Returning home, I had to take a shower again. I had considered employing Dalilah as my bodyguard, but later realised that she would not be of much help, causing me to abandon the idea.
After wearing Dudley's old clothes and keeping my mom's shrunken trunk in my pocket, I walked out of the community and then reached the Granger house using my own personal elf travels.
Emma opened the door and welcomed me with a tight hug followed by a shy Hermione.
"Come Harry, you talk with Hermione while I prepare something for you to eat."
"No Emma, I will directly have lunch later and you should relax, Alfred will take care of everything..
By the way, did you read the books I left for you guys? " I asked looking at both Hermione and Emma.
"We did read some of the books. Like the one on occlumency and one on house elves.
" Good. Then you understand the reason behind house elves behavior? "
"Yes. At first we were a little uncomfortable with it but after finishing the book we understood these things." nodding at their words, I opened my trunk.
"Dobby, you can come out now. "
"Thank you Great Harry Potter sir. What can Dobby be doing for you? " Said the very excited elf.
"Dobby, We are at Granger's home. They are Hermione Granger, my best friend and Emma Granger - her mother. I want you to serve them from now on. You can bond with Hermione here as she is a witch.
Dobby, Emma and her husband Dan are muggles and live in a muggle area, so be careful to not be seen by others." I let Dobby and Grangers talk while I focused on getting another task done.
"Alfred, Tell Bogrod that I want this place warded ASAP. We want the vow of secrecy from every warder assigned to this task." and as always, Alfred was gone, to dutifully complete his work.
I also started to teach Hermione about magic. Firstly, to boost her confidence I started teaching her simple charms ,jinxes and some grooming spells. With my knowledge it was very easy to make her understand the principal behind those magic. I also tried using my wand for the first time and I'm proud to say that I was able to perform most of the spells the very time and those that were a little difficult were easily done on second try(system rocks).
The incident in between was Hermione giving me hug and peck on my cheeks for taking care of her two front teeth and taming here usually untamable hairs.
Next I told her about everything we will be taught at Hogwarts before our OWLs. seeing that it was 6 pm already, I decided to head back after giving Hermione some home works.
Reaching home, I again started devouring books. This time I focused mainly on Theories on magic. I want to know about how magic works which I know my system will help me to know.
I gathered every book on magical theory in the library and then went to Vault number 9 for the first time. This vault contains even more books than my mother's library. Without my system I would not have even thought about finishing all the books.
Gathering every single book on magical theory I sat on the ground, thinking about telling Bogrod to arrange a daybed, and started reading all the books. I stopped at the growling sounds coming from my stomach only now realising that I have been at it for more than 6- 7 hours, It was already 1 Am. Going back to the trunk, I slept for 1 hour to relax my mind and body.
But it brought me an unexpected surprise!!.. While I was asleep, my system distributed the rewards as I had asked it. With some rewards like improved stamina, speed and thinking, I was also rewarded with an improved teaching ability. I always used to think that if I know something I can be a good teacher. god no.. teaching is a skill that not many have mastered. I think that by the time I step into Hogwarts, I will be a better teacher than many professors there.
Putting this matter aside, I again started my occlumency training. I think that If I give 6 hours everyday to it, than I will be at Dumbledore's level in around 15-16 days.