73.58% Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core] / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Breaking Decrees

章 39: Chapter 39: Breaking Decrees

After the Saint's Day tea party, life in the Royal Academy sees several notable events happening.

A majority of the lower-ranked noblemen cease attempting to court the loud and obnoxious noblewomen, having obtained fiances or potential ones during Leon's party. Where they used to bow their heads and tried hard to appeal to the noblewomens' attention, now they give them nary a second glance as they talk about their futures with lighter shoulders and hopeful voices. They walk in groups, following members of Leon's entourage or even Leon himself.

Clarice Fia Atlee joins Angelica Rafa Redgrave in showing a closeness to Leon Fou Bartford and his men, their followers interacting more like friends than just mere allies. But there is also a closeness between the two high-ranked girls and the scholarship student, Olivia of Freycross– the three of them often eating together at lunch and going out to the capital to buy the commoner girl dresses or eat expensive meals together. But always they are shadowed by Leon or his men, making sure they remain safe from the shadows.

All the while, the Lafan girl continues to interact closely with the Crown Prince and three Founding Heirs– Jilk, Greg, and Brad. They dine together, go on outings and excursions together, and general show a sort of closeness that is highly improper for individuals of their ranks. They even buy her presents, the most significant of which is an Exclusive Servant– an Elf that looks no older than Leon's own brother Collin.

Sometimes, they run into the girls at the Capital or in Academy grounds. While Clarice and Angelica seethe at the blatant display of infidelity before them, Olivia is always there to pull them back before anything bad can happen.

Yet the two noble daughters are not unaffected.

Clarice slowly becomes rowdier and less restrained– often joining the Ravens on bar crawls and drinking contests while her minders keep a close eye. Leon is usually there to stop her before she goes too far, but he's not omnipresent and sometimes… sometimes the Atlee daughter has to be carried back to her dorm room in secret– the young woman drunk and sobbing and wondering what she did wrong.

And Angelica, though remaining civil and calm in public, turns into a completely different person in private; where she screams her frustrations and damages her room in displays of fury that even Olivia has a hard time corralling. All of them ending with her in heartbroken tears amidst her ruined personal quarters. This she reports to Leon, and begs him to do something before Angelica does anything worse.

So he does.


"A meeting with the Queen, Duke Redgrave, and Minister Atlee?" Hustler One gawks at him in the captain's quarters of the Little Buzzard. "Are you serious?"

"Yes." he nods, handing the gynoid three envelopes. "I want these delivered, ASAP. The contents of the letters will make it clear that this is serious and involves the future of the Kingdom." he waits until the A.I takes the letters before continuing. "I've had enough of watching the Crown Prince play his stupid game and not even considering the consequences for the future. For fuck's sake, he's supposed to be the future King! Instead of acting like it, he's pissing on his and Angelica's parents' efforts to make him the most powerful ruler in Holfort's history!" he throws his hands up. "The same with Jilk, the fucking dumbass! Turning the Minister of Finance's daughter into a miserable drunk mess– the moment her father hears of this, his family's ruined!"

"I understand that you have begun to care for these girls and that their well-being is important to you, Leon." Hustler One starts. "But I fail to see how this would help in our plans for the Kingdom's future."

"Think, Hustler! Think!" Leon turns to the gynoid, tapping his fingers against his temples. "Four heirs from four important families engaged with four other key families in the Kingdom are gallivanting off with some child that has nothing positive to give towards the development of the country. In a feudalistic society, that's tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot and then pissing on the faces of mob bosses! Imagine what'll fucking happen if these key families break off their engagements and get back at the kingdom through petty spite!"

The Fields are in charge of guarding the border between the Kingdom and Fanoss. They lack the funding and equipment needed to repel a possible invasion force, which was what the Olfrey's were originally for. Their prestige as a Founding Family is the biggest asset they can bring to bear, but if that's ruined by Brad's idiocy…

The Sebergs produce some of the best warriors in the Kingdom. Greg's fiance, Isara Fou Gunther, is the heiress to the biggest and most prolific arms and Armor producer in the Kingdom. Together, they form the Kingdom's greatest standing military force outside of Leon, his Ravens, and the 422nd. But if their engagement falls through, the Seberg's would be left without weapons and Armors.

