going to enjoy our time together like this forever? I won't mind that, to be honest. This tea is amazing."

I raise the cup toward the old man, making our cups clink together. The tea was extremely delicious, no kidding. I wonder if he will teach me how to brew it.

The man, who is apparently a god, chuckled good-naturedly, his grandfatherly aura making me at ease in his presence. His eyes twinkled in amusement as he patted my back.

I take another sip from my cup, sighing in contentment. Ah~ Dying is the best~

The old God chuckled.

"I find your company quite pleasant as well, Taika Sugehiro. You're one strange human being." The old god laughed boisterously. "How can you remain calm after what happened to you?"

Hearing his words, and seeing the amusement in his eyes, the blissful expression on my face was replaced by an embarrassed one. I cleared my throat, trying to maintain a decent image. Be that as he may, this man is the creator of all. Acting like a fool in front of him is disrespectful.

"Oh, that's because what's done is done. It's not like I had any attachments to life." My gaze turned somber. "I was an orphan, not to mention I didn't have any friends. No family to go back to, and having no friends who I can share my pain with, it was a very dull life."

God gave me a sympathetic smile, offering me an orange that materialized out of thin air. I took it from his hand, saying a small 'thank you'.

"I have always dreamt of having a family, a home I can go back to. It was my true– Wait a damn minute. My life was pretty cliche, wasn't it?"

My expression changed, turning to that of a deadpan. What the heck kind of life I was living?

Not sensing my distress for having realized the shitty life I had, god continued to sympathize with me.

"You had it rough, dear Taika." The god gently patted my back. "Not to mention, you had a tragic end. Is there anything I can do for you?"

My dull eyes lightened up at that offer. I smiled gently at the god, my voice similar to that of an angel.

"Give the bastard who killed me an immortal body, increase his sensitivity to pain by a billion times, then throw him in the Sun. Let him burn for all eternity."




"R-right..." The god looked a bit disturbed. "I... can't do that. He will get his punishment in due time. And believe me, it will be just."


With that, the god chuckled again, seemingly getting back to his god-like self.

"If you're finding trouble in thinking of what to wish, then let this old fossil be of use. How about I give you a suggestion?" He winked, and it was now my time to be disturbed.




"Say something, please!"

The old man begged, two drops of tears rolling down his cheeks. He seemed embarrassed by what he did, as he should.

"Right... Go ahead. I'm listening."

Using a handkerchief to wipe his tears, which he created out of nowhere, he wiped his eyes and nose. Turning toward me, he began speaking again.

"Sorry, you had to see this."

"It's fine. You were saying...?"

"Right." God cleared his throat. "As I was saying, let me give you a suggestion. How about I reincarnate you into a world filled with various anime and manga merged? Doesn't it sound wonderful? A world where your waifus are real, and not just your Google history. You can meet your favorite characters, become friends with them, a part of their story. How does that sound?!"

The god grinned, his chest puffed out as he looked quite proud of himself. I calmly sipped my tea, before smiling at him.

"Not interested."

I'm not a disgusting otaku, you know?~

Despite the clear disinterest in my tone, the kind-hearted God didn't seem all that disheartened, as his grin remained on his face.

"I will give you a boon."

"Let's discuss the matter, shall we?"

We both shook hands, smiling from ear to ear. What? Do you think I am shameless? You're absolutely right, I am! Anime worlds are dangerous, even if it's a slice-of-life one. I don't want to die a second time, so instead of getting reborn with nothing but my previous self's memory, I would have nothing to use.

And it's not easy living in a world where the concept of physics is always in question. If I were to get reborn in a world like that without any boons, I better ask god to kill me again. There is no difference.

Shaking my head, I decided to ask all the questions I have.

"Am I going to get reborn? Or is it going to be more like transmigration?" I asked, my eyebrow raised. "If you're wondering, Transmigration is getting your soul transferred to another body, or something like that."

"I know what Transmigration means, young Taika. No need to inform me." He mused. "To answer your question, you will be reborn, and your memories will be sealed, till you reach a certain age."

"And that age would be....?"

"16 years, similar to your current self. Do not worry about anything though. Your personality and mannerisms will remain the same, even without your memories. It is you, after all."

"I see." I hummed, seemingly thinking about something. "That doesn't sound too bad, actually."

Basically, I will live not knowing who I am for the next sixteen years, after that, I will get a huge headache and an info dump on who I am.

It's basically like me going into auto-pilot mode for sixteen years. I'd retain my original personality, so I guess it's fine. Better than living my days as a baby with the brain of a teenager.

Didn't he say that the world I will get reborn in will be a mixture of different anime worlds merged together? I was not much of an anime watcher, so there's a chance I will not know about some worlds that will be there. I will have to be careful, then.

"Is this world... how should I put it...?" I fiddled with my cup. "Is this world dangerous? Like, extreme level dangerous?"

