7.57% DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Meeting A Devil

章 5: Chapter 5: Meeting A Devil

After a full week of magical training, Mordred managed to make a stable storage for his Caliburn.

He only calmed down though after they tested some things. Tiamat put it in her storage and Mordred was able to sense that it was in her dimensional space.

The young Pendragon sighed in relief after knowing that and he was less tense in completing his own space.

His training went faster after that. And now, they were roaming around the human realm.

"Mom, why are we in Japan?" He was curious, because he thought that she would bring him to a European country in order to learn about swordfighting.

Caliburn is a western sword after all. Not an eastern one.

"Well, I chose this place because it's being led by a pretty easy-going devil. So she won't go and snoop around us. Because she knows her place." Tiamat squinted her eyes.

He got a bit unnerved on what she did to make the devil not follow them, but he knew when to not ask questions.

"And besides, this place is run by the Shinto faction as a whole. They reside in their realm, Takamagahara. The lazy bastards leave Japan to the youkai to oversee." She explained with a shrug.

"I see, please teach me your wisdom mother. You are prudent like no other." He bowed to her and she chuckled.

"Stop buttering me up kid, come on. Let's get you some practice swords and start learning how to use your special weapon. It should be similar enough, right?" She waved her hand nonchalantly.

"Uhh, I have misspoken." Mordred deadpanned at her and she huffed. "Take it or leave it. There are tons of supernatural groups in Europe, so I won't take you there, understand?" She didn't entertain complaints.

"Yes~ I am grateful to the strongest dragon king." He dispelled her annoyance and she beamed at him. "Damn right I am."

'Heh, easy. Simple dragon.' He hid a smirk while Tiamat took the lead with a spring on her step.

Somewhere else, a pink haired office worker sneezed. Wondering if her dragon maid is stalking her or something.

Mordred and Tiamat quickly arrived at a dojo. She signed him up and paid the fee with a gold nugget.

"Okay, I'll be watching you~ Train hard, go easy on the humans though." Tiamat sat on the corner and just watched him.

He nodded and the instructor who was a gruff looking man raised a brow at him. "Isn't he too young? He looks like he's eight, my dojo isn't known for being lax ma'am."

The master warned Tiamat and she just yawned. Mordred took off his shirt, changing into the uniform provided. And the man's eyes almost bulged from their sockets.

Mordred stretched his shoulders because it would be used a lot in sword fighting. The other members of the dojo were gobsmacked though.

The striations on his muscles were defined. More than defined even, he was goddamned ripped as hell.

"Oi, oi, what are you feeding that kid ma'am?" The man couldn't believe his eyes.

"Meat and a lot of milk." Tiamat replied lazily and Mordred observed how the others trained with a sharp gaze.

'Who the hell is this kid and his mom?' The master could feel Mordred's slight aura that was leaking. Tiamat's spell to conceal it isn't perfect after all.

That was the reason why she chose Japan, because security there besides Kyoto is fucking useless.

"Come sir, teach me the way of the sword." Mordred's eyes had a glint in them. "Ohh, you'll be my greatest student kid!" He liked the look in his eyes.

And as expected of humans who have been killing each other for thousands of years. Their martial arts that aren't for show like the master's swordstyle is brutally efficient.

Honed for centuries to kill the person in front of you as fast as possible. Tiamat thought it was exactly what he needed.

And Mordred took to it like a fat cop in a donut shop. It came easy like it was meant to be.

'I wonder, is this a gift from my father Arthur as well? Then who was the Mordred Pendragon that wounded him at the rebellion?' He was curious about it, but he shook his head and continued learning.

Tiamat was happy for him, he seemed to enjoy the lessons.

And after hours or non-stop training. The master didn't even notice that it was closing time. "Kid, you're a monster. Give me a shout-out when you start entering tournaments alright!" He laughed and Tiamat took him to a family restaurant.

Mordred's eyes was shining, he has never seen a restaurant before after all.

"Mom, mom, can I get anything I want?" He looked at the menu and she nodded with a smile.

"Thanks, I'll get one of everything then." He ordered and the waitress asked them if he was sure.

"Ohh, triple it even. I got hungry waiting for him to finish his classes." Tiamat hurried her up and they waited patiently.

"How was it? You think you're learning enough?" Tiamat propped her chin on her palm, enjoying listening to his thoughts.

"Un, it was nice learning how to use a sword. I guess that Arthur's legend that he learned the art quickly wasn't an exaggeration?" Mordred swung his legs, giddy about learning more.

