49.39% Marvel: I Need A New Body / Chapter 41: 40. Lilja means Lily

章 41: 40. Lilja means Lily

Honestly, I didn't expect this much hate for his new name. 

I agree, that it's a completely new name, strange to look at (A Norse inspired name so, of course), but it's not that hard to pronounce. 

Eirikyr," will sound something like "Eiri" as in ("Eri"k) and kyr as in ("Kir"a).

Also, some people are saying that I intentionally dropped a worse name.

Ans: Nope, call my naming sense worse, but I honestly thought it's a good name. :(

Another thing, after this chapter, just so you guys are happy, I'll use simple Erik in narration and he'll be called Eirikyr by not-so-close people. Close friends will call him Erik. 


"Then how about after my name-giving ceremony is done, we leave for Earth? I don't want to delay making Wanda a queen."

"Huh?" The twins uttered in unison.

"Never mind that I'll tell you about my new plan later but first, looks like the maids are looking for us, I guess it's time for the ceremony."

And indeed the maids were here to call them for the exact occasion. 

The palace halls echoed with footsteps as the group made their way towards the grand hall where Jerry's name-giving ceremony was to take place. 

Before coming here they were dressed up in traditional attire for the ceremony. The air buzzed with excitement, and Wanda couldn't help but feel a mix of joy and curiosity.

As they entered the hall, Odin, the Allfather, awaited them on his throne which was rebuilt even grander after Malekith destroyed it. Frigga's death didn't happen in this universe and hence Odin remained the same. 

The woman who was the cause of his continued normalcy stood beside him, a warm smile on her face. Thor was absent though, he was on Earth, probably enjoying his date with Jane.

Jerry, stood at the center, adorned in an attire that was similar to what he wore yesterday at the feast, though this time the color was maroon and gold.

Odin and Frigga stepped forward, the Gungnir shone with enchantments. 

"We are gathered here to bestow a new name upon one who has proven himself a stalwart friend and ally to Asgard," Odin's voice boomed. "Jerry, son of Ander, step forward."

Not minding the ever-mistaking of his surname, Jerry stepped forward, standing tall. 

Odin and Frigga began to speak in the ancient tongue, invoking blessings upon Jerry and bestowing upon him the name that would resonate through the realms.

As the royal couple finished reciting the blessings, Odin raised Gungnir and aimed the spear's tip at Jerry. "From this day forth, you shall be known as Eirikyr, the Eternal Ruler. May this new name mark the beginning of a new era for you, one of continued honor and glory."

As he received his new name from the King and Queen of Asgard, Jerr-Eirikyr could feel mystic energy course through his body. He felt rejuvenated and charged with energy.

This was just a temporary buff he received from them.


Once the ceremony concluded, cheers and applause filled the hall, and the one who had the brightest smile was none other than Wanda.

After the formalities, the group retreated to a more intimate setting to celebrate. 

Tables were adorned with lavish feasts, and golden goblets brimmed with the finest Asgardian wines. Frigga approached Eirikyr and Wanda with a twinkle in her eye.

"The name suits you, Eirikyr," she said, raising her goblet in a toast. "May your reign and love over Wanda endure through the ages."

With a smile, Eirikyr clinked his goblet with Frigga's, "Thank you, Ma'am. Though, I hope my reign is more 'smooth sailing' than a Bifrost's ride."

They shared a laugh at that.

It was just a joke, there was no kingdom that Eirikyr ruled as of now, but soon...

"Oh, and Aunt Frigga, I'll be leaving for Earth with Erik, my brother, and his girlfriend tonight." 

Frigga smiled with sadness evident in her voice, "You're already leaving, I'll miss you, dear."

As the night progressed, the time to leave for Earth came close. Erik, Wanda, Pietro, and finally Lilja as well, gathered near the mothership.

"Hey guys, I'm Lilja, 800 years old, a recently enrolled Asgardian soldier, and Pietro's girlfriend. Thanks for taking me to Midgard with you all. I wanted to see the realm that the other eight realms revolved around for a long time!" Lilja said with a beaming smile.

Lilja Larsdottir was just as she said, an 800-year-old, recently enrolled Asgardian soldier, and Pietro's girlfriend. She was a short, tanned, and cute girl with short white hair. She seemed like an outgoing girl, with a big smile, and gave a tomboyish impression. 