God shook his head, smiling in reassurance. "No. It isn't. Most of the anime in this world are from normal genres, so I doubt you will have much of an issue. It depends on what you wish for, to be honest."

Right, wishes.

"How many of these wishes am I getting? Is there any limit to what I can ask?" Can I become a god like you too? I better not ask that.

"If you're thinking of getting some overpowered level of strength, then I'm sorry to inform you, but you won't get them. We have our way of dealing with things, you see."

Well, shucks. But I was expecting that. Even if I could get any wish I want, I would have still not taken that offer.

With great power, comes great responsibility. And an irresponsible guy like me doesn't like the sound of that.

The god suddenly clapped, gaining my attention.

"It's time for you to wish for what you want," God said, his voice booming, making my eardrums feel funny. "I will give you two wishes. Does that sound fair to you?"

"Make it three and you have a deal" I flash him a shameless smile. "And my eternal gratitude, of course."

The God shook his head, seemingly amused.

"Fine. Go ahead. Give me your best shot."

I saw a glint in his eyes as if he was ready to tackle anything I threw at him. Don't challenge me like that, God-san. I will end up asking for your position if you do that.

I think for a few seconds, before giving him my answer.

Here goes nothing.

"Give me a body that can heal from anything, be it disease, physical attack, psychological attack, or any sort of attack. And yes, make sure it doesn't take too long for me to heal. Preferably under a minute." I said.

An unkillable body. That's what I want. No more getting stabbed to death for me!

"Hmmm... Fine. But it might take you a little longer than a minute to heal, but not too long." God hummed, stroking his long beard. "If your entire body were to get destroyed, it will only take you an hour to heal. I will even add in a little effect too. If someone were to trap the pieces of your body, you can escape by self-destructing, and then you can regenerate out of thin air. But it will only work once a month, so be careful." He warned, looking serious for the first time since our conversation started.

I nod my head.


"Then for your next wish?"

This time, I take a bit longer to think about what I wanted. I've got an unkillable body, but what about the pain that comes with it? I'd prefer to die painlessly than live getting tortured all my life.

I guess I know what to wish.

"Give me a pain nullification ability, that I can activate and deactivate whenever I want." I put a hand under my chin, trying to look smart.

"Why not make it passive?"

"Cuz I want to feel human, duh."

I deadpanned, making the God sweatdrop.

"I... don't understand, but if that's what you want." He sighed, before smiling again. "What's your last wish?"

"Increase the size of my peni—"


The god flashed me a close-eyed smile, making me click my tongue in annoyance. What's so wrong with my wish, huh?

Instead of answering the question in my head, the old God checked his watch, raising his eyebrow before looking at me.

"Time is ticking, Taika-kun. How about you tell me what your next wish is?"

This time, I didn't need to think all that long.

"Fine. Increase my physical attributes to the max." As I saw him almost reject the idea, I quickly added. "To a limit, you're allowed to."

He hummed, seemingly pondering my request. After a while of silent thinking, he finally relented with a sigh.

"Done. You're going to be a force to be reckoned with, Taika-kun. I'm honestly a bit worried." He said, sounding nervous. What is he so worried about, anyway? Isn't he the God?

"Meh, don't worry about it." I nonchalantly waved my hand, putting a cookie in my mouth. "I honestly asked for all these wishes for one reason only, and that's to not die by getting stabbed again. It's not like I will go out of my way to conquer the world."

"That is certainly true. I cannot feel any flooding desire in your heart. You don't even seem excited." His nervousness vanished, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.

"Well, I'm the type of guy who goes with the flow, so yeah. I'm neither excited nor worried."

"I see."

"I'm thankful though." I rubbed the side of my cheek, a bit awkwardly. "For giving me a second chance at life. It means a lot."

The smile I received this time was a bit different than his usual, polite one. This one looked more genuine than before. Instead of patting my back this time, he started patting my head.

"It is fine, Taika-kun. You're one sweet soul. I'm sure you will make a name for yourself in this world." He continued ruffling my hair, and as he did, I noticed most of my memories vanishing from my head at a fast pace.

No, wait. They weren't vanishing. They were still there, but I couldn't quite remember them. I even forgot my name.

"It is time. Your new life begins now."

I quickly stuffed my mouth with the cookies, realizing I was about to leave. Giving the god a thumbs up, I tried to tell him I was ready.

With that, God snapped his finger.

"Live your life to the fullest."

—With that, my vision turned dark.

And my new life finally began.


Hello Deat Readers.

Author here.

So, the story will finally start in the next chapter. And if you guys have any problems with the wishes he asked for, I don't particularly care about it as those wishes were crucial for the plot.

MC will be Unkillable in this world. There are going to be characters who are stronger than him, but they still won't be able to kill him, except for a few crazy strong, goated characters.

I will try to keep the personality of the characters in line with their og counterparts, so if I make any mistakes, do not hesitate to comment on it.

That's it.


Manofculture_5978 Manofculture_5978

Just give me your power stones already!!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