"I can't wait to kill something with my sword." He said with a wide smile, scaring some families around.

"Yeah, I can't too hatchling. It's going to be so exciting see you slice someone in half or something. Maybe eviscerate a filthy devil that's trying to put their grubby hands on you." Tiamat smiled sweetly and he bobbed his head left and right, imagining it.

Which didn't quite help with his increasing bloodthirstiness due to Grendel. Dragons loved to fight naturally. Even the low class ones want a good scrap.

They ate peacefully, stacking plates like they were playing jenga. But the mother and son dragons craned their necks when they felt something enter the shop.

"Mom, isn't that guy an exorcist? He's wielding a holy sword." He looked at them and Tiamat nodded.

"Yeah, and that's the governor of this place. Cleria Belial, the cousin of the champion of the underworld's rating games." Tiamat squinted her eyes.

The two were on a date, their body language doesn't lie.

"What are rating games mom?" He read about them, but he didn't know why they were so important.

"You know that devils like chess right? Think it's a noble's game. Yet the bastards don't play it at all. They use their evil pieces as the pieces. It's a one to one replica. They use it to revive other races and fight with their servants." Tiamat didn't understand it much too.

Fights should be one on one. Fists against faces, claws tearing each other apart.

"Ohh, then can I participate in it in the future?" He wanted to fight stronger opponents to prove himself.

"Hmm, maybe not. Those are for high class devils and their peerages honey." She felt bad when he deflated.

"Ahhh, probably an exhibition match can work? But that is in the far future, I want you to be strong enough that you can protect yourself first." She cheered him up.

"Fine~" He popped a chicken nugget and she chuckled. "Your impatience is definitely a human's. Dragons can sleep for decades you know? I once slept for a century, best sleep I've had." She laughed.

"I guess that is a trait that I inherited." He shrugged, they then continued spying on the lovers who were definitely going to get separated later. Or killed even, the cold war amongst the three factions paints the other factions as the enemies after all.

The gray haired Belial with gunmetal gray eyes was definitely enjoying her time with the black haired exorcist who looked japanese.

Mordred looked at the wrapped sword on the exorcist. It felt really strong, if possible. He would like to test his strength against the exorcist.

"Mom, aren't you interested where this will go?" Mordred squinted his eyes.

"Actually, yeah. Need some entertainment here and there you know?" Tiamat nodded and they continued spying on the two.

But after the day ended, they just entered a hotel and he tilted his head while looking at Tiamat.

"Uhhh, they're just resting inside." Her eyes were swimming around, she seriously did not want to give the talk to a one year old. He might be nearing two, but that's besides the point.

No parent ever wants to do it, so she dodged the issue for now.

"Is that so? But they're an exorcist and a devil. Shouldn't they have a large amount of stamina?" Mordred was confused.

"Yeah, their duties sap their strength Mordred. Just like when we train, it's like that." She sighed in relief when he accepted her explanation.

"Then, is he feeding on Cleria? I feel much better when I feed on you mom." He dropped a bombshell and she almost choked on her spit.

"H-humans don't need to do that honey... They just sleep or eat food, our mana is attuned. So you can drink Mama's milk and recuperate." Her smile twitched, but thankfully; he didn't notice it at all.

"Alright, let's go mom. Let's sleep, and I want to feed now that I'm thinking about it." He nodded at his decision and thought it was genius. It made him so relaxed after all.

Tiamat nodded and sighed in relief once again, this time; for good.

The two dragons went to Kuoh town in the morning for his lessons. Then they'll locate the lovers by their magical signature that they locked on to and spy on them.

"I can feel the auras of devils and some holy artifacts enter the town. An Excalibur fragment if I'm correct." Tiamat felt for the newcomers.

"I see, then this will turn into a fight. I want to see how the exorcist uses his sword. It feels holy, similar to Caliburn." Mordred observed the exorcist.

"That's correct, after all. That thing is the Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi. It's a divine blade, but too bad. He can't unleash the full potential of it due to not having divinity." Tiamat shrugged and he eyed it greedily.

"Ohh? Wanting something for your hoard? Look at them grow so fast, you already want such a high level item to add to your hoard of treasures." Tiamat ruffled his hair and he nodded.

"Yes, I want it. If it's similar to Caliburn, then can't I use it to its full capabilities?" He hypothesized in his head.