The Marmorias are known for their shrewdness, plotting skills, and keen diplomatic ability. Pairing Jilk with Clarice, whose father is the Minister of Finance, would have secured the Kingdom's economic stability for decades. Minister Atlee wouldn't even need to do anything to get back at the Kingdom; simply allowing human greed to do it for him.

And then Julius, the Crown Prince. His marriage to Angelica would have secured the Kingdom's political stability and effectively unite the two biggest cliques in the country into one whole. There would have been minimal resistance, if any, in making and passing new laws. Hell, they could even petition for a regime change with decent odds of success.

But they threw it all away. All of it for a diminutive woman with nothing to contribute and everything to gain.

"A weak border against a known enemy with significant negative history. An outdated military and under-equipped military force. " Hustler One murmurs, mind racing. "A tanking economy rife with corruption and suboptimal management. And a ruling party with significant opposition in their government...."

"Civil war between opposing political factions. Secession of dissatisfied territories. A tanking economy worse than Wars on multiple fronts from multiple invading foreign powers." Leon continues for it. "Holfort wouldn't even exist anymore. We could start over, but it would be much harder to develop a presence without outright taking over a whole country. And you can bet that if we do that–"

"Other countries would attempt a takeover and either stop us or force us to start over." the gynoid grits its teeth. "Damn it. Damn it."

"Like it or not, Holfort is our best bet to get humanity back to the stars. We cannot lose it." Leon hisses. "We stand a better chance of success if we keep it intact and make controllable internal conflict that we can use to our own ends. This whole fiasco with the engagements is usable, but not if it spirals out of control."

"So these letters and the meeting you're asking them to attend–" Hustler One starts.

"Is to stop it from spiraling further out of control." Leon nods. "And to take advantage of the chaos."

"I see. Alright, I'll have these letters delivered." the A.I nods back. "Will you need anything else?"

"...just one more loose end." Leon sighs. "I'll take care of it."

=X=X=X=X=X =

It takes a week for Leon to receive responses from Duke Redgrave, Lord Atlee, and Her Highness the Queen. All three agree to the meeting, to be hosted in one of the royal palace's many private rooms so he may properly brief them about what this threat to the future of the Kingdom entails.

The meeting would be hosted a week from when he receives their responses, and he uses that time to gather and compile evidence of his concerns.

Records of Julius', Jilk's, Brad's, and Greg's infidelities as well as eye-witness accounts from both students unaffiliated with Leon's group and impartial teachers. The Ravens trawl through the various businesses and attractions of the capital, looking for eye-witnesses and records that indicate the Founding Heirs' presence there with the Lafan girl. They even find the sellers for the many gifts the Founding Heirs had given the girl, including seller for Exclusive Elf Servant, and paying for information about the transactions.

It's around now that Leon recalls the Ravens he sent out to investigate the Lafan girl's background. They bring reports of her upbringing, the terrible conditions she was forced to survive in, and the Lafan family's gross neglect and despicable use of their youngest daughter as a glorified debt mule.

Leon takes in the information and decides the girl at least deserves a talking to.


Marie Fou Lafan stalks the Academy halls, eyes peeled and heart racing.

The end-of-term ball is but a month away, and though she's triggered all the available capture targets' flags, she still worries.

The Villainess' bullying scenes stopped happening after the Academy Dungeon Excursion event, and since then she's always been accompanied by the Protagonist wherever she goes. Out in town, in and out of classes, even during meals that hateable blonde bimbo was present. And every time she managed to stop the Villainess from acting out the planned bullying scene.

During classes, when she and the Prince would secretly trade answers. Out of classes, when she and the capture targets were walking together down the halls. During excursions in the capital, where the boys would buy her all kinds of luxury gifts or treat her to delicious food. Events that should have, with 100% guarantee, riled up the Villainess into action and scathing dialogue that the Prince would step in and save her from, just… didn't happen.

Always the Protagonist would step in, pulling the Villainess back while shooting Marie disapproving looks. Her, the one that took over her spot as the main heroine! What, was she pissed? Did she somehow know that Marie had taken over her role?

Ugh, and then there was that NPC with the scar. He didn't even do anything besides watching her from afar without a word! It was so creepy! What was he, a stalker? Some kind of antagonist? He even held that 'coffee' party and only invited the plebs and low-ranked girls as well as a handful of high-ranked girls too, and from what she heard it was… pretty fun.

