"Just to confirm, is what is written here real?" I asked anxiously.
"You should know Mr. Smith, these are records of your own making." The clerk replied smugly.
In my hands was a ranking. One I didn't even know existed.
Rankings were used as both measures and standards of performance. It enforced a single rule. No matter how perfect everyone was, there had to be a first and a last.
Incentives and penalties were usually tied to positions in such rankings, compelling everyone to do better because no one wanted to be at the bottom.
The tablet I had in my hand displayed the following information.
[Deathfall Annihilation Ranking - North America - Wraith division - July 24, 2023]
Ranking | Graveyard Id |Total Points | Profession | WinChance% | Payout
1st Limitless 2175 pts Mercenary 0.0002% 500/1
2nd SacredEdge01 684 pts Mercenary 40% 3/2
3rd DeathWalker 654 pts Mercenary 35% 9/5
Hi everyone,
If you like the book please support it with a review, PS and comments. Leave a major gift and I will respond with an extra chapter.
Enjoy the read!
To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!