"Geez, you're too smart really. Can't you be a kid for longer sweetie? You'll want to leave Mama's nest quick if you keep growing up that fast." Tiamat sighed and he hugged her.

"I won't leave you mom, I already told you this." He smiled at her and she snorted. "Not when you reach puberty you won't."

The devil and exorcist lovers also noticed that they were being followed by hunters.

They immediately went to the outskirts of town and the dragons who hid their magical signature completely, followed. As a creature at the pinnacle of magic, it was easy for Tiamat if she concentrated a bit. She is just lazy when they go out normally.

"Masaomi, cease this foolishness. You are turning away from the lord's teachings!" A brown haired middle aged man tried to talk some sense on the exorcist who's engaging in forbidden love.

"Shut up old man Touji! I love Cleria! If I have to fight you and the devils, then I will!" He growled and Cleria looked at them with anxiety.

They were surrounded by devils and exorcists. The one leading the latter even holding a fragment of Excalibur. It was Excalibur mimic, because it suddenly changed into a western sword and released a holy aura.

"Cleria Belial, for spreading vital information to an exorcist. You are marked for death." The leading devil squinted his eyes and Cleria frowned heavily.

They weren't going to survive at all. "Masaomi... Leave, please. I can't let you die here. They found out that I found something at the rating games. The great king faction which consists of old devils wants me dead." Cleria looked at him with a sad smile.

"No! Don't give up Cleria! We'll take on these bastards!" Masaomi's katana began vibrating with holy energy.

But his high spec sword can only carry him so far against many enemies that are on the same skill as him. With Touji, who is his superior even more so.

"Fuck, we'll get out of this together Cleria." Masaomi gritted his teeth.

"Ahhh, I just got some good info~ the old farts of the great king faction are using king pieces huh? Ajuka would love this news for sure." Tiamat recorded it too with magic.

"So, I believe that must be illegal?" Mordred tilted his head and she nodded.

"It increases the strength of a devil five times. It's a king piece from Ajuka's first sets of the evil pieces. Of course, if the other factions get wind of that. War would start, so Ajuka quickly outlawed it as the Satan Beelzebub. But of course, the slimy bastards got a hold of some." Tiamat thought that Ajuka and Sirzechs Lucifer would be in her debt.

Especially Sirzechs, he was in charge of domestic affairs. And this obviously concerns devilkind.

"So, what do we do?" Mordred asked his mother for the next move. As he does not know what to do.

"Smart move, asking me because you lack experience. That's why I'm so proud of you!" She smushed him with a hug.

"We wait for them to get exhausted. Then I'll bombard them with some magic. We'll teleport back to the forest when we secure the targets." Tiamat laid out their plan and he grinned.

"Can I go and beat some of them up?" He wanted to rampage.

"Don't lose yourself, that's all I ask." Tiamat patted his head.

"Don't listen to her twerp! Kill them! Finally, something exciting! And you don't want to slaughter them? Eviscerate their guts? Smash their heads in!?" Grendel roared with excitement.

"Shut up, you crazy lizard." He tuned him out and they waited.

Masaomi clashed with Touji, the former's sword was definitely better. But the middle aged exorcist is simply more experienced.

Meanwhile, the kill squad for Cleria know all about the power of her clan which is worthlessness. It can invalidate anything that the user can understand. Provided their demonic power can also negate it.

So they threw a barrage of low powered spells on her. And her processing power can't keep up. Unlike her cousin; Diehauser Belial. She wasn't an expert in using their clan trait.

"Now." Tiamat released a barrage of magic, carpet bombing the two groups when they prepared to kill the lovers.

Mordred then stepped right in and he took Masaomi's katana while he was exhausted and disoriented from Tiamat's barrage.

The blade began to hum in his hand and the clouds were starting to gather. Like its name, a storm was brewing and the devils were reeling from the divine power.

"Hmmm? Why are you filthy devils around here? And exorcists attacking their own? Humans are as barbaric as ever." Mordred acted and he even colored his hair black.

He had a mask on and was posing as a god of the Shinto faction. Who else can use the kusanagi no Tsurugi like that?

"A, a god from the Shinto pantheon." Touji's eyes widened and Mordred turned to him.

"I was taking an enthusiastic walk, then you filth had to ruin it. Look at this park, it's destroyed due to your petty squabbles. Begone, or I will kill you. Kusanagi no Tsurugi is humming in excitement at the thought of being used." He showed the blade which was releasing a divine aura in waves.