Damn it, he was definitely a DLC capture target! He had to be! She should've tried harder to find and get him but she had a hard time leaving the Prince and the other base game capture targets! Shit, what kind of CGI scenes did she miss with him? Were his +18 scenes good too? Who was his voice actor? Ooh, she bet it must've been someone good, like Junichi Suwabe or–


Marie freezes and spins left, seeing the subject of her thoughts leaning against a pillar.

"Lady Lafan." he drawls, and she feels her heart skip a beat at the deep, masculine baritone of his voice. "I've been looking for you. Despite being quite the hot topic in school, you're quite elusive."

Oh. Oh! Was this the start of his route? Did she do something to trigger it?! Oh god, oh god–

Okay, just– play it cool! What would the Protagonist do? Act cute? Yeah, act cute!

"A-Ah, Lord Bartford!" she curtsies, putting up her best timid voice. "I-I hadn't expected to see you here! W-What were you doing?"

"Observing. Learning." he shrugs. "That's what I do for all my prey items."

Prey item? Ooh, was he the carnivorous type? With his looks, that build, and reputation, he has to be! Oh god, he must be a beast in bed! Now she has to get him!

"P-Prey?" Marie fakes a gasp. "L-Lord Bartford, I-I can't! W-We can't! It's not p-proper!"

"And yet you go around seducing other womens' fiancees like it's nothing, and proudly show off your efforts to those same women you've wronge." he snorts, and Marie's world stops. "You might have deceived the Prince and 3 Founding Heirs, but you'll find me to be a harder catch."

"...what?" Marie blinks, the act falling away. "What're you talking about?"

"Exactly what I said." the young man shrugs. "You didn't think your efforts would go unnoticed, did you? Everyone can see what you've done, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what your plans are. It just so happens to involve ruining the future of the Kingdom." he pauses. "But then, when the kind of debts you've been saddled with, I don't blame you."

"Who told you that?" Marie hisses, stepping back.

"My dear, I'm one of the most influential men in the Kingdom. It's no issue to ask some people to look into your background." he stands in front of her. "And what a sad background it is, to be made a debt mule. Your parents are horrible people." he tilts his head to the side. "And sadly, the apple doesn't fall from the tree."

Marie turns and walks away, fury bubbling in her chest. She takes three steps before she notices the two young men positioned on the pathway, blocking her way. She turns around and finds two more blocking the path she came from.

She's trapped.

"No running away to hide in some woods this time." Leon Fou Bartford drawls. "Now, I'd like to have a word with you."


Mylene Rafa Holfort beholds the documents with trembling hands. Fury, sorrow, and remorse cling heavy to her heart. But all of them combined fail to outweigh the shame she feels for her son's actions. It weighs heavy on her conscience as his mother, the only real parent in his life when his father was out gallivanting with other, younger women. She had thought she'd raised him better, taught him better…

And she wasn't the only one.

"...is this true, Lord Bartford?" Vincent asks from his seat, visibly shaking with fury. "That the Crown Prince has been… been shaming and humiliating my daughter like this for the past few months?"

"A-And my daughter…" Minister Atlee chokes, sorrow and fury in tightening his throat. "My little Clarice has been driven to drink and delinquency because of…! Of…!"

Before them, Leon Fou Bartford bows. He says nothing, not needing to.

Mylene feels her heart break as the future of the Kingdom, so bright and secure, turns to ash.

"How long have you been monitoring this situation, Lord Bartford?" she asks instead.

"And hadn't you thought to inform us of this earlier?" Vincent adds.

"Since the beginning of the school year, Your Highness." the young man answers. "I've had my men keep tabs on His Highness the Prince's actions, as well as those of the involved Founding Heirs. They were instructed to record their activities and compile them, but not intervene out of respect for the Prince's authority and his desire to enjoy a schooling atmosphere devoid of courtly matters." he sighs. "And the Prince had decreed at the start of the school year that 'no outside matter was to be brought into the academy'. Had I known he would be an easy victim to seduction and outside influence, I would have…"

"The fault is not yours, Bartford." Vincent grunts. "You had no obligation to look after the Prince or our daughters. Yet you did anyway."

"It is a good mark on your character, son." Minister Atlee nods. "You have my thanks for watching after Clarice."

