
Ch. 6 King’s Arrival

Outside of Winterfell the Stark family waited to welcome the king. Lord Stark and his wife are in the middle while Robb, Ban, and Rickon we're on the right side of their father. Sansa and Arya are on the left side of their mother. Behind them were measter Luwin and their master at arms Jory with Jon standing by his side. The only person missing was Benjen, who hadn't been seen for a week after the sparring incident.

Coming over the hill everyone could see the royal banners of House Baratheon with their sigil of a stag and House Lannister with their sigil of a lion. Following them was the famed king's guard, which protected the king and royal family. Stepping out of the carriage, everyone got to look at the king and queen. King Robert was far from looking like he did in the past time of the rebellion, and now it looked like the rumors were true. He was a fat and drunken king. Meanwhile, Queen Cersei looked like she could pass as a woman in her late twenties. Her wavy golden hair only helped her beauty. Following them were their 3 kids Prince Joffrey, Tommen, and Princess Marcella.

King Roberts walk up to the kneeling Lord Stark with a purpose he had a stern face that made the entire situation tenser than it probably should've been. Lord Stark hadn't seen us his friend nine years, and didn't know how to act around him now that he was king even though they grew up as brothers. Ned rose after Robert gestured with his hand prompting everyone else to do the same. Looking at Robert, Ned told him his years as King has made him fat. Everyone was silent after hearing that, but Robert just proceed to laugh and hug Ned. Telling him to lead him to the crypts so he could pay his respect. Which earned him a scowl from his wife, but he could care less.

As they were walking inside of Winterfell, they were distracted by a deep growl of a beast coming out of the forest. The king's guards unsheath their swords waiting to confront the beast. Walking out of the forest, Ben just completed a week-long hunt to work off his anger. To his surprise, he arrived at the same time as the king did. Ben cursed his luck and just walked past them without paying any attention to them carrying his game caught with his direwolf. Seeing a man walking out of the forest covered in blood followed by the biggest direwolf they have ever seen startled a lot of people. They didn't know what to the of the situation.

"Stop who goes there?" says one of the king's guard.

Ben just ignored them and kept walking past them trying to get into Winterfell. He didn't stop until he felt the cold embrace of a steel sword touched him. Looking up he met eye to eye with h the proclaimed kingslayer Jamie Lannister. Feeling the sword on his neck, Ben releases his killing intent. "Get out of my way kingslayer. Before I break you."

Feeling the pressure coming off of him most guards were frozen in place, never having experienced it before. However the king was different, he felt his blood boiling. Not out of fear but excitement, wondering what it would be like to fight him back in his heyday. "What is your name boy?" "I'm a nobody, your grace, just the bastard son of Lord Stark" Ben answered pushing Jamie out of the way and continuing to walk without even looking at the king.

"Where is your respect at, this is your king you should be kneeling. Ben could swear it sounded like something Catelyn would say, but no it was the queen that spoke up.

"As you can see I've just got back from hunting." pointing out the 500-pound monstrosity of a wild boar on his back followed by his direwolf pulling a sled that had an even bigger beast on it. It was easily the biggest beast they had probably ever seen. 1000-pound, 15-foot grizzly bear. One of the most dangerous beasts in the north with a couple of deer laying behind it. " I'm in no condition to greet anyone let alone a king. I'm sweaty, I stink, I'm covered in blood and you want me to dirty and disgrace your king with blood guts by being in his presence like this." Ben mocked her. "Plus I already have to deal with someone who thinks bastards are demons, so I would rather stay out of the way of the infamous bastard killer of the West." he said taking more shots at her. Queen Cersei's face contoured as she listened to every word undermining her. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go help the cooks make the most wonderful food the king has ever had. I promise you, your grace, after you've had it, you won't want to leave the North. Hell, you might even take over Winterfell after you taste it. And don't drink any of that piss wine or ale you have from the South, I'll give you some of my special homemade alcohol you'll beg me for more after you had a sip." Ben said completely defusing the situation and walking away without even waiting for an answer.

"Hahaha," the king laughed dispelling the silence. " Ned, are you still not going to tell me what women you hooked up with to give birth to that beast of a man? If I had to guess I would say it had to be a lady from Bear Island. Just looking at him makes my blood boil, making me itchy for a fight" Robert wraps his arm around Ned to lead him to the crypts. "Let's hope he can keep his word I'm starving."

In the kitchen, Ben tries to recall memories of his previous life that he tries to forget about. Food in Westeros was pretty basic, the meat barely had spices to add flavor and was prepared in the most basic way. Veggies were always steamed and potatoes were bland. People just threw whatever into soups and stews and hoped they taste good. Sweats were almost always made as tarts. Not even to mention the flavorless bread everyone ate. To Ben, the cooks here lacked creativity and taste, but he couldn't blame them because of the backwater world they live in. For the feast tonight he planned to start them off with double-baked potatoes sliders with all the toppings, followed by the world's first ever bacon burgers and garlic fries, topped off with creamy shrimp, chicken, and broccoli pasta with texas toast. To finish everything up he decided to make a lemon pound cake for everyone. Walking into the great hall with hundreds of people in it, Ben was met with stares that displayed how hungry they were. After all all of Winterfell smelled good from his cooking. Seeing the food being delivered, the king spoke up.

"Where's there alcohol that you promised me was better than anything I've had, I hope you won't lying. I've been holding off all day after what you said earlier." "It's right on the way your grace, I just want to apologize in advance because I only have two barrels of it. I usually drink alone so I don't have a lot of it. But I promise it's the best, one of them is called bandy and the other is rum." Ben said presenting them to the king.

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