"You! This is the problem of the devils and the church!" The leader of the devils couldn't leave without killing Cleria. It is of utmost importance for them to eliminate her so she won't spread the information of the treachery in the rating games.

"Hmph, a dirty devil demands of me in my own territory? This is Japan, mongrel. Now, burn like the garbage you are." He raised the blade up high and lightning hit it.

Scales started forming under his clothes and he poured in his mana into the divine sword.

With a swing of his blade, lightning escaped from it and torched the devils. Not even ashes remained from their bodies.

"R-retreat, this is the territory of the Shinto pantheon." Touji was able to raise holy barriers with his team, but they were still suffering electric burns.

"Hmph, go before I kill you. Call it mercy for surviving my warning strike." He bluffed, he was actually running on fumes. And Mordred is beginning to form horns to get more power from Grendel.

The exorcists left immediately and the lovers looked at him with fear. "Now, we escape." He whispered and Tiamat teleported them back to the far side of the familiar forest.

They weren't stupid enough to bring them to their home immediately after all.

"P-please let her go! Cleria needs to live, take my life as payment if you will!" Masaomi immediately prostrated himself.

"Masaomi..." Cleria furrowed her brows, hoping that they would spare them.

"Now, now. How about you tell me all about why the great king faction wants you dead? And you, boy. We'll take the sword as payment." Tiamat robbed them and they immediately agreed.

"I... I snooped around in the business of the rating games. Diehauser; my cousin, is the champion after all. And I quite admire him, he brought the Belial house money and honor." Cleria started explaining.

"Then I caught wind of them in the waiting area of a match. I managed to film it and the video was clear. They gave a devil a king piece." Cleria took it out of her dimensional space and gave Tiamat the camera.

"Ahhh, this can't be cheated with magic. For magic to exist, yet technology can't be tampered with except with other human technology as well. It is quite ironic." Tiamat chuckled.

"C-can we go now? We need to run and hide from both the church and the underworld." Masaomi looked around, noticing they were in the said area.

"What do you say?" Tiamat asked Mordred. Wanting him to make a decision that isn't light.

"I believe we can trust them. They just want to be together. Besides? What can the two of them do if they want to run? We'll kill them easily." Mordred shrugged and the two shivered at his easygoing tone.

It was like he was talking about eating bread or something. His inflection was so mundane. Mordred only talks with emotion when speaking with Tiamat.

"Fine, welcome to our abode." Tiamat snapped her fingers and they teleported into their home.

The two looked around and saw that it was just a well furnished cave. Mordred then took off his stuffy disguise.

"Mine." He squinted his eyes when Masaomi looked at Kusanagi no Tsurugi which is in his hands.

Mordred then stored it into his dimensional space, smiling brightly at the new addition.

"Uhh, who are you ma'am? And who is he? Mister god sir." Cleria asked and Tiamat hummed.

"I am the dragon king, Chaos Karma dragon Tiamat. That, is my son Mordred. So, why'd you take them in?" Tiamat was curious.

"Tiamat? So this is your human form?" Cleria was surprised. She only visited her while she was in her dragon form.

"I want this guy to teach me how to wield a sword. The old man from earlier was better, but he's good enough. I learned how to fight humans, not supernatural beings." He shrugged.

"T-thanks." The couple bowed at him. "It's a fair exchange. Besides, you two are just normal lovers in my book. It says in my knowledge from them that lovers like you two just want to be together." He remembered a romance novel, Romeo and Juliet.

"I... Still, thank you sir." Masaomi was honestly grateful. The two of them then collapsed after they were able to relax.

"Ahhh, they must be tired?" Tiamat healed them up with her magic and they nodded at her in thanks.

"It's a good day today, I received a sword and got to use it on some devils." Mordred was satisfied.

"You sure look happy, it was a lucky day." Tiamat commented. "There's only one thing missing, I want to feed on you mom." He demanded.

He was getting blunter. 'Is Grendel rubbing off on him more? Mordred is getting more dragon-like.' Tiamat wondered.

"Sure." She turned her back on the incapacitated couple and Mordred begun feeding.

"W-what? Isn't he too old for this?" Cleria whispered, but Tiamat heard her of course.

"He's still a one year old by the way, humans are advised to breastfeed until they are two." Tiamat explained and the couple were dumbfounded.


Thanks for reading everyone. A sword instructor, a debt, and a divine sword get. Anyways, ciao.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