"And mine for protecting Angelica." Vincent nods as well. "Rest assured, we will endeavor to see your efforts appropriately rewarded."

"I didn't do this for a reward, sirs." he bows a little lower, and Mylene's heart aches to have a son who was half as mature as the Bartford boy is. "Your thanks alone is reward enough. I couldn't stand by and allow their fiancees to–"

"Former fiancees." Mylene interrupts. "As of this moment, Julius is no longer betrothed to Angelica."

"And Clarice is no longer betrothed to the Marmoria boy." Minister Atlee nods. "Clearly, he is no good for her."

"I agree." Vincent nods. "I apologize Mylene, but that thing does not deserve my daughter's hand."

"No he does not." Mylene sighs. "I had thought I raised him to be better than this…" she brings a hand up to her face, dashing away the tears as she fights to smother the sobs. "S-Saint help me, where did I go wrong…"

There is a long moment of silence as the men in the room with her allow her some time to calm down. It takes her longer than she would have liked, but she does calm down– not enough to retain her queenly visage but enough to remain functional.

She can cry fully in private. Right now, her country needs her.

"If I may be so bold, Your Highness," the Bartford boy starts. "The deeds of the child need not always reflect that of the parent. Sometimes, they just grow up to be different people." he looks up at her, dark eyes firm in their belief. "This is wholly the Prince's fault. Not yours."

"He speaks truly Mylene." Vincent nods, expression soft. "You are not at fault for this. Sometimes, people are just… incompatible with each other."

"Agreed. That's the risk with arranged marriages– there's no guarantee it can work." Minister Atlee nods. "Young Bartford, what can you tell us of the vixen responsible for charming the boys?"

"I've dealt with her for the time being, sir." he bows. "Her circumstances are… not something to be discussed given your current states." he stands upright. "Perhaps after tempers have cooled and you can deal judgement with full impartiality."

Mylene trades looks with the two lords flanking her, then pins the boy with a look.

"Is she a foreign agent?" she asks.

"Not. Her background shows no possibility of foreign action." Bartford answers. "She is, without a doubt, of Holfortan stock."

"Her motivations?" Vincent asks.

"Purely material. She had no deeper plan than that." Bartford answers again. "It's likely that her efforts to charm the Prince and the Founding Heirs simply failed to account for the long-term consequences to both herself and the Kingdom."

"Hmph. A gold digger, then…" Minister Atlee considers. "She belongs to the Lafans, correct?"

"Yes, Minister Atlee." Bartford nods. "And they are the cause of her resorting to this. From what my men were able to gather, they were using her as a debt mule to off-load all their gambling loans on."

Mylene doesn't show any outside expression, but internally she winces. She can understand now why the Lafan girl would go after Julius and the others like that.

…but still–

"That is no reason to interfere in other peoples' affairs. Especially not when those people are key figures in the country." Vincent rumbles. "Are you sure are unaffected by her wiles, Lord Bartford? Perhaps she used some manner of spell on you to prevent you from bringing her here to us."

"I can assure you, Lord Redgrave, that I remain unaffected." the Viscount nods. "I had four of my best men with me at the time. They were similarly unaffected."

"Then she is that charming and capable of seduction." Minister Atlee considers, rubbing his chin.

"Indeed." Mylene nods. "You have our thanks, Lord Bartford, for bringing this to our attention even at the cost of defying a Princely decree. I would like to ask for you to leave us for a moment so we may discuss how to proceed." she smiles. "But do remain here for the time being. We have use of you yet."

"As you command, Your Highness." Bartford bows.

"Perhaps you can take the time to eat with Gilbert." Vincent offers, smiling too. "I understand he has a standing offer to take you out to lunch?"

"I happen to know a good restaurant in the capital. Go there with him– I will cover all expenses personally." Minister Atlee says, also smiling. "It's the least we can do."

"I…" he blinks, and bows again. "I am honored. Thank you, my lords. Your Highness."

"You are most welcome." Mylene nods back. "You are excused."

She waits until he's out of the room, and everyone remains silent just a little while longer to make sure he's out of earshot. Then–


Notes: Keep sending in the power stones my boys (and girls, unlikely since the ratio is 1.34% female). Let's get this up the rankings list.

Also, the harem might be larger than predicted, I just hope it isn't as big as the original novel's was. I honestly didn't like Noel or any love interest after that.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