She had a small complex about her small bust size but her confidence in the thickness of her thighs and butt compensated for that. 

After receiving heartfelt goodbyes from the Asgardians, which also included the Queen, they boarded Erik's mothership, the ginormous craft humming to life. 

The mothership was under Wanda's command for the past 14 days and she was given full authority over the ship and Erik's army. 

When Eirikyr, formally known as Jerry, woke up in the cocoon yesterday, he found out that the ship no longer recognized him as a person in command. Thankfully, it also wasn't hostile towards him.

Erik asked Wanda to register him and she made him the supreme commander of the ship once again, with her being the second in command.

Lilja, for whom it was the first time to enter such a craft, gushed with excitement at every hum, and every mechanical clink in the ship.

She felt a surge of excitement as the stars elongated outside the viewports, the ship making the jump to faster-than-light speeds.

It didn't take more than a few hours for the ship to reach Mars. Erik parked the mothership at the base they had been using for the past year. 

On Mars, they switched their craft from the mothership to the stealth ship. 

The stealth ship soon reached Earth, giving everyone a majestic view of planet Earth. 

"Incredible..." Jilja breathed, taking in the scenery through the ship's main viewport.

 The ship angled downwards, descending through the atmosphere towards the northern latitudes. 

As they broke through the cloud deck, Lilja gasped at the breathtaking vistas that opened up before them. Towering mountains blanketed in pristine snow. Sweeping evergreen forests stretching to the horizon. 

"Where exactly are we headed? Pietro asked as he folded his arms.

"Let's settle down somewhere relatively isolated for now," Erik replied. "Somewhere we can get our bearings before I initiate my plan."

"What plan?" Lilja tilted her head.

"Something about making Wanda the queen of the country we were born in," Pietro replied with a small smile.

"Really! Then let's gather Erik's army and conquer the whole realm while we're at it!!!" Lilja shouted excitedly. "I'll call my battalion friends to aid in the conquest as well!"

Erik chuckled, "Chillax, girl. We're not gonna pull another Loki here. It's something ordinary but epic. I'm thinking of a Coup d'état."


Everyone squinted their eyes, Pietro and Wanda actually wondering how was he gonna do that, while Lilja just copied Pietro and Wanda, she didn't even know what a Coup d'état was. To her, it sounded like some food.

"But first, we're gonna relax. Besides, I need to gather information on everyone in power in this country. The presence of Hydra might delay the actual action..."

Wanda didn't know how to feel about becoming a queen. She wants the betterment of her country and its people, yeah, but she doesn't want to rule the said country... She might talk with Erik about this alone later...

"Looks like we're here."

The stealth ship descended gently, finding a secluded spot in the dense Sokovian forests. Erik, Wanda, Pietro, and Lilja exited the ship, feeling the familiar crunch of leaves beneath their feet.

A small unit of Chittauri also disembarked from the ship, and they began to construct a cabin for the group. 

"I guess, this will take an hour to finish, lets explore the area till then."

The group went on to explore the forest while the Chittaurians worked their magic. Lilja was the most excited one, running around in forests wasn't something new to her but seeing the strange wildlife of Earth was. It fascinated her.

The tanned girl didn't even hesitate to wrestle a bear barehanded to see its power. However, Erik and Wanda stopped her when she started to choke the bear to death. The bear ran away scared shitless. 

"Come back tiny Bjorn, how dare you roar at me!!" Lilja shouted at the poor but biggest bear in the forest.

"Are you sure Lilja means Lily in Asgard?" Erik looked at Wanda.

"Why, she's just like a Lily, cute and delicate?" Wanda tried to stop her giggle from her own joke but failed.

The next few days passed in a blink as Erik gathered information about the political landscape and power dynamics of the country, he also enjoyed multiple dates with Wanda.

Pietro and Lilja were barely in the house, Erik and Wanda didn't know what the two were up to but they utilized the time alone with lots of hot and steamy moments.

As the days melded into weeks, a month passed in a blink. 

Erik, armed with a thorough understanding of Sokovia's power dynamics, Hydra's, and a few other shadow organization's movements concluded that the time was ripe to initiate the first phase of his plan.

And tomorrow, Wanda was going to become the first female Army General in Sokovian history.



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